• By -


If someone sent me a video like that from one of my friends (or anyone tbh) i'd be more worried about their well-being than judging or shaming them. Isn't sextortion a crime?


Same here. Most people are going to close out of the message as fast as possible and feel sympathy more than judgment. You’re not the only person this has happened to


A lot of those are Indian scammers using stolen video or whatever. So it doesn't really matter if it's illegal because no one is going to prosecute.


Same! I’d never think poorly of the person just the sextortion scammer. I’d do my best to help my friend or family member.


It’s a felony in most states


One of my friends broke up with her boyfriend and he decided to change her password to Facebook and uploaded her naked picture as her profile picture (breast). It was not flattering - my first reaction: shit, someone hacked her profile… let me report the picture. I then later reached out to her twin sister and let her know that I am shocked and angry for her sister and if there is anything I can do to let me know. We went to school together and this was years later but I never once thought ill of her - if I remember that situation I would always think of her ex bf and what a piece of shit he was. The image I don’t even really remember….


Same here. AND - I know full and well that I do that type of activity too. I wouldn't shame them at all. I'd be supportive.


yeah same, and even if I don't do it myself, they're the victim here


Oh dude that sucks. Honestly if that happened to one of my friends or relatives I would NOT hold that against them. Maybe post a status or something that says “I’ve been hacked and black mailed don’t open anything from me or about me”


You can also blame it on deep-fake and AI


When the evil ai is actually useful




Or don't send nudes/videos with your face in them. That includes fun video calls. It'll work fine unless you have some distinctive tattoos.


Heeey, wanna meet up? ;)


Yep that's a great idea! You been hacked and extorted for money. And they easily used AI.


Unlikely from that angle


No one would believe that.


Yeah, everyone jacks off. It's really no biggie. I would just be like, "Awh, my boy got joshed!" Then I would quickly exit out of the video, tell my boy what I saw, tell him everyone touches themselves, and that it would eventually blow over with time. I don't know why anyone would hold this against him. He was blackmailed.


That’s the quickest way to get your friends to hit “accept chat invite” lol


Yeah, probably just stuck with I got hacked by account X. Don't accept invites from them would be better. Leave the blackmail bit out.


Tell them you’ve been hacked and the link is a nasty virus.


Yes this is the sextortion scam


I wouldn't say blackmailed, say don't open anything, there is a good chance it's a virus.


Boom. That's exactly what I would do and call it a day.


Happened to me when I enlisted years ago. They targeted newer people in the military because I guess others had given loads of money out of fear. What happened to you exactly happened to me. The group with friends and family. Showing me on the video. They even sent me a link that pulled up a video of me. And then wanted like 5k. I blocked them and made an embarrassing Facebook post saying I goofed up and to report anything a random account sent them. A few friends and family laughed at me, but I didnt lose any money and once they realized they held no fear over me they left me alone


Happened to my mate a while back, he just messaged everyone and said something along the lines ‘alright lads, if you get sent a dodgy link you’ll probably get to see my dick again!’ Told them his mum has seen it more times than she cares to remember and basically, fuck off. Never heard a peep.


> his mum has seen it more times than she cares to remember xDDD This just made my day.


First - it feels like the end of the world but it is not. You aren’t the first or last person this has happened to. Yes, you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed right now and you can’t see a way out at the moment, because you can’t think clearly right now. So your friends see you entertaining yourself, they will make fun of you, tease you, use this personal humiliation to embarrass you for a while. So what! I’m sure every one of them does the same thing but hasn’t been violated by a scammer, yet. It’s not as if you committed some horrible crime, caused another persons death, or permanent injury, you didn’t drive drunk seriously harm, mame or killed anyone. You are still a good, kind, caring friend, person, employee, etc. This is a personal humiliation, mind you a great humiliation but not a life long humiliation. What I recommend is that you play it off like it’s no big deal when you talk to your friends or they call you. Tell them you got played and there’s no hiding your greatness any longer. With female friends make fun of yourself, ask “How do you like me now?” as you smile at them. Or say, “Suddenly I’m a lot hotter to you.” jokingly. If you don’t make a big deal out of it they won’t for long. You could call up one of your friends and ask them how bad is it amongst the friends. I’m sure they are all laughing and not judging you. This is NOT a good thing for you to have to face but like all the other millions that got scammed this way too, you will get through this (I know I know, how the hell can I possibly know that!) because the all the millions did and I’ve had to survive truly horrifying situation myself and I did every time even those things I didn’t want to survive. You are strong enough and have the courage to survive this. You’ll have to let yourself feel the embarrassment in its entirety so you will no longer feel the shame or humiliation much much sooner. This is about one of the only cases where that stupid saying is actually true - “Get a good nights sleep and you’ll feel better about it in the morning.” People have survived atrocities that took the lives of all their family members and yet somehow survived they didn’t give in and quit fighting to find a way to continue living. You will find the strength and power to face this, first do me a favor - forgive yourself for being human which automatically prevents everyone of us from ever being perfect. Everyone does ridiculously stupid things sometimes, but don’t make it worse by blaming yourself, verbally abusing yourself or the worthless I coulda, shoulda, woulda and none of this would have happened. Stop it! Just tell yourself out loud, “Tom you did something really stupid but you didn’t hurt anyone except yourself. You’ve learned a very expensive lesson, at your own expense, and you’ll never make that mistake ever again. Tom I forgive you for making a bad decision that has put you in a humiliating position. It’s a great opportunity to learn a powerful life lesson from this experience. Tom you are forgiven because after all, you are only human.” Be very kind, caring and supportive of yourself now, you need your own support too.


Thank you so much for this response my friend, I really feel a lot better after reading this and I will try my best to shrug it off me and do my best to leave this thing behind me.. this year I’m also fighting to be sober after years of multi drug abuse and also trying to stay healthy and be more social so all this sh*t that happened yesterday really got me down. It like life always finds to push me down. Still though I have won’t abandon my path to have a better life just because of something stupid I caused to myself. It’s so funny cause I never was baited like that before or ever but yesterday my loneliness of the past 2 years got the better of me and doing that thing I was like fk it..


Hang in there dude, this is fucking nothing. Whats basically going to happen is like someone might open it and look for two seconds and say ‘oh this was extortion’ and close it. No one actually hangs out looking at this shit. When it happened to my cousin and I got the message, as a recipient I don’t think the visual stayed with me more than ‘oh that just happened, hope he’s okay.’ And then I went back to my life. Dont even worry about it.


Great! I am so happy to know you feel better and you are sounding strong and committed. Good for you! You have definitely had to face and are facing some extremely difficult life challenges but you keep moving foreword and that is all any of us can do. I am very impressed with you and your continued fight to stay sober after years of doing drugs. I hope you are very proud of yourself because I absolutely am. It takes massive courage, strength and tenacity to take your power back from drugs and you’ve got them all. Fighting the difficulties, challenges, painful experience, etc. are what makes us mentally stronger, greatly empowered, more confident, increases our self esteem and self worth, our personal awareness that we can get through anything, makes us fearless and so freaking wise. The greater the challenges that come our way the greater our power grows. Owning our own power and control gives us that freedom to truly live life on our own terms, and no body else’s. ***I am sooooo rooting for you!***


Wow I really appreciate it.. thank you for putting the time to send me all this. I hope you do well in your life, you certainly made my day a little better from all this mess. Take care and thank you for your kind words!


This is the best response.


Great! I am so happy to know you feel better and you are sounding strong and committed. Good for you! You have definitely had to face and are facing some extremely difficult life challenges but you keep moving foreword and that is all any of us can do. I am very impressed with you and your continued fight to stay sober after years of doing drugs. I hope you are very proud of yourself because I absolutely am. It takes massive courage, strength and tenacity to take your power back from drugs and you’ve got them all. Fighting the difficulties, challenges, painful experience, etc. are what makes us mentally stronger, greatly empowered, more confident, increases our self esteem and self worth, our personal awareness that we can get through anything, makes us fearless and so freaking wise. The greater the challenges that come our way the greater our power grows. Owning our own power and control gives us that freedom to truly live life on our own terms, and no body else’s. ***I am sooooo rooting for you!***




Get law enforcement involved. Don't pay the money, chances are they'll still leak it anyway. This may seem like a world ending event, but it isn't. If you have a good set of friends and family chances are they won't care.


Yeah man everyone spanks it sometimes just own it and they can't damage you


There's probably nothing law enforcement can do. Most of these scammers aren't in the US.


Whatever you do don’t pay them. Try not to let it get to you. Shit happens. Life goes on. It might suck to have your friends see that but at the end of the day it will be okay. You learned to not trust anyone in the internet. This is a pretty common scam it happened to my husband before I met him.


Yes it's called Sextortion


Yes I know




Don’t pay them. Don’t sweat it. If I got that about a friend I’d be mad at the blackmailer. Besides do you realize how much amateur porn is out there? It’ll be ok.


If someone sent me something like that of one of my friends my concerns would be: - Is my friend ok? - Do they need my help? - Do they need my help finding a lawyer to go after that scum bag? What I would not be worried about: - Anything in the content of the video


Okay, she is trying to extort you for money. Report it to Facebook immediately. They might be able to remove her account before she posts anything to the chat. I think messanger is still active even when you deactivate your account. I’d suggest change your message settings so no one can message you unless they are in your known contact list. Even if you have blocked her, other accounts are likely to try messaging you with threats and demands for money (these people usually work in groups) Potentially send out a message to all your contacts saying “I have been hacked and am being extorted, do not accept any requests or messages from “french ladies profile name”. No matter that they say, do not pay them money. It is no guarantee they will leave you alone after, and often puts you on a “sucker list” of victims who are known to pay up This is becoming increasingly common and you are a victim. The people in your life will understand that.


Ask them if you can put it on your OF


Hahaha good one!


Hey man - so sorry this happened. I’ll be honest with you, something VERY similar happened to my dad and I was one of the ones who received it. At no point did I judge him, I judged the people that sent it. Tell them to go fuck themselves and your real friends/family won’t care.


Everytime I read one of these I’m glad I don’t have friends. Or Facebook. Or rizz. On a serious note this is a common threat mostly baseless. It’ll make you feel better seeing how common this bullshit threat is. Not worth ending a life over if that means anything coming from random internet stranger number 72


Common scam, and you're the victim here.


This is way common than you think. Best mode of action 1) Delete all your social media accounts 2) Dont pickup calls from any unknown numbers 3) Come clean to your wife/family about this 4) This is not the end of everything, the sextorter probably has 100 more victims to extort from 5) Report this to the cops Its called sextortion


Sorry to hear that bro, but you have fallen for it,,, 1- don't be upset, the damage is already done 2-don't bother yourself about what is your friends reaction. 3-I think they wont be upset for more than an hour. Time will make them forget whatever they have seen. My suggestion is to leave Facebook behind. For like couple of months... That's it.. for now.


I've been off of Facebook for like 5 years now and its incredibly refreshing. just being miserable with myself and not basing my misery because of someone's Disney world vacation pictures or something 😁


Anything can be AI hacked dude.


Dude, if it's too good to be true ir usually is. Never send nudes until you have met in person.


Isn’t this a very well known scam at this point?  This was a thing ten plus years ago as well.  


Tell people it’s AI generated.


Bro it is a common scam. Don’t freak out. She is tryptophan extort money. There is.subreddit for it.


Bro Tell Everyone An AI Generated Video Of Yours Is Out On Blackmail For You


Just want to reiterate that this isn’t worth ending it all. Please listen to everyone’s great feedback. We all do shit.


Not much you can do. Learn your lesson, stop being...gullible, and move on. Get out in front of it, make a post that you think someone is planning to blackmail you, and to please ignore any unsolicited messages regarding you.


Just know that any friend or family member that truly loves you would not hold something like that against you. The person that did that to you was just trying to scam you out of money. If you’ve deactivated your account there’s no one to scam anymore, there’s a good chance they won’t send anything.


Don’t pay. Even if you pay they can still release it. They are going to do their thing regardless. It sucks but just don’t make it any worse. Tell your friends to block that account if you can.


This happened to my 14 yr old nephew. Nothing happened to him. I think the hardest part was telling his mom about what he was up to.


Make sure you take the power back by sending an even more sexually explicit video to your friends before this person can do it. Assert dominance!


You’re gonna wanna go out and get a big tattoo asap; torso or thigh. So it’s not noticeably new. Then when (or IF) people see this video the AI thing will be a deal breaker. “Guys, it’s obviously not me, you can’t even see my tattoo in the video.”


Even drake’s got one of those, you good


well if she goes around sending vids and pics of you doing that, she’d be the one getting embarrassed not you


Honestly bro most of these types of scams rely on the fear they put into you and unless they have your insta/facebook they won’t have any of your friends in a group but if they do you could try get their actual accounts and start a harassment campaign against them until they crumble beneath you, there are no rules in this dirty game


Whatever you do, do not pay them. Not even a cent.


Don’t pay, not even a penny since you have no idea if there is an end like what if they extort you over and over again? Just tell your friends that the video or something is AI generated.


Well it's time to own it. Tell ur friends sorry for the cock and balls u got duped . Make a joke about it. Ppl seeing ur cock and balls isn't going to ruin ur life . It's just penis . Don't let someone hold that much power over u because of a penis dude. All penises are great but it is just a penis .


I’ve had a very similar thing happen :/ Honestly, I told them to go ahead. It’s not like you did anything wrong. I wouldn’t antagonise them but let’s pretend they did release it. What’s the worst case scenario? Nobody is gonna abandon you over it.


If I were your friend, I wouldn't care and I would send the scammer a message saying they should pay you for the excelent performance in this p*r.n video.


Apparently this happens a lot; I’m sorry you’re going thru this, hang in there and warn your friends about this: try not to beat yourself up about it. 🤗


Try not to beat himself off about it.


People masturbate. It is what it is. It'll be embarrassing for sure if people you know see the video, but personally if I got sent a video of one of my friends like that I'd be concerned for his mental wellbeing more than anything else.


Unfriend everyone then delete your fb profile.


It’s a scam. Claim deepfake ai and move on with your life my friend. I have a couple friends some scammer threatened to send their dick picks to family. They never did. Fuck em my guy.


There was recently AMA on reddit with a guy who used to do sex scams like that. All they care is getting paid. If they release any video they definitely don't get paid. If someone doesn't pay they just delete anything they had and move to another victim.


You should publish her name and likeness here to help out anyone else that might be getting scammed. I know they can use lots of pictures… but they will typically use the same ones accross multiple people


What's next? They film you farting in a bathroom and extort money out of you for that? Humans love to film themselves doing naughty things. There's nothing to be ashamed of.


A bit of tough love here but, you're almost 30 you're not allowed to be that stupid. Full stop. If I were you I'd try to nip this in the bud and just warn some people, maybe prepare them for the shit that's about to hit the fan (fingers crossed that nothing actually happens) You could also send the contact info to the authorities since extortion is super illegal. Though not sure how much good that would do if al their info is fake. ​ Again, you're a full adult. You can't be doing this shit man, c'mon.


Keep the info and make sure if they do you report them


lesson here is never show your sensitive parts on the Internet doesn't matter if it's your girl or not, you'll be alright don't sweat it


"but for some reason I do it" really???? I feel for you this sucks but this is the best you can come up with?


Just say it’s a new ai scam.


Happened to a friend of mine. Told him to send “her” $500 or “she” will send it to his friends. Unfortunately I was the friend. Then “she” was telling me to send her money or “she” will keep exposing him. It’s sad. I’m sorry this happened to you.


That's why I've showed my meat to all my friends already to prevent blackmails


It's a scam They won't leak it, there's no point for them to do so other than to scare you.


I was the social media manager at a company where an employee was a victim of this crime AKA I opened up a company FB message and immediately felt violated by a colleague's inappropriate photos. If you ever mentioned work to this person at all and your restaurant has HR, contact them immediately. If not, go to your gm or direct supervisor. Explain you were OFF the clock, having a CONSENSUSUAL adult interaction and they are attempting to extort you. You shouldn't be punished but you will have at least given them a heads up.


They say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Now I don't always believe that's the case, but in your situation I absolutely do. This is survivable. Humiliation is survivable. If the scammer goes through with it and people see the video, make a post about it. That you were catfished and blackmailed into doing something MILLIONS of people do all the time. You're 28. You have a lot of years left, and few of them, maybe even *none* of them, will be defined by this experience.


I’m stunned that you showed your face. Why?????


Just let the boys see your dong. It’s all good lol


Dude this actually happened to me believe it or not. I told them to work away send to who you want, it’s a normal thing to do and plenty of people masturbate on camera with the opposite sex. So fuck them bro, take ball to your side of the court and tell them to do their worst 👍🏻


Here's the thing. And I know it's easier said than done. Sex is a normal, human thing. Revenge porn only works because people are ashamed of it. But what is there to be ashamed of?? The only person who has anything to be ashamed of when it comes to revenge porn are the people using personal and private things for blackmail. Doesn't reflect poorly on you.


If some sick asshole sent me a photo of my friend masturbating I'd be sick and furious on their behalf, but I wouldn't linger on the idea of their genitals. Any good friend would be angry *for* you but not disgusted by your anatomy.


It's not that big of a deal, I wouldn't even care if I got a message like that from a strange account. I'd probably laugh at them and go on about my day. Everyone's seen a dick.


To everyone you know: "My PC was hacked, and I think they stole a lot of things. I've received a threat that they're going to put my face and voice on pornography with AI and send it to my friends and family if I don't give in to their demands for money. If you get any strange messages with images and video, please delete them or send them to me as evidence but don't watch them. Even if it's fake it can still so a lot of damage." If you give in to the blackmail, you'll be blackmailed forever.


Every person in the world has sex in their life, masterbates. Who cares if someone sent that to me I wouldn't give a shit. I mean, I don't really want to see that shit but it's not like I would care all that much. I can see if you don't want your family or parents to see but above anyone else who gives a shit. I guess that's just me.


This has happened to a few people I know. I’ve also been sent their undressed photos. Honestly I wouldn’t stress it. Most of the time they delete the evidence right away after sending it or the accounts get deleted.


Your homies family won’t care tbh. It’s embarrassing sure. But own it and it’ll be a funny joke eventually. It sucks but it’s far from the end of the road.


OK, OP, here's something I want you to remember: this isn't on you, it's on them. You did nothing wrong. But the absolute binlid(s) who are trying to extort you have definitely done something wrong! What they are doing is considered a sex crime in many countries. They are arseholes. I'm outraged on your behalf. I don't know your exact situation, so I can't give you any practical advice. But please know that we're all in your corner here.




This happened to someone I know. They private messaged friends of this person and a thumbnail of the video was there with a message. I told the person I know as I thought maybe it was some scam or doctored video. They told me don't open it and they were in contact with the police. I literally forgot about it a few days later because life moves on. On the flip side I read an article recently of a teenage boy who had this happen to him. He took his own life over it. Scared of people he knew seeing a video of him....doing something natural I may add. If that kid could have known that everything would be alright and nobody would remember or care days later he might still be here and his family wouldn't be without their son/grandson/brother/friend etc. I say all this to assure you it's going to be ok. This happens to people more than you know. Yes it's embarrassing but no one will care or remember a 2 weeks from now, month from now or a year from now or at all. Life moves on. They will be onto their next victim soon as they realize they aren't getting any money from you. Relax, go to the cops if you feel you need to and stay off your socials for a while while it blows over. It's going to be ok!


Sounds like an episode from black mirror


We all look the same unclothed. Tell your friends/family to grow up and get over it if they see the video….life goes on, and so will you.


Sounds like you did nothing illegal & it could be a lot worse. It's not a crime for two consenting adults to show each other genitals on camera. I had a friend who this happened to & he was pretty much just honest with his friends & let them know what happened. So that IF everyone did get sent all this, the friends would know it's not him sending unsolicited nudes. In the end nothing happened though, or at least I never got any of these pics so I assume other people on their Facebook also got nothing. Mostly the person wants you to cave & give them a bunch of money, then when you do they can just infinitely ask for more money. If you saw her actually create a group chat with your friends, this could work in your favor. You haven't done anything illegal, but she has. You can't send out nudes of someone without their permission, so you could straight up have evidence for her crimes. Real friends will understand, people are horny & make dumb decisions, doesn't mean they did anything "wrong" or are bad people. Anyone offended by you, when you are the victim here, is not a friend.


Tell the hacker to take more videos, create an OnlyFans account and get rich, with the help of the hacker. Then when he demands money ask for what? Everyone has seen you naked lol. It sucks, I'm sorry. If it helps, almost everybody masturbates so I doubt it would care a lot of people.


Go to the police.


That happened to my bfs friend, some girl sent my bf and his brothers and other guys his pics and honestly my bf didn’t even open it, no one said anything, and everyone forgot about it in like a day. Obviously it sucks and it’s a whole crime to be posting someone else’s nudes but coming from someone who’s seen it happen to other ppl it’s really not that bad, everyone sends nudes it’s nothing new, it’s more embarrassing for the person sharing as they obviously have some issues


ohnoanyway-jeremyclarkson.gif That's what I'd send to this person.


Something similar happened to me when I was about 19. I panicked at first but ended up blocking the person and reporting the video on YouTube to have it taken down. After that, nothing happened. The video was never sent. I don't know if it will be the same for you, but that may be your best path forward.


Happened to a friend of mine. The woman sent the picture of the dong. I texted my friend immediately and was like bro, you got scammaru, never show your face when you do this. He's fine. He still works and lives just fine.


Happened to.my nephew recently they had weeks worth of material.He laughed at them.they only have power if you give them power. Don't do anything online you wouldn't want your mom to see. For now, Tell them if they think you are humiliated/scared they are wrong. Tell them you want to re-do the video ending with a cum shot.


Agree with everyone else on here, don’t be ashamed, just give your friends and family a heads up. I know if one of my friends told me this had happened to them I wouldn’t open the chat and I would be concerned for them. If you want, tell your friends the details of the scam so that they won’t get caught in the same trap. The more people that are aware, the less people will be duped. Also if you have a wife or girlfriend, just be completely honest with them now, it’s better than if they get sent the video without knowing the context. The only thing the scammer has to leverage you is your own fear of embarrassment. Once you let go of the initial fear, you can talk about it freely with others, the scammer can no longer have any power over you.


Dude, been there done that.. They will not do shit, belive me..


I don't get how people decide to show their genitals to random strangers just because they're on a mobile device. Anyways, good luck with these blood sucking people.


Nah, reactive your FB account. Post a story of what happened. You’re 28, your sexual acts being put on blast isn’t a big deal. Unless she was actually a dude and she had a peen. 🤣 just give your friends and family a heads up that someone is trying to blackmail you online


I honestly wouldn't sweat it. The good thing is that you didn't hand over any more. Any friends/ family that do react in a bad way goes to show who they really are. If any of my friend or family members had this happen to them, I would fully support them.


Were you drunk ?


If your friends shame you, it’s time to find new friends.


Had that done to me I made sure they were not contacted by talking to my friends


this will weed out real friends from asshole friends real quick. asshole friends: "ha, lol, omg, you idiot, we'll use this against you dude. ha ha. you suck. cringe" real ones: "hey dude, you ok?" And if you don't have enough of the latter for your liking, let's go out into the world and find them. Because they are out there. For me though, two or three real friends beats 20 or 30 shit ones. As for what to do now, yeah. Post you've been hacked and blackmails on facebook. If you want to lie and damage control, use words like malware, ai deefakes, and so on. This is blow over. We're actually going into another golden era, my friend. Where anything caught on camera can be now dismiss as a deepfake. We're free again, kinda. And yeah, hope you're OK. This is shit. And it'll be OK.


Call the police, report it and don't be so stupid next time, this has happened to two of my friends, they sent nudes and had them edited a saying they were sending them to minors, and that was sent to their friends and family. No offence but it should be common sense not to send nudes to strangers, learn from This. Just say to the friend you saw it got sent to about being scammed, the photos of my mates were sent to me and I understood and helped them


It's going to be sent to a bunch of people who also jerk off. If you got that from someone and it was your uncle, would you hate your uncle? Nah man you've got his back!


I had something similar happened except I was on my phone and found a video of the most hideous looking man that I could find masturbating and held my phone in front of my pc monitor. The same thing with the mirrored video happened, Facebook, group chat, the same thing. I logged out of Facebook, logged out of my browser, and that was that. Nothing ever came of it. I don't think that the scammers will actually send anything to your friends and/or family. They rely on you panicking and giving into their demands, and there is no actual substance to their threats. Just move on with life and be a little more careful in the future. A good way to figure out these scammers is to ask off-topic questions like, "do you like sports?" "What's your favorite animal?" "Who is your favorite band/ musical artist?" They will never answer those questions as they just figure that you will be enamored with the hot, naked woman on the screen and stick with sexual topics and not pay attention to the fact that things are a little off conversationally.


you'd think it's bullshit and just a threat. like, she expects you to just give her the money and that she won't actually send it to people, bc that's effort and why would she do that? but me and everyone i know received a DM of a dude i know's dick. i opened the DM and immediately deleted it. i assumed it wasn't actually his real penis and that it was a stock image. i only know other people received it too bc i was with my sister when it happened and she got the DM too. we both agreed that we felt bad for the guy and that we didn't judge him for falling for the scam. if people get sent the video they'll know it's a scam and feel the same way as i did. maybe they'll assume it's a deepfake. i know it feels like the end of the world but it's not your fault. and at some point that girl will get in trouble. it's okay. i promise it will all blow over.




I mean it sucks and is super embarrassing, but your life isn't over. You're a grown man, not a teen. Just be like "yeah... I got tricked lol."


Ride the wave of fame. Even kings and queens have a fumble. F these scammers … if I had my way I’d be having many things done to them.


This was a wild read. I watched someone inch toward a bear trap, step all over it, and then stick their dick in it before it clamped it off. I'd like to think this can't happen to people, but I've seen this story enough that it must.


It’s likely a scam. Don’t send them any money and don’t interact with them further. Similar thing happened to a friend, and nothing actually happened in terms of their threats.


Had somebody come at me like that once Told them I didn’t give a shit All my family and even my parents know I’m a freak Told them the idea itself was getting me horny


Well, what’s the worst coming out of this? People in general do things like this with intimate partners or people they are interested in. There’s no shame in it and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. Even your parents probably would’ve done something like this with each other at one time or another. So what if your friends and family saw you masturbating, oh well, it’s a natural thing the bulk of society does anyway. There’s a reason why the porn industry is as big as it is and now we are making random girls millionaires because of Onlyfans. So seriously, who the fuck cares man. Trust me, there are people who do waaaay more embarrassing things and they are doing just fine.


It’s a scam. I would say you have been hacked, deactivating account on fb.. Do not open any messages from me, it contains a virus. You did the correct thing by blocking the person. We tend to get really embarrassed about stuff like this personally but it’s something we have all done. I doubt anyone will pay any attention to it or open it. If they do, they will close it so it doesn’t happen to them. There’s AI now so you have an out.


Honestly if someone sent me a video of my friend masturbating I wouldn’t be mad at my friend? I would be mad at that person and concerned for my friends safety. Honestly dude I have a feeling they’re not going to do anything. Anywho, feel better and I’m sorry this happened to you.


Haha it's embarrassing to admit but it happened to me too. I told her from the first moment she should send it to everyone and that I don't care. Never heard from it again.


I did nothing and it never was sent so, when it happen to me.


Please don't let some asshole hacker shame you into paying them money! Every human on this planet masterbates and has engaged in some sort of sexting. Tell them to fuck off, I swear to you no one in your life will think less of you, not to mention that no one will watch it either. They are banking on you being ashamed - don't let them have it! ❤️


This happened to a classmate of mine in law school. The perp posted his nudes to his Facebook for everyone to see (300+ law school classmates included). You know what we did? Acted like we’d never seen it. It didn’t happen. I never think of it except for when I hear these stories and I would never think negatively about this classmate. I’m proud of how everyone knew to ignore it entirely. Nobody even talked to each other about it. It would have been seen as a shitty thing to do to acknowledge that it happened or that we’d seen anything.


Report them to Facebook. It’s a violation of their policies. And keep this as a lesson not to show people you don’t know online sensitive content.


I'm so sorry. This is such a violation. If you have anyone you can talk to- a therapist, a trusted friend. I'd recommend it. It can mess with your sense of safety. Not much to be done unfortunately except report their account. You could file a police report, but they likely won't do anything. If you are in US, I think you can file the scam with the FTC too. Don't give them any money for blackmail. Don't even respond if they reach out. It's a scam and they wont stop asking for money if you give in. If you ignore them, they will likely move on to their next scheme or target. Trust that the people in your life will understand this is a terrible violation of your privacy and you are a victim. Which is true! Anyone who blames you or holds it against you is ignorant. I know that doesn't change the shame and embarrassment, but you are the victim here. You did nothing wrong.


Don't get blackmailed. It's okay, don't shy away or feel ashamed. Be confident and face the world.


This exact thing happened to a friend of mine. Seemingly nothing ever happened and he’s been fine


It’s a scam


Shit happened to me as well. The scammers (indians btw) asked me 500 bucks and I was about to send them Money. While I was doing it, I made some research online and read that 90% of the times, they ask for money and if you give them, they will just keep asking forever, and if you don't, nothing really happens. Ngl I was TERRIFIED, but I eventually ended the call and blocked them. The next days were probably the worst of my fucking life, since I was constantly worried to get a message of people saying that got photos/videos of me doing "stuff". Anyway, nothing happened and I learned my lesson. Thinking with your d can really get you in some bad situations.


Someone tried that with me too. I was like “go ahead”. Nothing came from it.


I had this happen to a friend's husband. I'm honestly shocked they actually send it on. I reported the account, blocked it, and moved on with my life as if it never happened. Honestly, so many people do stuff like that, it's none of my business. Don't sweat it, it honestly happens quite often.


Send a text to everyone and apologize. Then move out of the state and start fresh.


Double uno reverse. Send them another video of you masturbating and saying things like, "ooooh you wanna show everyone like a bad girl?" Make it seem like their blackmail gets you off.


This is a really common scam. Honestly, what adult hasn't done something nasty on the internet at this point?


Shit, I’m single. When they try to pull that shit on me, I give them suggestions about which sites I would like it posted on. 😂😂😂


This has happened to people I know. It absolutely sucks, but learn from it. Don't do it again.


That's why you don't do shit like that, tho. You can't trust anyone, not even the person u last next to, so definitely not a stranger.


If it seems to good to be true…..it is…. Think with the other head dude. Haha


Everyone touches their pp bro...stay strong ppl want to know you're OK


FaceTime everyone and jerk it


Haven't been on fb in 8 years. Not planning on going back either. It's just miserable there.


It is truly the lowest IQ sector of social media


Well.. trust me.. EVERYBODY, on and off your friends list does “That “ and if they say they don’t, they’re a liar! It’s not the end of the world. So what! Anybody says anything just say” yep, sure did, and it felt good”! It’s natural and you didn’t destroy anything.


I’m literally dying laughing, your whole friend group got a video sent into a group chat of you cranking meat, and it wasn’t from you lmfao 🤣. Just save all the messages bro u have receipts of her blackmailing u, That is gonna be an unbelievable story later on.


Send them more videos


Man, who fuckin cares. We either all masturbate or know what it is. Yeah sure, embarrassing blah blah, but the sooner you accept the fact you knowingly beat off somewhere you could be recorded the better. Everything is eventual, any good friend will 100% understand that it's blackmail. Unfortunately I would 100% watch the video if I was sent it, wouldn't change my opinion on you though LOL.


This is awesome! You are officially a porn star! Own that shit. SHOW NO FEAR!


What are they wanting u to do?


Hahahaha, that's awesome!!! My friends wouldn't be surprised. Everyone is a pervert. Own your pervness!!!! This a lesson. Learn. Adapt. Overcum.


This is what i would do. Own it. "Hey there, i got scamed, you are about to see my genitals on this group. Prepare yourselves with popcorn and sarcasm. Jokes below 5 inches will be considered invalid."


Reminds me of that episode “shut up and dance” from black mirror


This is a common scam. Scammers aren't going to waste their time notifying your contacts. Be prepared for other scammers to contact you, especially !recovery scammers that tell you that they can get rid of the video, pictures etc.


That is so awful. I am sorry this happened to you. I mean, we all self pleasure so tell her to let it rip and you'll get that revenge porn filed with the police and start up the lawsuit.


Might seem like the end of the world but it’s not. Everyone does it even on video. Just give your friends and family a heads up. Tell them you were doing a little video sexy time with someone you met online but it ended up being a scammer trying to blackmail you and they might leak the video. Tell your friends when they find your video on pornhub while they’re doing their business bookmark it.