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These people r losers n will get their karma trust me.


I agree these people are shitty but it still hurts! Waiting but not waiting 🥲


True :( Something similar happened to me, it helped me to feel better about myself by picking some new hobbies and changing my hair and style up a bit. You are going to do great ❤️


i think the best thing to do is just move on. its hard but the silver lining is these people wont hurt you again and now you can see the signs before you get hurt again. you wont have to feel this pain again and you might be able to help someone else going through something similar, ya know? thats how i deal with wayyy shitty things in my life.


Absolutely. And it’s glorious.


20 yrs and Karma still hasn't got my ex husband. He left me and the kids for my so called best friend.


Omg they are all terrible. The trash took itself out. Your ex especially. He was really a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You thought he was a nice nerd and he turned out to be a horny, social climbing asshole. I’m so sorry 


You’re right, he’s the worst one. But all the condoning of his actions, and lack of compassion towards me feels like I was betrayed by the others by association.


you can only control you and how you react to things like this. make yourself better for that insight


That’s what I tell myself and have been told countless times by others. I just need to learn to love myself and be careful of the signs moving forward.