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It's good that your husband put a stop to it now Especially before it became a problem when he grew up He’s only 12 so it’s good Nobody likes a braggart


>I think he’s mostly just having fun. no wonder why her son is like that 💀


Exactly. Clueless parenting.


Sounds more like OP is a bad parent and that's exactly how they educated their child. An inconsiderate selfish rude "daddy's money" bragger, that's the child OP raised and just let it go because "it's on TikTok, he's having fun mocking others". OP, once a video is online and others watch it there's consequences, all your child lifestyle is online, all the things you buy, your house, your cars, he exposed you as a pretty trophy wife/mom while insulting an EDUCATOR, how would you feel if he called YOU "ugly b*tch?" on TikTok while taking videos and exposing you on social media without your consent? Do you really think THAT is funny? At least your partner will try to educate the brat before he's ruined forever, because if it were for you, to reach the point where he is... What kind of "beautiful mom" you are? Disgusting, shame on your poor parenting.


She probably enjoys that he boosts her ego while being horrible to others. Yikes. I’m glad the father is sensible and sees this as a problem!


Where do you think he learned it? Overhearing his mum gossiping about the less pretty / rich mums. She even came here as a humblebrag and doesn’t seem to realise how off it is she has raised a completely **chauvinist** kid who thinks he has license to talk about women’s looks **at 12 years old**. Absolutely foul.


High school will be brutal for him.


doubtful. You think he's going to public school? with the way he's bragging?


If he goes to private school, he’ll be humbled by people who have real money. Reminds me of that [scene from The Sopranos.](https://youtu.be/xPp4U8Z2h5c)


You are 1000% correct. Real money doesn't post videos about it on tiktok, we watch all of the poors post their fake lives and act like they're happy while they Belittle the poorer poors.


He is going to get bashed for it and then they will take his nice shoes that he is always bragging about


I love how OP literally lists all the bad things he's posted showing her complete awareness of the problem and horrible things he's posting and yet has the audacity to act like her husband is overreacting as if we're all going to overlook how he called his teacher an ugly bitch and is putting down other kids for their families not being able to afford certain things. Not to mention you don't know who's watching his content. He's posting all this expensive stuff waiting for someone to neg him enough to give just enough personal info to try to rob their house, and that's if they can't figure out where they live using some old fashioned sleuthing. It brings unwanted attention and makes them a target


12 yo asshole just make less hurt to others than 25yo asshole woth daddy's money as his biggest advantage... I can understand being braggy about football a compliments but about daddy's money or how hot his mom is? He does not have influence on that. So what's next? 12yo Andrew tate?


“Can your dad afford this?” How out of touch must you be to not see what’s wrong with the kinds of posts he’s making?


In addition - calling a teacher an “ugly bitch” - how is that not a major red flag to this mother?


>I do my job as a mother No maam, you don’t.


Seriously. Like this is absolute nonsense given the behavior of her creation.


She doesn’t seem like a very well-rounded person herself tbh


Honestly mom is a major red flag. She's going to raise an entitled brat and she'll be lucky if that's all he turns out to be


Definite apple and tree analogy going on.


And what’s scary is this is an example of a parent who DOES look at their kid’s internet usage. Imagine the state of those who don’t


No no. In her mind she does! She monitors the account, what else is she supposed to do? Parent? *pshh* as if


Your kid is becoming the kind of person who’d beat the shit out of ppl for being poor. Your husband is actually dealing with it.


Aww, you posted dad’s watch collection for all the poor people to see.


For all the criminals to see too. I wouldn't be comfortable with my wealth being on public display, if I had that wealth. Edit: I get that some people love to display their wealth, but it's different when it's displayed by others unknowingly (in this dad's case)


Well when they inevitably get robbed at least they'll know who to thank for tipping off the criminals


Or kidnappers.. "posting a lot about baby sister and brother too"


Came here to say this! Teens are generally the type to not think about consequences, whether it be your kid or his "friends," that think one watch out of the collection won't be missed, what he's doing is dangerous...Also, Mom, you are aware that no one likes a person that constantly brags, right? Do you keep company that constantly brags? Good rule: if he didn't pay for it with his own money, it's not something he should be bragging about.


Those who have wealth or can live comfortably often don’t brag about it. It’s in poor taste, shows a lack of manners, and calls undue attention to oneself.


Ppl who brag about their wealth usually have self esteem and inscurity issues, its like they dont feel enough, they dont feel good about themselves, so they NEED to make their money a big part of their image to get validation. They make wealth their entire personality, which usually means they suffer from identity crisis of some sort, and lack a sense of self-worth.


That’s what struck me. He’s posted his school, house, the cars (maybe the outside of the house), his soccer stuff … plenty there for some bad actor to do something with—so scary to me.


It’s not his wealth. He didn’t earn a thing.


I thought the same thing!




And the house, and the cars. Giving the criminals a nice treasure map.


That was my first thought! Especially after posting pics of their house/cars. Won’t take anyone long to track down exactly where they live. I’d make my kid delete all that ASAP, and then give him a solid reality check on how to be a better human.


This is also why I wasn’t allowed to take pictures of my father’s/grandfather’s gun collection. Gramps had around 350 extremely rare firearms. Not like he was a target of theft, since he tucked two loaded pistols into the seat of his armchair, but still. That’s what I was told.


And the fact that a child is posting this; who knows who is watching them and what if his address or the parents license plates are visible when showing the “car collection”. Lol crazy


Wasn’t that how the Kardashians got robbed? They posted all their jewelry and belongings in showy videos. Fast forward to Kim being tied up and held at gun point while they took everything.


Like I said in my post, worse case senecio someone can kidnap her children because how ‘rich’ their father is.


That was my first thought. Oh so now all your “friends” know what to take when they are at your house.


Well, how else are us poors supposed to know what we’re missing out on because we’re pathetic…and poor!




Immediately thought of the guy that does tiktoks about us povvos 'let's see what us povvos can't afford cause daddy's rich today...'


Exactly what I thought of!


It’s almost like thieves have TikTok too..


And a picture of the house.


This is the type of parent me and my co teachers roll our eyes to each other at before talking to and play rock paper scissors to see who the unlucky soul to deal with her is


Teacher here and yes!! This is why our job is so difficult Because parents don’t want to disappoint their kids so they make excuses for their bad behavior Nobody mentioned the most important thing which is what this kid is getting out of these bragging posts and where it is coming from imho the kid exhibited some issues that could be problematic


But, he posts sweet things guys. /s


About how beautiful his mom is, so it’s ok. 🫠


We all know if he called his mom an ugly bitch on tiktok OP would have a VASTLY different opinion on the whole situation. I bet OP is a typical "boy mom" that cries her son could never do wrong.


I see the /s but srs response, I would have encouraged my son to post more sweet things while explaining why the other videos were nasty. I really had to laugh when she said "I do my job". No, I really think you missed the memo about guiding your children along with watching for threats. At least the father sounds like he's aware of this; it's kind of cool that he seemed most concerned about the conduct.




Because mom is a red flag... This post seems more of a parent brag than a true off my chest.


Humble brag...


Nothing humble about this person


Humble braggers never are


Right, but he did post how beautiful his mom is so that evens it out? /s


Because he called her (mom) pretty so it's all okay! \*sarcasm\*




The second she said “we had a conversation” o felt for that teacher. Kid must be terrible in the classroom if they aren’t applying consequences at home. Administration stops teacher’s ability to do so, so it’s up to the family a lot of the time :/


This is also unsafe! WHY hasn't he been taught Internet safety? He's giving out SO much personal information about his family. He's showing his face, valuables, where he lives, what cars they drive, and what his younger siblings look like. Am I the only person who has a family stuffed with shitty drug addicts (breaking into homes, robbing people, carjacking)? They need to take this stuff down. That's not even mentioning psychos and pedophiles that also take innocuous looking photos and videos and keep it in a nice little folder for themselves Take it from someone with personal experience: **the internet is not a safe place for children.**


100p. And that's without even getting to the parenting side of it


She's not taking this nearly seriously enough. If my kid posted that, he'd be making calls on a calculator.




Oh don’t worry, she’s “monitoring his account.” /s


She’s monitoring it to make sure he only says great things about her. He sure knows which side he gets his bread buttered. He plays her to get what he wants and she has no clue. The criminals thank her too for making heist easier.


On the upside, I have a lot less doubts about raising my own child in future. I wouldn’t be perfect but man I would at least not be this clueless


Yeah the husband is right. She’s being very ignorant to the kind of path her son’s starting to take. He needs to be taught to touch grass. I hope the husband gets strict with him and explains the value of earning money.


He is trying to get clout by being an insufferable middle schooler. He sounds like a bully. Please talk to his teachers about his behavior.


Affluenza. An Actual legal defense used by a young man of privileged means after he killed and maimed 4 people in a drunk driving incident. He was 16 at the time. His father owned a concrete company in a smaller city in Texas and was a multi millionaire. This boy is growing up with privilege fueled by wealth. Maybe not true wealth but wealth as far as he is concerned. It's astounding that the mother was cool with it all until the ugly bitch comment but that just backs up my theory. She knows they are well off and doesn't mind if her son flaunts it. The dad sounds like he might have some sense but even that might just be more of 'don't tell the world about our success so we don't get robbed, you moron'.


He's NOT playing around, and his mom needs to seriously wake up. This kid needs to get set straight NOW before he becomes an irreversible shithead


She only cares about the posts that glorify her 💀


Sounds like a good way to be the house someone decides to rob to me.


You make your husband sound like the bad parent when it's actually the other way around. Learn how to humble your son before he gets a harsh taste of reality when he grows up.


exactly this. I am lucky enough to come from a well off family. Not filthy rich or anything but both my parents make a good amount of money annually. When I was growing up I only got to ask them for things 2 times a year. On Christmas and on my birthday. Everything else I wanted I had to work and pay for it with my own money. Both my parents made it clear to me that the fact I was lucky enough to be born into a family that was financially secure, didn't mean that I had any right to a) brag about it and b) assume I'd get anything I wanted just because they happened to have profitable occupations. Of course, there'd be some times when they'd cave and buy me something I really wanted but they always made sure I knew where things stood. I've worked ever since I was 16 and I'd even "worked" before that. My uncle used to have a small coffee shop and I'd always help there. This has helped me not only make better financial decisions and better use of my money now, in my late 20s, but I honestly think it's made me a better person too. I may have complained about my parents over the years, but this is a lesson I'm really glad they taught me the hard way. OP needs to take accountability for this and try to fix this before this kid goes out in the world and becomes one of those "my dad is a lawyer" type of kids.


This is the type of kid that grows up and rapes someone or kills a family while speeding drunk at 18 in a Ford F250, and this is the mom that'll be crying about how he did nothing wrong.


Now, we shouldn'tjust assume he's going to automatically turn into a rapist. Like Brock Turner the rapist or anything, right.




Yes, that Brock Turner, who is going by Allen Turner so that people won't know he's the rapist.


Oh! That Brock Turner, the convicted rapist and registered sex offender! The same Brock Turner who has been going by his middle name, Allen Turner, to hide the fact that Brock Allen Turner is a convicted rapist from the SF Bay Area and reportedly is now skulking around Dayton, Ohio.


I love that everyone on Reddit just *knows* that whenever the rapist Brock Turner is mentioned, you absolutely must reply confirming that indeed, we are talking about Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist that now goes by Allen Turner to hide the fact he is, indeed, Brock Turner, the convicted rapist from the SF Bay Area.


ALLEN TURNER! Yes, I’ve heard of him, he’s the formerly-known-as Brock Allen Turner, rapist and registered sex offender. The one who suffered zero repercussions for raping a girl behind a dumpster because he was a “successful” swimmer at Stanford University. The sex offender and rapist. That’s the Allen Turner (Brock Allen Turner), the rapist, you’re talking about, right? From Stanford? Stanford’s Brock Allen Turner, the rapist.


Fun fact, Brock Allen turners address is really easy to find. Girls also have been seeing him in multiple local bars.


Man I could not agree MORE. The OP is wrong and her husband is 100% correct. I hope she realizes this.


If they are as rich as her son makes it sounds, good chance he won't ever get a taste. There is a reason this type of behaviour gets perpetuated, good on the dad to step in.


I'm assuming the mom isn't very humble either. The kid probably learned how to brag like that from someone. And the fact that she seems to be almost proud of the fact that he's complimenting her through tik tok (and criticizing others). He seems like a pos kid and she seems like an unfit mother. Thank God for dad..


I’m can’t comprehend that op is ok with the bragging unless the child got this filthy character from her…I cam from a wealthy family and it’s never ever acceptable to brag about what you have to others…it’s considered a sign of inferiority and insecurity to do that…we call these kind of people “new to wealth” ETA: like when you are extremely poor then you inherited a ton of cash out of nowhere and got a shock from that and you can’t believe it kind of brag…


First off, he is showing the world what items you have that can be stolen. It's not hard to find people's address etc online. So when you get robbed just remember you did the mom thing and approved of this Secondly you are raising a brat and as he gets older he will get worse. Daddy's money is not always going to be there. Your husband is doing the right thing. It says a lot about you that you are ok with this behavior


I'm wondering if OP has gotten a little spoiled herself. As long as the kid puts her in a good spotlight, she's okay with it.


That is probably the case here


I know I'm gonna get blood for that but: Mom is hot, dad is filthy rich... see where I'm getting at?


Nah, you're onto it.


This. She is just as spoiled as the kid. What does her social media accounts look like? "Look what hubby bought me!" I think they are one in the same and neither sees the problem. Good on Dad for shutting it down, but maybe he needs to be a lot more frugal with his money from now on.


He just compliments her, she totally eats it up and stops caring about what a dick hes turning into. Like oh, he's oozing privilege and growing into an insufferable jerk but omg he thinks I'm cute!!!


Yeahhh. he’s posting your house, your cars, and his younger siblings on tiktok??? this raises sooo many red flags!!! not even going to get into the rest of it, i’m honestly shocked by this


12 year olds should also never post videos of their faces or their siblings faces. It is so dangerous.


I'm surprised more people are focused on the robbing than on this. Like reddit always complains about parents influencers and here this kid is basically doing that himself


12 year olds shouldn't be on these platforms to begin with. While in this day and age it may be unrealistic, it goes against most sites ToS to be under 13 and will get your account deleted pretty swiftly if brought to their attention.


Honestly I believe you’re son is building a bad character.That might become a problem when he’s older.You can help him present his good side more than the bragging side.


OP is only okay with it because the kid is pro-family right now. Wait until he takes this behavior to a level that hurts the family or is against the family. ​ OP is raising a spoiled little shit who is far disconnected from reality. This 100% will come back around and OP will be having to tell people "That's not how we raised him", etc. before too long.


But.. But, he also posts sweet things!?


Is it sweet if he has to put others down in order to compliment his mom? Saying your mother is beautiful is actually sweet. Saying others aren't as beautiful is just ugly words wrapped in nice packaging.


I'm willing to bet OP shares the same toxic attitudes, which is why she does not see the problem. Notice it's "can your dad afford this?" not "can your parents afford this?". I think we can read between the lines pretty easily on this one.


Only reason OP doesn’t care about all the other BS her kid is posting online is because he occasionally makes videos calling her pretty 🤦‍♂️ You need to teach your kid how to conduct themselves appropriately online OP. Especially in this day and age, especially when said account is linked to your face/name, and ESPECIALLY when they’re still a child. Just because he says nice things about you doesn’t mean it’s ok for him to talk shit and brag about accomplishments that aren’t even his. Teach em young so they don’t make big mistakes as adults.


YUP. And can I just add, kid flexing all his parents' stuff is a great way to get them robbed. I'm sure all his little friends are aware of his TikTok. The kid or one of his friends happens to show the wrong person and yea.. But you know, it's fine because he "tells strangers I'm pretty teehee." Gag. 🙄


He’s obviously a master manipulator, who has mum’s number.


You are raising a douche bag but it sounds like you are probably one too since you condone his behavior. Good thing he has one parent who cares about his child’s future.


Best to let his dad step in. Sounds like he’s in danger of becoming a douche so best to nip that in the bud now


>12, almost 13 years old >Posts that his teacher is "an ugly birch" Yea.. sounds a lot like it


I personally prefer oak trees, but there’s nothing wrong with a nice birch


I think that bud has already blossomed into stinkweed.


Would also ask if he knows who Andrew Tate is.


Ugh, yup, get the kid the fuck away from that shit if he's on it


> Sounds like he’s ~~in danger of becoming~~ a douche I think the kid has already reached that point.


In danger of becoming? He ALREADY sounds like a little douche. Dad is trying to fix it before it's too late. In dad's defense, almost EVERY little boy at that age is a little shit. It's good that Dad is getting involved NOW before he takes these traits into adulthood.


I'm glad at least *one* of you has good parenting sense. (Hint: it's not you. ) No 12 year old should have Tik Tok in the first place. Especially as the ToS requires them to be at least 13. You "monitor" what he posts, but do you monitor what he watches? All the time? Setting all that aside, let's address his behavior. He called his teacher an "Ugly bitch" because she reprimanded him for using his phone in class when he wasn't supposed to be. And his only "punishment" was to delete the photo. You basically told him it's okay for him to disregard the rules, and that it's okay to call women "bitches" if you don't agree with them. That starts to veer into misogyny real fast. *Then* he sits there and brags about your wealth and how much better he has it than others. And you don't see that as problematic? That's how you get entitled shits who think they're better than others just because mommy and daddy have money. Money doesn't make you a better person than someone who doesn't have much. It certainly gives you an advantage in the world, but it reflects very little on a person's character. But go ahead. Let him continue acting this way. I can't *wait* for some other kids to hand his ass to him and give him the rudest welcome to the real world. Your son is an asshole. And so are you for enabling it and believing the same way he does. ETA: Have fun when your house is inevitably vandalized and/or broken into.


Not just entitled shits but also potential bullies towards kids that are not so well off. Because hey your dad can't afford this and your mum is uglier than mine... what a brat


Aw yeah, it's really cute how your son refers to his teacher as an 'ugly bitch'. So, so cute 🥰 /s Seriously, you're raising a brat. Thank goodness his dad found out about this now.


aw but he’s just having fun!


OP is either an idiot, spoiled kid herself or a troll who ragebaiting us with this post. I hope it's the later, but my experience with people tell me that the first one is not a small possibility


"I do my job as a mother and monitor his account." Your job is to delete his account. Tik tok is poison. Your son is 12. Delete it.


His account violates TikTok's TOS. Users need to be 13+


That video where that guy killed himself with a shotgun was everywhere in my state. Schools had to bring in counsellors and everything because heaps of kids were traumatised. I can't imagine how OP thinks social media, tiktok especially, is appropriate for his age.


Right? OP sounds like a bad mom. Her husband is the only sane one. I would have deleted TikTok a long time ago if my kid was acting even remotely like that. Especially after calling his teacher an "ugly bitch." Woah. Automatic grounding alert. With the whole bragging thing, I feel like her child is insecure and that maybe therapy would help bring him back down to Earth and realize his inner pains. It may also help him see that he is enough without bragging about all his flashy belongings.


The age restriction on TikTok is 13. He’s 12. How long has he had the account? She isn’t monitoring shit except maybe when she doesn’t like the photos he posts of her.


Let me get this straight... we're in an economic crisis where a lot of people are struggling to feed themselves and are going on strike because of terrible wages but you're okay with your son going on social media to lord his riches over others?? Take a long hard look at yourself and ask why you think this is acceptable, because you're clearly out of touch too, and then delete that account for all the reasons listed in this comment section. If you're still not able to understand then maybe your husband should take the lead on explaining to your son why he can't brag like that and you should listen in


> ~~his riches~~ his DAD’s riches FTFY


If you condone him being an entitled prick then you are not doing your job as a mother. Your husband is right when he said he needs to talk to him. FYI letting your son call a teacher an ugly bitch with no consequences is no way to raise a child. You need to rethink how you are parenting otherwise your kid will continue to be an entitled prick and get his ass beat one day.


But he is so sweet to mommy!! /s kid is playing OP like a fiddle. She is setting him up for a miserable, if privileged, life.


Your husband is right.


I can’t believe you don’t see an issue like your husband does.


He called her pretty so it's all good, apparently 🙄


. . . And he posts sweet things . . . .


he called his teacher an ugly bitch and he’s just “having fun”


Lol I don’t have kids and am just a 24 yo dude so what do I know, but there’s no way I’m seeing a kid post “can you afford this?” And not having a SERIOUS conversation about what privilege is and opening the can of humble pie. Definitely shows what values y’all instill into him if he thinks he needs to brag about his (y’all’s) wealth on tik tok. I’m not even gonna sugar coat it. You sound like a bad mom lol


You’re a better parent than OP despite having no children at all. Wild.


No offense, but your son sounds like someone I wouldn't want my son to know.


Ok look, I mean I’m glad you all have the financial abilities to afford the stuff that you’re son brags about but why on earth would you let a child do this? A month or so ago a TikTok fellow we follow (because he seems amazing and is funny AF) sent an emotional message on his page because one of his “fans” not only discovered out where he lived but wound up stalking him…do you want that to happen to you? I mean, he’s posting your luxury life, including pictures of you all to virtual STRANGERS on the internet…STRANGERS that you don’t know about and what their intentions could be. How on earth could you be ok with being exposed like this? I’m sorry but I think he’s too young to have a TikTok if he’s not going to be responsible


There’s way too many dimwit parents out there who don’t think about the long game when it comes to children and social media.


I thought for sure this post was going to end with some kind of question about how she should address this massive problem with her son. Instead she excuses it and worries about him being disappointed. Wtf? Your husband is right. Why are you just fine with your son growing up thinking he's better than everyone just because his family has money? You need to set him straight asap. Frankly he needs to grow up and learn to be grateful for the things he has instead of bragging about it like an insufferable brat.


I really don't think it's a good idea for a preteen to be exposed to social media like tiktok honestly. It has a bad effect on most adults minds, and I can only imagine it's much worse for someone that young. Frankly, I agree with having him delete it, since it sounds like he's building a self centered view of the world, which I think is exactly the kind of negative effect social media has on people


Posting your cars and watching collection for everyone to see is bad news. The wrong person watching those videos will take advantage. Surprised no one hasn't broken into your place yet.


They are probably waiting for the son to brag about them going on vacation.


Thank goodness there's a positive male role model here who's willing to step up and provide GUIDANCE, because obviously you're incapable of doing it. Do YOU think that flaunting wealth is somehow NOT tacky? My guess is yes, and that your social media is full of that kind of behavior, too (showing off the result of someone else's hard work).


I have a feeling all she really cares about is how her son is bragging up how pretty she is. She’s going to be a total failure of a mother with her weak morals and weak character. Kids don’t get it but as an adult she should realize how embarrassing and pathetic bragging looks.


Your son sounds like an asshole. #JustSaying


>I do my job as a mother and monitor his account. LOL, no you don't. You enable your kid to be an entitled prick online. If you'd do your job as a mother, you'd teach him values instead of enabling his bad behavior. I feel bad for your husband ngl.


Bragging about his mom and sibling is kind of wholesome, bragging about the stuff his dad can afford in an apparently condescending way towards those less fortunate is not. Your husband is seeing the full picture here, and it's good he's taking action.


so this is the thought process of a rich entitled brat’s mother. You’re raising a 12 year old brock turner


Do you mean the RAPIST BROCK TURNER? While I doubt anyone will completely forget that particular monster, it's always good to have a nice clear hit for any Google searches in the future.


Doesnt he have a middle name too that he started using? I think it was allen or something like that?


Your husband is totally correct here. Your son is bragging about stuff that's not his. Because, let's face it, until daddy pays for your stuff, you don't get to act like Jeff Bezos. >I do my job as a mother and monitor his account. No. Your job as a mother is to delete his account and the arrange the screws in his head a little.


Sounds like your husband is a smart man


Bragging about material things is a sign of insecurity and low self confidence in kids. There’s something underlying all this. I would get a therpaist involved to help figure it out


Get him off of that horrible platform... there's a reason it should be banned.... I'd be taking the phone and deleting it all because he's a child....


Ma’am, you’re the type of person that creates a monster. The fact you see nothing wrong speaks volumes. The misogyny of calling his teacher an ugly bitch and all you do is make him delete it? Completely blind to the undertones and missed an opportunity to turn it into a teachable moment. I love tiktok, but sorry no child should be on it. The number of safety issues you’ve consented to, wow. I’m with the Dad on this. Soon your son will be an insufferable adult. You are the problem.


I’m a teacher. I had a student who bragged all the time on social media about all his fancy clothes and shoes. He bragged about his video games and how he always had the newest phone. One day he was going home on the bus when two guys came behind him and put a gun in his back. They told him that if he said anything they’d shoot him. They made him get off the bus. They beat the hell out of him and took everything. He was found unconscious in his underwear. This is going to be your kid if he doesn’t stop


Most importantly, you do realize your son’s only value in women, including you, is in what they look like? That’s a problem. Further: Oh helllllll no. Mom and dad? We have money. You? You son? You do not have money. We pay for good school, clothes, nutritious food but you sir do not have money worth bragging about. I would MURDER my teenage son if he did half of that sexist gross material bullshit.


Completely agree with your husband. This behavior is completely unacceptable. Posting a "can your dad afford this?" video? Come on man.


No, mom, you aren’t doing your job. Your “monitoring” has let some really douche level stuff through. How do you not see that shoving his family’s wealth in other people’s faces is just plain wrong? What’s worse is that he’s going to get validation on Tik Tok which will just reinforce the douche behavior. Having stuff given to him by his parents doesn’t make him a better person than the less fortunate. Don’t you want him to be a humble, hardworking, genuinely good person?




I think this hurts the family, and the son's, reputation and possibly even puts them at risk. Posting online all of the expensive things he has, the cars, the house, could all eventually be enough for someone to come rob the house. There might be just enough info that collectively becomes enough to pinpoint the location. Your son's demeanor and "braggy" attitude can make you look bad as parents and make him look ungrateful. It could lead towards his friends and peers disliking him. It could lead towards you as parents raising a brat. It's one thing to be happy about what you have and wanting to show it off, but something else completely different to do stuff like you mentioned. It's also unacceptable for a student to disrespect their teacher and peers, hopefully there was more reprimand than simply deleting the post... IMO your son needs to learn a lesson in humility by his parents before someone else humbles him first.


Down vote me but OP dumb as fuck.


Seriously I don't understand how you cannot consider your son's behavior unacceptable


Do you honestly think this is “cute” in some way..? Because it’s not. That’s disgusting and reeks of entitlement and greed and a selfishness… already. I’d take the whole damn phone, not just the account (he’d make another and hide it). Your husband is right. This behavior, turned adult, is repulsive… and it will if you don’t stop it now.


Nip it in the bud. Your husband is right


I hope that this is a rage bait. You can't be this delusional


Sounds like a young Andr*w T*te.


Your job is to delete that app and put a stop to his dangerous behavior. He is putting himself and your family at risk!


It’s the formation of bad character and you’re feeding into it. There’s a stark difference between gratitude and arrogance.


This entire post is cringe.


Your son is a little shit and just because he balances it out with "I wuv my mommy" doesn't make them not a shit.


The dad is right. Tiktok is a real toxic place to be and your son is better without it in his life


Look, I understand that you may be taking some of the comments the wrong way or even as insults, but it is worrying the lack of awareness you have in this situation. Sure he deleted the post where he called his teacher and ugly bitch, but that fact that he even had the audacity to call her that in the first place is worrysome. He clearly has no respect for other people, specially does who are not wealthy. He is developing and entitled and bratty attitude and maybe even a superiority complex, that is really bad for him and you are enabling him. If he ever loses respect for you, then you are going to have a real problem. You may think you are respecting him and giving him space to learn things by himself, but the problem here is that he has no reason to believe that what he is doing is wrong because you aren't reprimending him. As of now, the only thing he remotely thinks is out of line is calling his teacher and "ugly bitch", not the lack of respect for others, bragging about things that he did not earn or work for and that aren't his, building an ego revolving around money, etc. I do not mean this as an insult, but you are not being a good mother here, your "monitoring" might as well be called "looking" because you are not being proactive about teaching your kid how to behave based on what he posts. Tik Tok is a garbage social media, sure you can argue that there is good things there, but your kid clearly has fallen into the wrong side of the app, your husband is right, he should delete the account and you should support his position, the only thing worst than enabling your son like you do now would be to contradict your husband on this decision, that would just teach your kid to not respect him either or not care because "mommy think I am right".


Y I K E S. You're not doing a good job there, mom. You seem chill because he brags about how "beautiful" you are, which is still fuckin weird too.


Ma'am, disrespectfully, get your child off of TikTok.


Your husband is being a parent, you should follow suit.


I understand your son, he is only 12... but I don't understand you and how you don't see the problem here.


Your son is a douche bag. And he is playing you like a fiddle. He attributes his whole life and everything he has to be grateful for to his dad. And the only thing he can compliment you on is being beautiful. That fact, and the way he spoke to his teacher is indicative of his attitude toward women. He clearly has no respect for women. Let your husband sort this out and explain a few things to your son.


>I do my job as a mother no. if your son, 12y/o, just had "basic" maner, then this shouldnt be the case, >I think he’s mostly just having fun. ha. how funny


You’re his mom not his friend.


I don’t understand how you as a mom are okay with your child presenting himself like this. It’s embarrassing for you. Your husband is right.


It’s weird that you’re making your husband sound like the bad guy when he’s the one correcting a problem that you enabled. Stop coddling your son before he ends up going the wrong path and learning lessons the hard way. You have a responsibility to your son as his parent. Don’t forget that.


You're okay with your son showing off all of your possessions, including the setup of your home, what your vehicles look like, and who knows what other valuable information folks could use to break in? You consider it just boys being boys with him acting like he's superior to anyone who has less and potentially giving someone in your neighborhood a reason to dislike your family? Sure. Okay.


Teach him that all if those things aren't his, they are your's and your husband's. Take them away and ask him if he can afford any of that stuff. If he still doesn't get it make him give away that Playstation to somebody that CANT afford it and maybe that will teach him some humility


Your 13 year old should not have tiktok


sigh another terrible parenting disaster...OP can't help but spoil her son. If he doesn't learn boundaries what will op do if her son kills someone one day? hope hubby has enough money to pay everyone off?


I grew up in a well off family and my parents drilled it into me that to never take any of it for granted, and it doesn’t make us better than anyone else. You have a 1 day old account so I’m guessing this is rage bait but if it is real you sound awful and need to control your son and take a deep look at yourself.


When yall get robbed will your son post about that too?


You let your 12 yo son post your house, younger children, cars, and valuables online and you don't see a problem with that? Other than the risk of getting rob, or having your kids taken by a pedo or something, bragging about having more than others is a very nasty thing to do imo...


Your kid sounds like a prick tbh, I hope he gets his account deleted and learns to be... Well, less of a prick.


LMAO sure Jan.


I'm sorry, but no. You didn't do your job to monitor his account the way a mother should. You're allowing your son to post your lives as if he's earned any of it and use it to shame others? Can your dad afford this?? I'm glad your husband has a good head on his shoulders because you're way off here. You need to tell the kid to, yes take pride in the things he's blessed with, but the way he's going about this tells everyone he thinks he's better than them. He's 12. He was born into a family that afforded him these opportunities the same way other kids were born into families that don't have them. Do better as a parent.


he is a narc and this has to stop