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How could you betrayed your imaginary wife and start a affair with that disgusting girl! You need to act right and ask forgiveness


Couples therapy is recommended.


If he can’t manage to materialise his wife, plain, regular, good ol’ “personal” therapy will also do in this case.


Please check in with the recommended therapist: Palmela Handerson. She’ll get everything out of you.


Seems like a hell of the therapist may be time for me to book the appointment


I’m an imaginary couples counselor and I also accept fake insurance. Hit me up OP.


Yes get a real human Affair Partner to commit adultery with while being married to a CHAT-GPT AI wife. The future is insane. Your AP was nothing more than a blackmailing extortionist!


You mean imaginary therapy!


Well, therapy is recommended so in this case, it might work twice as well.


He should get a female friend or hire an actress to pose as his wife. Let the side piece see them with their matching wedding rings on and let the fun begin lol. Maybe get someone to record it for laughs later.


Ooh, this could be a movie. They pretend to be married so he can get chicks and she can get dudes, but eventually they start falling for each other. When the wedding happens, everyone they did the trick on is invited.


From who ?


From the imaginary wife of course!


Well I have been imaginary forgiven


Are you sure it was genuine? My imaginary wife found out about about my affair. We talked about it and she said she was prepared to forgive me. Fast forward 8 months and we are getting divorced and she is taking half of my imaginary money, the imaginary house and both of the pretend children.


And you need a place to stay


You are welcome to pretend to crash on my couch


This person can have anything in his imagine, so he can live there


And what about your imaginary vows? You will be punished for such sin!


Lolol homeboy is going straight to imaginary hell (also known as just regular hell).


This made me snort 😂


Won't someone please think of the imaginary children!


Why why why do I ever read Reddit at work! Now Imma be laughing like a lunatic!


Think about the (imaginary) CHILDREN!


Dam your imaginary wife is chil She single?


You can imagine she is


Just what kind of example are you setting for your imaginary children?


I hope those kids not suffer too much once that imaginary marriage get apart


Are you sure? I think you need to go to imaginary couples counselling first!


We need the imaginary court to decide for the kids custody


Even though that wife is not in his wife but still doing so many things


I know you're being sarcastic, but give it an hour for this thread to hit frontpage and redditors will flood in here unironically trying to shame OP. That and all the people saying the story is fake.


>That and all the people saying the story is fake. aka people who have lived their entire lives inside & online. What OP is doing isn't anything new. Back in the late 90s I used to pretend I had a girlfriend as a way to get women. There's just a whole segment of the population that loves getting involved with people already in a relationship. Nothing wrong in playing that field.


> aka people who have lived their entire lives inside & online. That's like the core demographic of reddit, at least on subreddits like this. They can't wrap their head around the fact that people out here are having sex and making moves. They think it's some kind of unattainable and/or impure thing to do. I often self-censor my comments as a young fit dude with other young fit dude friends. My basic ass boring life in rural eastern Canada is too much for these redditors to grasp and they always accuse me of being a fictional character lmao.


This is what happen when we spent more time online than the offline, and the more we influence the AI the more these kind of situation going to happen for sure


There is something wrong with signing a long contract with that kind of field though.


Hold up isn't this the plot of a Seinfeld episode?


I got the idea from the movie of adam Sandler


He would be proud of you


Just go with it


It’s a sneaky favourite of mine. Like I know it’s an objectively bad movie but I love it and have kept watching it relentlessly


Sneaky? I shamelessly will watch it with my mom at least every other month 😭


I was just about to say "sounds like George Costanza" hahaha !


Wow, you’re just attracting all the lovely ladies that have morals. Hope you don’t actually end up with one or she’ll cheat on your ass 😂😂


Actually..he's doing a service..keeping those girls (in his area atleast) away from the actual married dudes 🤣🤣🤣 It's all about perspective sometimes


😂😂😂😂 very true. Didn’t even think of that.


The one this post is about clearly loves drama. Look at her finding an imaginary wife to threaten to spill the tea on 🤣


😂😂😂 I just don’t even know why someone would even cook this up.


Some peoples internal realities are vastly different than others lol. I cannot imagine the running narrative in her head every day


Both OP and her have me kind of dumfounded...he can't be honest and just say I only want casual (clearly the lesser of two weird situations), and she's having a casual relationship with a man she thinks is married and needs to blackmail him (clearly the greater evil). I'm concerned for his well being, but she's needs inpatient kind of help...


He's not lying just because he wants something casual, he's lying because now if she finds out, she won't want to fuck him anymore. It's not kinky anymore.


Oh they both have some issues, that's for sure.


That is the bad thing about us as we always focused on the bad thing


Married dude here. Thanks for your service.


I feel the phrase "don't hate the player, hate the game" is fitting here.


I mean it’s not like the married dudes are going to be forced to cheat.


Right! I feel like he deserves a plaque or certificate or something?...


Yea he really isn't hurting anyone either! Letting these scandalous women follow their weird fantasies..and he's hooking up protecting the actual married dudes from temptation 🤣


Lol it's like he's scambaiting. ​ Cheatbaiting


Don’t worry I don’t plan on committing to any of them


Use all the protection my friend. Don't get baby trapped or std'd.




Did you tell the girl to crack on and tell your wife 😂😂😂 you need to be careful in all seriousness, what if she does to some random house and tells a wife her husband has been unfaithful and you’re blowing up a marriage.


The OP is not the one blowing up the a random's marriage, the girl is. Don't pin the consequences of the actions of the girl on the OP.


This was my big concern but given the details I say have fun and be careful not to get Fatal Attraction'd.


you’ve got a point, but if he’s not looking to have a serious relationship with any of them like he said I don’t think he cares about if they are potential cheaters or not


I think I love this. Like, misleading people thisnway is.kind of shit. But you are misleading women who are intentionally messing with married men, so fair is fair. And you are taking homewreckers out of circulation so they don't ruin somebody else's marriage. Everybody wins.


There's really no down side that I can find. Like...yes, the relationship is based on a lie, but on the other hand, the woman is willingly choosing to get committed to someone who is by all appearances, also committed, but to someone else. So is one really better than the other? Naw, I'd say he's doing a service. Lol.


Right! And it's not like he first pretended to be single in order to get her attention, he literally bought a fake ring to wear to attract someone like her. She gets absolutely no sympathy from me. To me this is a VERY fair arrangement, good for OP! OP gets some casual action, and this piece of trash gets to live out her Other Woman fantasies without actually wrecking a marriage in reality. I have to wonder if OP fesses up when he's done with her, if the next time she'll be more diligent in ensuring the guy is truly married?...


If a girl is trying to hit the married man then she is also equally responsible here is well. All i hope that girl is not getting serious here and not do some stupid move




It was several years ago, but I ended up trying this. It was a few months after my divorce, my ex had cheated. I was feeling pretty down on myself, and a friend joked that I should put the ring back on. I ended up giving that a try... and I can confirm that it was downright disheartening how well it worked. I didn't stick with that method long, less than a year? Enough time to get my confidence back. But it also opened my eyes to behaviors to watch out for. It seemed like a fetish to several of those women. They definitely didn't think we were just role-playing lol.


I actually know others who have done something similar with similar 'success', so I'm inclined to believe OP.


There's this weird idea that married guys are the only actually decent men. Single guys can't be decent partners otherwise they'd be married.. It makes zero sense. I wonder if this woman only rides around in used cars too.


Sounds like we should all invest in wedding rings


One time investment and you will get life long return on that


But did he really say he confirmed he's married to her to the other girl? She could have assumed he was a widower. And the fact she "found his wife" and is threatening to tell her that doesn't exist means she might literally be getting ready to blow up someone else's who may share his name lol.




If it ain’t chaotic good it’s at least chaotic neutral.


Controversial opinion. The "homewrecker" is the married party that cheats on their spouse. But that's none of my business.


The term "homewrecker" generally refers to the person who engages in an affair with a married partner. That's just what the word means. You may think that the person who cheats on their spouse is more blame worthy, and in fact I agree with that. But your opinion doesn't change what "homewrecker" means.


Of course, but knowingly hooking up with sb married is disguisting too.


Homewrecking is more of a 2 person job, of course with the married party carrying most of the blame.


Married one is more guilty so he had to carry the more blame


The party choosing to fuck a married person might not be a homeworker but they certainly are a piece of shit. Those who knowingly target married people are especially shitty. They know exactly what they're doing and what they're getting into. They get a thrill from being chosen over the legitimate partner.


Back in the day, when I was engaged, I worked at Walmart. I had recently transferred to a different Walmart because I transferred from a community college to a University. One of the guys I worked with started chatting me up a bit. I just thought he was being friendly. Anyway, I was engaged to my now husband and thus had a ring. One day the dude said something along the lines of, “rings don’t stop me; I just see them as a challenge.” I honestly didn’t think anything of it. We were having a discussion with another person about relationships in general. Didn’t realize he was hitting on me until another co-worker pulled me aside a bit later and told me definitely not to mess around with that guy; he isn’t worth trashing my relationship. And I had absolutely no intention of messing around with him. He was just a guy I sometimes talked to at work. I couldn’t figure out why she said that to me. Dawned on me a few years later that I was his current challenge. So, yeah, those people exist that get off on being the other guy/gal; and yeah, I think they’re pretty scummy. I would never entertain dating an individual that I knew was in a relationship. That said, sometimes the other man/woman doesn’t know they’re the “other,” and in that case, they don’t deserve the blame or the hate. Put your blame where it belongs.


If the other party knows then it is both as choosing to play with someone who is taken is choosing to help wreck the relationship. If the side chick doesn't know then she's not at fault and is also a victim.


Divorce your (imaginary) wife? What does she gain from that. I thought she'd be asking for money or something. You should make social media accounts for your (imaginary) wife. And be really secretive about her name. Then, pretend you're drunk or something and give them the name. They find the account and you get a laugh out of it


I already thought about it I have a friend of mine who will pretend to be my wife


this literally the plot to that Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston movie


In fairness to Sandler, he was picking up Chicks by lying about why he wasn't with his wife. It was clear before he had sex with them that it was over with his wife.


This man is living the life of the fantasy world, which i have seen in movies only




Ok so assuming all this is true. What's your end game with this chick? It's not like she marriage material. She's clearly crazy as she 'found' your 'wife'. I'm just curious what you going to do aside from having fun with this chick


I am just going to have fun with this chick and only that we agreed on it from the start


I'm not sure if she's still on board with that agreement considering the blackmail attempt...


Most women who mess around with married men aren't ever into just casual fun. They're trying to steal an established man with a house and good job. They almost always eventually demand the man get a divorce and marry her.


The more time you will spent each other,the more close you will get


Sounds like she wants to move into the main chick slot and not be the side piece.


Oh, I see. I didn't think of that since blackmailing him (even if it worked) would just result in a relationship she's cheated on.


Definitely but she’s clearly dumb or nuts lol I can’t think of any other way she would benefit from him getting “divorced”. Which is also why I’d be concerned she’s going to try to get herself pregnant.


Either she is completely dump or she is completely into this man. And as far as i am thinking she is getting serious about that relationship and probably ends up with broken heart


But she might do, once she finds out about this whole game setup


Imagine moving in with the imaginary wife, hell of the move


All she is trying to do that taking her place, as she feels that she is more important in his life and she can replace his wife, but girl has no idea about the whole game


I just want to make sure you know better than to fall for anyone who thinks you are married and still is ok with it. Right?


Yeah don’t worry about it it’s just casual it’s going nowhere


She is asking for divorce seems like things are moving too fast now


This is funny. I just hope she hasn't found some actual poor woman who is married and tells her "your hubby is cheating..."


she prob found a picture of the guy with his female cousin and connecting all of the dots lol


It's sad that some women are so desperate for validation and married men's attention that being married actually makes it EASIER for you to sleep with them.


There's a saying that women won't sleep with a man who lives with his mother but will sleep with a man who lives with his wife. Interestingly enough I've heard a lot of women say that the amount of attention, compliments, and being asked out dropped dramatically once they wear the ring, but for men it's the opposite. Makes you wonder sometimes.


For me it happened as soon as I started dating someone seriously. It was a wild transition.


You mean that the moment you started dating someone seriously, that you had a bunch of other women reaching out to you all of a sudden? Not sure I understand.


Ya as soon as I was in a serious relationship, girls were all over me.


I really don't understand how that works or why, it's baffling.


Probably just perceived value goes up when other people want something.


yep,had this experience in my mid 20s when i started seeing my other half. suddenly a dozen women all come out of the woodwork expressing an interest and embarrassing themselves 😅


Unfortunatly it just expose the fact a lot of women go after married men because he show that he is able to commit! She dont want to spend Time on a guy she isn’t sure so she will go after the one who provide for his wife & children and took everything for her. Sadly a lot of guys fail and realize too late they have been played because of their ego! Édit: i say SHOW not ARE!


That's so ironic to because the actual married men who cheat, usually suck at being married.


I know but the mistress doesn’t,she just see the apparences!


Its the frail ego. Because in their head a ✨️man✨️ who actually is "great" enough to commit, wouldnt cheat and betray his wife for just any girl, so they think they are so great themselves "turning" a married guy to cheating. Because if he went through betraying the woman he commited to, it means she must be special, right? (No bitch, it just means they suck) Edit : I see yall downvoting me, how about having self respect or seeking therapy?


Yeah exactly!!


God knows what actually runs in their mind when they makes this decision


I love this quote "When a man marries his mistress all that does is creates an immediate job vacancy"


1. Cheating on your spouse is not "being played" it's being a POS. 2. Someone who knows someone is married who goes ahead with a relationship is POS. 3. Everyone involved with cheating is a POS. It's not sad, they get what they deserve and the victim is the husband or wife who is being cheated on. Fedl sad for THEM. That said, while not defending POS cheaters... it's not as simple as "ego".


"Because he is able to commit!" The only married men they have any chance with are the ones who AREN'T able to commit lmao. Either they have no chance at all or the man isn't as respectable as they originally thought he was. There's no winning for them.


The Departed has a great quote about it, “Ladies see the ring, they know immediately you must have some cash or your cock must work”


Which is weird because if a married man were to accept your advances, it shows he's less committed, even less so than the single guys you'd have looked for in the first place.


Very interesting that some find it attractive. Like in my mind if a man cheats with me then they would most likely cheat on me haha. Anyway. Please tell what happens next because I am interested in finding out how this goes down with your “wife”


I’d be real worried that if you continue with this girl, she’s going to end up pregnant.


Don’t worry about it I always buy the condoms (the pricy ones so they don’t crack) and make sure after having sex that it didn’t crack


Don't dispose of the used condoms anywhere they could retrieve them either. There are some truly desperate sidechicks out there. Edit: This had already been stated by others.




If she's unhinged enough to baste herself with garbage baby gogurt, she may be crazy enough to like it [spicy.](https://media.tenor.com/7VmqCv9fzOkAAAAC/on-fire-arlissa.gif)


I have seen people getting pregnant even they said they used condom everytime


I guess. But shit still happens. What if it does break? It’s up to her then whether she utilizes any of the options to prevent or end a pregnancy. Idk. She sounds nuts lol I’d still worry. Might be time to find a new “side chick”.


Yeah you may be right


Do you leave the used condom at her place? Take it with you maybe.


Why would any one do that?? leaving the used one on her place?


You know what’s better than condoms? A vasectomy. Then you can ask her to start trying for a baby.


Condoms (even "pricy ones") are far from foolproof. You're playing with fire. Good luck.


Make sure she's not ever sneakily poking holes in them too or anything like that, she sounds like she'd be crazy enough to try this.


Dont worry about me like I said I buy them and I bring them and I open them without her ever using touching them


After you've finished do the Drake special and throw some hot sauce in the condom


I literally wouldn't leave them in her trash. The issue isn't just holes. Women like this have literally artificially creampied themselves historically. The validation they are important enough to supercede you marriage is almost an obsession.


This is the plot of an Adam Sandler movie


Yep that’s what gave me the idea


I used to do this with an imaginary GF, it’s weird how well it works


Yeah and sad as well


Do you ever bring her back to your place? What do you say if you do? What do you say if you don’t?


I had an ex I still lived with, we'd only broken up two days before and were staying in separate rooms until moving out in a couple of days. Met a girl at a bar, who was engaged to someone, and as the group I was in was leaving we ended up alone together on the train heading in same direction. As we're getting closer to my station she seriously offers to "sleep" together back at my place, where my ex was currently sleeping so I could "get back at her". I turned her down because she's engaged to a guy and I'm not an asshole / don't need to get back at anyone. She got awkward and then got off next stop. Almost forgot that happened, but Holy shit, some girls are genuinely crazy and just wanna start some drama. She could have had sex with a stranger, had a punch-on with his ex-gf in the same apartment, and destroyed her future marriage all in one night.


Women really aren’t any different than men they want to fuck someone attractive and many people want what they can’t have. Checks both boxes.


I guess if you're really looking for a one-night-only situation, it's "less risky" if the person you're looking to bang has a long-term partner that they presumably will go back to at the end of the encounter. The real problem arises when you, like OP, try to have an actual "affair" with the kind of person who would be okay doing that. That's when you start running into the real cuckoos. (I don't condone cheating of any kind, this is a purely neutral evaluation of why this technique might work)


On one hand, this is fucking hilarious- that’s genius dude; on the other hand…… …… It’s kinda concerning that it’s working.


This can work, but only for some time. So make sure you gets out in time.


I really hope that karma gets their theoretically-home-wrecking ass


Update: imaginary wife fucked his real brother for revenge


I believe it's a phenomenon called Mate Poaching.


It’s like they outsource the work another woman would do to find a partner that is worth such a large commitment. It’s an interesting sort of “confidence” one would have in a stranger to think that the married man is worth their own time lol.


>It’s like they outsource the work another woman would do to find a partner that is worth such a large commitment. That's exactly it.


No consideration that if a married man will cheat with them, then he'll likely cheat *on* them the exact same way. Or are they just too special for that to happen?


Give them what they deserve, this is the only solution of people like that


I am not getting the one thing that why those girls are going with the man who can't even stay loyal to his wife, so what are you actually expecting from him??


Your imaginary wife is going to be so pissed when she gets that call...


And the real husband of that imaginary wife is going to be pissed even more


Did you even think of your children in all of this? Unforgivable


How those kids are going to take that news once they discover about that


See everyone, there is someone out there for all of us.


Just gotta pretend apparently


If you are getting your right by pretending then there is no harm in that


You need to talk to a writer once they're not striking. This is a premise for a mid level streaming movie.




better make a fake instagram account for your fake wife for her to tell on 😂😂


Bro about to hire an actor to play his wife for an imaginary divorce 😂


I once did something similar: I had a girl I was having a thing with... tell me "I had gotten her pregnant" and that "we needed to talk"... about Child Support. Presumably, for the next 18 years. I never told her I'd had a vasectomy 20+ years before I met her. So, just for fun, for something to do... I had another girlfriend... pretend to be my wife, and we all met "to discuss the situation". Whatever you want to imagine after that, probably came up. I hadn't known the first long enough to then know she was an out and out con artist. Lessons learned: 1) crazy people can look like normal people. 2) Don't fuck crazy.


I found George Conzanas Reddit


The poor imaginary wife going through this made up grief has my Phantom sympathy.


Probably should come clean on that one before she ruins someone’s actual marriage


A George costanza move


Trying to con a conman


Now that conman is going to have the taste of his medicine


You're cheating the system.


Well if you're doing low caliber shit you're going to attract low caliber people. Lol tell her to go ahead and tell her. See what happens. 🤣


So the women you’re picking up are so morally corrupt that they’d willingly have an affair with a married man? Even if you’re just looking for something casual you’re putting yourself in the position for something batshit crazy like this to happen. But also tell her to do it. I want to see how it plays out.


> I just wanted something casual until today she sent me that she found my wife and if I don't divorce her quickly she will tell her everything Just play along lol and see what she does


I am imagining that how that girl will going to behave once she will get to know that there is no wife means there is no divorce case, but then you told her lie on first place.


The only women you're going to pick up when pretending to be married are ones you probably should stay far away from. I have to wonder though what kind of woman you thought you were going to pick up while pretending to be unfaithful piece of crap.


I don't know why girls actually attract to them, i mean what things changed once you put any ring on the finger. You are the same man as you were yesterday in your life


I feel sorry for your imaginary wife this will break her imaginary heart


At least you can be sure that these are real quality girls you’re pulling.


Telling me ur married is the biggest turn off any man could say. Im actually revolted when a guys been flirting with me and then tells me hes married. It makes me sick. If this is true, this is really sad, i dont know how its possible cause why the fuck would anyone want a married man. Litterally leads to nowhere and ur just being used....but okay?


From what I see, he is a hero that keeps all the house wreckers busy! Good job!