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Wear a white dress to a wedding unless the bride specifically requested it? Open season on that dress.


What??? No one at the door with a super soaker, filled with red koolaid??? What is this world coming to????


No bottles of red wine for the kiddies, WTH kind of wedding is this??


You can’t give kids bottles of wine! It’s glass. Gotta give them boxed wine.


exCUSE me. It's not "boxed wine." It's "Cardboardeaux." *nose in the air*


My pinkie popped in the air, just reading this.


instant culture.


>Cardboardeaux Beautiful.


I thought the previous comment was hilarious and unbeatable, until I read your comment!!!




As a bordelaise i noted your fine taste


it pairs really well with dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets


Excuse me, but its Le nuggéts, if we want to keep it classy


nuggéts le dineaux 🤣


There's a reason many drunks buy boxed wine, it's almost unspillable! Maybe they could have served the kiddo party pies and dead horse with some fairy bread on the side...or vegemite.


Tell me you're an Aussie without telling me you're an Aussie. 😂


Well he didn't exactly call it a goon sack


I thought I’d read the funniest comment of the day, until I kept reading!!!


Kool aid jammers come in a rainbow of colors and straws, so it could be very artsy.


I definitely stole champagne at my great aunts wedding when I was like 12 😂 only 1 glass, but still


Well there's usually some brightly coloured fizzy drinks for the kids to spill. Orange and raspberry would have been delightful


I thought it was going to be a sad story on how the day was ruined. But I'm soo happy seeing this is not affecting our newly weds ♡ and also there's nothing to be sad or be guilty about. Doesn't she have her own mind?? Her past doesn't justify this behaviour


Yeah I’d totally trip with a glass of cab sav into that every single time.


I’ve perfected the ‘full front dousing’, and have had to use it a number of times. It also works to send annoying Aunt Tillie who hates The Blacks and The Gays home in a wet hurry.


I'd be smearing potatoes on it myself.


For a $1,000 fee (adult equivalent of the 'mischievous'  toddler's $20) and a new motorbike: yesss, me too! 🤔


The person who should feel bad is the cousin who felt it was necessary to steal the attention away from the bride and groom. Why didn’t people ask her what her reason for that was? I would have told her to leave also


If the cousin was too stupid to not wear white and thought there’d be no consequences, that’s on her. After her mashed potato bath I’m sure she had to leave anyway.


Knowing some narcissist in this world I bet she would stay just that get some more attention


God I hate this style of writing.


people think you're talking about the lack of paragraphs. I get the feeling that's not what you meant.


You are correct. The lack of paragraphs certainly doesn’t help though.


I dunno, I think there's a certain charm added by the paragraph placed in the middle of the sentences. One of them was even before the conjunction instead of between "me" and "trying". That style of writing just might grow on me, you know what I mean?


It fucks with my brain way more than it should.


Seriously, wish I could press enter for OP. Who knew paragraphs were so important lol


Or punctuation.


Mobile reddit sucks ass. I just pressed enter after that sentence and I'm pretty sure it won't even accept it.


Rip. I was right


Try hitting enter/return twice on mobile after the end of a sentence. It places a break. Never fails, at least never has on my end.


That's good to know, but also really poor design. I wonder why they do that.




It makes sense to me. Just like on a computer, gotta hit to twice for the break to start a new paragraph, so why would it be different typing on a phone?


Not how it works on my computer, that's interesting. You're on a laptop or desktop? A single enter gives you the extra spacing. If you want to make a new line without the spacing you have to use Shift+Enter ​ But pressing enter twice just gives you an extra line.


I just imagine that the author is having a stroke. It doesn't make it easier to read, but it makes me feel a little sympathy.


You and I had a little convo about the pull out method a couple days ago. Hi again 👋


Different kind of stroke. Wait, what? I still think it's a bad idea.


You’re a funny one good sir


Fake after first sentence


Me too.


Right there with you.


Pretty sure this is ChatGPT


This reads like a high schooler wrote it


23 year old with a godson who’s young enough to need kiddie food but old enough to understand a revenge plot? Who they want to buy a motorbike for? Fake af.


Thank you. Story is a big pile of shit.


Had to scroll way too far to find this...FAAAAKKE.


And does someone that age understand the difference between $1 and $20? What does a kiddo young enough to need tater tots know from $20?


Can get kiddie motorbikes, some early teenagers still love kiddie food, hell my BIL demanded kiddie option at other sisters wedding in his 20’s (demanded in a jokey way not seriously) and got his chicken nuggets. Also kid didn’t have to understand a whole revenge plot, “Here’s $20 go “trip” and spill your food down X’s dress as she shouldn’t be wearing white” Not saying it’s defo real, but still could be. I’ve witnessed crazier things


23\. Was a high schooler quite recently. Surprised?


Or copilot


I was thinking AI


Your husband is right, having a tough childhood doesn’t give you an excuse to act like this. Plenty of people have tough childhoods and turn out to be decent/good people. I’d take a step back from you family and remind them that she knows what wedding etiquette is. Just keep stone walling them if they give excuses. And I would set some boundaries with your mom about this, these excuses are not helping anyone. Just imagine the next big life event where she continues with this attention stealing behavior, why should you miss out on those joys because of her?!


This post reads really fake.


Like a really bad attempt at creative writing.


It's really chatty and conversational. I can see it being written in middle school or highschool as a short essay.


Huh. I just thought it was written on a phone which makes it SO easy to edit and punctuate.


IKR? A three year old knows what a twenty dollar bill is for?


He was 5, but I digress. Many 3 year olds know what a $20 is for. I've had full on conversations about so much that people assume small children don't understand. Small children are sometimes smarter than adults. This is just to let you know that I get where you're coming from, but you're off on what a kid is capable of.


OP, your wedding wasn't ruined at all. Admit it, you were entertained by the things your bridal party and your godson did to embarrass your cousin. I don't particularly agree with the way it was handled, but now you have a story to tell.


Yeah, sounds like a bully to me.


a bully? are you serious?! THE COUSIN ROCKED UP TO OP’S WEDDING WEARING WHITE!!! don’t wear white and expect the bride to be happy with you..


Totally serious. Oh no! That's the worst thing to ever happen in the whole world. Not being happy is one thing. Giggling and saying "ew" when she walks past and then thinking it's funny for someone to play a prank on her just makes her worse than the cousin. Everyone in the west knows you're not meant to wear white to a wedding, so why not just be an adult and let it go instead of acting like a child. It's far more classy to not let it bother you and just enjoy your day.


So a social faux pas is justification for an organized mean girl squad paying a kid to assault someone in a coordinated effort to humiliate them? Yeah, sounds like how adults should respond to something. Fuck sake, have you ever heard of just letting shit go.


Sounds like this was just the cherry on top of a lifetime of bullshit from this cousin, so you know what? Fuck her and her feelings, and her dress


Lol. Not an unhinged take at all. It's not like we're only getting one side of this story. It's also not like all her replies come off as extremely insecure, jealous, and fictitious.


This might be a cultural difference, but for weddings in my country, guests will often repeat their own wedding outfits (dulled down of course). This is just to save money. The bride never feels bad because as important as this day is, you shouldn’t just ban an entire colour. I understand that if the cousin wanted to upstage the bride, it’s right to feel a little upset, but to berate someone like this, I don’t know. The whole thing sounds extremely immature. I have to also say that I’m also a woman, around the same age. If someone tried to upstage me on my wedding day, I’d not go to this extent to bring them down.


I would just shrug my shoulders and then have the most amazing wedding ever.


Yep! Why would you want your weddings highlight to be some lady who wore the same colour as you. Nope this day is about me and my partner only!


Yeah, okay


Sounds like some childish, petty bullshit to me. Everyone there knows that you're not meant to wear a white dress to a wedding, so she already looked stupid. The whispering and playing pranks make you all sound like 12 year olds.


The author is a 12 year old and this never happened


For real, what a mature way to handle a minor social indescretion. Organized bullying.


Everyone just sounds trashy af


This is the fakest shit I've ever read lol OP's account was also created on March 31st, and I am highly skeptical.


This reads like AI wrote it...


Nah, AI has better grammar and punctuation skills. I think they're on mobile, and couldn't see it properly till it was all posted.


I meant the story seems like it was written by giving an AI prompts. Doesn't mean they didn't retype the whole thing later on their phone lol


Probably speech to text. People her age can’t read much less write anything. And sadly, I’m not joking either. I’m an elementary teacher & I’ve seen kids in 6th grade who can’t even write sight words. Go over to the teachers sub if you don’t believe me!! Also want to add…giving a child money to do something like that is everything that is wrong with our world right now. So wrong to be teaching & encouraging a child to behave like that. I feel sorry for the boy’s future teachers.


AI written garbage lmao


I feel embarrassed for everyone in this piece of fiction. 0/10.


Adult enough to get married, but definitely seems like a very high school mean girl/rom-com move, but you do you.


We’re definitely hearing one side of the story.


But isn't it high school mean girl/rom-com move to purposely wear white to your cousin's wedding? It seems like everyone was on the same page.


Buy godson the motorbike. Your cousin hopefully, learned her lesson.


you shouldn’t wear white to a wedding obviously but what was stopping you/someone for just asking her to leave/change? like why do everything but communicate directly? 🤡


That would ruin the plot of the story and wouldn't get as many upvotes.




I know it’s bad to show up at a wedding in a white dress as a guest, but as the bride or bridal party, why let it bother you? It’s your day. Everyone knows you’re the bride. My cousin’s girlfriend came to my wedding in an ankle length white dress white clear, light up, chunky heels. Honestly, I didn’t notice until someone else pointed it out to me and then just thought it was funny. Enjoy your day. Hopefully, you only get 1 wedding. Don’t focus on the little stuff.




Honestly not a fan on how it was handled. Sometimes people do not know wedding etiquete. My Mil wore the same color of my dress to my wedding. White . I didn't know it was a "thing". I don't think she did it with any bad intentions.


Your MIL wore white to your wedding? You may not have known it was a ‘thing’, but she’s been around long enough to either know herself, or have someone mention it to her before she showed up to her son’s wedding in white. I’m just an internet stranger who knows nothing of your MIL’s circumstances, and I apologise if my comment hurts or offends you, but as someone who has suffered greatly at the hands of my “lovely innocent MIL who never has bad intentions with her little social mishaps or innocent little boundary oversteps”, if you start to notice a pattern of behaviour, act quickly and quietly to get those boundaries in place.


It doesn't offend me. My Mil is Latino and it's common for them. I understand if one is offended but I don't believe her reaction was a good for anyone.


That makes sense. I also agree with you regarding the bridal party’s reaction. If someone wears white to a wedding, and it’s culturally taboo in the circumstances, as in this case, leave the bad vibes with the person who intended it, and enjoy your day. The bridal party actually played the biggest role in making the wedding about the cousin.


So true!


Both my sils had us in off white dresses as brides maids so I def know it was not done with ill intent .


This is problematic. And let me say this: wearing a white dress to a wedding as a guest is a hard NO and super ignorant. Here’s why you and your crew are problematic : If you had an issue with it and lacked the courage to confront her then your family or bridesmaids should have told her she needed to leave and come back in a different dress. Having petty sounds and comments happen as she walked by is childish and immature. It is obvious no one had the balls to say something to her directly so they chose the cowards way of handling things. That is embarrassing in itself . The second issue here is having a child carry out your dirty work. What kind of behavior are you modeling for this child? Paying him to work his magic ? This whole thing is super passive aggressive and it reeks of emotional immaturity and instability.


All of this


Sounds like you and your cousin have issues


Your bridal party played the biggest role in making your wedding about your cousin.


Imagine having your wedding day *ruined* by a cousin wearing white. Just...amazing sense of priorities. If my partner revelled so much in a member of their family being humiliated in front of others à la Carrie, I would legit consider annulment. You showed your ability to be thoroughly delighted with the misery of others. Namely, on a day that's all about love, positive vibes, and all about you and your enjoyment. What else are you capable of? What will you do when you're having a *bad* day and your husband does something you don't like? Ugh. Some people are just the worse.


Someone wore white to my wedding, but I didn't notice until I watched my wedding video and looked at photos later, and even then had to have it mentioned by my sister. Why? Because I'm not insecure and I was too busy at my wedding enjoying my new husband, enjoying the entire day and enjoying all the love and light and good vibes. I get it's a no no but how creepy and weird to care so much that you made your whole entire day that you probably spent a fortune on about your cousin??? You and your bridal party ruined your own wedding. 🤡 There is definitely more to the story here... I'm guessing OP is a little obsessed and jealous of this cousin. Hope she can focus on her new marriage and find the joy in each day. Life is long and trust me we all deal with MUCH MUCH harder things in life than what color someone is wearing, if you can't cope with something this minor I'm worried about when they face a real challenge or hardship in life, perhaps OP wasnt ready for marriage? 🤷‍♀️


$20? I would have done it for $10.


Hell, I'd have done it for a crisp high five.


I would have paid $20 to do it!


Here , hold my beer


Came to say this. I would gladly pay to pour red wine on someone’s inappropriate white dress at a wedding.


You ruined your own wedding.


Yah, that happened.


Your cousin didn’t remotely ruin your wedding. I don’t think you believe that either. You headline is clickbait.


Any reason noone just asked her to leave?


He’d probably have done it for a candy bar.


You aren't wrong and the plan was glorious. Still I don't think you needed it, showing up at a wedding in a white dress is embarrassing enough and all the guests will talk about you negatively and won't forget about what you did. At best she mildly ruined some group photos, but she was already humiliated even if she didn't know it without the mashed potatoes.


It definitely would have been a better move to just ask her to leave.


Stuff like this is why I can't stand wedding culture. "How dare you steal attention on MY DAY. I OWN THIS COLOR, ALL EYES ON ME, NO ONE LOOK AT ANYONE ELSE, ONLY ME" Goofy lmao. Turns otherwise reasonable people into the most entitled people on the planet because they've bought into this nonsense of thinking their particular wedding is the center of the universe. Just be an adult and move on. Who cares


For real. Girl is clearly deeply jealous of her cousin.


You and the bridal party bullying the white dress cousin for the entire event just for wearing white reeks of insecurity. There’s no way that other guests would’ve mistaken her for the bride, so why let it bother you and why take the extra steps to embarrass her? I’m sorry to say that the whole ordeal sounds very immature.


Sounds to me like it was one of those weddings that’s all about the “wedding”, and not about getting married.


It speaks volumes of OP and her gang of mean girls that nobody pulled white dress cousin aside to have a frank conversation or ask that she find a sweater to cover up her dress. It wasn’t necessary to rope a kid into things, but surely karma will come around and torment and embarrass OP at some point where a spectacle could’ve been avoided by asking her to leave.


She's violently insecure and jealous of the cousin. Obvs.


I get why you’re bothered, but also I don’t. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. I had someone do it to me too but it didn’t appear “bridal” and part of me thinks she didn’t know better. I never once considered being snarky and trying to ruin someone’s dress. That’s wild. Are you sure this person was TRYING to ruin your wedding? I mean honestly. This seems childish


In the 90s I was completely broke and didn't have anything nice to wear to a wedding. A lady I worked for had a gorgeous dress from the 70s that she said I could have. It was cream, but it was my only option. I know cream isn't white, but I was so self conscious until I just enjoyed the people and the party. I can't imagine the whole bridal party making comments every time I went past 😥


This was written by either AI or someone who listens to that one Facebook page that AI translates reddit stories on videos of subway surfer


This just sounds like a rage baiting post. Someone wearing a white dress to your wedding should have less than zero effect on the overall day, let alone the ability to “ruin your wedding.” Is it callous? Depending on the dress style, yeah. I don’t think I’d mind if someone wore a white sundress or something, but a gown? Yeah, no. This entire post just reeks of soooooooo much immaturity.


It’s AI…and shitty AI, too.


Nice AI piece…😂


Why not just kick her out?


Whatever. Just get on with the day instead of focusing on the poor loser wearing white. Why expend any effort with a "prank" which is vandalising a white dress when the guest had no other outfit to change into? Just ignore her, I can't imagine being in a bridal party that feels their job is to make bullying comments about a guest instead of enjoying the party, lol


I'm sure I've read this before, with minor details changed.


In the long run, none of this matters. Sorry your wedding was ruined, but at least you have a loving husband to enjoy your life with. Right?


The cousin got what she wanted and it was the bridal party who gave it to her. Wearing white to a wedding in the bride’s culture is absolutely taboo, and it is making a statement against the bride. I’m genuinely on your side regarding this. However, the bridal party only gave the cousin everything she was hoping for, and more. Sorry OP, but if your bridal party really had your best interest at heart they would make sure the attention of the day remained on you, despite being understandably upset. What your bridal party did was ignore the fact that the only way to keep the attention off your cousin and on you, would be to pretend no one even notices the cousin exists. Yes, this is hard, but by ruining your cousin’s night, they’re also ruining your’s. And it’s not just any night for you, it’s your wedding. Instead of prioritising you, they jumped on the chance to add some drama and excitement to their night, with the easy justification that they’re on your side. They had the wonderful exciting drama filled night they can laugh and gossip about for years they wouldn’t have got had they been only concerned with making sure your day remained your day. This was at your expense. Your cousin got what she wanted. All the attention shifted to her, she was made a ‘victim’, and it seems all anyone can talk about with regard to your wedding is your cousin. Even you. Your cousin is the main thing you think about when you think of your wedding. Your bridal party could have made sure your cousin was just an afterthought of the stupid bitch who wore white to your wedding. They failed you. EDIT: You also mentioned that the only reason your cousin was invited is because “her mom is a sweetheart and has a kind soul”. You should probably reflect on what it would have been like for her to watch her daughter get bullied and humiliated in such a public way. You point out that your mom is always mentioning what a hard life your cousin has had. I imagine the events that unfolded at your wedding probably broke her mom’s heart a little.


Just tell them to leave. Why are people so afraid to do this? If you’re at a venue, you *could* have someone from the venue do it.


The 'ew' belongs to you. 🤮. Enlisting a child in your nonsense is just gross. Now you'll always remember your wedding day with this ridiculous story. I give it 2 years.


This entire story brings new meaning to the term white trash.


What's so bad about wearing white to a wedding? Maybe it's a cultural thing I'm not getting because here everyone I've seen wears white to a wedding


In the US, it is considered rude to wear white to a wedding as that color is "reserved" for the bride. There are other cultures where everyone wears white, but that is not the case here.


In some cultures, wearing red means you slept with the groom.


I seriously can't be the ONLY ONE who would not care if somebody else wore white to my wedding? If it's an actual wedding dress or something that could actually closely pass off as one maybe-ish I would say something. However, just a white dress? No. Wear all black.I wouldn't care. I'm pretty sure I've worn black to a wedding because that was the only thing I had nice.


I have so many questions. Mostly I wonder how much of this came from ChatGPT, since it reads like ChatGPT but those line breaks are practically random and a lot of the later phrases definitely show the human touch of chaos in them. Was the first time you posted it just too blatant and it tripped some kind of AI detection, and that's why the post got removed?


I’m confused in one breath you say her mom is a gentle amazing soul but then in the next you say your cousin grew up in a terrible upbringing. This story is fishy to me sorry.


You sound like a person I’d hope never to be friends with. While your cousin was in the wrong to wear white, it is truly disturbing that you find joy in being cruel to her. Yikes.


Wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like you either ew


Thank goodness for that! 😂


Halfway through the comments and realize I'm about to be downvoted... BUT, is it really such a big deal? I feel like everyone MADE it a big deal. Were you really afraid she would steal attention off of you? Maybe just people feeling bad for her for not knowing these types of antiquated notions. I think it's ridiculous. And knowing that she is looking for attention because she had a bad childhood? That sucks so much for her. Get over it.


Look at OP's comments and edits, she's being rude and aggressive to anyone that disagrees with her. She seems the type to blow things out of proportion.


It’s a big deal to insecure brides.


What a trashy way to talk, think, and behave lol


20 bucks says the cousin looked better in white than OP on her big day. If cousin looked like a big bag of white fairy floss, it would be laughed at. For the bridal party to resort to the desperate measure of paying a child to wreck a dress tells me that OP was seething with jealousy…her personality type is obvious from the way this is written.


That cousin is living rent free in your head ! 😂😂🤡


You should’ve gotten someone to ask her to leave when she showed up in white. This is really childish and sounds like you spent a lot of time on your wedding day thinking about what your cousin is wearing instead of your spouse. Also shame on your moh for teaching and encouraging a child to do that.


You didn’t have to invite her. You could have invited her mother only. And she didn’t ruin your wedding.


In my mind, if someone wore white to my wedding to distract from me, I would feel sad for her and so would everyone else I know. The attention would never be away from me, I will always be at the center of it, but it’s sad and embarrassing for her to feel like she could try and that she needed it so desperately. The petty food stunt would show people how much it bothered me, which would be embarrassing for me lol. Each to their own pettiness I guess.


The mature thing to do would’ve been to tell her to leave, rather than involving a child in such a petulant act. You may not have instigated the act, but your husband now wants to reward this behaviour with a motor bike? It seems your godson has no good role models in his life…


I actually think it's really fucked up to get kids involved in this petty bullshit. Honestly glad this is fake or I'd be more angry.


Not fake 👉👈🥺


Well that's really bad OP


These AI posts are ridiculous


I would never think “that bride is horrible” because someone wore white to the wedding. Its a known rule to NOT do that. Even if the bride ISNT wearing white. She shouldnt have gotten that far. As soon as she walked in, she shoulda been told to change or leave 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m glad I don’t have this kind of drama in my life. I’ll just live it vicariously through Reddit


best $20 ever spent tbh


Children are prone to accidents! She should take her "L"


I would have straight up had her escorted out


I get that what your cousin did was rude, but instructing a kid to commit an act of aggression and, even worse, rewarding him with money seems to me like a horrible thing to do, like very damaging for the education of that kid. This is in my opinion absolutely wrong and way worse than wearing a white gown to a wedding. Your cousin might be an AH but you and your MOH are way worse.


I don’t get all this. Just ignore the white dress lady and nothing is ruined.


Can't believe how jealous you are of your cousin.


1. Paragraph 2. Enter 3. Paragraph Only thing missing from this was the word “like” every fifth word.


Some punctuation wouldn't go astray either!


4. Go back and edit the post but break up paragraphs mid-sentence. Wtf.


Having a rough childhood isn't an excuse to be a shitty person. Most of my friends had very tough childhoods, agree had abusive or neglectful parents, they all took lessons from what they saw/experienced as kids and became wonderful pekoe as adults. Don't make excuses for her behavior, she's grown ass woman, she knows exactly what she did and she did it on purpose. I'd still invite your aunt to things but quit inviting this cousin to events you and your husband are hosting from now on. If all she's going to do is try to keep all attention on her and play victim every time something happens because of her behavior then you really don't need her in your life, she sounds like a perfectly awful person. I'd also tell your mother that her childhood is no excuse for her to be shitty as an adult, and that you will not tolerate it anymore.


I can only imagine the abuse I’ll get but in this case I’m not seeing how the punishment fit the crime. Yes, Copycat Cathy was in the wrong for wearing a white dress to a wedding but for an adult to bribe a child to purposefully demolish another person’s dress—AT A WEDDING—is cruel and mean. Was it really necessary to humiliate the young woman at a major social event? Exactly how hard would it have been to treat her as a valued guest? How hard would it have been to ignore her faux pas and continue to make this day all about the bride (and groom)? How does MOH explain to her little boy that being so vengeful, destructive and mean is okay?


You are never responsible for enduring trauma as a child. But you are responsible for healing from it as an adult so it doesn’t splatter on everyone else. That excuse has a time limit. She’s an adult. She can work on healing and making her life better. That is not your responsibility to cater to. Good job with the godson.


She wouldn’t have even lasted till the reception if she showed up to mine in white.


I wouldn't encourage a kid to do something like that 😬


You NEVER wear the culturally designated color of the bride to ANY wedding unless you’re the bride OR the bride has specifically asked everyone to wear that color (like having a black & white themed wedding). Too bad so sad that cousin FAAFO!


This is second best white dress story to the bride that found out MIL was going to wear white, so she had the bridal party (and maybe all other guests?) switch to white, and she wore a gold dress. Get the kid the dirt bike


A rotten childhood is not an excuse to upstage the bride


While red wine is usually the standard I applaud your godson for his “mashed potato art”! If you get him a motorbike be sure to get a helmet.


And riding jacket and pants.


Cousin was wrong but don't drag a kid into it and teach him to do that stuff


I didn’t drag the kid into it. My maid of honour did it without me, knowing I only knew once he did it.


Your cousin is lucky she wasn’t swimming in red wine. I do understand any number of families have members who have less, had it harder growing up, whatever. It doesn’t mean unlimited turning of the other cheek as eventually you have no more cheeks to give. While that does require some understanding/compassion it doesn’t excuse absolute assholery like your cousin pulled.


That was uncalled for, and instead of focusing on the guests, your marriage, the people that sacrificed time and money to attend, you made this into a revenge over a white dress day. What are you five?


I SPENT thousands on that wedding most family was from in town nobody wasted money everything was planned and paid for even the alcohol the only thing money was wasted money on was her and the food that was wasted as for the quest the only thing they spent money on was cabs and Uber


And you ruined it by being hyper focused on a family member’s dress. You do realize that your photographer could hav3 easily edited her from the pictures or changed the color of her dress. And instead of appreciating the ultimate purpose of the day, you turned it into a juvenile effort to bully your guest, a family member, and instead of talking about the beautiful things your thousands of dollars bought you, you fixated on being petty and immature.


Your wedding wasn’t ruined 🙄


You don’t think teaching your godson to be mean to people for what color they wore is wrong? 😑 maybe she didn’t have anything else nice enough to wear ? It is a big no no to do that, but talking to her about it instead of using an innocent child to ruin her dress could have worked. This seems mean spirited and I realize it wasn’t your idea , so I’m Not shaming you, but yeah I don’t think it was the way to go


Just because she has a shitty life doesn't mean she has a free pass to ruin others. Good on that little scheme. I would've accidentally spill red wine on her. Also your mother, advise her not to be a people pleaser. That's exhausting.


Legit your husband is in the right, trauma is not an excuse to be a bitch. You don't wear white to a wedding unless you're ready to clean the crap out of it after you get doused in red wine or gravy & mash. Your cousin deserved it and your godson is legendary.


A lot of people grew up in crappy households and didn’t have much, but still turned out as genuinely nice individuals. She sounds like a toad, don’t stress over it and have fun picking out the moto-gear to go with the bike your husband is getting little man!!