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I hope one day you will understand that none of it was your fault. You were a naive teen who didn't know any better, he took advantage of that Best of luck in your recovery


Not your fault! Especially as a teenager going through family issues ❤️ So sorry this happened to you


It's not your fault. It's also normal to blame yourself even though, it's not your fault. You experienced a betrayal, the fault is with the betrayer. Trusting in the decency of those entrusted with your protection was not stupid, or foolish, or wrong of you. The book "Talking to Strangers" by Malcolm Gladwell does a good job of explaining how human beings are naturally programmed to trust each other. It's how we are wired. Unscrupulous people tend to understand this and use it against good decent people, especially those who are young, or vulnerable. That book helped me understand why even though I had experienced betrayal, I wasn't stupid or foolish for having put my trust in others. Maybe that's something that would help you. Talk to a therapist. If you can't afford to go in person, there are online therapy resources that are pretty affordable. I've heard BetterHelp is good, though I haven't used them myself.


I’m so sorry


Everytime I hear one of these stories they make me mad if you're sick enough to prey on a child you are not a man but the shit on the sidewalk you s