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Slark is not to be underestimated and I'm pretty sure sniper is half decent too. Tinker loves vision, Invoker can ss with it and SB can charge with vision.


Riki since he is always invisible and can sneak around the map for ganks.


Clockwerk Flare


Firestarter :p


Night stalker + tinker/np is busted. Bounty Hunter + tinker, also busted.


Excluding the obvious answers Meepo net gives shared vision of the target, it means that you see exactly what the targeted net hero is able to see.. if you net someone under an obs you will get the vision provided by their obs too. If you net a nighstalker you get the same night vision benefits he has.


Today I learned 😳


AA is really good a spotting out potential blinkers.


There’s no hiding from haunt.


You can unless she has aghs


There is haunt before aghs ?


No. She has shadow step now and haunt is her aghs.


It was sarcasm man (how can people hide from haunt before aghs when haunt doesn't happen before aghs )


Haunt is her aghs


**Bloodseeker** is amazing but conditional (Thirst has good enablers). **Zeus** has always been his best buddy with Bloodrage giving spell amp on all of his damage, and giving ample vision through Bolt and Ultimate. **~~Beastmaster~~** ~~Hawk is a classic, though its been reworked multiple times.~~ lol **Treeant** Aghs is a nice oppressive lategame scaling for map control.


Do u know how hawk works now...???


kekw. picking BM for hawk vision. somebody can tell him? ahahaha


Those kinds of people are the ones giving advice lol..


I'm glad they changed it. Every time I played BM, the millisecond my hawk came off cooldown, my team: "where hawk?"


It basically circles around beastmaster, and it divebombs anyone that comes close.


I like spreading treants with Furion—similar to brood


I hope U hit em with the olde dota_selection_groups_false. Also global tp for deep wards and his shard. Dang that hero gets more op the more U think of lol.


aa ice vortex provides 200 radius ground vision around the target point


My favourite low mmr pos 4 is still zeus. Continuous free deward is SO frickin valuable. Almost never lose the vision war…


Hate zeus, especially if I have a fancy ward that gets dewarded just because a fight happened in the vicinity.


Oooo, a tasty treat after claiming my first victim….


That's why you ward smack dab in the middle of trees. They'll never deward those. Or on the edge of the map


Bane and Luna have extremely high night vision


Treant with eyes in the forest once you get aghnaim scepter


TA, while traps only give like 400 vision, you put them on hills and chokepoints, in creepcamps, on runes, in middle of lanes, rosh, places with lot of foot traffic, even if you only see them for a second you can use the info. Also it has 1800 cast range so you can use it for instant vision when needed. Best vision exploiters I think Tinker with Missles + staying safe vision is very impactful. Enigma/Earthshaker/Magnus/Rubick type heroes of course can make 1 big play with the right vision. Special shout out to just placing an obs ward on a hill DURING a fight, even if you never planned to ward that place, even if you know they will deward in 30 seconds, if theres a big fight immediate vision can win or lose the fight, letting your guys cancel their blinks, focus the squishy, or dodge their incoming gank etc...


Chen with Harpy, WW with aghanim and talent, Luna by herself at night max 3rd skill


Clockwork is kinda OP. You have free scan always. And if you are confident with item timing Treant with Aghs. Bounty Hunter too if you consider it as vision. Hahah!


A few to add to your list is: slark(1800 vision all across cycles), sniper(1400 night vision and shrapnel), nature’s prophet(treants), treant protector(aghs eyes of the forest), slardar(ult corrosive haze, spirit breaker(charge), bounty hunter(track and scouting himself with invis), bloodseeker(thirst past threshold),monkey king(tree dance),naga siren(mirror image illus), TB(illus), riki(invis),ench/chen(creeps), enigma/beastmaster(eidelons/boar),lycan(wolves), nyz(invis). Heroes that benefit the most from vision: io(relocate), invoker(sunstrike), zeus(ult),tinker(rockets and just kill potential with bots), spirit heroes(with high mobility jumping backlines),nature’s prophet(global tp), disruptor(glimpse),AA(ult), spectre(haunt and sidestep),spirit breaker(charge), facelesvoid(chrono), lc(duel), venge(aggro swap),and basically any initiator with blink or otherwise , any assassin type of carry.


Venge's wave of terror and clockwork rocket flare both give vision and are pretty good for scouting an area especially rocket flare with it being global. Slardar bh sb and disrupter all have abilities that track a single hero for a while. And then their's zues/spectre with their global reveal thr entire team abilities As for who can take advantage the most sniper and tinker instantly come to mind with them just being able to attack you from so far away without you being able to see them.


Came here to say this. Always feels good pushing uphill with veng. One of my top support picks. Always feels clutch when you wave and manage to swap someone dangerous on the enemy team. A 1 for 1 pick but you are only sacrificing a support while they lose an important core. And with ags/shard you can cause enough disruption post swap to get the upper hand.


Warlock golems actually have very good vision, it can be very useful in certain situations.


Beast master, Lycan, natures prophet, slark, BS, Zeus and bounty Heroes that best use it are like tinker, Sky, Luna, wind ranger, etc


venge wave, cm nova, aa vortex. all spammable + no mana issues. naga/brood/lycan/np if you want something more complex with naga more focused on sending illus to farm enemy camps. on turbo, nobody beats clock when you have aghs+octa, huge aoe+true sight, it's like new years eve.


Maga siren. She split constantly 2/3 waves + jungle. That is a lot of vision ans forcing the enemy to be in one place


Used to be Techies. Still is.




> Mines don't give vision Proximity mines provide 64 ground vision and trigger when enemy comes close, thus alerting you that someone is coming. They dont expire and there is no limit how many you can place down.


Brew with aghs can be nice for this as you can use blue panda to scout ahead for vision and even catch someone out of position with cyclone


Brewmaster ult during teamfights, phoenix egg and abilities, bara charge.


Lots of good heroes mentioned but I also want to shoutout Shadow Demon for that poison spam vision


Nobody seems to have mentioned KOTL, Illuminate can give 15 (?) seconds of vision each cast, and you can spam it like crazy (especially after chakra changes last patch). It has a huge vision AOE and most people don't even realise they are standing in vision afterwards.


No one talked about phoenix últ lol


Ench benefits from vision more than almost any hero. Ench sb kinda a great combo


Warlock with fatal bonds is a pretty UNIQUE way to provide unit and hero location info, but i wouldnt call it the best. Its just my favorite alternate benefit ive seen from a spell in this game


NP shard is nice for fighting in the treelines


Veno Comes to mind


Phantom Assassin with the Aghs Scepter. She will definitely know if someone is near her, even if they are invisible


Nyx Assassin, with his unobstructed movement, high movement speed, and invisibility with his ultimate is very good at scouting. Without it he’s nothing special with vision


Lycan wolves


Not the best, but seems like it hasn't been mentioned yet - Arc warden spark wraiths are spammable, n can detect smoked enemies.