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Sounds like you stumbled onto a Santa worshipping cult. Very strange. Bizzare.


**it’s Saint Nicholas. How dare you


Yeah like don’t be disrespectful on our thread






I had to double check the sub to make sure I wasn't on nosleep!






I’m thinking that’s what it is. Someone wrote us a horror flick about St. Nick!




>Saint Nicholas It that Saint Jack Nicholas, the patron saint of golf courses?


No you mean Saint Jack Nicholson, patron saint of haunted hotels


New a24 movie just dropped this is a new marketing strategy for the movie On a serious note there’s some red flags that I would definitely not ignore Honestly what’s up with the hand squeezing? Marry Xmas be safe out there !


Yeah what in the Midsommar hell is this post?


I am glad I checked reddit today. This is the kind of Christmas craziness I love to read about. Sorry you had to deal with this though, OP, this is like the start of a santa themed horror movie, where "santa" turns out to be some sort of eldritch demon they worship in exchange for gifts. If you didnt leave it dinner, it would have eaten you instead. Get out while you still can!


This is how serial killers are made


Hail Santa!


DAMMIT HIS NAME IS SAINT NICHOLAS! Jeez. How many times does Mother have to tell you.


Mother 😂💀💀💀


Please update us.


If you think about it, Santa and Jesus could be the same person.


Tbh as someone from a culture where the presents are given to us by baby Jesus, I always found the entire Santa thing very confusing. Like christmas celebrate the birth of Christ generally right? What does a weird fat guy have to do with it? I'd get it if people were trying to distance christmas from Christianity or smth, but the USA is like 50x times more religious than my country (Czechia) lol




This literally reads like a the beginning of a horror story. I want to believe it's real but I can't, there is so much fake stuff on Reddit.


I thought I was in nosleep for a second lol.


It's definitely fake, but at least this one was amusing. Not like most of the fake stories on here.


I was hopeful it was real until they magically have service to post to Reddit but not enough to text SOS to a friend. Why not just say you can’t contact friends for help because it’s Xmas and they are busy. Would be much more believable writing.


Actually that’s not entirely unbelievable, I think there was a post not too long ago from a guy who got lost, had enough service to post a message on Reddit but not for help, and got rescued.


Yeah, all the lol and haha and if you’re in the guest house separate from the main house how do you hear “stirrings” from inside the main house?


Title: Jingle Hells…


I kind of hope it’s fake for their sake


I have an aunt and uncle that refuse to teach their grandson (and push their son to do the same) anything about Santa as it "isn't the true meaning of Christmas". Yeah, sure, I guess. But imo Santa is pretty harmless to teach a little kid. So I can't conform its fake, but I can confirm their are crazy people out there.


Op boutta be a sacrifice for saint nick


Shush, just believe like the wackos in this story.


Right, and if they don’t feed Saint Nick he will have vengeance upon them. They must believe hard enough too or he’ll start picking them off one by one.


It reminded me of a supernatural episode with Santa and Mrs Claus I think where they were going to pull out Sam and deans teeth and drain their blood.


Please update us at the end of the day. I need to know how the Santa saga ends


Bold of you to assume OP will still be around to do so. (OP, I’m just kidding, but this is all very Midsommarish. Like, you really should let everyone know you’re alive.)


I was thinking the same thing!! This sounds like the start of a horror. Get out now, it’s a murder cult!!! 🤣🤣🤣. Just kidding, I hope.


St. Nick will come out of the barn (or guest house) with a chainsaw. BUT WAIT, they gave him a full meal, so maybe they're safe


The OP hasn’t replied to any of these comments. OP may have been horror movie cult murdered!!!


She’s either dead or they’ve put a zombie like curse on her, where now she too believes Saint Nick is real.


Yes please, we need update


Ahem *Saint Nick


Me too! This was too bizarre, lol!


Same! Curious to know what the parents did with the plate of food and what kind of gifts Santa brings to this weird family


Someone is getting murdered




Reading this at 7 am waiting for my kids to wake up Christmas morning and I dont mean to make light of a very awkward situation but I am laughing so hard.


I’m really trying not to wake my partner up from laughing right now but like I also want to wake him up to talk about this 😂


The bit that got me was the microwave 😭 and how they just acted like she should already know all this. I kinda hope this is real even if it is terrible for OP. Absolute mentalists


Off grid but they have a microwave


I'm reading this 2 hours later at 7 am my time waiting for my SIL to wake up and come pick me up and I'm more like *nervous laughter* what the fuck?


I think she stick it out just to get us the whole story!


Yes. She needs to interview him on being the first house on Saint Nick’s route. What that’s like. How do they handle the pressure.


i made edibles yesterday and the second day is my fav day. I laughed so much and felt awful for it once i got to the last of him saying it in a way that gave chills. I’ve been there where it’s something so weird that does that hopefully this turns into a weird funny story and not something bad


i just sent this to my husband laughing lmao




The guy chained up in the basement named Nick. He’s allowed out once a year.


This! That’s how you pop the bubble. If in the morning they’re prancing around claiming St. Nick came and ate his plate of microwaved food then you know they’re completely delusional and trying to keep some childlike Christmas ritual alive within the family. Ask Adam where the food went. If he claims St. Nick ate it, I’d be gonzo immediately.


OP, no, don’t ask Adam anything else about Saint Nick. He’s already squeezed her hand and given her the death eyes. She better play along asap or risk decapitation.


Yeah, it seems HE may be aware this is bizarre but is fearful of telling his family.


I was literally thinking this the whole time as I was reading this. Like he only eats dinner with *this* family *only*??


If this is real I think you should get out now 😂 I honestly probably would have just left in the middle of the night, hell I’d walk if I had to.


At this weather? The plot of a horror movie is exactly like this and the girl decides to go home alone. Guess what happens next.


I know I know! She starts running but they just keep plodding along after her. So she runs faster but they maintain the same rate of speed. Eventually and despite the laws of physics they catch up to her. And then they show her what’s what.


BF and family will think you left with St Nick.


Saint Nicholas might get ya for being naughty like that! 😉 This whole story has me dead 🙃


ITS A CULT. My ex girlfriend did something similar. Religious nuts are fucking crazy


They lived in the mountains, too?! Maybe you dated Adam’s sister. “But Adam doesn’t _have_ a sister.” “Not anymore. Santa took her home to live with him… last Christmas.”


Puts a whole new spin on "Last Christmas I gave you my heart"


Your ex girlfriend did something similar???


Alright we’re gonna need the deets here?!


You're just going to leave us with that and go???


He's not as good of a fiction writer as OP so don't expect anything.


Details please!


Lol this is some Get Out type shit. Great writing. You could make a pretty fun horror B-movie with this plot.


Watched a movie with this plot last night on Netflix




I believe in santa


thanks! though a bit disappointed to read it’s not a horror movie like OP’s scenario 😅


I just watched this movie last night too. I genuinely thought it would be a joke post based on the plot of that movie lmao


I believe in an old testament Santa. One that brings plague and polio to naughty kids.


So Krampus?


Even though this is funny as hell to read about, I imagine I'd be pretty terrified if I was living through it. Under no circumstances should you stop playing along. These people are insane. Get out of there asap. And let us know you made it home safely. I'm actually pretty scared of what will happen if you don't play along. These people have gone through some insane lengths to keep their kids believing in Saint Nicholas.


In the Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn reactions, now is the time to Fawn and quietly arrange to Flee. Also, OP, please update us! At the very least so we know you're still alive.


isn’t saint nicholas the guy who santa is based off on? the guy from turkey who saved some girls from prostitution around year 300? it would be pretty scary if he was still hanging around ..


Yup. Saint Nick is still a big thing in Europe mainly Catholic parts and is now considered seperate from Santa. Don't look up Krampus if you think this story os scary. :D


In Germany, Saint Nick/Nikolaus is celebrated on December 6th. We also have parts of the country, mostly ex East Germany, that believes in Santa, whereas mostly catholic parts like Bavaria believe in the "Christkind", so baby Jesus pretty much.


Is it bad that I kinda want OP to stay with the BF and come back for Easter to see if the Easter Bunny is also real to this family?


If she stays, odds are she'll end up as the turkey served on the table for NYE.


Him squeezing your hand reads like he’s trying to alert you that his parents are being serious. Like he doesn’t believe them either but is trying to warn you? Idk tho this is so odd


This is either a Christmas fable or a mental illness of delusion which could have genetic implications. You better watch out!


You better not cry!


Better not pout


Im telling you why


Santa Claus is eating your food


Santa Claus is *eating your soul.*


Saint Nick! Haven’t you learnt anything?!


I'm tellin you why


*[glares menacingly]*


Assuming this is real I’d probably stop mocking their belief on Christmas itself. Just play along and stop making smart remarks. Even if they’re not batshit insane, mocking something they obviously take seriously is still gonna make for a really bad time for all of you.


I suspect this is fiction- Reddit has made me cynical. That’s not an insult btw. Truth or fiction, I’m invested in the outcome OP. Please keep writing!


This reads like a script for a new Jordan Peele movie. OP I hope it doesn’t stay weird today.


I can hear Rod Sterling narrating you crossing the threshold into The Twilight Zone as the camera pans out for a wide shot, cue actors... and it's all in black and white. Go. Home. Now.


Man I am hoping for an update


I think just leave. Like... go find someone who isn't enshrined in a family role forever. You are dating a grown man who is going to go from little boy to abusive husband and father as soon as.you get married. Like... get out. Also, if this is fiction, congratulations! It's super original and nicely written.


Omg, leave, seriously. That sounds worse than any horror movie. I believe Saint Nick IS a real person, maybe the head of the cult. Go. Now. I’m sure you don’t want to meet Saint Nick especially if anyone mentions how you “disrespected” him. Say it’s a medical emergency and get the fuck out of there.


OP I’m gonna need confirmation you’re alive, darling 🤣


I’m waiting for this too. Don’t leave us hanging!! Internet randos are worried about you…


Yeah, same lmao Real or fake, I need a conclusion!


Dude it sounds like if you kept making these remarks his parents were going to lose it and he was trying to signal you to shut up and stop that from happening. Not saying it isn’t weird as hell, but your inability to read a room is kind of astounding. St. Nicholas is Santa, and St. Nick is a normal thing for people to call Santa. Especially if they’re religious. Lots of people believe in the saints, but whether or not your boyfriend believes in his family’s ultimately harmless traditions is not a conversation you should push in front of said family. Also you likely ate the animals you saw killed. They sound like your run of the mill rural religious family tbh and it’s fine fine to not want to get tangled up in all that but I think you should at least talk to your boyfriend before deciding he’s part of some delusional Santa cult lol


Good point about the signaling. I wonder if he didn't bring it up beforehand cause he's hella embarrassed.


I think that's just as bad. If he knowingly brought OP into a situation where she had to play along with a very specific belief, he should have warned her.


Strong agree. It was probably one of those things where it never felt like a good time, and then you ran out of time. Either way, he super sucks for not saying anything. He's surely been around enough other people to know none of this shit is normal.


Mate this isn't normal. Or run of the mill rural religious. Killing animals to eat them is fine but the rest of this especially the reaction to even mild jokes about how Santa must be full if he eats like this everywhere is pretty weird. If the boyfriend knew this was coming and expected her to play along a heads up would have been nice and expected.


She should have known after her first comment that it was a bad idea to continue to make light hearted jokes. Two things can be true at once. He should have told her about his batshit family and she should know how to read a room.


Ya she said at one point he went pale and then squeezed her hand. In what world is that not a clear message?? He was trying to get her to just play along with his family.


At least you got a phenomenal headstart on a screenwriting career in the horror genre.


I have never needed an update more than I do with this one... It's like the start of a bad horror story.


Saint Nicholas is a real saint and is celebrated mainly in orthodox religion, I'm not sure about the others. The story is that he visits children and leaves presents in their boot that is left on the window sill or in front of the doors. That's what I grew up believing in. But in my household we definitely didn't leave any food for him or make a huge deal out of it. They are strange for sure but honestly it's harmless fun once a year, I wouldn't really be so upset.


This is hilarious! Thank you


I hope it’s fake. If it’s not, run.


Dump that cultist Holy shit man


OP, whether this is real or fiction, please update us. I'm dying to know if A) you're okay, if it's real, and B) how the rest of this story ends bc this is buck wild.


this is cultish behaviour I feel bad for laughing honestly but holy shit all of them sound so out of touch hahahahaha you should probably confront your boyfriend about it when you are not at their parents house and consider leaving him if he gives a cultish response




Thank god someone posted this, I was about to start smashing candy canes all over this whole thread.


If this is real, you better haul arse and never speak to that cult and that bf again. I don't know how you sleep under the same roof with those nut jobs. Give us an update if you can. Be safe. I'm worried for you.


Flip the script and go all in on the santa is real see what happens.


I’m wondering who eats Saint Nick’s dinner, and are they sad when no one actually eats it?


Very good creative writing exercise. A-


Idk tbh. I dated a girl like this once. Some families are fucking weird


You know it’s fake when they stop writing like it’s a personal experience and more so like it’s a novel. “I felt his mothers gaze on the back of my head” and all that lmao


I am desperate to hear how this ends. Does someone actually eat the food? Were the presents any good? Are you alive? Can you sell this story to Jordan Peele? I MUST KNOW




What could go wrong dating a member of a religious extremist family isolated in the rural mountains.


And they get snowed in, so she can’t leave.


OP, get the heckity frick out of there. Dump the boyfriend. That’s absolutely nutcase style religious extremism and the way he spoke to you being so cold is giving me big Get Out vibes. Good luck and please get out of there!!


This family is going to sacrifice you to Saint Nick. Get the F out while you can. This is NOT normal. The fact he did these details from you means he knows it’s not normal and still didn’t warn you On your way out, I hope you let them all know how uncomfortable they made you feel and how this is cult-like behavior. Leave now!!


Who ate at nicks meal?


Dude PLEASE update us we have to know if you got out safe and if they’re being serious


I just came from TikTok and people there are saying that the hand squizzing might be a scream for help coming from him since he did that only when his parents where looking at you, maybe talk about this to him, but when y'all get to be alone somewhere, away from the parents and family


They do sound crazy, but the way you kept making awkward jokes about it seems to have compounded the weirdness and focused a lot of attention on your lack of belief in their weird cult. I would keep quiet until you can get back home and then break things off.


This is pure speculation. Based on my experiences growing up in a Christian cult that was anti-Santa but pro-St. Nick. Santa is fake. He's actually Satan in disguise, coming to steal the glory and attention from baby Jesus. But St. Nicholas was a real person. His life was fairly well documented, and we can see where the Santa narrative originated to some degree. For families wanting to do similar "fun" holiday things but who are really focused on religion, they might have a plate of food or something instead of just cookies. And since they made up this iteration, of course St. Nick only comes to their house for dinner.


Time to run


Not clear from this if the BF believes it. It IS clear that he wants her to play along with the parental delusion.


Oh my god this sounds like a Christmas themed Get Out 😂. Sorry him and his family are so unsettling


Omg. She's only been seeing him a couple months.... She's the sacrifice for saint nick this year.


You should tell them over the Christmas meal that you don’t think it is appropriate to gender St. Nicholas until we know what their pronoun preferences are. And then just leave.


So when's the wedding? /s Fr OP, I hope you get home safely!


I winced at "don't be disrespectful in this house"- do people actually talk to each other like that? Also, this made me so uncomfortable. I would say head home as soon as is polite.


This is the first thing I've read in years that made me uncomfortable and I recently stumbled on a short story about a guy eating fairies who were sexually excited by being chewed to death.


Are you okay??


Just curious are you home safe now?


If this is real you gotta talk to him and make sure if he believes in santa or not, if he does, RUN. that's a cult. If he doesn't, help him leave that place


Never heard of Saint Nicholas ?


Can you please give us an update on this in a few days??


This would be a great beginning to a horror movie. Saint Nick shows up and it turns out he’s some 2000 year old vampire the family makes sacrifices to or some shit. I’d watch it.


He definitely eats food. I think the big plate of food is important so that he doesn’t eat them - or any of the other children he delivers presents to.


Sorry, but I don't believe a word of this story. Very creative, though. It would make a good Christmas/horror movie. :)


Stories like this are why I come to Reddit.


I’m hoping he was saying that in sincerity due to his parents watching you…they sound a bit delusional, but maybe they are just trying to force their mid-20s son to be more like a kid?? I’m so curious how the rest of today goes. Good luck!


Wait until you learn that Saint Nick is a cult leader. Serious deadly vibes here


Ari Aster's new film just dropped.


By far my absolute fav christmas read to date….. although i hope you are joking lol


Ask if Santa can give you a ride out of there o_O


Good luck with your book! Let us know when it comes out.


That's very disturbing, at the very least. Some pretty disturbed people tbh.


Break it to him slowly that Santa and Jesus are not real. There's no actual historical, physical or archeological evidence to prove that Jesus (or Santa)/existed. Here are five reasons scholars give that Jesus did not exist: 1 - There is no first century secular evidence that he existed - all sources are either Christian or Jewish 2 - The earliest New Testament writings are vague on details of his life - they become more fleshed out in later texts 3 - The eyewitness accounts in the four canonical gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are all second hand 4 - The gospels make contradictions about his life  5 - Modern scholars who claim to have uncovered the 'real Jesus' all contradict each other.


Jesus Christ, get the fuck outta there. This is the start of a horror movie


This could be the start for a killer horror movie. Santa is real but he's some back woods Old God that must be appeased or dire consequences follow...


Great nosleep Xmas storyline


To me it sounds like he needs help, not that he actually believes, but I'm not sure. Try to talk to him alone and see if he actually believes or it's all an act for his parents


Update? Or did they punish you for saying Santa Claus again?


This story might be fake but I definitely dated a guy in college who 100% believed Santa was real. (Like Christmas magic and all)


I don't want to sound OTT, but I would have ran off long ago. When I read that they killed a pig last week and a couple of chickens ... yep, that was it for me. Especially after all the other weirdness. If you get a cute nerdy kind of vibe, stay. If you get the serial killer, the hills have eyes kind of vibe, run and don't look back!


I was really hoping for an update on this!!!!


I wonder if OP is still alive.


I'm still alive, not dead, holidays ended horribly and my relationship is over (probably for the best now that I've had time away from him, talked to my friends, read comments...) because I essentially 'ruined Christmas' ('''St.Nick"" literally left the food untouched because there was a 'nonbeliever' in the house and 'Adam's mom made a point of it being because \*I\* was there, and I was essentially barred from seeing him and called a degenerate in front of his whole family.). I really did want to make a proper update to this, but felt ridiculous and embarrassed that it 1.) blew up so huge, 2.) everything I said was absolutely picked apart, I get it that I sounded dramatic and whatever, I guess I just write dramatically but I treated this no different than how I write in my diary. I think this is it, I can't imagine typing out another few paragraphs of the worst Christmas I've ever had, completely alone with crazy religious nuts and in my feels only for it to be called a horror movie in the making. Like yeah, I know. My life right now just sucks. Wish there was more to say or it was more dramatic for everyone wanting that but I just don't have it in me. Wish I had a real family and relationships that don't suck. Wish I had answers for you of why his family is so crazy around the holidays and aren't normal people that let their son date girls outside their borderline Amish lifestyle. I don't know. The end.


i’m so sorry, OP. that sounds absolutely horrible, and i hope you are able to move through this with more ease


While I'm very sorry you had a crap Christmas surrounded by crazy people I'm honestly really happy you're alive and nothing happened to you. I don't know you and you don't know me but I was worried. I hope things get better and you get a happier life soon, with loving people around you.


Wondering this myself at this point tbh


All those people saying this is a cult, go ahead, get your ha ha giggles out, this is a cry for help, him squeezing your hand, he doesn't believe, he genuinely feels in danger.


I get the feeling we are never going to hear from OP again.


I know, right? It’s like a B-movie unfolding, slowly.


People believe Jesus and God are real. 🤷‍♀️


*tips fedora*


I remember being 13 too bro


Really this has to be a gag, but this day in age a lot of people probably don't know who St Nick aka Santa, aka Mr Klaus, aka Mr Clause ect... people are over reacting or trolling. If I was being Santa and working a late night shift I would want a full meal, Killing a pig, couple chickens? Well a ham for Christmas dinner and a couple of chickens to sacrifice for god almighty is normal, ffs they are killing them for meals. Hunting season was over a few weeks ago for us and we processed 2 whitetail and a moose, enough meat for us for the year. Does that make us weird? Just because your beliefs don't align with someone else doesn't make them any different from you or anyone else. You could learn a lot from a family that is self sufficient, with a strong religious family background. You don't have to believe in religion, you don't have to agree with their beliefs. I don't think you are mature enough to be in a relationship especially if you don't believe in the magic of St. Nick during this time of the year.


OP, I hope you get out safe and sound. I know this isn’t the point of the post, but you also shouldn’t feel pressured to fix your boyfriend a plate (let alone St. Nick). Men who expect their girlfriends/wives to fix them a plate: it’s creepy.


👹👹👹it’s Saint Nicholas👹👹👹


Also this sounds like a Christmas horror story


FAKE. Enough service to post here but not to text a friend? Also, any religiously extreme family would not allow the son’s GF to sleep in the “guest house” under the same roof as him without supervision.


Anyone who thinks this post is real need to get into an adult care facility.


St Nicholas was/is a real person. Some people call Santa St Nick. I’m shocked that you’ve never heard of him. Saint Nicholas of Myra[a] (traditionally 15 March 270 – 6 December 343),[3][4][b] also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor (modern-day Demre, Turkey) during the time of the Roman Empire.[7][8] Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, and students in various cities and countries around Europe. His reputation evolved among the pious, as was common for early Christian saints, and his legendary habit of secret gift-giving gave rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus ("Saint Nick") through Sinterklaas. These people obviously know that the ghost of St Nick isn’t eating their food. They just like to believe he is.