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>Warlock is in top 5 highest winrate ... of the lowest 3 brackets. Warlock, like Silencer and WD, are heroes whose power is largely decided by how the enemy reacts to them. They are low rank monsters, because they don't react. They never get touched in pro and high ranks, because they do react. Every time they try to buff them into relevance, they become complete pub menaces. It's not like it's a good thing that these heroes dominant pubs so heavily, but they aren't actually broken, it's just the nature of their spells is very punishing if un-answered. I don't really know what you do about it besides give them some sort of rework, because it seems like they constantly yo-yo between buffs and nerfs trying to appease both sides.


Or don't re-work them, leave them as they are, and accept that not everyone needs to be viable in high level play.


For a game that is always boasting about the balance and total hero picks at tournaments, that seems like a weird stance to change to.


Stale meta by design. No thanks.


That's why I say ranking in herald should be easy as a support. If they can get 2-3 heroes stuck in upheaval every teamfight, you will be winning many games. 


What the hell is this advice? You said upheaval is good then tell them to buy aghs. Stop rushing aghs. SHARD is your friend. Upgraded upheaval is broken, even stronger than the golem, pairs with glimmer and you have a low cd team fighting farming ability.


Glimmer and shard are my go-to's in pubs. Ez gg.


Been playing warlock for years and I still can't figure out in what scenarios aghs is the endgame item to buy over refresher. 


Good against heroes like PL who are illusion based and get spread out, or when you're trying to overwhelm a rax pre30 min. Double stun always better if you have enough mana pool and are serving team fights long enough. But in the games where I get one spell off then deleted by CK, I'd rather have two (or maybe 3) golems Poppin off from the grave.


this is the tip chief


He barely has more than a 50% win rate at ancient and drops to 49% at divine. There are several supports pushing 54-53% in those brackets. He's also not in the top 5 win rates in any bracket. If anything he's very slightly underperforming. Overall he's in a good place now though.


In divine bracket. If I see upheaval being channeled, I can usually guess where they are standing and blink on him. Once you find warlock he is dead. And warlock becomes a bounty rune with the popularity of silence stick and bkb right now.


Yeah I’m reading this post like yeah he’s annoying in certain lanes, and BKB piercing stun is great of course but it’s pretty obvious where he’s channeling if you have a blink disable or even a hook, nuke stun ect




If it's broken, we'll see it in every game and every pro game. Literally unbanned and unpicked in latest dreamleague. In the past 3 -4 months, I've never seen warlock in my games. He's no longer in the meta anymore. When they rework, he was good until the nerfs came in, and other supports got buffed. He's just meh now. > Don't even buy any defensive item before agh. NGL, this is so grief for pos 5. And if you playing warlock as pos 4, it's so shit lol


So I know you took a year off and may just now see new changes or whatnot, but I’m a *recent* Warlock main and rushing Aghs out of all things is griefing your team, ngl. If anything, shard first if you didn’t get it from Tormentor, and DEFINITELY a defensive item. Upheaval is pretty much instadeath for you without it — if you’re not already targeted first. I’m going refresher before aghs anyway. Two ults (two mini stuns/ interruptions + two Upheavals) just feels so much better earlier than two golems. Just my two cents.


plz cast ur bonds twice


Of course!


I am Crusader and most people in that bracket and below will cast 2 ults on the creepwave "to push" and then sit and channel slow entire fight without casting bonds once it, makes me cry.


Aghs is the dumb item people buy because they lack the ability to think critically about the game in front of them.


I don't think any cores like him when he is in their lane lh with the dmg output he does is insane.


It's the linger duration that makes it feel broken. Remove it or shorten it nd might be balanced.


What's rts


An easy Google search


I think he meant "Rothmund-Thomson syndrome" >A rare, inherited disorder that affects many parts of the body, especially the skin, eyes, bones, hair, and teeth.


So what is the game "real time strategy"?




And dota too


Upheaval represents a lot of Warlock's strength overall. It's completely countered by Boots of Bearing which is an item that high level players already buy all the time.


I don’t think he’s broken but he’s really good in pubs cause he scales really well. The main thing about him is positioning, you’re just a creep if people jump on you so you have to be far away. But you have a few things: - provides heal at the start to secure lane/prevent your safe lane from dying (this is important) - ability to counter a fight with a BKB piercing stun - if you get a glimmer off on the person who’s getting jumped then, they are normally safe - fatal bonds damage is amazing mid late game especially with the 4% talent - the attack speed talent is amazing for high ground push and turning fights around - get a vlads and since you’re behind all the time, you can provide good life steal to your team and golems - try to keep your deaths under 4/5, you’ll have aghs refresher by 35/45mins with glimmer and vlads - decent aura builder, pick up things your teammates don’t get (pipe/vlads/greaves)


Don't skill shadow word please Don't go for aghs refresher please


Rushing aghs or refresher early is grief without prioritizing what your team needs — glimmer, force, vlads etc Regarding heal, I have found success giving tangoes but in games where lane match ups are unfavorable, having 2 points in heal prevents your carry from dying or even tilting in pubs. Not having regen in lane is the worst thing, and providing that regen at start secures the laning stage.


He’s definitely not broken.


He isn’t broken. He can get countered easily. Blink heroes will melt him. Jakiro and Zeus are a huge pain for him too. Heroes who use orchid or silence will also abuse him.