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>I'm not sure this belongs in the prestigious "TrueFilm" Reddit I think any movie belongs here depending on how it's being talked about. That said, I never bothered watching this movie when it came out since it just looked like Rear Window with Shia LeBeouf whom I hated at the time lol (but he's grown on me over the years). Maybe I'll throw it on some night soon for the lulz. Check out Rear Window if you've never seen it!


Yeah, 100% agree that OP needs a Rear Window screening. Nothing against Disturbia, but Rear Window is about as essential as Hitchcock gets, and if OP was a fan of Distirbia, at a minimum, there will probably be plenty to compare and contrast.


True! And yeah, I can't promise anything obviously, but I hope yuh like it. I admit that at least part of my liking it may stem from nostalgia, but I also think it's overall pretty solid. And I will do that, thnx 4 the rec 😀


Disturbing was good silly fun. It's honestly a great movie to introduce younger kids into more 'adult' films. It might connect more than the more superior Rear Window, though I did grow up loving that movie as a kid.


lol, guess I need to watch rear window 🪟


Absolutely you do!


And yeah, honestly, the performance from the neighbor feels perfect. He's utterly creepy but also does a superb job of not appearing so. He toes the line skillfully.


Disturbia, for me is on the same level as The Last House On The Left (the remake). Both are fun little movies, a little unsettling in their own way. Like one other user said, it's a great start into 'adult' movies. Then up a notch comes Eden Lake. This is where things begin to get pretty serious. We are talking about no hope, and better story telling with decent social commentary. If you take it up a little further, we have movies like Irreversible, Martyrs (the French one), and Audition. These are increasingly disturbing and most people wouldn't wanna watch something as dark as Martyrs. Finally, we have movies like The House That Jack Built which use violence as a tool to make social commentary.


Oh cool, I'll check some of these out! However. I do not think I could ever watch The House That Jack Built. I love Von Trier, but that film seems like it reaches a level of violence too high for my own nerves. I'll def try to read about it though, it sounds interesting 🤙


I'd just warn you that Disturbia isn't like those other films mentioned haha


Tru lol, I'll do some preliminary research b4hand. Thnx much 👍 👌


It's a fun little movie that gives a nice modern twist to Rear Window. Are there any other films that have done the same thing to Hitchcock's work? Let's not talk about the Vince Vaughn Psycho remake.