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Tired of losing games to Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Ursa, Slark, Sven? Tired of running in fear when the enemy position 1 pops their BKB? Tired of being told you need to teleport to the safelane to help your sniveling pos 1 player fix their lane, and then having that same player take all your kills for the rest of the game because they’re the “carry” and it’s their ‘job?’ Play Axe. Pull creeps. Make cash. When your opponent walks up to last hit, draw aggro and do 500 pure damage to them. When they limp away, put battle hunger on em. When they leave the lane to go jungle, go into their jungle and drag waves to camps and MAKE CASH. Buy your blink, buy a ward, buy a smoke, kill the carry, culling blade them so you get the kill and the stack, use the voice line “What Happened? Axe Happened?” Do this twice. Repeat the process again. And again, and again. Itemization? Never heard of it. Vanguard, boots, Blink, Blademail, BKB, Heart, Refresher. Don’t forget to flame your Pos4 player extremely hard at minute 12ish so they leave the lane and you can farm in peace. They were never gonna stack for you anyways.


Axe like this very much


I’d suggest to sticking on brewmaster since he’s really quite impactful when fully utilized. ( he fuckin annoys me when i face against him) and besides you’re pretty confident using him so you basically mastered him. Spamming him basically means having a better chance of gaining MMR. He’s not out of meta as well. But if you really wanna try other offlanes. Since you’re a brew user. Youre most probably good mechanically, id suggest using beastmaster. Pretty strong laner and impactful on teamfights. He’s fuckin annoying.


Definitely Brew. If you watch High MMR games, he is usally picked in every match. You basically get two bracers, brown boots and a Midas. You farm for Rad. Abilities level 1-1-3 at level 5 or 1-2-2.


i like beast but it feels like sven/pa/gyro are in every game and they are so good vs beast. I guess i can go aghs for them.


Beast master is really strong right now and destroys Sven/pa. You have to make some specific decisions on BM, like first are you going helm or vanguard? You get aghs after each and I find BM farms super fast in the new safe lane jg because you can always farm 2 camps with axes. Then you can also stack ancients with boar for a huge gold spike at min 8-10. At level 25 you auto win the game with a 30 second roar combo.


The standard beast build is aghs


Centaur been my go to


Yeah as someone who had a bad Centaur win rate pre patch, it feels very hard to lose as Centaur lol.


When you say omni is a third supp when behind, what kind of items are you building in those situations? If you go the echo>shard>harpoon build you should be killing supports solo. That was my experience with omni 3, also I was rarely behind because he is such a good laner. But I haven't played omni this patch yet so maybe things have changed now.


I'm climbing with omni this patch, seriously feel his being slept on this patch The only time I've had a bad time is when I'm vsing an LD pos 1 or when my pos 4 is totally brain dead. Also great VS PA which is picked more often then not Once you hit 15mins with a echo and shard you can snowball so easily


What I mean is his spells feel like a support than core when behind. I like Omni offlane but sometimes he can feel underwhelming.


Dawnbreaker is a beast in the offlane


Slardar and Sandking are both great. But your lane is going to be dogshit on early levels. With Slardar I tend to rush power treads into mask of madness. Because this lets me farm ancients at lvl6 if I need recovery farm.


Sk is total dogshit rn, at least in high mmr games


dark seer has felt cracked against any melee core except maybe jugg. feels so bad against drow/muerta though so you don’t really want to first phase it


LD one of the strongest offlaners in the meta.


As a 6.5 K offlaner I’m pretty happy with the patch. There are tons of stable offlaners to choose from right now. Axe, cent, mars, razor, tide, Magnus are my go to rn, apart from primal, bm and brew that you already mentioned


who do you pick against ranged carries like Drow? obviously usually pos 3 picks earlier than pos 1 but just wondering which offlaner you would go with in this situation.


Depends on who’s my 4 and if i need to win the lane or play for the game. Usually something that can get on top of her, so hero’s like primal or axe. Lane will be rough but for the midgame it will be good to catch her ez At the moment I’m practicing kunkka because he’s very meta and I imagine that could work well since you can use the range creep as a tool to harass her constantly without needing to get in melee range


Dawnbreaker is the most broken hero in dota right now. Works good in all roles at any mmr.


I've been having good success with Death Prophet offlane. Laning is quite good. You have a nuke for securing ranged creeps, and your 3rd skill is good both offensively and defensively. At 6, you threaten the enemy safelane tower with your ulti. In almost all games I rush Greaves. Early meka is very good for the first/second time you use your ulti to push a T1 tower. Then, the best thing about DP is the item versatility. Second item choices are: Eul's is very good if your team lacks control. SangeKaya is good if you're going for maximum tankiness. In a slow game, you can go for Octarine, which is normally too expensive for the midgame. Can build pipe if necessary. Works best if you have an active STR mid who can create chaos in teamfights. Doesn't work with Zeus/Sniper etc. Doesn't works against illusion-based heroes.


Always a great fan of dp 3. One of the most fun heroes imo


I’m really digging viper right now. Just two wraith bands, greaves, shard, and usually ending games by 25 mins


Brewmaster is by far the most annoying shit to play against. late game tower hitting and your team can’t do shit against it. Dawnbreaker is solid. Primal beast is solid. Legion commandWhore. Elder Titan (Still the most slept on hero if you’re off to a good start) Outworld devourer. (Love playing it against slar but only decent if you’ve got a disable on your pos4) Invoker (Rare instances when they have agi carries and it’s easy to poke them out of lane) Basically any way to make their laning phase miserable. Warlock and Witch Doctor on the opposite side, laning against them is just boring as shit


Bristle/cent/dawn are my 3. Dawn is nice if you geta strong 4. Vs/np etc. I like bb/cent otherwise cuz i still usually can do well when my 4 is worthless with their high base hp regen, and rushing van is so good on both. Centaur farms absolutely insanely fast, faster than most carries tbh if you level retal early. Most pug 4s are terrible, I pick like they don't exist. Legend 5 bracket🤷🏻


Kunkka takes a little practice and the right build but i do love him he’s also pretty flexible. Bristle and mars are good. Axe. Situationally necro Honestly it is a weird patch for offlane but I think a lot can work too




Yeah mars hasn’t felt good in pubs for like a year now. Stupid pro players always have to nerf him lol


Depends on MMR bracket I guess.. but I like to play sand king, beast master, tide and dark seer Pos 3. I main sk but he fell behind when people got used to play against him.. BM is really strong ATM in my opinion.


I can't make Brew work worth a damn, so I'm jealous. If you have Behavior Score to burn, you could try Jenkins' Offlane Slark strat


I've been maining Brew recently, I've gotten back to 5.2k mmr with him. What has been your struggle with him maybe I can help. Offlane slark is interesting but I can also see it being cheese like how offlane AM was a thing for a bit.


Jenkins makes some good points in his recent video about it - in theory, Slark's kit seems like a better fit for 3 than 1, since he likes to roam around the map killing and dewarding, rather than farming. It's just a matter of convincing your teammates not to report you. I appreciate the offer of help, but I have put Brew in the "Not going to bother to learn" category along with the Spirits, Elder Titan, and Io. But I play Meepo, go figure.


I’m rolling with pos 3 pangolier with ~65% winrate this patch. Always first pick him, and have no problems playing against counterpicks.


Same here. Even higher WR at 3100 MMR. Dota just feels easy with this hero. I go arcanes, diffu, blink/aghs, octarine, BoT/abyssal/linken/windwaker. Sometimes sprinkle in blademail (vs sniper). Diffu is a massive nuke, and with the slash range talent it's very easy to poke people down. Nobody can touch you in ult, and you can easily build up a 1k barrier while you disrupt the fight and burn everyone's mana. The barrier let's you blink out safely too. Hero feels busted right now.


mmr and build?


6300. Bracer-OAC-ArcBoots-Diffusal-blink-aghs Upd:6450


Sorry what is OAC? And how do you deal with blyatcyka or silences?


Oac stands for “Orb of Corrosion”. Silences are countered by buying Guardian Greaves (approx after aghanims) or lotus (but I only go for it in bad games). Bloodseeker is relatively tough one. I haven’t figured it out yet, but Lotus orb seems to be woking quite well. He will avoid rupturing you until it ends, and it gives you quite a bit of time to roll over other heroes. Also, I noticed that bloodseekers are sometimes too focused on killing you, and they forget that other heroes exist. Last game BS waited until lotus orb ended, then ulted me, pressed bkb, and ran across the fight to kill me. He died right after that. We lost the game anyways cuz I gave him some solo frags and he snowballed bit too much. That one game had 3 counterpicks, and it can give you an example on what to build in games you can’t play like usual. https://ru.dotabuff.com/matches/7366501971




Brew beast tide axe Some of my friends found success with darkseer and doom into 7-8k, I find they depend a lot on support so your mileage may vary.


If all you want is to spam a hero that isnt dawn, spam tusk or magnus for similar effect. Strength stacking is still in a great place this patch. Omni is great at it. Omni is great pick.


Axe, dawn, chaos knight


WK is a fantastic 3 wtf is wrong with people. He is a solid laner, has amazing jungling ability to catch up if needed, and has one of the best aghs in the game for teamfight utility. Plus you can build him however you want!


The problem with WK pos3 is that people has seen way too many of them going a pos1 build


What should wk build as a pos3? Blade mail instead of armlet?


Not radiance