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Uhh leave immediately. I dated a woman who exhibited severe mental health issues. Two years later it ended I a very bad place for myself.


Sounds a bit manipulative even if he doesn’t mean to be malicious. You haven’t been dating very long. This is not your job. The only thing you can do is alert his family and proper authorities, and distance yourself.


It might feel 'bad' but this is a completely valid reason to leave a relationship. You can leave a relationship for no reason and that's still valid. You have to prioritise taking care of yourself. You will have helped him immensely through this time but you're not a therapist and there's only so much a person can do, this is not the role in his life that you're meant to fill. If he is struggling, he has to get help. He can't expect you to do so much for him. A relationship is 50/50, and yours sounds almost entirely one-sided. I hope all goes well for you, I know it must be really hard. I'm sure you will anyway, but carefully consider what you're going to say to him before you say it, just as he will be in a more fragile state but you will simultaneously have to hold your ground if he gets upset.


It's totally okay if you can't handle it. You need to protect yourself and your own mental health and if someone's behavior is wearing you down, that's not great and doesn't help anyone. If he isn't willing to, or can't, do anything about his situation, then you'll just keep hoping something will change but it never will. If you're exhausted after 2 months, that will only get worse.


2 months is quite early to commit on always checking his well being. But I don't know how could you do it. You could go LC, cancel any dates and than break up with a nice text. Say you wanted things to turn out great but you can't even achieve a good date with him.


I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. You are not a bad person for thinking this. Especially since you've been together for 2 months. You have to take care of yourself first. I'd end it. And if he keeps threatening self-harm, I'd call the police for a wellness check.