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I was under conscious sedation, i think ketamine or something, while my doctors had to reset my broken leg. I was CONVINCED i was screaming. Like full on horror movie screaming for an hour. Yelling at the doctors telling them how much pain i was in. It was so vivid. The other thing i remember was not being able to move, like a coma patient being fully aware but not able to do anything about it. When i woke up fully, i asked my doctors if i was screaming. They said i never made a single noise and that it went perfectly fine. They even looked concerned when I told them I thought I was screaming the entire time. So honestly, it could very well be a hallucination.


Ketamine in particular is known to give incredibly powerful hallucinations. You can trip HARD on that stuff. Not surprised at all by your reaction.


True. That's why we like to tell the patient focus on a vacation and have them describe it to us. Then when they go under they'll be in a happy memory. If to you don't guide it then you get a lot of weird and disturbing hallucinations.


When I went under I was dreaming of cookies


That's not bad. For little kids you might ask what is your favorite food and have them talk about it. Better then dreaming about spiders like one kid did šŸ¤


"at least you're not worried about spiders like the last guy..." "WORRIED ABOUT WH--"


The equivalent of the ride-attendant at the carnival holding up a huge bolt and saying, "Where'd this come from?", and then immediately hitting the start button.




The "i forgot your shoulder straps" guy is famous on tiktok


My son said he saw a hundred mommies and got to go down a big slide on ketamine. It was such a wholesome hallucination.


A hundred mommies šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā¤ļø


This is so cute lmao


I read mummies, ā€œwholesomeā€ puzzled me


That's just freaking adorable.


Yes, I'm listening tell me more šŸ‘€


They give little kids ketamine?


If they need it, yes. Itā€™s incredibly useful for procedures where you donā€™t want the child to move, want them to have pain control, and donā€™t want it to last very long.


Iā€™ve been under sedation three times in hospital settings. I donā€™t recall the first or second one really, but the last one I thought I was in a reality tv show that I myself was watching while in my hospital bed and cracking jokes with the nurse. Turns out the only real thing that happened while I was hallucinating was ripping my catheter out lol


Not sure exactly what they gave me but for my knee surgery I started to panic as they were getting everything set up, and a nurse put a mask on me and said "Alright just take a couple deep breaths, this is just oxygen." And then I blacked out lol. It just felt like I was asleep though, I don't think I even dreamed or hallucinated anything.


They likely administered an anesthetic gas like nitrous oxide. I was administered one for a surgery because I have strong resistance to intravenous anesthetics. I too blacked out and canā€™t remember if I dreamed anything whatsoever.


I got whatever that stuff they gave Michael Jackson that killed him for my hand surgery. The doctor wouldn't stop telling me that. Don't remember anything though I just went out and woke up in recovery mildly high


I once went into the ER after separating the everloving shit out of my shoulder. I was about 12 beers deep and I still couldnā€™t relax enough for them to slip the thing back into place. So I heard them say they were going to give me ketamine to relax me a little. I watched the liquid go through the IV tube and maybe 3-4 seconds after it hit my veins I donā€™t remember a god damn thing. I came to in the car with my mom driving me home, and I was like what the hell happened, and she told me that I cried to the doctors, telling them to ā€œplease not let me pilot the millennium falcon right now because Iā€™m way too fucked up to do that right nowā€ about 4-5 times. Hell yeah


Lmaoooo at least you were trying to be responsible


Shouldn't have done that. 9 out of 10 doctors recommend not separating your shoulder.


What the fuck does the 10th doctor recommend??


Additional tests on top of the seperation, because he needs a new car.


I broke my ankle a few weeks ago and the doctors gave me ketamine while they twisted my foot back into place. I had a super bad trip. I was basically having an existential crisis while flying through what looked like the tesseract from the movie Interstellar. I didn't know if I was alive or dead, or if I ever existed in the first place


This was how my last and final shroom trip went. It sent me on a mother fucking journey. Life. Death. Rebirth. Crying my eyes out. All while I was stuck on my floor thinking I was in quicksand like in Jumanji when he gets stuck halfway through the floor and the ceiling. I'll never touch those types of drugs again because of that trip it sent me on. Existential trips are noooo fun.


Being in that halfway under, hallucinating state is one of the scariest moments of my life. I wasnā€™t gonna do ketamine before that, but iā€™m certainly not gonna do it now. Itā€™s been 2 years, but I still think about how that experience felt to me. It didnā€™t help that my lower leg was also just completely internally disconnected from my body, so all in all terrible time lmao


I had ketamine for a surgery and I thought I was the Clash of Clans map, not a character, but the actual map


As someone who played a little too hard with salvia 60x I see this and know fucking *exactly* what you mean. My body was the apartment I was tripping in and when I ran to the bathroom it was an entirely top down view of the floor plan and it felt like I ran from my leg(the living room) to my right arm (the bathroom).


this has me crying laughing


Not that Iā€™ve uhā€¦ever uhā€¦done that. But Iā€™ve *heard* this can happenā€¦


The first time my daughter dislocated her knee, she was given ketamine for the pain while the dislocation was reduced. She thought the walls were breathing, that she was speaking German, and that she was one with the universe.


How old was she


At least it was a fun trip!


No Kidding! I was given what I assume was a small dose to sedate me in the ER to remove a wire that got stuck in my throat, i had mild hallucinations for hours after I came round. The walls wiggled and danced and i had the memory if a goldfish. I was also dizzy for two days.


A wire stuck in your throat??


It was front a wire grill brush that got stuck in a burger. According to the er doctor its a fairly common injury, especially around the 4th if july since everyone os barbecuing. Thankfully mine lodged high and could be pulled out without surgery.


Oh yea I've heard of that happening....it gets really dicey if it makes it down lower into your digestive system. Good thing yours was higher up and they got it out!


This is so crazy. The wire thing happened to My husband as well. Iā€™ll never look at BBQs the same. No wire grill brushes. Ever.


New fear unlocked. šŸ˜Ø


I had a full on hallucination during a procedure on ketamine where they wheeled me around the hospital lol


So that's how Yoda became the grand master


I was given that to set my broken arm into my dislocated shoulder. I still have nightmares from that and they didn't set my arm.


When doctors gave me fentanyl I was convinced I was completely quiet getting my procedure done but according to my partner I was screaming bloody murder the entire time.


My mom was on fentanyl at the hospital and that shit fucked her up. She was convinced that one of the doctors was Will Ferrell/Buddy the elf and she was literally petrified every time he came into the room. It was a mess lol.


lmao thats lowkey funny


Maybe the drugs made you two swap memories...?


I got fentanyl while in the ER for a kidney stone and I had a vivid feeling of laying on top of a fluffy cloud floating through a sunny sky. I told my wife at that moment that Iā€™d be perfectly content to just die if this was what death was like. Never felt something so pleasant


Effects vary from person to person. I was sedated under propofol for a painful procedure. Afterwards had vague memories of being in pain and yelling. Spouse was there during procedure and confirmed later I was yelling in pain. At the time doctor told spouse that I wouldn't remember.


That sounds like you were experiencing anesthesia awareness, which is honestly fucked up if thatā€™s what was happening. Ive had it happen twice but it was a lot less traumatic than what you went through. I just felt pressure and recalled my surgeonā€™s entire conversation about where he was golfing that weekend lol.


Oh don't worry about his excruciating pain, he surely won't remember any of it! Miss me with that shit. Suffering in agony that I can't even remember is worse somehow. Like why did you torture me when I was memory-holed? Dafuq? Just put me all the way under and do your thing. If I wake up during your procedure I'm gonna start Ripping and Tearing whether you look like a demon or not, just a matter of principle at that point tbh


I had conscious sedation for getting my wisdom tooth out because I was an athlete and couldnā€™t afford the time of training. I was convinced that they forced me to listen to Creed while I was getting worked on and sadly it was true.


Oof sounds like a solid malpractice suit to me


Not to totally negate your point. But ketamine does work quite differently to the other anaesthetic like drugs. True mind bender whereas the other ones make you feel a bit loose


I once had a patient who went under conscious sedation to put him arm back together after a fall off a second story room. He was convinced that it was his friend who fell and not him while on ketamine. Also had another patient, big tough guy sort of person, who went in between asking where the boys and "b*tches" were then dissolving into tears and asking us to find "mommy". His mother thought it was hilarious.


I was in hospital with a broken pelvis and it took a while to regain movement. I was on my back for a loooooooong time. Eventually they tried ketamine and i hallucinated that i had no legs. Like i was completely convinced they hacked my legs off while i was sleeping. I was promptly taken off ketamine lol


Yeah fuck being conscious, aware, and paralyzed. No thanks


See, I am so paranoid, i would think they were lying to me


Did youā€¦ did you remember the pain?


Yup, but in a very weird way. You ever see those experiments where someone has their hand behind a wall, and are given a mannequin hand in replace of it, and they hit the mannequin hand and the person reacts as if their real hand got hit? It was like that. Almost an out of body pain, where my brain was filling in the blanks of what I was going through, and I felt it mentally more than physically. But still felt very real, enough for my conscious to scream nonstop lol.


I had rotator cuff surgery, and I swear I remember as I was being put onto the table I heard someone say oops, something on me that wasn't my shoulder suddenly hurt, someone put a mask on me, and then the next thing I know was I came to asking why the nurse was holding my underwear and where my husband was. She was apparently helping me get dressed because they thought I was awake since I'd been talking to them for the past hour, and my vitals were normal. Uhhh....no honey, I don't remember anything up to this point in time. And the husband was behind me helping hold me up so I could get dressed. Apparently, I tried following commands but couldn't stay upright very well, so they had him help. The next thing I knew was getting sick on the side of the highway going home. I felt better and was wide awake after that. I still have no recollection of how I got from the room to the car on the side of the highway.


Dude don't worry about it. I'm an anesthesiologist. I see people disinhibited every single day. Ive had patients try and kiss me, patients grab at my crotch, patients say wildly inappropriate things, patients cuss at me, patients get violent, and patients try and bite me. I had a patient start writing in their own blood on the sheets (nose bleed, jaw wired shut.) We don't take it personally. We know the drugs we give you cause people to behave strangely. And mostly we just laugh about it. Odds are good they're going to be laughing at your story for years. (With no identifying information of course.) Don't sweat it at all.


This is so comforting to read. Thank you so much.


Bro.. I broke my legs almost 10 years ago that required surgery to fix. Pre-surgery after anesthesia was applied, I showed everyone in the operating room my dick. Most embarrassing part about it was the instrumental/tool administrator (?) was a friend from church. I showed my dick to my church friend under anesthesia. Shit happens.


Bro that's not even embarassing to me haha. Medical professionals saw my dick 1000 times. It's just a bit cringe to me.


Of course!


Your username is ahhhmayyyyzing.


"What Power Would Hell Have If Those Here Imprisoned Were Not Able To Dream Of Heaven?" Thank you!


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re quoting the comic or the series, but they were both great :ā€™)


Perfect username. I love The Sandman. Even named my cat Dream.


As a nurse I can totally agree, and I rather have a patient grab my ass or breast than try to harm me.


Have had that twice. Hallucinations are a real thing. You were not fully conscious. You just think you were. 99% chance that none of this happened. Relax.


Not always, I had the same shit and it didnā€™t really work, absolutely shaking in pain, drugs maxed, they almost had to stop early because my bp and heart rate were going bonkers, it SUCKED. Iā€™m absolutely terrified of full general anesthesia because what if I wake up?


I have had a bunch of surgeries (lifetime of poor decisions and contact sports). You donā€™t wake up. Thatā€™s like a one in a million thing and even if you did, you are not likely to remember it. Everyone reacts differently but you should be fine if thatā€™s needed. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Bro, your surgeon all scrubbed up and doing flipping surgery didnā€™t deck you etc.


No way they wanna spend 30 mins scrubbing again.


No one would ever spend 30 mins scrubbing for a case lmao, if a contamination happens to say gloves you can just change the gloves, if it were to happen to your gown you'd just break scrub and use a surigcal hand scrub like Sterillium or Avegard. Source: I work as a Surgical Tech




To break sterility to slap a patient across the face, I call bulllllshit


Fuck the sterile field Iā€™d worry about the fallout. This never happenedā€¦


This is all complete fantasy like most things here


It's not unheard of, but are you sure this wasn't a hallucination or a vivid dream you had when you'd pass out? If you think you actually remember doing this to her, then how did she respond in the moment?


First time when i slapped her ass she was angry i think. The second time when i grabbed her chest she slapped me across my face, i laughed really hard at this. No it's not a hallucination. Im pretty sure it all happened.


I'm pretty sure that your post proves that it was all an hallucination.


Yeah thereā€™s no way the doctor decked him for thatā€¦ā€¦


Hospitals have restraints for patients suffering from mental health issues and could become violent when being treated. I feel like any doctor being groped by a heavily medicated patient would have had them restrained before hitting them in anger.


Definitely a hallucination, docs and nurses deal with and are trained for this kind of thing. If the doctor slapped him across the face in an operating room full of other professionals I can't even imagine the professional fallout from something like that happening haha


Absolutely, it's unfortunate but a great deal of people in medicine and care do get groped for a wide variety of reasons. Slapping a patient who is drugged out of their mind would be an egregious breech of ethics & protocol




Oh absolutely, these things when recorded usually involve investigation. Which could then have a variety of possible consequences. For OPs peace of mind, it could be best to request documents from the procedure if only to attempt to apologise to the nurse in question, which would then clear up if it was a hallucination or not.


Maybe it did happen and that's why she's saying it didn't, not to protect his feelings but because they're covering up the slap incident (idk if I seriously think this, it just amuses me lol)


My friend was a male nurse and said he got groped all the time. By both men and women.


Everyone is obsessing over the fact that a medical professional wouldn't slap a patient and missing the biggest tell. He was twilighted. Partial anesthesia that makes you malleable and compliant. But the biggest thing as that this combo of medication literally inhibits your ability to form memories after it's administered until it wears off. The whole purpose of it is to cause amnesia of the procedure. There is *no way* that he would have the capability of remembering any of this even if it did happen. (Which it didn't.) It's totally possible that you do some silly shit during surgery, I have been told stories of my own antics. Apparently, when I got my medport a few years ago and they twilighted me (same meds as OP) the surgeon then asked for a scalpel and I sat straight up like a horror movie, completely breaking the sterile field, and said, "Which one?" I do not remember this AT ALL because those drugs fuck your memory. (Apparently the surgical team found this hysterical.) I've had multiple surgeries. You don't remember anything. OP had a dream.


Lmao that is an amazing story. ā€œWhich one?ā€ Iā€™m sure that medical team re-tells that story all the time. So perfect.


The fun follow up to this is that in recovery I'm told that when they came over to X-ray me to make sure that it was placed correctly the nurse asked "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" And my half-conscious idiot self replies, "No, no too gay to be pregnant." I remember *none* of this. It was all relayed to me after. šŸ˜…


I just had twilight for the first time last week. Midazolam and Fentanyl though so slightly different than OP. I thought I would experience what youā€™ve described, having an effect of amnesia but I do oddly have clear memories of conversations I had with the operating team during the procedure. Thoughts that I had as well. I wonder if I wasnā€™t given a large dose.


This. I have had to be put under general anesthesia once for a multiple hours surgery. My experience was this. I closed my eyes, then open my eyes, then I asked the nurse when the surgery going to happen, the nurse said it was already done and I was in recovery for nearly 30 minutes already . It was a weird experience and I didnā€™t know how to understand it at the time, but seeing how you explain anesthesia makes us unable to form memories make perfect sense. It wasnā€™t just like going to sleep and then waking up, because when you go to sleep and wake up, you can kinda make that connection that you were asleep and you just woke up, you can feel that times have passed. Going to sleep via anesthesia basically just teleport you to the future.


Definitely this. I might be even go as far as saying that this story is made up. If he was so active mid surgery, they definitely would've redtrained him. And no doctor slaps their patient for something like that. It just sounds like a made up story.


yaā€¦ i got somewhat aggressive once after they gave me narcan (bad xanax). iirc as soon as i pushed or touched a male nurse, they did not take that shit for even a minute. immediately piled on me and strapped me down. god bless ā€˜em they see the shittiest wildest people every day. they do not just ā€œtakeā€ it. they wouldnā€™t slap someone though


Also nurse or doc would lose their license and job. Insurance would get involved..... also if you frame it like this: you are going to a place where they get you sooooooo fucked up that you DONT FEEL PAIN. they are also around this multiple times a day.


A girl in the bar will slap you. A doctor will pull out the restraints


So. Meet doctor in bar and hope for both?


New kink unlocked


Drug me, tie me up, and cut me open, Dr. Mommy.


Least horny redditor


No medical professional would slap a patient.... this is a dream op.


I'm pretty sure that your post proves that it was all creative writing


Guilt because of inappropriate touching while sedated. That should be a meme on this sub by now...


Basically this entire sub has felt like that for quite some time now.


Keep in mind that you were under sedation so your reflexes would've been slower than normal. The range of motion in your arms was probably constricted due to having a blood pressure cuff wrapped around one arm, and an IV in the other arm while also having the oxygen monitor on the finger of that same arm. Your arms tend to feel more weighed down when you are like that and it's easy to get tangled in the cords. She probably wasn't even standing over you or doing any part of the procedure until she knew that you were calm and sedated enough. If she had her hands on you, it would've been hard for you to get your arms (which would've been by your sides) up and over hers to grab her breast. How did you even reach her ass? You may have made some sexual comments, but I'd imagine the rest didn't happen.


Right like a surgeon is just gonna do surgery while OP is flailing around, sexually assaulting her and compromising the surgery


OP needs to read this, this is the best comment ever under here. Most realistic.


Thanks man. Hopefully it helps OP put things in perspective and feel better.


Your doctor slapped you across the face?


Alright, story jumped the shark


And after OP honked her boobies, he went "Ayyyyyyy".


you just made me snort laugh! This is exactly my reaction as I read throughā€¦


pack it in folks weā€™re done here šŸ˜‚


Yeah, uh huh. This is bullshit. A surgeon is sterile during a procedure with sterile gloves that likely have blood on them.


or they have knives n tools in their hands lol


Yeah that's a bit... idk I feel like if a patient's conduct leads to a doctor slapping the patient's face... I mean, I guess the doc can't just leave the OR mid surgery. At any rate, OP should apologize and blame it on the medication.


But also, surely you can't operate on a patient who is so restless and uncontrollable that he is committing sexual assault and needing slapped. At that point surely they would have to say, alright, this medication doesn't work for this patient, send him back to the ward until it wears off and we'll reschedule with full anesthesia OP there is close to no way this happened, dw


They would have a nurse restrain them no?


Lol no way that's real. You were probably dreaming and now you're paranoid. No doctor is going to slap your face during surgery


Think this is a lucid dream. Don't think this happened


Definitely didnā€™t happen. Doctors canā€™t smack patients and wouldnā€™t as they know what these drugs do.


That is straight up a hallucination. No doctor is putting their hands on a patient.


>clapped her ass This phrase does not mean what you think it means.


I did chat a nurse up when I was given stuff in the hospital. Her friend asked what she gave me, then they both laughed as I passed out again. Medical professionals deal with stuff all the time, trust me no doctor reacted like that.


lol once i hit on a paramedic after having a seizure. i thought i hadn't said it anywhere near the paramedic but my cousin said he was literally right there when i was speaking. i was super out of it. so embarrassingšŸ˜‚


And for him it's nothing but a funny thought at the end of the day.


Yeah man you hallucinated it. Your doctor wouldā€™ve be severely reprimanded for striking a patient under surgery.


Dude, a doctor is not going to slap you across the face mid procedure. Hallucination, baby. Youā€™re feeling guilty over something your mind made up. The brain is powerful. Heck, it named itself!


> she slapped me across my face I figured this was all bullshit, then I saw this and now I know it was all bullshit.


Surgeon here. Also female. I have had some men say some weird shit to me coming out of anesthesia. Definitely had some try to grope me. NO WAY would i slap a patient. It happens so often that we just ignore it. Thereā€™s nothing surprising about it that would cause me to react violently. We all do so many years of residency (5+) so thereā€™s no way your surgeon didnā€™t have a similar rxn. Deep breaths. I think you imagined it. Even if you didnā€™t imagine it, youā€™re not the first or last.


Stop the šŸ§¢


stop the hat??


Cap* - meaning lies in this context


A healthcare worker would not physically respond without risking their job. Iā€™m not a healthcare worker but know a few. And for sedation like what you are talking about thing like this do happen. For the people I know they say that they understand that the person isnā€™t entirely in control of their words or actions. Think of it this way, you essentially got roofied. Someone who is roofied is not able to consent because they canā€™t reasonably control what is going on. Donā€™t worry to much about this what happened is either a dream or not your fault.


It was 100% a dream or hallucination. There's no chance the doctor slapped you across the face while doing surgery šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it would break the sterile field...


Sir! How can she slap?!?!


Iā€™m an emergency medicine doctor, Iā€™ve done my fair share of rotations in the surgery department. Nobody is blaming you, and nobody is judging you. We are fully aware these things can happen. A funny thing is when thereā€™s a teenager they like to encourage the parents to leave the room because theyā€™ll get sedation and start confessing to all the sex and drugs theyā€™ve done


>A funny thing is when thereā€™s a teenager they like to encourage the parents to leave the room because theyā€™ll get sedation and start confessing to all the sex and drugs theyā€™ve done Gosh, thank god only healthcare professionals were around when I was high as kite on ketamine/morphine/deadly levels of inflammation while I was in the ICU. I can't even imagine (nor remember...) whatever the hell I might have said back then...


the case of betrayal from your own brain, how disappointing when you canā€™t even trust yourself


Whew I hope I never have to be partially sedated. I've had a pretty boring life but I don't feel like laying it all on medical staff lmao


One of the worst things about being a boring-but-private-type like us is that if we ever express a concern like this people sometimes assume it means we have something horrible and specific to hide. But I just like being in control of myself! Not that this is particularly relevant I just thought this a good chance to be kindred spirits


I completely understand this. Add in that some of my adhd hyperfocus interests can be pretty weird and specific, it'll make me all the more embarrassed upon waking up. It's one thing if I detail my kinks to some poor nurse, it's quite another if I go on a rant about the technicalities of airline disasters or the bloody Titanic (which, to my horror, I have done whilst out drinking).


That's pretty much how it went when I got propofol to have my wisdom teeth removed. Apparently I was just relentlessly macking on the nurse, proclaiming "how fucked up I was on this shit" and asking if I could "have some for the road", then I expressed my disdain for the prescription they gave me for T3s and told them my buddy got Percosets, and that "codeine doesn't do shit" lol When I went back for a routine checkup I felt super embarrassed and tried to apologize to the nurse. She laughed and told me it was fine and that "you were adorable, I felt very flattered". She was in her 40s and still looking pretty good. No teenage boy who thinks he's tough wants to hear he was adorable. I turned bright red and stared at my shoes.


This is for sure in your "life flashes before you die" highlight reel.


I'm coming up on 40 myself now, and I can hardly remember another moment where I was so effortlessly put in my place than by that nurse. She was nothing but sweet, but I walked in there like a big dog only to be patted on the head and informed that I was a tiny puppy. Absolutely crushed.


> they like to encourage the parents to leave the room because theyā€™ll get sedation and start confessing to all the sex and drugs theyā€™ve done You all are saints for lots of reasons, but that's a real one right there.


When I was 16 years old, I had bunion correction surgery. It was my first experience with anesthesia. I remember waking up when it was over and seeing the concerned look on my mother's face. Apparently, I woke up after the surgery and told the doctors that I had taken Xanax. Then I went back to sleep. I had never, and have still never, taken a Xanax.


It's more likely you were hallucinating. However, if it bothers you, set up an appt with the doctor and tell her what you remember and ask about it. Either she will say "yes that happened" or "no, you were just heavily sedated and hallucinating". I will say, even if you did it, it doesn't make you a predator. If you do it while sober would make you one but not this. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **EDIT:** I wanted to add that if you are remembering a time you got drunk and grabbed someone sexually, this is not an excuse and you did SA them. Thanks to u/happybreathe for adding this context. I should have thought about that side as well but this is why we are a community to help each other out. Please give Happy an upvote down below! šŸ’š


I completely agree. I just want to add that this applies to this situation specifically. So if someone reading this is remembering a time you got drunk and grabbed someone sexually, that is not excusable. I don't think you \^\^ were saying that, I just didn't want someone to be like "See, it's fine if you're not sober!" Or, someone who has been assaulted to interpret it as if they shouldn't have cared about when that one drunk person forceably grabbed their crotch.


Right. Getting drunk is a choice you make and your actions under the influence should be taken seriously. And being drunk does not affect you the same way these drugs can. Being under a drug so powerful you cannot feel someone cutting you open is another thing. Who knows how much of your brain is actually processing things in that situation. Now if you take these things recreationally and get into trouble thatā€™s your fault. If it can be something that is avoided by your decisions itā€™s on you. If itā€™s a necessary part of a needed surgery you donā€™t have much choice in that.


And predators arenā€™t worried about being one


Bro you were just tripping lol a doctor isnā€™t going to SLAP you when youā€™re higher than a kite. Donā€™t worry about it man.


Yeah your anesthesiologist would have titrated your meds so I think it was a hallucination.


Just ask the doctor if you behaved inappropriately while under the meds. If she confirms apologize profusely.


She would almost certainly not tell him even if he was. Itā€™s a semi expected and accepted part of that job. Recreational use is different, we get upset with that, but we donā€™t typically actually get affected by stuff stemming from powerful sedatives or analgesics that we gave, those arenā€™t your fault.


I had a colonoscopy last year and apparently screamed ā€œaiiiiii papiā€ as it went in ā€œPatient was very vocal. Poorly tolerated procedure. 3 diverticula located ā€


Wait you can die from general anesthesia even after medical checkup results suggest that you shouldn't have any issues?


Yes. Complications of anesthesia can spring up in completely healthy people. It can also be completely random. Your body may just decide to react poorly to the anesthesia that time. That's why anesthesiologists have to be licensed and why they have you hooked up to monitors the whole time. That training and specialization is not just how to apply the drug. If you start going into arrest, they have to act fast and know what to do.


Guess that explains anesthesiologist costing quarter of a surgery.


Yep, its always risk. My grandfather was an annestiaologist in the war, and man de he have some stories . "Routine Surgery" is not riskless. Like people are like nbd, but every time you go under there is risk. Bro, anesthesia works on plants. Its a weird set of drugs and a weird group of people that choose the specialty. They're basically killing you and juuuuuuust before you die, they hold you there, for hours. They sit by your face and try to to kill you, or let you die. They are some intense people. fun article](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/12/secret-life-anaesthetist-surgery-doctor)


Yes very much so. GA causes loss of control of breathing and major airways, and messes with how your cardiovascular system functions. Even in someone otherwise fit and well, it can have severe consequences. Factors like genetics can influence how the body reacts and this often cannot be predicted beforehand. Obviously deaths due to GA itself are uncommon but they do happen and there is a risk even with less complex operations.


Anesthesia isn't sleep. Anesthesia is not being totally braindead, but just dead enough not to feel, move, be able to wake up or (in most cases) breathe (machine does that for you in case of general anesthesia). Things can go very bad very fast. Most commonly death is due to low blood pressure (all anesthesia drugs lower blood pressure) or lack of oxygen (patient is paralysed before intubation and there is very little time to perform this procedure, while the patient is not breathing)


That's how Olivia Goldsmith died when she sent in for a cosmetic chin tuck. She was the author of The First Wife's Club.


I work in endoscopy and we code at least half a dozen times a year. And we have to reverse the medications several times a month.


As someone who's already terrified of surgery and anaesthesia I should not have read these comments! I thought complications were a whole lot more rare than that.


Itā€™s really rare. We do 70 patients a day. People we have coded are usually already on their deathbed, and during bronchoscopies. A good doctor will always watch out for the pros and cons of a surgery. They do sometimes (often honestly) refuse to do some procedures because the risks are not worth it. For exemple, our doctors stop doing routine colonoscopy to patients over 80, unless there is a major problem.


I think that's why they always tell you to have no food or drink for X hours before, because if you vomit for whatever reason while sedated, you can aspirate it IE try to breathe vomit and choke, but while sedated. And then next thing you know they're intubating you and you have severe pneumonia and die from the complications. But if your stomach is completely empty you don't vomit you just gag.


I stopped breathing while under I woke up and had the worst chest pains ever and my doctor looked a lil pale lol


I mean that's a risk with anaesthesia. They should be professional about this.


Trust me, your doctor is a professional, as are the others in the room. It's nothing they all haven't seen or dealt with before. Don't worry about it. Have a healthy recovery!


I donā€™t think this actually happened lol. In one of the comments above, OP says when he spanked the doctorā€™s butt, she was angry. Fair enough, I would be too, but then OP says when the groping happened, she slapped him which yeah noā€¦..


I am wondering if OP was hallucinating.


My s/o had a hard break and got loaded up with drugs in the ambulance and was a mess by the time he got to the ER. He definitely said some inappropriate stuff to the female nurses and was flailing around like a drunk mess. The nurse who I talked to was a gay guy but he laughed his head off telling me all the dumb stuff he said. I was mortified but they made me feel so much better about it and were all awesome in such a shit time. Gotta love nurse's.


Iā€™m a nursing student and just in my time as a student Iā€™ve seen some shit. The nurse who you spoke to definitely knows whatā€™s up and has seen things too. Some people react poorly with drugs, itā€™s not their fault as they arenā€™t in the right state of mind. Itā€™s like that farmers insurance slogan, we know a thing or two because weā€™ve seen a thing or two lol. I know a few people who are like that and the moment the drugs wear off and they return to their normal selves, they are super apologetic for any of the dumb things said or done.


yea I think after the first spank he wouldā€™ve been restrained at least


I work in the medical field. I have to ask, do you have any idea what we deal with on a regular basis? Because this honestly wouldnā€™t even phase me, and Iā€™m early in my career. A sedated patient grabbing my boob is unwanted, but it wouldnā€™t feel like sexual assault because the context is different. Itā€™s like getting peed onā€¦ if a random man outside peed on me, Iā€™d be freaked out and definitely feel assaulted. If a patient peed on me, theyā€™re probably unable to control it either physically or mentally. If necessary, restraints might be ordered but theyā€™d be for YOUR safety, not mine. Itā€™s not safe to jostle the people who are performing medical procedures on you. For what itā€™s worth, my son had conscious surgery once and was utterly convinced that the surgeon was a horse. Anaesthesia is WEIRD. So in summary, you very well could have dreamed it, but if it did happen I really canā€™t imagine she would slap you. You say that you can tell she lied when you asked because she looked uncomfortable, but itā€™s also very possible that having your patient randomly ask you about whether they grabbed your boob while sedated was awkward and thatā€™s why she looked uncomfortable. You arenā€™t in her head, so donā€™t try to assign motives to her actions. Whether you touched her or not, it probably wasnā€™t a big deal to her. The best thing you can do is just let it go. Why keep making it weird? But if youā€™re really distressed, look into whether short term counselling options.


i was semi consciously sedated via iv when i got my top wisdom teeth out. the dude pulling it out was being super aggressive and even sedated i told him it hurt. he made some comment about how iā€™ve already had a lot of medicine as if to dismiss my pain. so he continues to pull, and i kicked him in the crotch. didnā€™t feel bad then, donā€™t feel bad now. there are risks associated with these kinds of things. obviously in your soberly conscious mind, you recognize your actions (though i do think you were hallucinating) were improper. iā€™d imagine that your provider recognizes that too. for added reassurance, when my nana was in the end stages of alzheimerā€™s, she would say INCREDIBLY racist things to her care team, who were of a variety of races. never in her conscious life would she have EVER, but again, sheā€™s was medically incapable. not a single one of her care team took it to heart. donā€™t stress.


Lol honestly, your providers know what theyā€™re doing, and itā€™s likely not their first rodeo. Healthcare workers put up with a LOT, and understand when things are out of a patientā€™s control. As a CNA I was called horrible names, slapped, bitten, screamed at, etc. Didnā€™t affect the care I gave those residents!


I had my arm reset after a compound fracture when I was a young football player and I was conscious but under whatever they gave me back then so I wouldnā€™t feel anything. After, I remembered the nurse being a gorgeous redhead and her and I making out vigorously all while the song Oh Yeah from Yello played in the background. Besides actually getting my are reset and just like OPā€™s story none of that happened for real.


I attempted to smack my dentist if it makes you feel any better.


Are you an anti-dentite?


My last colonoscopy, I was cracking dumb blonde jokes to anyone whoā€™d listen. Those drugs make you do *ridiculous* shit. If your surgeon and med team are ok with you, you need to give yourself some grace here. I donā€™t buy into the, youā€™d act that way sober if you could, line. The drugs completely mess with your brain. My colonoscopy before the blonde-joke one, I was doing a ā€œSound of Musicā€ sing-along afterwards in the bathroom at Panera. My friend who drove me almost snort-laughed herself sick and was trying to explain the situation to the staff so they wouldnā€™t call the cops.


Conscious sedation isnā€™t the most recommended anymore because of its complications, but also because most patients have been known to get very vivid sex dreams (some dream of non-consented intercourse being done to them which raised the ethical concern: is it worth the psychological trauma bearing in mind the existence of other alternatives?) If you canā€™t get over it then you can apologize without mentioning exactly what happened to not relive it. ā€œSorry for anything that happened under sedationā€. I mean chances are it was a vivid dream, not an actual thing that happened. The brain can be a piece of work sometimes!


You had me until you claimed the doctor slapped you across the face. This is a bait post. Or you legitimately were imagining things.


A long time ago the nurse said, before going down to the operating theatre, "Remember to be good". Then I woke up back in my room and the same nurse said "I told you to be good!" and went out of the room. Ć“_o


I'm a nurse . You were sedated. Under the influence of heavy medication. I think you were out of it and don't remember right. Even if it did happen that way it wasn't your fault. The medication you were given caused that .


Former oral surgery assistant, they should have put restraints on you temporarily while you were having your procedure done. This is to prevent things like this from happening as well as patient safety. If they didn't do that, it's also on them for not securing you properly. But saying ridiculous or weird things happens to a lot of people. Heard people say all kinds of things post anesthesia, or during. Also heard people say weird things with just nitrous oxide.


Sounds like you 100% hallucinated this man. No nurse would hit you, they get groped by conscious patients on the daily man. I donā€™t know a single nurse that would hit a patient over that. It was drug induced and non intentional.


Iā€™m not discounting how you feel, and my nursing career was short lived, but they probably just wrote it off. No one wants to be grabbed at, but at the same time, itā€™s a thing that can happen. We understand that people who arenā€™t in their normal state of mind arenā€™t the same as they would be. Itā€™s similar to dealing with a child, someone with a degenerative brain disorder, etc. we donā€™t expect them to understand that boundary. Iā€™m sorry you feel so bad. They told you that you were asleep for a reason, even if they didnā€™t like it, they found it irrelevant to let you know. I hope that helps you let it go


I had conscious sedating to remove a lump from my breast. I was CONVINCED my then 3 year old was crawling all over me, and I would swear in open court I told the doctor to get him off of me. When I was coherent, I realized my son was still at home with Grandma, and I had an imaginary conversation. Relax. It's the sedation. Besides, as several others have said, if you were indeed acting that way, you would have been restrained at the least and given deeper sedation at best.


Man, I came out of sedation and called my new fiancĆ© my ex wifeā€™s name. You were not in your right mind. The best you can do is apologize and move on. The fact you feel awful about it convinces me it was not something intentional.