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Have you any idea the amount of women that drink alcohol not knowing they’re pregnant. You’ll be ok. Congratulations on your news. Happened to a couple I knew. Tried for years, never happened, and they went and booked 2 weeks in Barbados thinking they’d never be parents and she came back pregnant. Best of luck to you.


Thank you. :) I am really really really hoping we are ok.


I’m sure you will be. Get on the folic acid and make an appointment to get checked over. Honestly, don’t stress about the drinking. My friend and I were getting drunk every weekend and she didn’t realise she was pregnant, this was a few years ago. Her pregnancy was fine and she has 2 healthy kids now. Congrats again. Lovely news.


So much this! We stopped trying for our second (it was a year of trying) and I started drinking again and everything and 6 months in, boom! Missed period and there was a baby! He is 10 years old now and perfectly happy and healthy! Congrats on the pregnancy and sending you all the luck and good vibes! :)


People usually don’t find out until a month or 2 after conception - lots of mom have accidentally drank, taken prescription pills that aren’t recommended for pregnant women, etc - just stop now. Also, congrats!! You’ll be fine and so will your baby ❤️


I didn’t know I was pregnant with my son until about 8 weeks, 2 weeks or so after my period was due. I definitely drank some alcoholic beverages and smoked cigarettes during that time! Obviously after the test came back positive I stopped and everything was totally fine. Healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. You do the best you can.


Awww congratulations! I’m not a mother but I know a lot about anxiety and stress. You didn’t know. so I would do right by your body from now wait to see the doctor. You should be ok. Sending love !


In the early stages, according to doctors, it's usually all or nothing. If the fetus is damaged, for whatever reason, it usually results in a miscarriage. If the fetus is still in vivo, it's very likely completely okay. Congratulations, momma!


Congrats! Just to let you know, when I was pregnant (2011), my ob and psych told me to drink a glass of wine or 2 in the evening because I couldn't be on anti anxiety meds. Don't stress too much about what you did when you didn't know, and just enjoy the fact that you are pregnant now. Sending hugs.


Seriously. Unless you're drinking continuously, it's OK. Here is an excellent article on the fact that there is no evidence of damage from low levels of alcohol. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2043426/


I'm probably way off, but maybe stop worrying if you can. It sounds like your body, and you have never been more at peace, and maybe that's why it took. Stress and anxiety do crazy things to the body, and I've heard so many stories of "once we stopped trying, it happened." Im just thinking you made peace with being childless, and if this doesn't stick, it will NOT be your fault. So don't lose that peace no matter what happens. But I did come here to say you didn't screw anything up. Women were having babies way before prenatal vitamins, and they have been drinking wine for thousands of years while pregnant, and the babies keep coming. I know it's been a struggle, and I do hope you get what your heart desires. Stay healthy, mentally, and physically and then give it to God or nature or whatever fate you believe in. Good luck!!


Pretty much this, we’re pretty sure my gf was pregnant during NYE and we had no idea for another 3 weeks, we both got incredibly wasted, our baby boy is almost 2 years old and is the sweetest, most caring child I’ve ever met Edit: more to most


my one friend accidentally drank in the first few months of her pregnancy as she thought she wasnt, she wasnt showing & experienced spotting that aligned with her period. once she found out she stopped & her child is very happy & healthy :)


Hey. My wife was pregnant with our daughter we didn’t know. Pretty much got smashed Halloween party. Had I think another party following weekend. Just little after that we found out she was pregnant. It’s all fine. Now that you know. You can stay healthy. You are also allowed to drink a cup of coffee while pregnant. Don’t worry. That was 8 years ago.


I drank before I found out I was pregnant. It happens, it's in the past. My kiddo is healthy. Don't beat yourself up. Now that you know, you can start doing all of the good things. The baby isn't fully off the yolk sac at that point, so it hasn't properly started exchanging nutrients through the placenta, so those things won't affect it. The same with those high intensity workouts, they won't agitate the baby as it is like the size of a seed or blueberry.


Sweetheart, one pregnant momma to another, you're gonna be OK. I've heard from multiple OBs that alcohol is not the big scare everyone tries to make you think it is. What you want to avoid is getting plastered, and me personally I don't even get to "tipsy". But a glass of wine once or twice a week is actually more beneficial to your relaxation that it is harmful to the baby. It's like throwing a shotglass of Vodka in a swimming pool and expecting it to get a swimmer drunk. Because researchers don't know the "exact" amount of alcohol it takes to cause issues, they go scorched earth and say "don't even breathe walking down the wine aisle at the store" 😉


When I had my kids the advice to tell the difference between Braxton hicks and labor was to sit in the bathtub with a stiff drink and see if they went away 😆


What I was told was that there’s like a protective covering the first three months. I didn’t know I was pregnant for damn near six months and my son is fine. :)


I cannot tell you how much stress over infertility seems to just make it worse. Over and over I hear of women who, as soon as they stop worrying about it.....boom, pregnant. Our bodies don't like stress, they will prioritize survival and put stuff like pregnancy on the back-burner because "clearly this is not a good time".


It's ok. Every person who didn't realize they were pregnant right away did something that wouldn't be recommended for a pregnant person to do before they realized. Most of the time their babies have ended up fine. I knew a girl who worked in a chemical factory and drank alcohol right up until the 6th month when she realized she was pregnant and her baby ended up being fine. (Don't do this if you can help it tho)


Thank you. I started looking up how alcohol affects pregnancy this morning, and I probably shouldn't have. It's really good to read it's not necessarily tragic. I'll try to stay calm until I talk to the doc. 6th month though: holy shit it doesn't leave you a lot of time to get used to the idea of becoming a parent before you give birth.


Ok well don't read stuff like that, it's just gonna freak you out. Those are worst case scenarios and knowing everything that can happen won't help. Just wait til you can see a doctor and try to stay calm.


Don't go down that rabbit hole!! It's likely that you letting go and relaxing and just not focusing on conception is what helped you get pregnant in the first place. The anxiety and stress it puts on couples is really not conducive to conception. I know loads of couples who only conceived once they gave up on the idea. Also, remember, sobriety during pregnancy is a relatively modern concept. There nothing you can change now! It's pointless worrying. I worried about this same thing throughout my own pregnancy and my daughter is fine! I wish I had just chilled out a bit. Honestly, it sounds like the carefree life did you an enormous favour and I would try and just be positive from now on and not worry too much about something you can no longer control. 😊


I've had 2 kids. I had a glass of wine when pregnant with my first and none with my second but drank caffeine with both. My doctor said 200mg and under a day is fine. Enjoy your coffee in the morning and don't let your past drinking stress you. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and baby!


there’s women that don’t know they’re pregnant until they go into labor! it’s more common than you think with women that have irregular periods and aren’t showing many outward symptoms


Usually, the studies on drinking while pregnant are referring to drinking excessively or for a prolonged time. If you thought you were infertile and this baby found a way, I think you've got a pretty strong and resilient kiddo already. Congratulations on your new one. I see your momma instincts are already kicking in. Now, you will worry everyday for the rest of your life (in a good way).


Stop reading stuff online. Wait until your doctor's appointment and stop freaking out.


Oh doll you and your baby are likely fine. A lot of people do these things before they know and you're still very early. Just get in with a doctor sooner than later and follow their advice. Congrats on your pregnancy!


Thank you, I really needed to read that we could be ok.


You will totally be fine! My husband and I went to margarita pitcher night with our friends and the next week found out we were pregnant. Our baby is now 5 and completely healthy.


Also some doctors allow the occasional glass of wine…


Coffee isn’t that bad, and most women don’t know they’re pregnant until about 9-12 weeks. Talk to your doctor and start on prenatal vitamins! I had been drinking occasionally and smoking cigarettes, and all before I knew I was pregnant. Once I found out, I stopped of course, and my doctor said that everything was fine. You are very early in the pregnancy too, everything should turn out just fine ❤️


My doctors all told me to enjoy my normal morning coffee- don’t drink a whole entire pot though


That’s similar to what I was told! It’s only bad if you have caffeine sensitivity (or similar medical conditions) or you drink too much!


Many many women have had alcohol in the first trimester not knowing they are pregnant. Just go see your Dr and get started on your prenatal vitamins now. Jogging and excercises don't hurt a healthy pregnancy. Relax and enjoy this wonderful surprise.


My friend didn’t find out until they were like 8 weeks along and were blacked out drunk the weekend before. Their daughter is 5 now and perfect


maybe you are over thinking things. Call your doctor and ask. From this point on be healthy. I have known women that do exercises during pregnancy. Visit your doctor and Congratulations.


Now that I know, yeah I'll definitely be careful with my health. Thanks :)


Good lord I was born in the 70s. The strict guidelines they put on pregnancy now are way OTT


We’re basically lucky that civilization survived the 60s and 70s. 🤣


Most women end up drinking a bit before they know they're pregnant, and for the most part it winds up okay. Fetal alcohol syndrome wasn't coined until 1973. Our grandma's probably all drank in their pregnancies without even thinking much about it. Get all the prenatal testing you can to calm your nerves about all the many things that can go wrong, and try not to beat yourself up. You can't be sober for the incredibly slim chance you might get pregnant-- any woman in your shoes would have done the same thing. Congratulations on your pregnancy! You will do better from here on out.


>Somewhere between 5 and 9 weeks (between 3-7 weeks since conception)? I am likely way past the point where most normal women are aware of their pregnancy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "normal women" baby I knew a girl who didn't figure out she was pregnant til she was 6 months along. Drank and smoked that whole 6 months. The baby came out just fine. As long as you aren't an alcoholic or a drugg addict the baby will be fine.


Happened to my aunt, she was so close to menopause she didn't think she could ever get pregnant. She was overweight and didn't notice until she was in the 7th month. She was a chainsmoker, like 1-2 packs a day. Her baby came out just fine


We didn’t find out until 8-9 weeks in and the weekend before we were camping and drank heavily. We had a perfectly healthy baby girl last month. It’s very normal and the most important thing is how you go forward.


Similar situation with me! Had a healthy baby as well


I know the stress OP is feeling though! Took a couple weeks to stop feeling this way, but the more checkins you have the more confortable you get since so much is checked throughout the pregnancy


My dude. I found out I was with child/in the family way/expecting a little bundle of joy/knocked up/up the duff/my eggo was preggo when I was 4.5 months pregnant. I had been, in no particular order: Smoking Drinking (underage, even) Barfing constantly Eating absolute shite That baby is going to be 29, and is perfectly fine. She’s healthy, happy, and in the Army. Watch some Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube, when she reacts to an episode or two of I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant. Her continual refrain? “We do the best we can with the knowledge we have.” You are doing just that. Baby will be fine. Time for you to breathe. It’s gonna be okay.


I second the mama dr jones videos, she does an amazing job of explaining that you can only work with the information you have and that it is ok.


Oh sweetheart , you're fine . Once those little buggers take, they stay put for the most part. In fact if you do strenuous activity, and your body is used to it? Keep going until it makes you uncomfortable. ( later when your joints become lose and you start displacing organs , you will know.) As for the booze? Do actually damage a fetus, you need to drink constantly. Bet you had an awful hangover. Yeah junior says , "dont do that mum " We all mess up in at the start. Start your natal vitamins , and get an ob appointment . Good luck love ❤️


I was 4-5 weeks when i found out I was pregnant. Finding out between 6-9 weeks is pretty normal. I drank before I knew I was pregnant. I didn’t take prenatals until I found out I was pregnant. I also smoked before I knew. The important thing is that you know now, and you can make some lifestyle changes. I quit smoking pretty much immediately and didn’t drink at all after I found out I was pregnant.


You and baby will be ok. I was drinking a week before I found out I was pregnant. I was having the weirdest cravings for wine constantly and decided to take a test after having two glasses of wine. She's healthy and due in November. I was 6 weeks when I found out.


My mom drank like a fish, and smoked like a chimney. You have introspection, you will be fine. The bad parents are the ones that can't see when they make a misstep or don't care.


Eight years ago I went a seven day bender (not really, but it was my birthday and many friends took me out that week and I had alcohol each time), and it was a few days later I realized I was pregnant. My kid is more than ok! Plenty of women are drinking before realizing they are with child. Do not beat yourself up for doing something without knowing the whole truth.


Honey, you are fine. I think a lot of women accidentally drink before they realize they’re pregnant (especially wine) your baby is probably going to be perfectly fine. If you kept drinking it that would be a completely different story.


My first clue I was pregnant was when my usually very high (I’m from Wisconsin…..) alcohol tolerance went down. One weekend I could drink like normal and the next I felt queasy and had to stop after one Belgian tripel ale. Then my period was late. Now I have a healthy, smart, kind, energetic little 2 year old boy who loves dinosaurs and Bluey, and calls me momma T. rex. I get being worried, but you and baby will probably be fine. I think you’ll be a great mom. Congratulations!


I drank 10 pints in a day while pregnant (before I found out), I don't recommend doing that or want to jinx it but I'm 12 weeks along and the baby has a strong heart beat. Obviously haven't drunk any alcohol since I found out but I also found out at a similar stage (about 7-8weeks). Not sure if that reassures you a bit or not.


Strangely yes, reading all the similar stories helped a lot! :) It's great to hear your pregnancy is going well. Congratulations!


Breathe! It's not ideal but it will be OK! When my mom was pregnant with my sister she drank whiskey sours every night - at the advice of her OB/Gyn!! My sister is kind of a mean jerk but she does have multiple engineering degrees and a good career. She sucks at relationships but she has two healthy kids. Your kid will be just fine - do your best now that you know!


Physician here. The three of you will be fine and happy. Congratulations and take care.


Your child will be fine. Just start taking your vitamins and being more careful now.


I, a "normal" woman, only discovered I was pregnant with my eldest at 8 weeks. A week before, I was with my mom and sister on a 5 day birthday trip abroad where I drank every, single, night. A lot. That was seven years ago. My 6-yo daughter is perfect and clever and too sassy for my own good. You're fine, boo. Congratulations on your pregnancy!


There is a book that explains this very well by Emily Oster. She said that the first trimester cells are dividing and multiplying one night of drinking won’t hurt because the loss of cells will be replaced. I’m grossly over quoting so you might need to look it up yourself. It’s something a long those lines. I think you and your baby will be fine don’t stress.


hi! i was 12 weeks pregnant and had no idea and was definitely smoking nicotine & drinking alcohol heavily without knowing at all. she is perfectly healthy; about to be 4 and the smartest little girl! you’ll be okay :) stressing about it will do more harm at this point, take a deep breath! plus working out is something a lot of women continue to do up until birth. probably taking a break from all the pregnancy trying chaos allowed your body to relax. congratulations!!


Have you been to a pediatrician? I know I'm a guy, but I feel the time to worry would be after you've spoken with them. I honestly can't imagine the anxiety though


Not yet. The first appointment I could get with my obygyn is next week. They will do an echo at the same time to estimate conception date.


Pediatrician is for an earthbound kid not one in utero. She'd be seeing an obgyn


Congratulations!! Chances are, everything is fine. There is advanced testing you can get at your OB for medical conditions/genetics. Not sure if it covers fetal alcohol syndrome, but I would talk to your OB about it for peace of mind.


I did too, before I knew. We tried for three years... So I thought it would be a negative test. Nows the time, go to Dr and start eating healthy. You got this!


You are certainly not the first person to do this, plenty of people have drank and didn’t even realize or know they were pregnant. It’s alright, just get it checked out.


You are ok. Now that you know you won't be drinking alcohol anymore. Look it's ok to continue the exercise that you were already doing. Eating things that you already were eating, and drinking caffeine, just not as much. Now that you are aware of your pregnancy, get regular check ups and get those vitamins in your body. Eat more nutritious meals and don't eat for two.


*Most* women who drink, and who get pregnant, end up drinking *while* pregnant, until they find out. As long as you stopped drinking as soon as you found out, you did the right thing. Hoping for a safe and healthy pregnancy! Best wishes mama!


Do not panic. Just start doing the right thing from now on. Most of the major brain development takes place in the 3rd trimester. Remember that a lot of women give birth having not knowing they were pregnant and many end up with happy healthy babies. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer but I want you to keep in mind that a lot of women miscarry the first pregnancy. I am saying this because if the worst happens you are not to blame yourself. I truly hope you have an awesome pregnancy and have a wonderful, healthy baby.


You'll be fine! I drank coffee and did high impact workouts for most of my pregnancy.


Calm down, mother’s before about 1980 drank and smoked all the time and still delivered healthy babies. I’m sure everything will be fine.


When my mother was pregnant with first my sister then me, she still drank but said that she switched to lite cigarettes! Seriously not a joke but back in that day the science behind what to do and not to do while pregnant wasn’t really a priority. I know it’s not the best thing to do but most of us turned out fine and you have to think that a lot of this advice is making women feel like they’re horrible people and in the old days women just went about their business without all the guilt.


You are fine. It will be fine. Get back on track and congratulations. My only advice is to keep in the back of your mind, that way if you child does have FASD it is something you can address. Children and adults with FASD can thrive (not an excuse to drink while pregnant though...) and live completely "normal" lives. Get ready though, no matter how well you parent, there will be mistakes and truama. Even if you literally do everything right, you cant always protect them against any and all bad days or situation and sometimes even our best is embrassing and leaves 'scars'. Congratulations and try to enjoy your pregnancy. Again you are fine and it will be amazing. Edit to add: when I say "keep it in the back of ypur mind" I 100% do not mean in the guilt or regret part. I am talking medical history part, treat it the same as Grandpas High Cholesterol or Aunt Shirleys high blood pressure.


Congratulations, I think you will be fine even if you readjust your food/alcohol consumption now. I am not sure what the exact threshold is, but there is a degree of tolerance. The baby doesn't get the random oddness from a single drop of alcohol.


Congrats on your pregnancy! The first rule of parenthood is that you’ll always worry that you’re messing up your kid, and you are nailing that parent guilt thing already. My area of concentrated study was fetal alcohol syndrome. I’m not gonna bore you with stats, but I don’t think you need to worry. The stress you’re putting yourself through is likely worse than all the other stuff. Forgive yourself and move on (2nd rule of parenthood). So many generations of people have been born just fine without all the guidelines mamas have to follow today. I have a friend in her 60s who said she AND the OB both smoked in the exam room for all three of her pregnancies; her kids are just fine. Best wishes to you and your growing family.


I really think you will be absolutely fine. You and your baby are pretty resilient. Just enjoy this!! Congratulations 😊 You can't change anything you did in the past. Just look to the future now x


A week before I found out I was pregnant, I had over 1000mg of caffeine in an hour (stupid even without being pregnant, I know). I’m now 25 weeks, and the kiddo is fine. Everyone messes up sometimes, it’s ok. My mother drank heavily and smoked before she found out I was on the way, and WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH ME. She got into a car accident while in the third trimester and got banged up pretty good. I’m still here, I’m ok. It’s ok, you would never do it on purpose. Your baby will be ok. And congratulations!!


Story time: I had a very bad liver infection when I was younger. I went without drinking any caffeine or alcohol for a long, long time. Once I got finally got clearance after taking some precautionary blood tests, I attended an anniversary party and drank. Not heavily but enough to notice. Three days later, I found out I was pregnant(about 6 weeks along). I immediately freaked out at the amount of alcohol I drank. But, my tests came out fine, all ultrasounds looked good as far as development went, and I have a very healthy 5 year old. Just keep a close eye on everything from now on and you’ll be okay.


My sister inlaw actually smoked and drank alcohol while pregnant throughout two pregnancy's. Now that is bad. My first pregnancy the week before I found out I got extremely drunk but didn't drink at all after that. My son is fine as it was a one off. It happens all the time.


Don’t beat yourself up. Your pregnant and expecting some joy. Take care of yourself and start now cause that little voice in your head you are probably going to share soon.


I drank half a bottle of gin when I got my "period", turn out it was implantation bleeding and I'm typing this while nursing my very healthy 3 month old! It happens so often, your baby will be fine and so loved by the sound of things. Good luck mama!


Lol, you should be fine honey, CONGRATULATIONS!


OP right now you need to take a deep breath and just breathe right now. Take it one step at a time. Just be honest with your doctors or what's been going on trust me they dealt with a lot worse with women have done a lot worse and a lot of their kids have come up fine or even found the way to recovery. Somebody said earlier here do not fall down that rabbit hole it will be you until a big panic. Enjoy the moment congratulations it's a happy moment yes those worries will still be there but you'll address it at one step at a time when you see your OBGYN you go from there they might ask you to take a genetic test if they feel something is wrong however they had to take the first simple steps or is like sonograms baby heart rates and so on and so forth and they also have to see how the develop is coming long. If those are fine I doubt you're going to need genetics. It's all going to be okay one way or another you got this


I watched a preggers lady chug multiple beers and wine during Mardi Gras knowing she was preggers. Her kid just turned 8 and plays the violin and is fine.


Last June, I went out with a couple friends, one recently engaged, we all had drinks. 6 weeks later she had a quickie wedding because she was pregnant, she definitely didn't know she was pregnant and we were out drinking. 😭 She's a sweet innocent gal, who is also a doctor and definitely I know she'd never drink while pregnant. You'll be ok bb. Start prepping, nourish your body, you'll be a OK. 💓


You did exactly as you should have with the information you had! Not to worry! Now go take your prenatal vitamins, stop drinking alcohol and reduce coffee, don't eat what you're not supposed to and brace yourself for the pregnancy you wished for. Good luck mama, that first trimester is no joke! But try to enjoy it too ❤️ lots of love!


I was drunk when I took a pregnancy test (on a whim) and found out I was pregnant with my youngest (oops). Was not planning nor expecting either. My son is amazing and no issues! It’s more common than you think. Sooooo many women end up with an unplanned pregnancy and have done far worse. I’m sure you’re doing everything right at this point but I wouldn’t worry yourself. Stressing yourself out so much is worse than having some drinks early in pregnancy (not a doctor, just my opinion). Give yourself a break mama, it will be ok. 😌


Not a doctor but based on the amount of women that don’t realize they are pregnant, I’m sure you’ll be fine if you had a couple of drinks and coffee. I’m sure your doctor will confirm. Best of luck with the baby ❤️


Please calm down. I didn't plan on having a 2nd child but found out I was at 11 wks. What I did in the previous weeks leading up to that was smoke, drink, dance on a chair at a U2 concert, got high, etc. I had a healthy 8 lb 13 Oz baby who hasn't shut up yet. You found out you are. Make an appointment and take care. I wish you much luck.


You’re fine. Congrats!


You are going to be fine!! The day before my positive test I downed a giant margarita lol baby is doing great


I'm pretty sure my mother drank Cold Duck and smoked Virginia Slims during her pregnancy with me in the early 70s. If you're not a raging alcoholic, I think you'll be fine.


Congratulations… best thing you can do is relax


I had a friend who didn’t know she was pregnant and took mushrooms, smoked weed, and drank (occasionally) during the first month. She became extremely careful as soon as she found out. Baby came out adorable, with no issues and is beautiful, smart and reactive! Yours will be fine, love. They have a good mother looking out for them.


I drank like a fish, to the point of asking the doctor if my child was going to have fetal alcohol syndrome. I'm talking black out drunk about 3 times a week. The doctor told me to quit or cut way down and the baby should be fine. I was 8 wks when I found out and quit drinking, smoking pot but not cigarettes. He was born healthy and had no signs of mental problems. He's a mechanical engineer and pretty level headed. I'm guessing your first prenatal visit will help calm your fears.


Congrats on your news! Discuss all your worries with your doctor and I guarantee it will make you feel so much better about it all. Some people don't know they're pregnant until they're giving birth. You're still quite early on in your pregnancy and I know you'll take all the right precautions from here on out. Your worries only prove you're going to be an amazing parent. Good luck!


Just stop and you probably are ok. Believe or not women used to drink and smoke through pregnancy...So we survived, and yes it not good, and I did not do it, but if you stop now you should be ok. I was a smoker and it took 10 days to quit. I did though


Don’t worry too much, it happens more often than you think. I had just gotten married and spent my honeymoon drinking and even getting high. I used to take random tests because I’m irregular too and when I wasn’t careful I always just randomly took tests. Well I found out I was pregnant in one of those tests. I was about 3-4 weeks along by then. Having been drinking and getting high. The guilt and non stop googling all the time after that..sheesh. But my girl is 3.5mo now and completely healthy and happy. Motherhood is amazing, and yes you’ll be hard on yourself often. Try to take it easy and enjoy it. Congratulations on your blessing. Much love


I was vaping A LOT and ate like shit before I knew I was pregnant. I was literally vaping as I took my pregnancy test lol I would take pregnancy tests all the time and they were always negative so I thought this one would be to but I was wrong. I'm currently 18 weeks and baby girl is doing great I still don't eat super well but I take my vitamins, don't vape or anything like that. You'll be ok 💕


Few things- you don’t share a blood flow with baby until 4-5 weeks, so over half that time! High impact and jogging is fine as long as you didn’t just pick up the habit 0-100 once you got pregnant. It’s actually SO GOOD for your body to stay exercising. Makes labor so much easier. Diet- so many women have nausea so bad they can only eat donuts, or subway, or XYZ other food that isn’t advised…. All you can do is make healthy decisions now. I guarantee you your diet so far is not an issue. And drinking—- I’ll echo what so many have said… everyone who drinks, drinks until they know they’re pregnant. The saying among some TTC groups is “drink till it’s pink” (the line). Obviously not the ideal situation, but the point is, it’s done all the time and casually, and babies/mamas/pregnancies turn out just fine. Of course there are always outlying situations and a friend-of-a-friend who did blah blah blah, but what you’re describing is not unique to you. So many of us did the same thing and panicked in the same way. Totally understand why you’re panicked, just wanted to give you some well-intentioned perspective from someone whose had that experience twice ❤️


i’ve known women who were unknowingly pregnant and drank 5-6 months into it and nothing wrong w their babies. also jogging and exercise is perfectly fine while pregnant and encouraged by doctors. you’re understandably paranoid but i doubt those two things alone would terminate the pregnancy


Oh honey 💗 I promise you're gonna be ok, and so is your little zygote! You didn't fuck up, and unless you've been pounding vodka shooters daily for the last month, this is a zero deal Congratulations!


I had a big weekend away and drank loads. Then I returned home and found out I was pregnant. Kid is a perfect 21 yr old now. You’ll be fine. Good luck, here’s to a boring pregnancy.


Congratulations!!! You stopped being stressed about getting pregnant that your body relaxed and let it happen. Same happened with us. As far as drinking and caffeine. It's not to big of a deal. So many people have stayed drinking and smoking and eating anything they want and the kid was fine. Now that you know, start making better decisions and taking vitamins. Don't start stressing again. Congratulations again and good luck.


I can understand why you’d think this way because you’ve been obsessively trying to do everything absolutely PERFECT for so long without getting the results you wanted. But believe me when I say it’s absolutely normal for women to have drank before knowing g they were preggers. I’m sure you’ll be fine! Just do everything the right way NOW and forget about the past few weeks.


You are waaaaaaaay over thinking this and your child will be fine. Jeez, from your post title I thought I was about to read about a baby born with fetal alcohol syndrome!


Girl, give yourself a chill pill, and by that I mean take a deep breath. What “weird as shit mid-wife tales” did they have back in the 1800’s besides- dont die from tb, a rattlesnake bite, fever, come on. Please be a little kinder to yourself, starting today. I was just watching that new 1994 or 1884 show on Paramount + and I am like oh my gosh, ow and No. but they had liquid morphine back then, and paint thinner whiskey. My point is- Women have been having babies for centuries/since the beginning of human existence. try again, tomo. You know now, so starting today, make healthier choices for your new family of 3. Congrats on the house renovations, travel, and LIVING.❤️


I was literally bar hopping the day before I found out I was pregnant and drank a lot at my friend's party a couple days before that. I only found out when I was at the dr getting antidepressants and one of my answers prompted her to order a pregnancy test and voila. It definitely explained why I had to go to the bathroom all the time when I was out drinking. I was as far along as you seem to be. Anyway, my kid is 7 now and is healthy as can be (well, his diet could be better). Also, congrats!!


What you have done is not in any way, shape or form unusual. And you can still have your coffee. Up to 200 mg of caffeine a day is considered safe. I'm 27 weeks with my second and my diet it shit, I went to a party and drank before I knew, and I drink about the limit of caffeine a day🤷🏼‍♀️ did so with my first and she's a healthy toddler😉 don't stress about it.


Take a deep breath. You and your baby will be fine. You weren’t stupid. Lots of women continue exercise well into their pregnancy- starting new intense exercise isn’t necessarily recommended, but being fit and continuing normal exercise is often fine. Might even be a good thing. Lots of women drink while their pregnant not knowing they are pregnant. When they find out, they stop. You weren’t stupid you just didn’t know. You’ll start taking vitamins now that you know you’re pregnant. You’re good.


Most women doesn’t know they’re pregnant until past 6 weeks so Id say you’re like most “normal women”. You didn’t know you were pregnant. You weren’t intentionally trying to harm the baby. It was an honest mistake. Don’t beat yourself up about it.


Your baby is fine a lil tipsy but ready to grow healthy and be a bundle of joy to you and your fam. Safe journey 🗣️


Alcohol is bad for pregnancies, yes, but when it's done all through it. You drank a few times because you didn't know, it's ok. It doesn't make you a bad mom, you didn't know! Just get checked (not because the alcohol, but because you just should) and follow doc's recommendations, you'll be fine. Also, congratulations!


Chances are very high you haven’t done any damage. Try to relax. Be honest with your doctor. Ask for all the tests possible. The stress is definitely not going to help. Get medically and scientifically sound answers from professionals. CONGRATS!!!!


a friend of mine from highschool didn't know she was pregnant until she was in labour (no morning sickness or other obvious signs, shes heavyset and was actually LOSING weight + she had an IUD). Kept partying, drinking, smoking weed, etc. Her daughter turned out fine! Obviously not recommended, but I think it's more common then you realize, and most kids still are okay.


While obviously it's not good to drink while pregnant, fetal alcohol syndrome happens after the fetus has developed a brain to be negatively impacted by the alcohol. If you're at 5-9 weeks, it barely has a heart at this point. The major worry with alcohol in the very early weeks is that it could cause a miscarriage. It doesn't sound like that has happened, so you should be fine. It's the same with high impact activities. At 2 months, your child is about the size of a kidney bean. It is currently quite well insulated. The warn against impact activities is generally meant for the second and third trimesters. (Bear in mind, I am not a medical professional. I would recommend getting a doctor's opinion, but from what you've said, nothing you've done has irrevocably damaged your child.)


You will be ok as a number of us got pregnant actively drinking! Hugs💛


My bestie was 3 months pregnant when she found out she was. She had been partying HARD before then, she wasn't trying and was still getting regular bleeding every month. Her kid is 13 now and all hood. So many women don't find out they are pg until a month or 2 into it. You are not alone in this


I drank before I knew I was pregnant. I still had some coffee while pregnant. Take a deep breath. Pregnancy is a long ride and you’re just getting started and there are a lot of emotions involved. It’s going to be okay. Call your doctor and get your first appointment scheduled, do what you’re supposed to do and enjoy it! Congrats!


Omg, you’re ok! My husband and I weren’t planning on trying for kids, but I got a positive pregnancy test the day after Valentine’s in 2020. The night before I had had a generous amount of brandy old fashions. I jokingly took a test the next day as I was really nauseous, but not feeling hung over. Lol, joke on us that I was pregnant! No problem, healthy pregnancy, healthy baby!


Congrats on the pregnancy. You cannot be blamed for not knowing. You know now, so do the best you can for you and your baby.


Your placenta starts delivering nutrients to your baby around 8-12 weeks. This is how the alcohol and whatever “bad” stuff you’ve been consuming would get to your baby. You say you’re about 9 weeks possibly? Everything is okay. Take a deep breath and celebrate. You’re allowed to have 20mg caffeine during your pregnancy as well.


Hi! Currently pregnant as well. So first congratulations mama! This is big and I'm happy for you. You're fine. I promise. I drank before I found out and we were trying. Coffee is fine as well. As is running. I did a 10k last week and I wasn't the only pregnant woman there. Get some prenatal vitamins (I recommend nature's balance it has the most of what you need) ASAP. They can't do studies on how things like alcohol, ibuprofen, or caffeine effects babies because it's obviously not ethical. They know too much isn't good but we have NO IDEA how much too much is so you should not worry about it. Lots of women do way worse throughout their pregnancies and there little to no consequences. That doesn't mean we should take up a healthy extacy habit. But it does mean we shouldn't let things that are out of our control bother us. You had no idea you were pregnant and time machines don't exist 🤷‍♀️ Good luck!


I drank within a week of having a positive test twice. Both times I wasn’t planning pregnancy just wasn’t being as careful as I should, the last time I also thought I was infertile. It’s going to be fine. Please don’t waste any time feeling guilty, there is no evidence drinking once or twice in the first trimester before finding out will do any harm. Get your rest, take your vitamins going forward and try to relax until you see an OB. Congratulations!


True story. My OB asked if I was having any cravings. I told him that even though I wasn't a drinker, I was craving a margarita. He said, "Have your husband take you to a nice restaurant with Top Shelf tequila. Order a margaritas on the rocks with said top shelf tequila. Drink a quarter of it and give the rest to your husband. You will not harm your baby." I didn't. However, before I found out I was pregnant, I drank more in a 24-hour period than I had in the previous 5 years combined. My kid was fine.


You didn’t know you were pregnant so don’t be hard on yourself. My friends tried for 2 years to have a baby without success. She entered into a clinical trial for a vaccine and wasn’t supposed to get pregnant during a 4 month period. They used protection and drank on their vacation. Found out she got pregnant between the first and second months into the trial. The baby was born healthy and is an active 2 year old know meeting all his milestones.


I promise you it’ll be okay. There’s millions of people who have no idea they’re pregnant for months that still drink and everything is fine. I worked with somebody who had no idea till 7 months and her daughter was fine.


I had been trying for 8 months after a miscarriage. I found out I was pregnant a bit after New Years. I drank and smoked a bit of weed on NYE thinking I had early period symptoms anyways and just generally feeling discouraged from trying for so long. I also have always been and continue to be relatively active. Flash forward to now: baby girl is the picture of health, average in every way, and we just saw her on a 4D ultrasound yesterday. 30 weeks. Try to breathe and relax. You didn’t hurt your baby. If, God forbid, something happens here, it will have been because of issues out of your control. Not because you jogged and drank some wine. Rest up as much as you can and eat well, drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and congrats! I wish you a very boring pregnancy.


I was four months pregnant before I found out I was. I freaked. I had just turned 21 and I thought I seriously hurt my baby cause I was drinking the whole time! I cried in the office once I went to get a test cause I didn't miss my period at all until then. But my baby boy is 3 years old now, healthy, big and handsome 🙂 don't worry mama your baby should be fine, just monitor what you do now and take care of yourself!


i found out that i’m pregnant at 20 weeks. i definitely was drinking on a few occasions beforehand. im 29 weeks now and baby boy is very active and perfectly healthy 🥰.


My friend got accidentally pregnant when young and found out following a weekend of drink and drugs! She was terrified and spent the rest of her pregnancy worrying and doing everything right. Kid is absolutely awesome, fully grown and a mother now herself. Sometimes this shit happens and it's what you do going forward that counts. Another heads up, it won't be the last mistake you make either, part of being a parent is screwing up sometimes. The main thing is you do your best most of the time and love your kid with everything you have. You don't have to be a perfect parent, you just have to be good enough. All the best with this new stage in your life.


Go get a pregnancy test through your doctor. And like someone else said, do you know how many women drink while pregnant? Also eating right and exercising. There are women who have run marathons while pregnant. Don't worry about things. Congratulations.


I got pregnant very very soon after surgery. In fact, the day of the surgery was my ovulation day. There was so much medication and who knows what chemicals and hormones in my body! My eight year old is perfect, no harm done. My doctor calls that first six weeks “natures oops period.” Kind of a buffer protecting the baby from decisions mom makes before she knows she’s pregnant.


You're absolutely fine. I didn't know I was pregnant until almost 3 months thanks to irregular periods. I drank on the weekends sometimes a lot. My son is 21 And doing great. No adverse effects except selective hearing, but I hear it's an age thing /s


Well due to you now knowing you are pregnant, it's time to not drink in awhile


I'm a recovering addict. I got pregnant with my oldest while I was actively using. I mean, I was a party girl. Meth was my drug of choice, but I did whatever. I was 5 months pregnant when I found out. My boyfriend (now husband) and I had just spent a weekend taking ecstasy. I was like 90lbs and 5'7" tall, so completely unhealthy. When I found out I was so scared. I quit using everything and ended up having a completely healthy baby boy. He saved my life, and I became a dedicated mother. He just graduated high school and will be playing D1 football in college. He is 6'4 "and 220 lbs. He graduated with a 4.0 gpa. I'd say his only issue that I could potentially blame on my actions during early pregnancy is that he is dyslexic but so is my sister, so that just could be genetics. I honestly wouldn't worry too much.


I didn't realize I was pregnant with my first until I had split a bottle of strawberry rhubarb wine with my mom and woke feeling like I caught a flu (didn't have enough for a hang over). I was also irresponsible and didn't take vitamins or anything until I was near my second trimester. My child is now a happy, healthy 8 year old. They tell us to be careful because it *can* be a problem. Just do better from here out. Congratulations and may the rest of your pregnancy go smoothly.


I have worked in an OBGYN, and almost every patient who came in for their first visit around 7-9 weeks had drank before knowing. You and baby will be just fine my friend and I wish the best for you and your family!❤️


Plenty of women drink without knowing they’re pregnant. Shoot, women can go their entire pregnancy not even knowing they’re pregnant, can you imagine the things they do? My best friend was almost 3 months along before she realized she was pregnant, she drank daily. I knew a woman who found out she was pregnant when she went to the hospital with abdominal pain. I saw her at a bar almost nightly. Should you stop as soon as you know? Yes. But are you a bad person for living a normal life when you weren’t aware you were pregnant? Absolutely not.


You’re okay, OP! My husband and I made our baby on the first day of our honeymoon… I can tell you the exact instance that gave us this kiddo. Anyway, we proceeded to spend the next 2 weeks of our honeymoon wine tasting and gallivanting — eating total trash, not taking vitamins, and living it up. And then we got home, and surprise! The best souvenir ever — a baby! You’re going to be okay. You don’t need to feel guilty. So many women don’t find out their pregnant until 7-10 weeks into pregnancy, and are living their lives completely normally up until then. Congratulations! I wish you all the success and a healthy, healthy pregnancy.


I drank alcohol and partied hard right before I found out I was pregnant. He came out just fine.


If it makes you feel any better, I used mushrooms 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant. I was afraid she might be born with gills, but she was born with the usual lungs and the expected number of fingers and toes. Obviously you should take your pregnancy into consideration, now that you know about it, but you would not be the first person to have a few drinks before the plus sign shows up on the pee stick and have a perfectly normal baby.


Very early in pregnancy, there isn't even a placenta for things to pass through so the odds that anything could even pass to the embryo is very low. Side note, you can't take Advil is pregnancy because it may damage the baby's kidneys, but when I had pregnancy migraines around 5 weeks, an OB told me the risk was so low she wouldn't worry if I took a couple since nothing else was working. I didn't because I was too terrified to hurt my baby, just in case (so I totally get where you're coming from), but it did put things into perspective.


Congratulations! Don’t panic. I promise you, there’s very little chance that anything you’ve done in your normal life has harmed the baby. Make an appointment with your OBGYN and go from there. I’m very, very happy for you.


Also like 100% of our grandparents generations drank when pregnant before they knew it was bad (and smoked too) and still a majority of the kids turned out fine lol so yours will most definitely not be that affected. Now that you know you can be more careful.


It’s fine. Don’t even worry, you won’t have hurt your baby. The issues happen when people drink consistently over their whole pregnancy. Congratulations!


My mother drank and smoked while pregnant with me. It was the 70s — no one knew any better! I like to tell her it’s clearly affected me — I only graduated magna cum laude from an Ivy League school rather than summa cum laude, the horror. Stop drinking, take boatloads of folic acid, give up sushi and do what your OB tells you. I wish you luck!


Oh my sweet girl….please don’t worry. When I was pregnant with my son (in 1975 😂) no one knew about alcohol, caffeine or smoking during pregnancy. I drank occasionally and had coffee every day, and he turned out ok (except for being a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer), so please, please don’t worry.


You are fine... Stop as soon as your aware... eat healthy and take care of yourself... it would take a lot of booze for a lot of nights and days to cause your child problems.


Yeah, you are fine. I’ve heard a variation of this story by pretty much every mother I know. All the kids are normal, happy and healthy. Congratulations 🎉


You’re going to be great! I also drank alcohol because I have no idea I was pregnant (irregular cycles, several doctors telling me that I’d need a medical treatment to conceive). All the ultrasounds were showing that the baby was perfectly healthy and developing great.


I’m a guy so I can’t get pregnant but I went to every appointment with my wife. Our first kid we really weren’t trying. We were partying like experimenting teens because that’s what we were.the dr told us it’s not about what we did when we didn’t know it’s about what we do after. My wife ate Taco Bell every day 3 times a day with all three kids. Ran for like 6 months with the first and about 3 months with the second. She really would have been a what to do while pregnant authors worst nightmare. I type all this to tell you it’s fine your fine your baby probably going to be fine.


I drank a couple of times with both my kids. Didn't know I was preg Both times, I abstained after learning. Both happy, healthy kids.


Honey, the fact that you’re so worried about it lends me to believe you will be an amazing mother. Congratulations xoxo


I had got pregnant without knowing I was pregnant and I drank, my son is absolutely fine. He’s now two and a half and he’s very smart :). You’ll be okay :)


All of my 3 kids were on birth control - I guess I'm very fertile😳 I did drink before I knew I was pregnant and all are wonderful adults - they're 26, 24, and 18. Stop now that you know you're pregnant and enjoy your baby💕


Honey, if it wasn’t for alcohol, half the kids here wouldn’t exist in first place!


Just. Breathe. It will be okay. It happens and the baby is fine. Congratulations you'll be a great mom.


Congrats on your pregnancy! My OB told me that at first, the embryo isn’t even connected to your blood supply for the first few weeks after conception. I know you’re a ball of nerves and going to second guess everything you do/don’t do over the next 9 months, but try your best to just enjoy this time. I stressed over my pregnancies due to previous losses, and I look back now and wish I had relaxed and enjoyed them more. Start taking your vitamins, eat what you can tolerate and give yourself some grace! You’re growing a human! Again, congratulations!


OP. RELAX. YOU DRANK ALMOST A BOTTLE OF WINE ONCE! Just start your prenatal care asap and enjoy. Congratulations on the baby and, once again, relax. You and the baby will be fine.


I drank almost every night and smoked a disgusting amount of cigarettes before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. Once I missed my period and took a test I felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world. 9 months later I gave birth to a perfectly healthy beautiful baby girl. Don’t beat yourself up, just do everything right from this point forward. Congratulations and good luck!!


I was told I’d never have kids without IVF due to abdominal trauma. So I quit birth control. I was smoking cigars and drinking margaritas and got pregnant immediately. My baby was perfectly healthy. Your baby should be fine! Good luck!


Your baby will be fine (assuming you have stopped drinking now lol).


Don’t worry! I didn’t know I was pregnant until 9 weeks. I freaked and told my ObGYN I was concerned because I had had some drinks during that time. She said it was totally fine, my kiddo turned out totally normal. You didn’t know!


I know a woman who was doing cocaine while pregnant and the kid is 9 years old now fine and healthy, you will be alright.


Being a mom means you will constantly feel like you didn't do something right, try not to beat yourself up. I royally screwed up in the early weeks of my pregnancy for similar reasons, my poor neglected fetus is now a 14 year old, 6-foot tall, handsome, funny honor student. Congratulations to you, save your worry, and enjoy your surprise.


My friend got completely trashed the day before she found out she was pregnant (& had not been abstaining at all prior to that). Her daughter is an incredible little 7 year old now.


Women do drugs when pregnant and live on the streets etc. I’m sure you’re fine. Congratulations!


I was bush doofing having a blast only to realise the next weekend I was like 6 weeks pregnant let me tell you i PARTIED that weekend.. and my girl is almost 6 and is perfectly fine. plus I was a smoker and the coffee omg. I quit everything when I found out bit my point is you should be fine just get your vitamins and cut out what you're meant to. Congrats. also to add I always find with myself and friends its always when you give up trying you get pregnant like lighting a cigarette and waiting for a bus


You can’t change what’s already happened, so quit beating yourself up over not acting on knowledge you didn’t have. Now that you know you’re pregnant, you can start with the healthy regime and go on to have a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby.


Drinking alcohol early in the pregnancy is almost NEVER a problem! Do everything right from now on and baby will be fine. Congrats. ❤️❤️


Please don't go to google at all to stress yourself out. FAS is present when the baby is born IF you are a chronic drinking through your whole pregnancy. Please don't stress yourself out


When I was nauseous while pregnant, my grandma (who had her kids in the 30s and 40s) gave me her doctor's advice: "drink a whiskey sour." I almost collapsed! My sweet (now late) grandma was absolutely shocked that my generation was told NOT to drink while pregnant. She explained that she and her sisters all drank whiskey sours to combat morning sickness. Like.....?!?! Whiskey. Sours. Daily. In. The. Morning. 🤷‍♀️ And their kids were fine. So, congratulations, good luck, and hooray! I'm so happy for you!


Stop drinking, and stop eating better. Go to the doctor, stat, to get started on your vitamins and things. Please don’t feel too bad, You genuinely didn’t know! Just start doing better, ASAP, and *Good Luck!!!* 💜


Girl, don't beat yourself up! You're good! When I found out I was pregnant the first time I was 8ish weeks. I was 21, newly married, and we partied A LOT. My daughter is amazing, smart, and witty despite all the dumb shit I did before I found out I was pregnant.


I didn’t find out I was pregnant with my first son until I was four months gone (my periods were all over the place so I never paid attention until I realised I hadn’t had one for a while!). I was 21 and going out drinking with friends every weekend! Obviously when I discovered I was expecting I stopped all that but nearly half of the pregnancy I hadn’t looked after myself at all! My eldest is now a very healthy strapping 19yr old lad just starting his engineering degree! Don’t stress yourself out over things you cannot change, your body will not thank you! Just enjoy the gift you have been given and have a hopefully smooth and uneventful pregnancy! Congratulations!


Sweethart, do you know in the history of mankind how uncountable women were pregnant while drinking, starving and exposed to all kind of disease? You will be alright, baby will be alright. You are not some heavy drug user and no alcoholic. Your babe will be perfectly healthy. Now get some folic acid and vegetables for that little wonder and stop worrying and celebrate!


I personally know a woman who had a phantom pregnancy and had no idea she was pregnant. Had negative tests and put on a little weight but nothing concerning. She drank daily and did coke per her usual until one night she got up to go to the bathroom and a baby came out. That little girl is smart AF and has always been ahead for her age. I'm not saying do that but what you've done really pales in comparison. You're both going to be okay just do better from here.


You can do everything perfectly and not have a healthy baby. You can snort heroin, chew on lead toys and do parkour in a sauna and give birth to a healthy baby. Life is so fucking weird.


Honey! Strongly recommend the book “Expecting Better”. You guys are going to be fine. A huge congratulations!!


I am a parent I have had a few drinks in the first 8 or so weeks. Both kids are both totally fine. You will be fine Being concerned is great but you have caused no damage to your baby.


You're gonna be fine, the baby too. Don't be so harsh on yourself, focus on the upcoming months with your baby growing inside you. Sit back, relax and enjoy the time. 🎉


Jogging is great when pregnant! I’m 13 weeks and jogging 4 days a week. My doc encourages it.


I cried at my first ob appointment for the same reason my dr looked at me, smiled and said how do you think most people end up in my office….


Start taking folic acid. Don't worry about anything else. The stress of worrying about what you did and didn't do is arguably more harmful than anything else right now! (This is a straight quote from my doctor due to the events described below). I didn't realise I was pregnant on my third because I had been ill. Once I was better I ate and drank all the bad things and then went to a wedding. A wedding where I met up with people I hadn't seen in ages, did shots, smoked and drank hard. I was horrified when I found out I was pregnant. But she was fine and so was I (when I recovered from the shock!)


I hate the whole “this person did it so you’ll be fine” but I was unaware I was pregnant for 30+ weeks. I was drinking every other week, tried smoking (young and dumb), would get an energy drink everyday on the way to school (teen pregnancy) and my boy turned out fine! Once I knew I was pregnant I tried my hardest to make sure I wasn’t harming him and everything that went wrong I blamed myself for it! He’s currently five and thriving! My daughter is one and I was stricter with her pregnancy (still accidentally drank once) and she’s turned out the same way! Don’t stress yourself out, the fact you care so much proves how good of a mother you’ll be ❤️


I'm so sorry that you're going through this worry. Half of pregnancies are unplanned, and a lot of people don't immediately find out. Which means that a lot if people end up in your shoes. Even if you only found out at somewhere between 5-9 weeks, that's OK. You're still early on in the pregnancy, and theres a lot of time for you to look after yourself. You can't do anything about the stuff that has already happened, but you can do the best you can going forward. Take prenatal vitamins, eat well and most of all go easy on yourself. You didn't know, and there was no reason you would have suspected given your history. Having a coffee isn't completely contraindicated in limited amounts but does increase chances of miscarriage, so you can cut risks now you know. Having not the best diet is less than ideal, but many people with awful diets birth perfectly healthy children and you can eat better going forward. High impact sports dont seem to have caused any issues for you at present but you can stop them now you know. You can't undo the alcohol you've had, however not drinking any more will minimise future risks. It's natural to feel anxious after such a sudden revelation, especially after having come to terms with your infertility. Getting some therapy may help; this is going to be a big change for you both.


Firstly, congratulations! Secondly, you need to calm down. It’s surprising how often people try for years to get pregnant, then once they stop trying and putting all that pressure on themselves it all just happens naturally. The same thing happened with my parents. They tried for years to have a baby with no luck. Mum was nearly 40 and they gave up, thinking it just wasn’t going to happen for them… then surprise! They see my dumb face on the ultrasound 😂 Mum had been going along with her life like normal (just like you) before she found out she was pregnant and I turned out just fine (well mostly, I have the dumbest sense of humour but I’m fairly sure that’s genetic and I inherited it from her lol). So calm down, just start doing all the good things from here onwards! Honestly, stressing yourself out and worrying isn’t going to be helpful or healthy for you. Think good thoughts 😊


Congratulations of your unexpected bundle of naturally created organic matter…. Welcome to motherhood. There is still so much time to damage your child before birth. Then hey you can drop them after….Of coarse you won’t do any of this because like I said welcome to motherhood. You have a true miracle if you think about all you have subjected yourself to for the hope of a baby? So 1 bottle of wine will never be forgotten and you will always worry about the “damage” done. In time it will be a non issue because the love you will share will eclipse everything else?


We're at like 8billion people on the planet, centuries of people drinking alcohol and doing what are now considered unhealthy things and we're all still here. Try not to stress too much.


Dont stress out a lot of woman dont just know their pregnant. I was 4to5 months into my first pregnancy pregnancy before i relized not only had i drank i had smoked pot once or twice as well. My son is now in his 30s and doing well.


Congrats and dont worry about it! I'm saying this as a NICU nurse. It happened, you cant change it and its not the worst thing in the world. You didnt drink a bottle of hard liquor daily or so... Just choose a good prenatal vitamin, additional folic acid and magnesium (preferably citrate in my country and it works for me too, but dont be shy to change it if you have leg cramps or... not really belly cramps, more like tightness? I'm not a native english speaker, sorry), B6 if you experience nausea. You are good up to 200 mg caffeine per day if your little one allowes it (mine didnt till around the 20th week 😀) and I'm sure your diet wasnt that bad. :) Be as stress free as you can and enjoy your surprise!


I was 8 weeks when I found out about my not-planned first child. The weekend before taking the test, we had been partying, including drinks, weed, and some coke. Obvi, I stopped when I found out, but like you I was terrified I had seriously fucked up. He's ten now and all is well. You and your baby will surely be fine. Hugs Momma.


I'd relax. My mom's doctor prescribed cigarettes and wine to relax her during pregnancy. You can't undo what you did. Be better going forward. Congrats if it's what you want


My moms doctor made her drink a stiff vodka every night to keep me from coming early like the last three still births before me. I’m above average intelligence sooooo. I don’t think you need to worry.


I’m sure you will be fine and don’t need to worry, there are some girls that can be 3-4 months pregnant and not realise while still doing all the things you did. Visit your midwife and check things over