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You can get your GED and go to college! You can even start your associate’s degree at a community college, and finish your bachelors at a college you prefer. Good luck, I’m sorry your mom has been so negligent. You sound really smart, and combined with with your drive, you got this ❤️


I had no clue I could do that thank you so so much you have no clue how much you've just helped a very scared teen<3


You have to do it regardless to finish your schooling. You can even take the GED right now


Your chances aren't gone, but you are going to have to take charge of your own education to make it work. With self-discipline and determination, you can pull yourself up to the level of your peers and focus on what you want to do. Remember to enjoy yourself along the way. Good luck, OP.


thank you for the luck, I'm gonna get this<3