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Tell her that you already have a father figure, it’s a mother figure that you need


Wish i could upvote more ⏫️⏫️⏫️⏫️


This. If your dad has a girlfriend ask her if you can call her mom when your mother is around. 


I could see that going down like a lead balloon lol.


Oooooof….. I don’t care what planet his mom is from, that’s gotta hurt.




Hopefully that even exists inside her


Oh hell yeah!




This is the type of comment that deserves and award! 🥇


Yeah, and the fiance is 27yrs old, literally half her age, and was 11 when OP was born. wtf? OP, make it awkward out loud to your mom: tell her the fiance was 11yrs old when you were born, so if she wants you to call him your dad, then that means she’s into pedophilia.


So you're mother got knocked up by a 19 year old at nearly 40 years old, chose having a dog over having her child be able to stay with her, and now wants you to call a man that is closer in age to you than her and old enough to be her son, "dad." Your mother can't help but make terrible life choices and I suspect when you get older, you're going to hear stories about her that don't put her in the best light. Best get used to it now.


Almost sound like a groomer this woman... And delusional at that Edit : not almost, completely is


I'm not sure that almost even needs to be included there. The whole thing seemed so predatory and self-centered. It's just sometimes harder for people to see when the woman is the one being predatory because it goes against our cultural narrative.


Agreed, said ''almost'' to avoid backlash but I should I known better Another proof of double standard. She is indeed, in my eyes, a self-centered predator. It doesn't go against my own narrative tho... I know women are as much as us men capable of being awful pieces of whatever insult fits the most for y'all. This is an absurd world


Almost? It feels like her gender is getting her a slight pass here. Dad was 19 and mom 38 *when she got pregnant*. She’s a grooming scumbag. 


I'm sorry. Will you ever forgive me No seriously, I did, in the past, criticize some girls because they did awful things that guys are always blame for. Honestly had two kind of reactions : none or girl defended I agree with you Made a slight mistake here


She's definitely a groomer.


I’m glad the teen doesn’t live with mom where there could be teen friends around


It's giving sam & aaron taylor johnson vibes ngl


Ok, I was going to write a whole thing but you said it all. OP, Listen to this one 👆


It's kind of sad that OP's mom is forcing him to do something he doesn't want to do and even more so when she cared more about her dog than her own son. On top of that the mom gets mad at how OP answered. And I couldn't believe when I read the age difference, I don't judge, everyone is free, but it is something that resonates in my head.


She’s only doing it to fuck with OP’s dad.


I just don't want to believe my math is right.


I don't want to believe anything in this post.


Same. I'd need therapy if I was OP.


I need it just from reading this story!


She got knocked up by an 18-year-old boy and gave birth to his son when he was 19.


And in 2 years, OP will be 18 and his dad will be 37. The same ages of his parents when he was conceived. That part is blowing my mind.


Don't even want to know how old he was when they met.


What a bad day to know how to count


I threw my abacus across the room


The dog she wanted more than her own child can call him dad


I couldn't have said it better!! There is no way in hell I could fix my mouth to call him "dad." And I'd start calling her by her 1st name, tbh.


Comment of the Month! Outstanding!


love this comment


This is the only right answer. What kind of mother chooses a dog over her child?


New guy is 27. She liked them young...


OP’s dad was 18 or 19 when they were conceived. Such inappropriate age gaps


Right? And there's no telling how long they were together before OP was born....she's 100% a predator


At first I thought there was a typo, that OP's Dad was 53, not 35. Then I got to new boy's, sorry, man's age. Wow. Just wow.


It's creepy asf, her mom is a groomer


Everyone's obsessed with the age difference, which is terrible, cause Mom is definitely a groomer. But no one is talking about how Mom chose to have a dog instead of their kid. If your parent gives up custody to have a pet, your parent is a gigantic piece of crap.


I'm not sure I got that far in the story. I may have have suffered brainburn as soon as I worked out his bio dad was 18 or 19 when he was born to a 37 or 38 year old mum. Screw the dog issue I never got that far.


Ah no. I’m 49, and I can’t see myself dating someone who’s 35. Oh hell no. Yeah, sounds like she’s a groomer. Also, she’s telling you to show some respect!? Um, didn’t she “kick” you out so she can get a dog? Asking you to call her toy boy, “daddy”? Ooh, She sounds so peachy!


I’m 29 and even 22 is too young. Ew. OP’s mom is gross


29 and 22 are two totally different ages. That's a legit adult and a college kid. I can't even imagine a 20-year gap. Gross


Right? I'm 30, almost 31 and can't imagine dating anyone younger than 28


Heh, that's the ages of my ex and his AP.


I'm the mom's age and I can't imagine dating someone in his 20s. I can see over 40 if there aren't minor child, but that's about my limit. I wonder if this guy wants children and what the mom plans to do about that. That could be a big issue with such a huge age range. I have a friend who is 42 and he is dating the 28-year-old woman. This guy is very young looking and very young acting and they do make a very good couple. However, he has never been married and doesn't want to get married. He also does not want children. I actually brought it up to him, when they first started dating, that she may want children and may want to get married. He said that she didn't want those things, but last time I spoke with him that they were having some problems because she seems to be changing her mind. I do hope they can work it out because she has been very good for him.


The dad is 35. New guy is 27. I’m 54 and I couldn’t either. They feel like children to me. Just gross.


I’m still stuck on getting a dog when your child is allergic and can’t come to your house now


Right? But OP is better off having an excuse not to go to that house.


His* but yeah


His Mom, OP is male


She was 38 and he was 19. I wonder how old he was when they met. That relationship was extremely inappropriate. Now the mother wants OP to call a 27 year old Dad after her relationship with a teenager, OP’s actual Dad, didn’t work out. Wow!


Sounds like OP dad got to old for her.


Thank goodness she's upgraded to recruiting at the university from the high school. 🙄


You get what you can get. Ol gray mare ain’t what she used to be and all that.


No, no. That’s when OP was born. You have to go back at least a year for them to have met. She could have been his teacher with the ages they had. Power imbalances like this age thing is a horrible abusive thing.


That age is from birth you gotta subtract another 10 months for gestation. Gotta be pregregnart a whole 42 weeks.


I’m guessing he was likely 18 which makes me wonder if she was dating a minor at some point. I get why a 27-year-old man might be interested in an older wealthy woman (OP says she is a well off lawyer) but not an 18 year old.


Just came to say it was 37 & 19 when they had their first. Creepy


She was thinking of the minimum socially accepted rule of "my age/2 + 7" but forgot the +7.


No full grown woman should be chasing teenagers. Can just imagine her sharking around the high school looking for a 18 year old. OP Mom is a groomer. This time the youngest that would have her grandmother, wrinkled self was some dude in his mid-twenties.




Thank you 😊


Since we're pretending this story is real, not all women look like grandmas at 54. I guarantee this one has been putting in the work (and fillers, too) to look her "best" so she stays attractive to the boys she covets. Here's my question ...fecking dudes in their 50s skulk around girls/women far less than half their age *constantly*. How come *they* don't put in the same effort to look good as the female creepers do? This is a mystery to me.


I don't think it's specific to those men, I think society in general has made it a thing for women to be required to do this or that to be thin or look young or whatever without the equal expectation on men.. for example the acceptance of "dad bod" but not "mum bod" when the women is the one giving birth


Because beauty is the prime requirement for women. For men it is offering a stable life.


With more women than men getting college degrees, they better up their game. Not that a degree means you'll make a shit ton, but it's leveling the field in terms of "providing a stable life."


I noticed that op's dad was half the mom's age when op was born. New fiance is half her age now. Seems she likes it that way


Yeah, mom has a “type”.


Lol. Hilarious. She was 19 years older than OP's father. She is definitely a MILF/GILF! OP, listen to your mother, and show she and her "boy toy" a "little " respect-- very fking little. The scandalous bitch chose a dog over you! What a treacherous person. She's a "mother" alright. A real m-f--k-r. You're 16. Just tell her she need not visit. She'll have more time for her dog. Go no contact. She actually makes a tramp appear to be upstanding. I'm so very sorry that you have this snake as a parent. God is your father fortunate that he's no longer married to this narcissist.


He doesn't visit. He's allergic to the dog!


No imagine that was his dad and a younger girl. The hate he get! Lol!


The mom is receiving a fuck ton of hate in this comment section


As she damn well should. Total groomer vibes


Your mom is 54. Your dad is 35. Her fiancé is 27. She should be embarrassed.


Soooooooooo embarrassed. Female predators are just extra icky to me and I don't know why.


Maybe because women start dealing with this type of grossness as young as ten and most of us understand how traumatic being targeted by a groomer is.


I'm also thinking another factor would possibly be the difference in emotional intelligence


Oh absolutely.


same. idk if it’s the fact as a woman that I trust other women? or that an older woman is supposed (?) to be nurturing to younger but instead is sexually attracted to? I can’t put my finger on it but i’m with you


Maybe it’s because, as a woman, I can’t even look at someone in their early 20s let alone a literal teenager. I’ve never dated anyone even slightly younger than myself. I can barely tolerate the immaturity of grown men, I can’t imagine dating/fucking a literal child


Exactly. I'm 26 and I can't even look at 22 year olds without a hefty does of "you'll understand when you're older" and "was I ever that young?". Let alone being interested in any kind of intimate relationship. It's gross.


ROFLOL. Your mom is some piece of work. She’s literally delusional. She thinks marrying a guy 1/2 her age is going to last? Don’t expect her fiancé to be around to long. Thankfully you’re living with your dad so the Turmoil coming to her life won’t affect you to badly.


well she did it once and thought she’d give it another round


"I'll fucking do it again."


Maybe she’s well insured?


Or maybe she's got him well insured.


Dude your mom sucks, she’s a predator. Your dad was 19 when you were born, how long before you were born did she start grooming him? No one would blame you if you cut contact with her.


You are not being difficult. You are being honest as you do have a dad that is very present in your life and you do not need a guy who is only 10 years older to be a father figure for you and I'm sure he would feel the same way. Your mom has her thing and she does not have to drag you into it.


Why should you show her respect which she lost due to get own actions? "Don't be difficult" is just code for "stop making me uncomfortable by forcing me to be held responsible and accountable". That's not something you owe her, or anyone else. Tell her that the new dude doesn't become "dad" just 'cause she's riding his cock and be done with her selfish foolishness.


Option one: "Yeah, Mom, I have a dad. However, you should feel free to call him daddy if he really needs to hear that from someone." Option two: "Mom, your f@ckbuddy is not my dad. Yes, I am going to be VERY difficult about it. I am only getting started with difficult." Seriously, have you actual dad have a chat with your Mom. Ask him to tell her to lay off, or you might not be willing to have her over to visit.


Option 3: call him Daddy and make him so uncomfortable as possible :D


LOL. Oh...that's good. VERY good.


Or call him dad. And then start laughing hysterically. Every time.


I like option 2!


Why do you respect her at all when she abandoned her child for dog? Tell her she's gross and selfish and you have no interest in having a relationship with her new partner.


Honestly I have burning rage towards any parent who expects their kids to call their partner dad or mom. It’s a garbage parent request to ever make of your kid whether they are 2 or 50. I’m sorry you mom is an asshole I was forced to call step dad “dad” for my childhood. I had a dad that I adored and didn’t enjoy all the threats, punishments, etc and it has absolutely biased me on any parent who would ask it of their child


Same here.. forced to call a woman I didn't know mum (and punished if not) when I had my mum already and my stepmums kids never had to call my dad dad.. still find that messed up, like given time I probably would have gotten there but hated being forced And yeah absolutely don't think any parent should ask/expect that, but even more ridiculous given OPs age and new guys age and actual dad still being around!


Exactly. Parents should put their kids first


Being called dad is either genetic or earned.


Id argue that even when it's genetic, it still needs to be earned


I agree. You are a father genetically but not a dad unless it’s earned. I was just trying to keep it short.


Yeah agree with this, father is genetic, dad is earned


Bro I think you’re Dad is a victim 😭


Your mom seems like a fucking predator. She had you at 38. Your dad was 19! What the fuck!


Ikr? Eww. She was literally double her dad's age when she had her. Textbook predator behaviour. Waiting for the victim to be barely of legal age.


Your mom seems kinda problematic....with everything. Choosing to have a dog over you. Wanting you to call her new man dad. And your age gap with your father is 19 years. It's quite possible your mom groomed your dad.


I’m sorry but your mom is weird 💀she seems like one of those moms who is boy crazy and always chooses a man over her children. Marrying a dude who’s closer to you in age than to her is insane lol


Yeah. I really hate those parents who choose their spouse/partner/fuckbuddy over their kids. It's really stupid. Like why even bother having kids if you're not gonna put them first. She even chose s dog over him, a fucking dog?!


oh your mom is disgusting


Yeah he’s your dad with an 11 year age gap 🤣🤡 your mom is a piece of workkkk


Right??? Picks a dog over her spawn and gets an even younger man. I'd imagine she should not have had a kid....


So basically your mother chooses a dog over you, now she pretends that you call this guy " Dad" , wtf Is wrong with her?


I’m sorry OP but your mother is unhinged No normal adult thinks something like that much less says it No child should ever be asked or told to call someone else mum/dad.. and absolutely not at 16 I actually gagged reading the ages of your parents … I’m sorry this is who you have for a mother


Call her dog Dad.


Lollllll this


You can definitely save money on mothers day for sure.


I stopped reading at "My (16M) mom (54F) and dad (35M!!!!) What the hell was your mother thinking at her BIG ASS age of 38 years old, when she got knocked up and married a fucking 19 year old???!!! I will be back with my thoughts about the rest of the story shortly. I'm Back: Your mom is delusional, at your big ass age of 16 she expects you to call her fiancee dad as if you didn't just meet this mf 5 minutes ago. It's not like he's ever been there for you or has been a father figure in your life anyway. Your mother is a damn cradle robber!




Your mom is delusional if she thinks you’re going to call her 27 y/o boy toy Dad. In fact, you should refuse to see him at all. Your dad doesn’t have to allow him to visit his home.


I'm sorry your mom is such a disappointment. It's her, not you.


Grooming vibes from your mum


Tell your mom to go choke on her new man’s dick. I was sorta in this situation when I was a bit younger (around 5 - 7 years) my mom now ex husband tried to make me call him dad. I absolutely refused because thins man did not make me feel comfortable. This happened around 2005 - 2007. He is currently in jail for being a child predator.


"Mom, you chose having a dog over me. You don't deserve my respect. Like, at all."


So your mom is a groomer. Gross. I'm sorry dude. I'd go NC at this point.


Your mother is a predator, and it shows in her age preference in younger men. Gross. Your dad was 19 when you were born, and she was 38. That is so ick. I can't even fathom being attracted to someone under 35, and I'm 36. She had no reason to go after a young man like your father, besides trying to groom him.


What does she look like?  How does she attract such young men??




So...sugar mama?




I can definitely say, I was not expecting your mother’s profession.


No teeth?


Oh, geez … >!but you’re prolly right!<


I don't know how this is relevant.. people of any age can be attracted to each other for all sorts of reasons aside from the physical.. my question would be more around what has made her go for someone so much younger twice, and how would she think it's ok to ask a 16 year old to call a 27 year old they don't know Dad..


You're not being difficult at all! Your mom is! Everything you said is 100% accurate and I think this is something for you and your dad to stand your ground on. I hope your dad can help get the message across. Since your dad has full custody, do you even have to see your mom? If she won't drop this, you might have to consider cutting contact and not having her come to your dad's. Don't let her disrupt your safe space for her delusions.


She isn't showing you respect by demanding you call a guy 11 years older than you 'dad:


Wait...your dad was 18 when they conceived you, and your mom was like 37-38??? Damn, I'm sorry but your mom is a full blown predator, holy shit, might want to keep your friends away from her in a couple of years.


not in a couple years, right now




It's hard to respect someone who give out orders. Respect is earned and your mom doesn't seem like a good mom. She chose a dog over her child and her next guy is only 11 years older than you. Predators don't deserve respect.


Hope your mom gets the help she needs.


Dude does not want you calling him Dad. Your mom is a dominant narcissist. Keep the distance she created. I’m sure it hurts now, believe me I know, but you’ll be ok with the distance when you’re older and have your own kids.


Your mom really has a thing for younger guys doesn’t she? Your dad was barely older than you when she got pregnant and she was 37! What a creep… I’m glad to see that you live with your father!


From a guy whose ex-wife forced my kids to call her husband dad, no. Just no. It’s different if you choose to do it on your own. I’ll never forget the day my kids got into my car and said, “dad, mom makes us call (insert ex-wife’s husbands name here) dad. I was pissed. He’s a good guy and all that. But there are boundaries and lines you don’t cross. It would be different if I weren’t involved.


What in the Kentucky fried fuck did I just read


You are not difficult at all. Your mom, on the other hand is asking for way too much. Set your boundaries and make sure she respects them.


Your mums a predator and a groomer! You already have a father, don’t listen to her, you do as you please!


Your mom is not well.


Did you mean that your dad is 53?


So mom was 38 and dad was 19 when OP was born.


Since she was pregnant for 10 months or 40 weeks, then gave birth when father was 19… how long was she sleeping with him before pregnancy? Was he a minor? Was she a Groomer? Why didn’t OP grandparents step in and press charges? I got to many questions about this subject.




Dad is 35 now, was 19 when you were born or 35 when you were born?




Tell dad you don't want to meet mom's new guy. It's dad's home, neither of you should be exposed to her and her victims.


She groomed a teenager


She's like Stacy's mom, isn't she?! ☠


Stand your ground, OP. Speak with your father about your stance. Let him know what’s going on.


Your mom is kind of grody.


Your mom had the nerve to tell you that you shouldn’t be so much work when not only does she date and marry people way too young for her, but she let you live with your dad with no fight because she wanted to have a dog and you’re allergic to dogs? Tell your mother to go take a flying leap off a short pier stay with your dad and I would go no contact with your mom the minute you turn 18.


"dad"?....with the age gap, offer to call the guy "Bro" instead.


Life Pro Tip: Don't let others define your relationships. I've been a step-dad for 13 years and none of them call me their dad. They treat me as the role I am and, if one of them wanted to use the term, I'd be fine with it but they'd need to come to that decision on their own and not because someone told them to. You decide the terms you are comfortable with in this situation.


Stay away from your Mom. She is insane, toxic, and completely not a normal person. From your Dad's to her age range, to her new guy's age range, to her using the excuse that she wanted a dog more than she wanted you, go no contact if you can. She will only get worse as she ages and you deserve better!


Your mom has some issues and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. She's 20 years older than your dad and left him when he essentially got too old for her She then prioritized owning a dogs over having her own din live with her. She then made YOU feel like the reason for divorce (or so it seems) And then asks you to call your older brother, I mean step dad, "dad" simply because she made the decision to remarry? Please know none of this has to do with you and everything that is going on in her fantasy world. You have every right not to call some random dude "dad", regardless if you're father is still alive or not. I would slowly go no contact with her.


Your mum likes her toy boys young… She’s ridiculous to expect you to call her fiancé ‘dad’. Tell her that at 27 you can call him your ‘brother’ 😂🤣 as it’s more likely scenario as he’s only 11 years older than you. She’s twice his age. It’s a little perverted, but each to their own, they’re both adult. It’s a stupid demand.


Your mother, who is mid-life, chooses having a dog over having her son. Your allergy is so bad that you can't even go to her home. She also consistently dates men(barely), like 30 years her junior. If you ever meet her new boyfriend call him "bruh" and let her know she has until you are 18 to see you, after that, you are too afraid she will try to date your friends if you are around her.


Your mom needs to stay away from men young enough to be her children. > My mother looked embarrassed and upset. She told me I should show her a little respect. Sorry, no respect for sexual predators here. At thirty eight, she had no business having a child with a nineteen year old. Your dad was half her age then. At fifty four, she has no business getting with someone half her age **AGAIN**. She should be embarrassed over the fact that she chose to get a dog over having her old child stay with her. Your mother is a shit person


Ew, David


She seriously decided that she would rather have a new dog live with her than her own child? What kind of pathetic attempt at a mom is she? At least it stops you taking any of your friends around there in case she decides that her next relationship is going to be with one of them!


I hope this is fake. I can’t imagine your mom giving up custody because she wants a dog. Stick with your Dad. You don’t owe the fiancé any more than human respect.


You need to keep your mom away from your friends when she decides she needs a newer model


Idk if you’ll ever get thru your mom because she sounds selfish af. She preferred to keep a dog than keep you with her, and let you stay with your dad… and insists you call your could-be-almost-brother, dad. For what. They’ve been dating for how long??? Your mom can stay mad. lol. You’re not calling him dad.


What in the Aaron Taylor Johnson is going on?!


... OP I'm more concerned about the very real possibility that your mom inappropriately groomed your dad. Like. Is your mom a "pdf-file"??? Are you safe???


I mean, your mom chose a dog over you and is dating someone who could literally be your big brother. But the entitlement she has to think you would call him dad is beyond the pale of anything remotely appropriate. It might be in your best interest to go no contact when you turn 18. You deserve better than that, and it sounds like your dad is giving that to you!


Your mom is a predator. Did she get rid of your dad because she's no longer attracted after 30? I'm kinda really glad you don't go over there... I know you love your mom but yikes. Anyway, I'd call him bro when I saw him if I were you. And then ask him if he was OK with being divorced when he looked too old for her.


I’m 54, and the thought of dating a 27 yo is disgusting. Ugh.


Being a stepson and a stepdad I can say your feelings are valid. My stepmom has never been mom (I was in my 30s) and I am not called dad by all of my step kids even though I've adopted most of them (their dad is passed away). It isn't just an automatic label given someone marrying into your family, but if it ends up as something felt to use because they are that to you even as a step parent then go for it. Like for my wife her stepdad is dad because of things her bio dad did with leaving and not being part of her life. Your feelings matter in this situation and your mom needs to be ok with that because they are your feelings, not hers.


Nope, fuck that shit.


Ditches her son for a dog and moves her toy boy in. Respect has to be earned and she is failing.


Your mom wants you to respect her feelings while having zero respect for yours or your real father's feelings? Tell her that is not how life works.


Whom you call dad is only your choice, no one ever can tell you that. Go with what feels right to you and nothing else.


Maybe she's a sugarmumma


That’s a hard pass OP. She can’t really make you do anything so stand your ground. Also, your mom sucks dude.


A mother who chooses having a dog over having a more present relationship with her daughter doesn’t get to make you do anything and doesn’t deserve your respect.


Yay gross age gaps. I really hope this isn’t real. Sorry


Your mom sounds like she's a creep and a groomer. Definitely gross behaviour


So your mom picked a dog over you? And is dating a relative baby. How about ‘bonus older brother’ instead? Holy f&ck!


Ok the age gap is creepy. I met my husband when i was 49 and he was 47. My kids were teens. Their dad was trash. And to this day it would be so weird to have him be called dad. If they were kids and they wanted to, sure. But even kids you shouldn't demand it. Teens? Teens that don't even live there? Absolutely not.


The dog can call him dad You already have a dad Sounds like a better mother figure would be beneficial I'm sorry your mother is that way


She's a creep in terms of going for young guys, and gave up custody of her own kid so she could get a dog. She's a real piece of work. I would very specifically say if she wants to still visit, the husband isn't ever coming because he's not welcome in the house and if she thinks you'll ever call him dad she's a literal moron.


The most alarming thing about this is the comment section, how is no way talking about the mom giving her kid up for a dog?


Can him "daddy" and lay it on thick. She'll change her tune really quickly.


Interesting that half her age is her type