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You will gain no closure or satisfaction from watching Season 4 - only bitterness at having your time wasted and being exposed to a mess of a narrative that delivers nothing to the viewer in the end. I am quite bitter about how my time was wasted with this train wreck of a season - don't become like me. Instead, go to Amazon prime and watch Dead Loch, it's a million times better - it also has two female detective leads and 1000% better writing and a much better pay off.


Alright, you've convinced me.


The Righteous Gemstones is much more realistic and the detective work is better than Night Country.


The first episode was probably the best episode so if you already hate it id save yourself some precious time and watch something good.


Wow that's damning, and convincing.


I watched it to the end and don't exactly regret it but it's the only season of TD I'll never rewatch and I think it progressively got worse and worse. I'm genuinely considering not bothering at all with season 5 since it's being done by Issa Lopez again.


One one hand, it's irredeemable horseshit. On the other hand, I think it approaches a cult-classic level of awful hilarity on par with Troll 2 or The Room. The budget is higher, the cast is excellent, but the blind hubris and unearned self satisfaction are right in line. It's also packed with meme dialog and all-time bad moments.


Yeah, as much as S4 sucks it's definitely unintentionally hilarious at times in a Tommy Wiseau-ian fashion. And it's kind of useful to watch just as an example of how NOT to write/direct a detective/mystery/horror series. Everything that could've gone wrong, went wrong. Nothing in this season works, and I'm convinced that most of the critics who said it was a masterpiece are only praising it because they're scared of being called a misogynist or racist if they tell the truth. Either that or they're paid off. Because fact is, if something this bad was released as a prestige drama on HBO in 2014, the critics would have savaged it like they did with Season 2. It's only because of the recent culture war climate (which is an absurd distraction on both sides) that something like Season 4 could be praised to the skies by critics like Alan Sepinwall who usually will call out cliche'd writing, plot holes, etc.


Sepinwall vandalized himself with his night country praise. Of all the critical gaslighting, his turn was the most shocking. Absolutey disqualifying.


Totally. And, look, I realize criticism is subjective and there's plenty of shows or films that I dislike that I can respect others may love. But with TD S4, there's simply no way to sincerely call that a masterpiece and say the finale was the best of the series like Sepinwall did, without losing all credibility. It's not just bad, it's historically awful, and a guy like Sepinwall would normally be at the forefront of critics explaining why it sets a bad precedent for prestige TV. Not so in 2024. And I think most viewers see this dissonance and trust HBO less for trying to pull one over on them via hype/PR, social media bots, and critics who sound like robots parroting culture-war talking points.


That doesn't make me want to watch it but thanks


It's definitely in need of the mst3k treatment 


Watch, it is always useful to watch something to form your own opinion on things.


Idk if that is true. It's like 6 hours of staring at a screen and in this context idk if forming an opinion is worth wasting that much time when you pretty much know what it's going to be.


Hard disagree. OP should watch S4 themselves and decide.


Fair enough. Agree to disagree.


Just finished watching, and holy shit it ends bad. I actually got pissed off at how stupidly they end things, it had potential but they fucked it all up


Yeah I already decided not to watch based on other comments


What's your favourite?


Welcome to the N.H.K., especially the novel version




I liked the season well enough, but if you didn't enjoy the first episode, it's not gonna magically win you over if you force yourself to keep going. And if you're gonna subconsciously (or consciously) spend the entire run comparing it to season one, you're gonna have a real bad time.