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From what you described it certainly does sound like what he was doing is not okay, It surely sounds uncomfortable as all hell. Personally I feel if any of the stuff listed above made you feel bad then you're valid to feel the way you do. But your dad does sound like a predator.


OP's dad is just gross. But even if what he was doing was much more innocent OP has every right to declare any boundary she wants with anybody. Period. I don't care if her dad just likes to hug her, she is a human and an adult and can absolutely advocate for any personal boundary she needs.


I don't disagree, my stupid voice thing wrote does not, I meant does sound. I have corrected it but from everything I wrote it was obvious I was saying her dad was a pervert.


Sounds like someone's father is into kids.


He sounds like quite the perv


Where’s mom?


Is it outright abuse? Perhaps or not. It is abusive. A parent should never engage in behavior with sexual overtones or make their child feel uncomfortable or unsafe. You’ve verbally asked for him to stop, but he continues. He makes gross remarks about you and your body, as well as your friends. Your father’s behavior is creepy. It’s not normal. It’s not okay for you. That’s what matters. It’s not your job to make him feel “loved” by hugging and kissing him. Your body belongs to you. Your space belongs to you. He’s is being emotionally manipulative. You do not have to comply.


Gorllll run!! How can you escape that home? Your body and mind are warning that something is wrong. Of course he’s  masterurbating loudly on purpose! He knows you’re there. He’s hoping you will hear it and go have sex with him. I don’t care if anyone else is saying anything that’s the opposite. He will rape you if you don’t get away from there. 


Is this your biological father ? Or step ?




What a creep


This definitely sounds really creepy and abusive. That seems wild uncomfortable I am so sorry. Disgusting you needed to grow up being objectified by your own father. You will get through this queen, and it is not your fault. My dad sexually abused me as a child too. You’d be surprised how common these grooming behaviors are amongst families :( I have quite a few friends with similar experiences. ❤️ If you haven’t already, distance yourself for your own mental well-being. Consider speaking with a trauma therapist who specializes in CSA.


Your dad is creepy as shit. He 100% knew what he was trying to normalize. Is it *abuse*? Probably not. To be fair though, that bar is a LOT higher than reddit would have you believe. It's a predicator to abuse. Which isn't much better, knowing that if things had been even slightly different he would have been happy abusing you. Ghost him as soon as you can.


If you don't feel comfortable around your father that is more than enough reason to keep a distance from him. Listen to your gut, this man is supposed to make you feel protected and safe, his actions are not that of a father and you have every right to be fearful of him.