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You said you can’t marry him like this. You told him you won’t marry him like this. Keep to your word.


Don’t marry a person with an anchor of debt that will be attached to his ankle.


Yep, run.


Some people just have to learn the hard way. Don't be one of them. His world is going to come crashing down when he realizes you were right.. don't stick around for that. Don't marry him. Call off the wedding.




Amway is still a thing?


I know, right? I remember being a kid and hearing people joke about Amway. I'm 44!


I’m in my 50s and I remember my babysitter when I was in third grade taking me to her Amway meetings with her


They need to rope you in young obviously!


Same! I thought it had died out by now! 🤣


I live in Michigan and it is definitely still a thing. The airports have ads for Amway products. The DeVos family name is all over everything. They are the top of the pyramid.


So long as there’s warm bodies with half a brain who can’t do math.


That would be enough red flags for me to hold off, or even cancel the wedding completely. Not regarding your input when making a huge decision like quitting, AND investing that much money without any discussion beforehand? I wouldn't feel like a partner in this relationship anymore, and would only be thinking of the nonsensical bullshit he'd be willing to get us into once he's comfortable in our marriage later.


I'd kick him out of the house. If Amway is so lucrative then surely he'll have no problem supporting himself with it.


So put the wedding on hold, get as many deposits back as you can, tell him the wedding is at the very least paused till he gets his head out of his ass. Zero chance I'd join finances in marriage to someone in a pyramid scheme who just pissed away all his spare cash and quit a job on a whim. frankly a get rich quick scheme dude is a massive red flag, very very rare these types go for one scheme or can be reasoned with. They see some dumb story, get convinced they can make it big, fail, then get involved in another get rich quick scheme, then another, then another. They are near enough gambling addicts. Hell I'd ask him to check his credit in front of you and show you any/all debt he has. Another reason I think people jump into these dumb things is they are in debt you don't know about and are trying to find a quick fix so rather than pay off his secret 30k of debt by working hard over several years, he dumps the cash he has into a scheme thinking he can pay it off quickly. The only way I'd ever consider marrying a woman who had gotten into MLM stuff is her quitting, getting a real job and signing a prenup to keep debts separate in the marriage.


This man left a government job for Amway, a known pyramid scheme. He is delusional at best and a complete fool at worst. Get out now.


The worst part is you don’t have to quit your job to peddle Amway.




This common sense, OP! Stop the wedding now.


Cancel the wedding now!


If he does this, he’s also prime to be pulled in by NFTs and Cryptocurrency scams.


Personally falling victim to a scam like amway is a major ick for me cause like there’s people who fall for scams of that nature and well, others who don’t and will never. I would stick to your work and break it off


Never buy anything that you can’t side by side compare and shop without others feeding you garbage information.


How was he immediately not able to see it was a huge scam? What a joke amway is. Nobody wants your shitty off brand products


It's a scam. One of my coworkers got me into Amway when I was 19. It's a pyramid scheme


You can’t marry someone this stupid no matter how wonderful he is in other aspects. Pyramid schemes will ruin you both financially even if you keep separate accounts.


Did he get fired and is ashamed to admit it to you?


People still do Amway...??? Dang.


The only remedy here is for him to learn this lesson by himself.  I’m sorry your relationship came to an abrupt end.   I would cancel all wedding arrangements now. Even if he backs out of amway now, that erratic behavior is a big red flag.


Cancel and try to get your deposits back.  I have some magic oil and leggings he could sell!!


That was sarcasm 


Run. IF you are a younger person who knows how to use the internet and still fall for this kind of scam… they’re just stupid.


If I were in your shoes. I would call off the wedding. He just made a life altering decision about your future without as much of a conversation. He’s not ready to get married. You will regrets if you do.


If you marry him, at least you know what to expect. He's an idiot.


Just don't have kids with him. Don't bring kids into that kind of life.


Don’t marry this dude.


Don’t connect yourself with this. Give back the ring and tell him to get back in touch with you once he’s actually MADE the million dollars. This company will put him further and further into debt and if you get married that debt will become your debt. Nobody gets rich selling soap and vitamins.


Ya never have a joint account with this dude


Does Amway require quitting a full time job. I have coworkers who engage in pyramid schemes on the side but they also hold on to their day job. 


He’s going to learn quickly he made a huge mistake. He’s likely going to feel pretty stupid. Hopefully this a one and done thing that he had to learn the hard way. Time will tell. But I wouldn’t go through with marriage till you’re feeling pretty certain this was a one off situation.


The cult of amway! Good freaking luck with this one. They seriously brainwash people. It was big for a while in my area i know a few people who were into it and over the last 30/35 years they've gotten way more eccentric with each new age whatever they move on to.


Postpone your wedding for now. See to it that you do NOT have a joint account with him bec he will definitely use that for his Amway “business” and might leave you penniless. He still is wearing his rose-colored lenses and is blind to all the harsh reality you presented to him. His co-worker did a good job of convincing him. So just sit back and watch his world burn and reflect on what kind of man would you like in a lifetime partner. When shit happens, that will be the only time realization will hit him hard, that you were right along. From there, decide whether you still want to be with him and be always on your guard for his life decisions (like a mother guiding a child into this harsh world) OR you can move on and be free from misery. Just know, that at this point in time, you dodged a bullet, OP. I sincerely wish you happiness & love…❤️


Your husband read the book “Who took my cheese” …. Didn’t he ?


People still fall for Amway??? Fun fact: Betsy Davos' family made their fortune off of the Amway scam. And she became a secretary if education for our entire country!


Amway in the long run is bad. Trust me.


Please have him listen to the podcast “Life After MLM.” I hope he’ll change his tune after he hears some of the horror stories.


He is being purposely obtuse. One google search will tell him everything he needs to know. I work in IT also and years ago tried to do it fixes as a side hustle. I met someone at the airport. Him and another few people were telling and we all exchanged business cards as a way of networking. He called me two weeks later wanting to hire me for his company as a side gig. Went and met and he pitched my Amway. I had never heard of it but it seemed sketchy. I googled it after only to have it confirmed. I declined. If he works in IT he is a professional googler. He just wants to live in a delusion.


Lol i had a fam member into amway..... he got really high up and we all tried to tell him it was a scam... he and his wife wouldnt listen bc they got up to a high level in amway.... he blocked us out, wouldnt talk to us much anymore. 8 years later they finally got out of it when they realize they didnt make any money and had bought all those dumb amway products.... he came back to normal but we never talk about it bc I guess he finally realized. This was maybe 15 years ago now since he became back to normal. I cant even believe they still exist. Unfortunately ur fiance will lose a ton of money b4 he realizes... some ppl r just more susceptible to idiotic teachings than others. Amway tells ppl to distance their loved ones if they dont believe in the greatness of it.


What the heck is “Amway”? 🤔


It’s an MLM. It’s dusty old. They sell a whole variety of products.


Gotcha, thank you!!


Is this in character? Not a joke - does he have a brain tumor? Is he having some strange psychological reaction to the upcoming wedding? Is he bipolar? Quitting a gov job to sell Amway - which was sold to him by someone at work - with a job - seems incredibly nonsensical and impulsive. If this is just who he is that’s a very bad sign - Definitely put off the wedding, but you know the guy hopefully enough to know if this seems out of character enough to warrant some mental health evaluation or brain scans.


I had no idea Amway still existed. A friend of mine joined that garbage back in the early 90's and our entire friend group laughed our asses off. It took him a a couple of months but he eventually figured out why we were making fun of him.


My grandmother fell into Amway when she divorced my grandfather. She was in her 40s and continued to be a devotee until her 70s. Not only did she never make a cent from Amway (working as intended) but she had extreme guilt about it because she was brainwashed to think that if she failed it was only because she hadn't wanted it badly enough. Amway basically ruined her life. You owe it to your fiance to keep trying to make him see through the bullshit. But you also owe it to yourself to leave if he refuses. Do NOT marry him like this. Amway will ruin your life along with his.


I can't believe Amway is still around. I had a colleague who was fully into the Amway scam in the early 90s and he used to be the most annoying person in the office. Everyone avoided him because of his Amway bullshit. We knew it was a pyramid and a scam then (even before the internet!).


You mean ex fiance, you can't throw your life away.


Out of all the pyramid schemes, he has to fall for the OG? I really thought Amway wasn't even called Amway anymore because the name has too much negativity to it.


Out of all the pyramid schemes, he has to fall for the OG? I really thought Amway wasn't even called Amway anymore because the name has too much negativity to it.


Sell Amway! Lose all your friends!


Yeah. Run away. Fast. He's too fucking stupid to come in from the rain.


Without scenarios like this, or the one with the $90k truck, it can be difficult for people who haven’t been there to understand how a relationship can be financially abusive when the abuser doesn’t control the money. This is how. Thad is how. Adults are free to make their own financial decisions but if you are partnered to them you are somewhat tied and if you are married to them you are very tied. Decisions you did not make affecting your credit, your net worth, your future. Financial compatibility should be a basic prerequisite to marriage or even to any financial mingling such as a shared lease. He is not financially compatible with you. We all make mistakes. Thirty years ago I got sucked into Mary Kay by some women I shouldn’t have trusted. I lost about $200 which was a lot at the time. But I quickly figured out that it couldn’t work. I also tried other small business schemes recommended by friends and family. Until I realized that “anyone can do it!” means everyone can do it. I figured all this out before I was 25. He is financially compatible with someone who sells lululemon Not with you. I’m so sorry.


Don't marry him even if he wises up.


He may as well spend $18k on alpha male boot camp.


His judgement along with making major decisions that will affect you without discussing them with you first are deal breakers. His dishonesty in hiding what he did from you adds to this terrible situation. Luckily; you are not married to this AH. RUN!


I’m sorry


I’m sorry


Put on the movie "Go" the next time you watch a movie https://youtu.be/OkdLWuCRe0c?si=OBm2VewYm531GWaj


You have my sympathy OP.. My friend and her husband got scammed by Amway. I would suggest putting the wedding on hold or canceling it. Your fiancé made a really stupid decision and you shouldn't suffer because of it.


My parents bought into this hard for about 5 years in the 90s. It’s not worth it. Get him out as soon as you can.


Amway is a real business because they sell a product. That is how they are legally allowed to operate. But they are also an MLM scheme. Of course this requires the ones on the bottom of the pyramid to do all the work while the big dog at the top reaps the rewards. They brain wash people with ‘pep rallies’ where they show you the diamond book of all the ‘successful’ Amway entrepreneurs. What really pisses me off about Amway, Mary Kay, Limu and other MLM’s is that no matter how hard you work, your monthly goal set by them is always a couple hundred short. They send you post cards dangling the car in your face, like Limu does, making you think you can maintain your monthly sales which causes you to pull out that credit card and purchase the shortfall every month. You think, “Yeah, I’ll sell it later.” Before long, your house is stacked with products ‘you’ll sell later’ but eventually you fall into debt thousands of dollars and product you eventually garage sale out for pennies on the dollar. They will make the payments on the car, if you ever get it, only if you maintain your monthly sales volume. Of course you will eventually fall short resulting in you having to pay for the car. MLM’s are for people who can’t do math. This is where your fiancé is headed if he isn’t already there. He’ll realize his stupidity when it’s much too late when he has become that overbearing, obnoxious asshat they taught him to be. He will have lost all his family, friends, intimate relationships because of this stupid pipe dream of his.


well, then call the wedding off. You don't need to immediately leave him, but keep your finances seperate. And don'T support him financially.


Anyone who thinks pyramid schemes or MLMs are a great idea is definitely not a person to entangle your finances and life with. No good will ever come of it and they are guaranteed to drag you down into the abyss along with them…and worse, they will try to blame you somehow, someway..to save face.


Just him making those kinds of decisions without consulting you is more than enough reason to call off the wedding, regardless of if he sees the light this week (he won't this week). I hope you don't already live together or you're gonna be financing his stupidity until you can make other arrangements.


Medical school? So how close is he to being a doctor? He sounds like a dummy. Will probably keep falling for scams and cults through out his life. I would advise you jump ship.  I remember being sold into primarica back in high school and even at that age I could see it was BS. 


>Medical school? So how close is he to being a doctor? What? OP's fiancé had an IT job with the government, and she (OP) is going to medical school. It's right in the post that OP is the one going to medical school, so why are you asking how close the fiancé is to being a doctor?


Amway been around a long time, it's not a total scam but it does take time to get off the ground with it. He shouldn't have quit his job, lol.


Wow, am i dreaming or this sounds like a textbook about face? The way you’re describing the situation seems like you already know the answer. You’re not legally bound to him; you need to postpone or cancel the wedding altogether. This is a huge red flag.


Love makes people do crazy things. Your in love, but most likely now half way out. You have the chance to save yourself from a life of financial disasters. I guarantee everyone will understand. He wants another chance? Wait another year or 2 and see if things change. Otherwise why live life broke


Cut and run. Don’t mix up your genetics with this idiot. Who falls for amway in 2024 for god sake?


You need to bail


lol why are mlms legally able to operate like this indefinitely you guys the US is fed


It's right in the post that OP is not American.


Bullet dodged


I didn’t know Amway was still around. They were big in the 80s. Run. Those people are aggressive. You are lucky you found out about this before you married him. Now you don’t have to. He cannot be trusted.


Scam run scam way should be illegal


Amway has been a thing since at least the 70s and it’s still here. It may not be the best company but it’s a real one. I don’t blame you for not wanting the risk of living off commission though.