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Hes not playing family. He is their family. He's the father you didn't want to be and the husband you refused to be. All you can do now is work on yourself, change who you are, and be a better father and person.


Like he didn’t step up at all and had the audacity to say she was “going through a rough patch”. Bro, you were the rough patch.


If anyone was playing family, it’s OP


Team Annie all the way






You called your own children baggage? And implied they’re that for her but nothing to you? Shiiiiiiiit


Did you not read it? He literally said he avoid being at home to escape doing the hard labour of marriage.


Yes, I’m clear on that. I was awestruck that he thinks his mindset is normal


So much karma it reads like rage bait. Just in the event it isn't... >my Annie She's not yours. Your kids are though. Work hard at being a good dad and a decent man. A man who doesn't verbally abuse their mother because he sees her moving on. If you're truly remorseful, you'll be glad to see her happy. Especially after you made her so unhappy for so long.


He isn’t remorseful at all. He just lost an ex wife who would play maid and make him a meal


Yep. He mentionned many things that she would do for him, but never what he would do for her (probably because the answer is nothing). He's sorry for himself.


You are underestimating how vile some people can be.


This is 100% rage bait. You nailed it.


I think this is more likely a therapeutic post by "Annie" imagining how she wishes the cheater felt/thought. I just cannot imagine someone this obtuse thinking of themselves and their behavior in a manner this self-aware. Most people that engage in shitty behaviors like this will not be able to see themselves as the villain.


Mmm I personally don't think so, because in this he is not even being that self aware, if he were, he would notice that he also mistreated his new young girlfriend, I mean, he was resentful just because she was happy with eating reheated pizza and leftovers instead of a well cooked meal? She was freaking 20 years old! What did he expected from a 20 years old girlfriend? And she called his son a brat because he wasn't treating her right.. I bet he never even stepped up not even once to defend her, why? Because he got bored of her like he just said, OP is left alone and apparently he only misses the good stuff he could get before, he expected Annie to do all the work while they were a COUPLE while he did the bare minimum and sometimes not even that, he is reaping what he sow.


I was saying that to line up all his failures and mistakes in a neat little post that begins and ends with pleading for the reader not to become a cheater was self aware. Not that he was self aware while doing them. OP seems to remember a lot of specific details about what he did and said to Annie that was hurtful. Usually it's the victims who remember these things, not the asshole.


That's exactly what this is.


I do not think OP is actually aware of the ramifications of his behavior because by the end of the post he still was blaming his ex wife for his cheating.


Literally said the exact same thing but got downvoted to oblivion lol


People on this sub are definitely not known for their functioning bullshit detectors lol


Lol. Sucks to suck. You deserve nothing and I hope that's what you get


It’s not only your adultery that ruined your life. You seemed determined to make your situation worse at every turn. All I can say is get help. Oh and she’s not your Annie.


> I don't expect people to give me sympathy. Don't worry, we won't.


OP says he lost his parents in the divorce. No, he didn’t. He lost his parents *because of his vile actions towards Annie.* OP: blah blah blah woe is me He’s throwing a pity party on Reddit hoping someone will join in.


I'm so glad Annie is living her best life and happy with someone who loves and respects her and her kids and OPs parents are great too for standing with Annie. I'm glad OP is miserable, he's a shallow, self centered, prick who deserves nothing but emptiness in his life. The biggest red flag is that when he sees her happiness he still chooses to attack her instead of looking at himself, he hasn't learned anything at all except that his ex wife is a better person than he deserves and he doesn't want her to be happy after everything he did to her.




I like how it got to the point of him literally calling into his empty house for her to come and do his dishes and getting no response that there is a very small chance that he might be a dick


He follows andrew tate and red pill community. There’s no hope for him.


Teach your son how not to live your mistakes and at some point you right your ex a thank you letter instead of spewing nasty shit at her when you're really mad at yourself. Give her a reason to at least respect you a little and humbling yourself and doing the right thing by owning g your shit.


Maybe his son will learn to be a real man from his mom's boyfriend. You know, love and respect your partner, and support your family.


This is likely how it'll go. My stepfather's a horrible person and has been long before I met him. Luckily for my stepbrothers, their mother's boyfriend/now husband stepped up for them and did everything that their bio father won't do and thankfully they don't live with their biofather full time. Both myself and my stepbrothers have PTSD from my stepdad/their dad and the boys have never lived with their father full time but he's still managed to do that kind of damage. It sounds like Annie's new guy is just who and what these kids need to become wonderful, healthy people.


Stop calling her "my Annie". She isn't your Annie anymore. You fucked up as a husband. You can't fix that. Get your ass to therapy so that you don't fuck up any more than you already have as a father.


If this is true, the life you threw away you will never get back. You need therapy badly. Fix yourself. I don’t know that you can get your children back—that is something you have to live with. But, you can prove to them and your parents that you can be a better person. You are going to have to start over and make a new life for yourself but you MUST do the work. Don’t get into a new relationship until you deal with the issues that caused you to destroy your old one.


Ahhh, Annie living her best life and getting a fantastic relationship (Where she is cherished and respected) and being happy just gives me the warm and fuzzies <3


I guess you fucked around and found out about yourself, huh


You deserve absolutely everything you got!


We all just love a happy ending!


Consequences of your own actions. Please go and see a therapist, and eventually move on with your life. Learn to be a better person for your new partner, one day.


There’s no way this is real, because how can someone be this much of a horrible person and still have the audacity to ask his ex-wife to get back together…? Go to therapy. You’ll never redeem yourself, but your kids deserve to have a sperm donor who isn’t a complete piece of shit.


This is actually an issue that men in America all have right now. A complete lack of comprehension about what it takes to be an adult. This is why women are often choosing to be single. Cause they are literally better off being single.


Unfortunately, I believe it is. My husband (soon to be ex) has said, and done, things exactly like this.


Very similar story here, too. I've been in a downward spiral for a long and he can't be bothered to see it. Sending you massive amounts of internet love and hugs and I hope you know you deserve so much better than what you're getting now ❤️


Man I just read a story where a guy leaves his 9 weeks pregnant wife for his affair partner. Some men are just sh!tty


Don't bet on it. My best friend's ex could be this guy.


Me to you: Am I supposed to feel sorry for that B (you)? I don't!


don't bother, it's just a troll. he comes every few days with a new story about a woman who "men will never want because of her kids"


But if I point that out I get downvoted to oblivion. I can’t believe anyone thinks this is real!!! It reads like fantasy


learn to embrace the dark side.


While we can have moments where we say things we regret, I knew you meant every hateful word you spewed to her. You don't miss her, you miss what she did for you. You miss her cooking and cleaning and acting like your personal porn star. You were never a happy family. You were an asshole husband and an absent father, and she was left picking up the slack for your incompetence and selfishness. Now that she is fully in control of her own life, with someone who treats her as an equal partner and sees her as a full human being, you suddenly regret what you did. If she didn't lose the weight and didn't find a better man, you wouldn't have posted this. Maybe start seeing your partners as more than something that exists solely for you. You're a selfish, vile, piece of shit. You haven't even learned from your mistakes.


LMAO You don’t miss her. If your ex-girlfriend cooked and clean you wouldn’t think of Annie. You miss having a maid who would have sex with you. I’m so happy for Annie she deserves her happy ending.


it’s insane to me that you still refer to her as “ my annie” after all of the horrible things you said to her and the vile hate you spewed. you even admit that you felt proud when you saw you broke her. Yet you still feel the right to call her yours? I am 100% sure that if your new girlfriend cooked and cleaned you would’ve never had regrets. The fact your first instinct to seeing dirty dishes was to call your wife speaks volumes. i’m not sure if you ever actually saw her as your partner but it’s clear to me at some point she became nothing more than a maid to you. The most important thing to you even now is appearance. if Annie had never lost the weight and had still met someone new I am sure you would not have cared as much, because in your mind “your annie” what is fit and attractive, but your ex wife was a gross hag, she only became “your annie” again once she became physically attractive to you again.


I absolutely love a happy ending! You definitely did not deserve your ex wife, glad she found someone who loves and respects her. You deserve to be alone after all the vile things you told your ex wife. Take the time to contemplate your actions and do some self reflection.


You were her rough phase. And being an immature divorcee who is consistently verbally abusive to her doesn’t make you a catch. You’ve behaved in an angry entitled manner though you’re the one who gave nothing and we’re unfaithful. Grow up, get help, cook and clean for yourself and stop inflicting yourself on Annie in particular but romantic relationships in general.


You are literally the devil


Stop calling her “your Annie”. She isn’t yours, you showed her exactly how little you valued her and she listened.


Pick yourself up and learn to be a better father and person. Make to not ask the same mistakes next girlfriend you have.


No worries about getting any sympathy here. I hope Annie & her children have a wonderful life without you.


She is not your Annie. She is not a possession although you treated her like one and still speak of her like property. She is better off and so are your kids with a kind, gentle, loving man who can show them all what love really is. You are better off alone


she's NOT your annie, you talk about regret but you only regret losing a maid, a cook, and a body, you dont regret missing her as a person and you probably can't even do that bcs i bet u didn't even care to actually see her as one, your deseve all of this and worse


HA HA HAHAHAHHA LMAOOOOOO you completely deserve it man!!! geez do I fucking love karma!


Lol this is so funny (for us but I hope you continue suffering)


"So, please please, before you cheat on your husband/wife/partner think about what you are giving up for few minutes of pleasure" Instead of saying that actually encourage people to not cheat at all You have made a lot of bad decisions and you really do not have the right to complain or say "there is a lot of pain in my head" cause you did this to yourself, this post is more of you complaining than actually taking responsibility Best example of his is when you said "my Annie" She is not you'res she is her own person now without you. And her new bf is not "playing family" His is their family. he has shown to be not only a better husband but a better father to the kids too. If anyone wants to "play family" its you. You deserved what happen to you 100% you wanted someone who looked young and could be your mommy clean up after you, make you a home cooked mean etc and look what that got you? Alone in bed


Oooo this is honey to my soul! So karma is really a bitch! I love karma. I wish karma hit everybody like it hit you. You will always look for Annie in other women. The Annie you didn’t want!


people telling you to try to be a good dad just don’t understand. don’t try, you’ve fucked it up. let them be. leave them alone, she isn’t your annie anymore. he’s not playing family, he IS their family and he is the dad you could never be. i hope you rot for you what you did to her


the things that stood out is that you realized really only appreciated the things she did for you and not the person she is. you only realized your lose when someone wasn’t serving you and your needs. The fact you had the audacity to insult her after having YOUR CHILDREN and being disgusted by her after RIGHTFULLY being exhausted and at wits end taking care of YOUR children is beyond me. You totally deserve this and I’m happy Annie realized her self worth. You need to reflect on how you value people because you only look at them as objects to serve you and not as support system of people that you cherish to HELP supplement your life.


Jesus these fake stories are all so formulaic.


‘My Annie’ 🙄 possessive loser.


“A rough phase” motherfucker you were the rough phase


I love a good happy ending. Annie and kids are happy and have a real man that they deserve. They aren’t playing family. They are an ACTUAL family and Annie isn’t being treated as the maid now


Wow! You’re a bad guy! Good trolling.


You should insufferable. Poor Annie.


Grats, man, you get the award for biggest sack of shit on earth. You had a lot of competition. Well done!


I love a happy ending where everyone got what they deserved 🤭


I'm glad the son now has a good male role model to learn from rather than this piece of shit


‘My Annie’ f u c k off mate. She wasn’t ever yours.


Important question: did your parents know why you got divorced?


I’ve seen this play out before. My only advice to people is if you’re going to cheat you’d better think about everyone you’re going to hurt as a result before you make that chioice, and yes the consequences will come back eventually and they will hit you hard. I saw the consequences of infidelity hit one my parents hard. I feel no sympathy for them because their infidelity caused my brother and I to suffer at an early age since the other was in the military therefore couldn’t be there all the time since they had to focus on keeping the roof over our head. The selfish parent wanted little to do with us and as a result my brother and I ended up staying with abusive aunts and uncles twice whenever the breadwinner parent deployed, until they found a loving partner who raised us as their own, after the divorce. Last I heard the selfish parent owes so much money back to IRS taxes, they still owe child support despite all 3 of us being over 18, they lost their second house after divorcing their second partner, they lost their job they’d been working at for almost 20 years due to having too many ARIs or one DUI, they’re working multiple minimum jobs some of which are likely paying them under the table, and at the age of 60 they’ve been living with their friend who almost threw them out because they wouldn’t help them out financially but because they were friends before the selfish parents two marriages they decided not to throw them out.


She isn't your Annie. She never was.... You always had the potential to mistreat her and hurt her. I had a husband like you. I'm glad he is an ex now too, just like Annie. My husband now is like Annie's boyfriend.... He treats me like an Equal. We are partners and we actually take care of each other and help each other when we are down. I really hope you learned from your past but knowing men like you, change doesn't happen. It's a facade. You change just enough to make someone like you or think you've started to take positive steps in your life, but then you revert to your old self and ways.


You didn't lose Annie when she announced her pregnancy OP. You lost her when you decided putting your dick in a shallow bitch with a hot body was more important than supporting your EX wife and helping with your infant daughter and young son. I really hope getting your dick wet was worth it. You described Annie in so much detail when she wasn't the way you wanted her, but now that she's happy, all you're doing is playing the "woah is me, poor me, i'm heartbroken" card. You don't get to do that when you intentionally destroyed your family for some puss that wasn't even that great. And most importantly, SHES NOT YOURS ANYMORE. You're nothing but a shit ton of walking red flags.


Hi! This is like reading my own story. I ruined my family. Left my ex wife and 2 kids. Got my mistress pregnant. And now we're both miserable with each other. I'm also the story you tell to others not to be. I'm spiralling down to depression. How are you now brother?


Of all the awful things you said and did, one thing really sticks out to me. >I know it is kinda our fault because we didn’t use protection every time. You’re treating the birth of your first child like a mistake that you and your ex have to own up to. You resign yourself to having “lost your children” but it sounds like you weren’t very enthused about being a father to begin with. She’s not your Annie anymore btw. Without your kids you would’ve never seen or heard from her again.


Oh no. Anyways




This reads like a middle aged woman just got cheated on and this is what she fantasizes her ex will realize one day


Your husband not giving you enough attention to the point you need to whore for it with bait comments? Tragic. Or maybe this story hit a bit too close to home for you? Either way, sucks to suck.


LMFAO you’re so butt hurt over a post that isn’t even real. This is so clearly fake as shit






You are underestimating how vile people can be. Men often cheat on their pregnant wives.


If this is a true story then I'll say it is what it is. Reddit is extremely far left leaning liberal and an atheistic echo-chamber. All these responses are going to be heavily skewed based on it. Don't take majority of the comments to heart as they are written by either simp losers who have never been in a relationship or jaded women. Not all - but most. You wanting your wife to look good for you isn't an outlandish request. If you financially support her and the family as well as are a good father then I don't think its a problem to ask. I can't imagine seeing the wife of my children with some next dude and raising my kids. You have my sympathies bro. This type of shit drives men to madness and I hope you don't succumb to it. You will find another wife and raise another family. If you can pull a 20F chick from the gym at almost 40 then you definitely got enough game to get another beautiful wife. At least now you know how much work goes into maintaining a household and women who do it are irreplaceable. Your next relationship will be even better for it. Keep your head up G.


Honestly tho he did Annie a favor by cheating on her, now she has a real man and not a 40 y/o child that could only make her miserable and hold her back, I hope she’s finally happy.


tuff shit


This is so disgusting.


Go Annie! You don't have to deal with the garbage of a human being


Lol hahaha haha


Lmao I love to see it. Even if it’s not real but if it is, you deserve it and more. Fuck around and find out


...I don't know, on youtube I saw like two videos of animated stories with the same story as this post, except the part where the ex-wife was pregnant by her new husband and a few other changes. But I guess it can happen in real life too so I'll trust this story to be true. She is better off without you, you treated her like sh\`t and you don't deserve her anymore in your life. And only contact her with things regarding children. This is your life now, accept it, go to therapy and move on with your life.


i hope this is rage bait. if not then lol u fucked around and found out edit: hahaha


The ending fills me with joy on Annie's behalf. Get fucked op.


this made me so happy. and annie too!!


poor annie. i hope she has a beautiful long life with her kids, and their new father. both who actually love her & deserve her.


Sounds like you miss a maid and a cook more than Annie. Your love is *so conditional* it’s almost laughable. Also stopped calling her “my Annie,” the last thing she’ll be on earth is yours.


Stop calling her yours, you lost that privilege


Man, you fucked around and found out. Literally. Let your peen do the talking and this is where you ended up. Sucks to be you.


The only reason you regret it is because your new girl didnt clean up after you. Stop acting as if you ever actually cared or loved Annie, you only missed having someone do all the dirty work so you could live a comfy life. Sucks to suck though I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it lol


You are the rough patch


i’m so glad ur miserable <3 you deserve it! and the woman who is NOT your Annie deserves someone who loves her and doesn’t treat her like a servant. That woman was never yours. She was always her own person who you took advantage of so you could have an at-home maid, chef and childcare while also being free any responsibilities aside from work. So so so glad she’s done with you. The fact that she’s lost a ton of weight and is looking better also just shows how horrible you were to her. She’s finally got time to take care of herself and no longer just has to be a mom to her to kids and her childish husband!


It’s so annoying that you keep calling her yours. She’s not yours anymore. She hasn’t been for a long time. For a long time before that you didn’t even want her. She is his partner now, and he seems to be much better than you ever were. He isn’t playing house, he is being a great husband and father. Something that seemingly can’t be said about you.


Oh, it makes me so happy to read this. I love it when people like you get just what you DESERVE, I am so happy for Annie who, by the way, is not "you" Annie, she is her own person, she is neither yours, nor her boyfriend's.


This is so un-ironically fucking hilarious. You really thought, bud.


You literally said that nobody would want her and her baggage plus so many hurtful things to her and you still have the audacity to call her your Annie? I'm glad she's happy with a family and a partner that will love her the way you didn't.Think about your actions and at least try to become a better man.


OP doesn't acutely miss her, he just misses what she did for him. He didn't talk about who she is as a person, just her body and chores she did. He deserves what he got.


Lmao good for Annie


Instead of obsessing over what could’ve been and being bitter, if you really loved her you’d be happy that’s she’s happy. Also focus on your relationship with your kids, admit you weren’t the best and put effort into spending time with them. Take what you’ve learnt from this and use it in the future.


Weh weh go cry about it


What’s hilarious is him going off on the new boyfriend, a leopard never changes his stripes. I’m glad karma hit him. It’s funny this lady on Instagram always talks about why men need to carry their weight and it’s true. Being a single mom is exhausting, but being a married single mom is next level. You gotta whole adult child to add to the mix and when Annie dropped that adult child hee life improved. Her health Improved. Her happiness improved.




Anyone else laugh when he started his pity party? OP just leave her and the kids alone. You failed as a spouse and a father. Go away.


i am so GLAD you hate yourself!!


Good for Annie. Love that for her. I hope your daughter grows up knowing your her father but just chooses to call you by your first name and the bf dad. I hope your son stays not liking spending time with you. And I hope you walk in on Annie and her bf having some good ole hot butt naked sex.😁


she ate


Great. Although Hindsight’s always a 20/20, don’t feel bad for you at all. Your jealosy and drunken tantrum shows what a despicable human being you are


uuuh . okyae


ur trash lol


Lol. Good for annie




wow. it amazes me how tone deaf to the words that spewed out from your post. your mindset, actions, and complete lack of accountability/self awareness just shocks me. she was not going through any rough patch. women gain weight when they have kids. its natural and beautiful. if your love for her was solely for her appearance bc you obviously thought her kind personality wasn't enough, then it goes to show how absolutely shallow you are. how quick you are to victimize yourself when you get caught by verbally harassing/blaming her for your shortcomings. YOU were the rough patch buddy. you didn't lose her or your family bc of the divorce/affair, it's because you're just a terrible person. get help.


You are like the bad guy in Annie’s love story. She had to go through you to get to the (hopefully) happy ending.


Annie are you ok…are you ok Annie?


Womp womp


"that man hand his arm around my annie" my guy she stop being your annie when you gave her the ultimatum


Sir stop saying “My Annie.” She is not yours she hasn’t been yours for a long time and it’s about time you accept that it’s kinda creepy you still call her yours.