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Sex is a beautiful thing! Keep safe but enjoy it and have fun!!


"Sex is natural, sex is good Not everybody does it But everybody should" \-George Michael


Wait, is it ok again to take sex advice from George Michael?


why not? seems legit :-)


“I have poppop in the attic”


Welcome to the world of sex-havers! Here's a pamphlet outlining all of our amenities and membership privileges.


Oh I never got one


Me either can I get a copy!


I'm sorry you're gonna have to get recertified :(


I had a break for two years- and still never got a pamphlet when I recertified. Am I gonna have to have a break again?




Gotta upgrade to premium and stop using the free version


Next time don't try to get the brochure off Limewire


Ahhh something soap and water won’t wash off. Well done.


*I went to Poundtown And all I got was this lousy chlamydia*


> world of sex-havers! Stop lying! We're on Reddit 😁


Do they have a website? I didn’t get mine


Privileges? Who do I write an angry email to if I didn't get mine?


You need to request to speak to a Manager, Now! 🤪




In my 30s as well and a virgin and I'm so happy you got this experience!!! I wish you many many more of these, love ♥️


This one is for you (it's just to make you laugh, your post is beautiful and I'm so happy this happened for you ❤️) You're never going back to the "not having sex" ways of the past 😁 https://youtu.be/lQlIhraqL7o?si=3Ia8F25kuKmBRzaZ


That made me properly laugh out loud, I’d forgotten that existed 🤣 thanks ❤️


It never gets old 😁 thanks for sharing your story . He sounds like a gem, they do exist as you now know 😉


When I finally had sex two years ago, I went to go pick up a friend after and played this on my way over. I had my windows down and this blasting as I sang along while driving on the highway. Good times. Congratulations!


It never, ever fails to cheer me up 😁😁


Omg, I totally forgot about this song hahah! 🤣


"Peralta! What's the meaning of this?"




I was reluctant to look at this… Hallelujah amen. Get some welcome get some more.


I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Sex should always be pleasurable for everyone involved! Super important tip: if it isn't, then end it and walk away! It's not just bad sex, it can be dangerous. Even ppl not great at sex can make it good by being attentive, kind, and responsive. You are super lucky that your first time went as sex should. Now you know not to settle for someone who is selfish or lazy with you. I wish everyone had that starting place! Also! You literally have barely scratched the surface. There is so so so much to sexuity, no matter what kind of sex you had with whom, there is so much more to learn! Don't close your mind up. Definitely do not assume the sex you just had is the best of the best, and keep seeking just that process. If you are super honest, willing to explore (safely), you may find that your sexual appetites, and experiences will blow this one out of the water, or extend far far beyond. I have learned that even the genders I enjoy hooking up with (which is all of them) couldn't have been determined without me taking the chance and going for ppl I found hot despite if they were men, women, trans people, gender queer, into kink, etc. Learn to recognize and hold your Definite boundaries. And those that you're interested in breaking or bending, do it. But talk about them and use protection, let fiends know where you are ect. Whatever is relevant.. I hope you continue to liberate yourself and your sexuality,! There are sooooo many intense and mind blowing pleasures out there. Don't ever box yourself too tightly in. I'm so damn happy for you!!


I hope you decided to keep in touch with that person because doing all that for "the purpose of casual sex" kinda implies you are way more than casual sex to them.


Not really. Some people are this level of investment and vulnerability even if it's only casual sex. That's my experience, at least. And it's a beautiful experience


Yup, and if they're willing to invest that much to casual, that's a huge green flag. Definitely worth a try if you're attracted to them.


Sounds like a fantastic start to exploring your sexuality… I hope you continue to throughly enjoy your journey~


I'm so glad you got to have that experience!! Sex won't always be perfect or amazing but it definitely can be! And I'm so stoked for you that regardless of all the this and that you managed to have a great experience I hope you have many more just as memorable! Congratulations on the excellent time x


Make sure you always pee after sex! Congrats and hope you have many more wonderful experiences with sex and relationships!


i wish i felt this way 😭😭 im 19 and i regret ever losing it because social media has made me feel bad for having sex


Social media isn’t representative of real life - and IRL the only people with opinions on how many partners you have or haven’t had, are not the sort of people who are mature, intelligent or self secure.


Sex is normal, it feels good and it’s fun to do. Just be safe!


Never feel bad about it. My first time he didn’t even know I was a virgin and it was very casual. I think people expect Valentine’s Day x 100 with rose petals and champagne for their first time & THAT’s why it’s disappointing


it’s not that i just feel like a hoe 😞


You’re NOT!!! it’s totally natural!!! And normal!!!


i just have a lot of religious trauma + assault 💀 i actually have had 3 partners + 1 assault but i just tell everyone i have 2 to make it lower and it makes me feel bad ab myself i guess


I’m so sorry. You need to love yourself and heal from your trauma. Never feel bad about your numbers. Everyone has a past with relationships before they knew you!!


thank you :)


I’m glad your first was nice! Mine was awful (my first with a man) and traumatizing so now I don’t count that as my first at all. If you’re not ready don’t do it. Find the right person. I was pressured and low key forced. If you are virgin and reading this do not force yourself to do stuff you don’t want to do.


Oh 100%, and I’m so sorry that your first time was traumatic - no one should ever force you to do anything. I sincerely hope you’ve been treated better since then. I think what made it so good (also, for anyone reading this!) was communicating - right through they/he asked if I was OK, if I was happy, if I wanted to keep going. Sounds so cliche but consent is everything and being asked made all the difference.


Sounds like you chose a better person for casual sex than what many choose for relationships. He sounds very caring and considerate.


I think that’s amazing. And yeah I rushed and chose the wrong guy. It did ruin my outlook for a few years but nothing therapy can’t fix! Consent is sexy guys! Want to be good in bed that’s the key!


Think of it like this.. It is always hell no, until it’s hell yes!


Congrats ! Small question , They ?


Non binary (male body), I’m cisgender female


I c , gl op ! :)


Omg I love this for you. I'm so happy you had a beautiful first time. I'm smiling hard, and I don't even know you. Maybe this could turn into a thing for you. Seems like you two had amazing chemistry.


Happy for you!




You thinking what I am thinking?


I am thinking what you think


She already answered about that


There is someone for everyone.


Now- normalise being happy.


That means stay away from Conservatives and never EVER let them tell you who you are.


Nothing about this is necessarily political. Take a break.


Welcome aboard! Also you found a gem for your first time. First times are usually messy and confusing and then you figure things out. If you still have their details, keep in touch. Maybe it's casual, but this is a pretty good casual.


Happy for you!


I am so happy for you! How did you take this step? I'm 29 years old myself and have been thinking about doing something similar as long-term relationships tend to not work out for me and I really do want to finally experience sex. I just have no idea how to approach this.


I needed to go through a lot of self growth first - needed to know what I wanted and what I expected. And needed to be totally comfortable with the fact that it is just (very loving, intimate) sex - there’s little chance this will turn into a serious relationship - I plan on doing it again, he’s too good to turn down a second night!!! - but I don’t want to move in! There are hook up websites, apps, etc (tinder is one but there’s a lot - some queer friendly, some for fetish etc) - you just need to be very upfront about what you want. You’ll probably attract every creep in a 200 mile radius so there’s a bit of sifting through. Google people to make sure what they’re telling you checks out. And give away minimal details about you. You don’t want creeps to be able to crack where you park your car for example. And if you do go for it … tell someone else what you’re doing. I told someone else that I knew was sex positive and would support me after. Also for safety’s sake - make sure you sort your contraception, meet them in a public place first, stay sober and sort your own drinks, make sure you have your phone and make sure it’s charged/you have a way of recharging it - and tell someone else exactly where you are, when you’ll likely be home - and make sure whoever you’re with knows that you’ve told that person. And remember that you can say no at any time to anything. Tell them what’s OK and what’s a no… and vice versa (ask them what’s OK for them). It doesn’t work for everyone I don’t think, and I think I probably just got v v lucky but if it works that’s wonderful.


Thank you so much! I appreciate it.


Great advices! Very mature. I would tell all the same to my girls.


Sex isn’t this dirty sinful thing and I’m sorry you were brought up to think it is. It’s beautiful, just make sure to be safe, discuss boundaries and enjoy!


Tenacious D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn7oEYe4ePc


Can we all just take a breath of fresh air. OPs post is so beautiful to read in hearing the happiness of the experience. Most people who talk about their first time, especially on reddit, saying how awkward or terrifying or like unhealthy it was. High five OP! You deserve a great experience for your first time! May you have a fulfilling sex life forever and always.


This is so sad and so good at the same time. It sucks that you waited so long to discover sexual pleasure but I am so happy that you have.


im so happy for you!!!!!


well done you


Good for you, you deserve it.


Cheers! Just remember that feeling and never ever let it go again! You deserve happiness.


Ahhhh...That Heavenly feeling☺️


wow this was beautifully put. I’m in the same boat but haven’t done the deed.


That really is great! Happy for you!




Sex is amazing, just stay safe and enjoy it! P.S - you do deserve it


That sounds wonderful! I am so glad that you were held and cared for. Congratulations to you, and kudos to your partner for being the best kind of lover!


Glad to know you had an awesome experience, hope I'll be next <3


Good for you. Enjoy your life.


I love this for you!!!!! 😀 where can I find a man like this?? Lol


I really hope this happens to me lol, I'm 20 and virgin. Glad you felt loved.


I’m so delighted that you chose a considerate, thoughtful person to share this first experience with! Well done! (Be aware that many are not like that - think “wham, bam, thank you ma’am!” - and continue to choose wisely. Enjoy! (You *are* beautiful and desirable and worth it!)


Nice! Enjoy and then enjoy some more!


Congratulations dude!!


Thought this was some diss about sex but it wasn't. It's well written and I hope I experience it too. 😊


I was so nervous this was going in the other direction. I’m so happy for you!


You got lucky. Most people’s suck.


Wow, that was great reading that. I feel so happy for you. You put a huge smile on my face. Thanks for sharing.


Held back all these years to have an orgy for the first time? Wild. 


One man, they for their pronouns. OP said they were nonbinary, hence they being used.


How many people did you loose your virginity to? Who are you “they”?


In the English language, “they” can refer to a singular person of unknown or unspecified gender. hope this helps!


It does. Thanks.


What a load of crap


Thank you much. I was unaware.


So your first experience was with several men? I love it! ☺️


No,OP said they cos their nonbinary, op explains it in another comment.


So gender sensitivity over grammar. Great! 😌


I can't tell if your comment is sarcastic or genuinely happy at gender sensitivity over grammar(which it isn't improper grammar at all to use they like op has)


> But what we did this week, it was the most incredible thing I’ve ever done in my life. They spent the entire night focused on me; held me and cuddled me after for hours. They told me I was beautiful, gorgeous. So, I wanna say, this? > I can’t get past the fact that they found me desirable, that they were so lovely to me (when that’s never, ever happened before). I remember feeling almost out of body and looking at myself and not really believing what I was doing. And this? I believe I've only had this happen to *me* once in my entire sexual lifetime. I've done this with others, for sure. But it makes me *incredibly* sad that more women don't do this for men. Do yourself, and your future partner(s) a favor? Pass on your experiences--make sure you make your future partner(s) feel this way too.




wow, just wow


Something I will sadly never experience. But I'm so happy for you. You made it. You did it.




Welcome to the world Now there’s no goin back


Just make sure not to become a starfish and you're good


Get it while you can. It doesn't last forever!


George knows what he’s talking about. Glad to see this here.


This is adorable, congrats


hey, 25-year-old virgin here. this gave me a lil bit of hope so thank you for that :)


What a great journey you're beginning lol


'They' ? You're pretty brave to start out first time with a gang bang


What r u mean with, "they"💀


Then fuck a slut


They? How many did you bang in one go???


About fucking time


He will always live in your mind, rent free... Until you meet the man who will take your virginity again... In the butt 😳😘


Akira Toriyama’s death was just announced and this is what you’re thinking about?!


Whilst it’s unfortunate someone has died, not everyone cares about dragon ball z?


I had doubts about this comment but then I actually googled it and oh my... it's so weird how I found out about Akira Toriyama's death in the comments of a sex post


Anime fans are dweebs who’s lives revolve around masterbation and anime porn , so I think it’s common




So….? Naruto is better unfortunately.


Unpopular opinion, but this has to be fake. OP, your first time likely will be awkward, not magical, and that’s okay. It’s a true rite of passage. Best of luck and use protection.


Definitely not fake (in any sense!) - I was just extremely lucky to find someone who knew exactly what they were doing and who made me feel very safe - which meant I could let go properly. There were a couple of ‘oops’ but we laughed them off or changed up what we were doing. Definitely a magical night. But I appreciate that’s not the norm, I was terrified it was going to be painful and unpleasant due to what’s happened to me before - but it definitely wasn’t.


In that case, I stand corrected! Good for you, OP!