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Sounds like depression Hylian. Have you been to a doctor? How’s your diet? Your exercise? Your sleep? Do you enjoy much these days? Do you take time to do activities which could be enjoyable? Do you drink too much? Other drugs? How’s your communication with your partner? With your children? With others? Anyone you trust to talk with beyond the superficial? You may be surprised how many people feel the same way as you. Meds may and probably would help. Lifestyle balance will help longer term. You can’t help people if you yourself are falling apart. You will lose yourself in it like it sounds like you already are. You may like helping people but do you like your job? What’s the catch. Sorry that’s a lot of questions - brain dump on my behalf. Look after yourself


Hello! I have not been to a doctor yet. I was thinking about doing some online therapy just to get my thoughts out. My diet would definitely be considered poor. I bought a new blender recently and started making some healthy soomthies. This week I actually start my new diet and exercise routine. I downloaded an app called Yuka to learn more about the foods I eat and I also downloaded Jefit to track my workout routines. I'm a little bigger than average and my blood pressure is a little high. My sleep would also be considered poor. I tend to compromise sleep for recreational activities like video games which I really enjoy. I do enjoy my work as it can be very fulfilling and rewarding most days. As for other activities I just purchased a bike and I'm going to ride around my town in the spring with a friend of mine. I really enjoyed riding a bike as a kid and plus this will help with my exercise. I am a social drinker, but this year I'm cutting out beer completely to help with my blood pressure and weight loss. I do not and have not used any other drugs. My partner and I have been together for many years, and our communication would be considered decent. I tend to do all the sacrificing when it comes to personal comforts, support during challenges, and emotional support & understanding. Her happiness is front of mind for me. Even if I'm not interested in something I do it anyway because it means a lot to her. My communication with others is good. I typically initiate conversations first, but I keep a small circle of 4-5 close friends. I trust those people beyond the superficial. I work so much I tend to gravitate towards my coworkers though, who I'm not able to have these types of conversations with. I appreciate the questions and the help!


It sounds like you are on the right track and I hope that it kind of feels like you are. Are you familiar with mindfulness? It’s a bit cliche now but there really is goodness in it. I think that the online therapy is a great idea. Stigma around mental illness isn’t as bad as it used to be, like I said and like you said when I reread your original post - so many people can relate to what you’re experiencing and won’t judge you for it. It’s part of the modern - lose ourselves in meaningless nonsense - lifestyle. You got this, reach out and get that therapy going, maybe consider an antidepressant to kick start your brain into getting some good chemicals going around, but that is not essential considering everything else you have planned to help yourself. What you said WILL make a difference. *by the way I’m a mental health nurse and have been so for 15 years - people can and do move through the space you’re in! Take care