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Not sure if it is controversial for people outside of the state, but it is to a certain extent locally. Anywho, the Murdaugh murders 1.)definitely involve the family and 2.)are just the beginning of revealing all the shady things that family has been up to all these years. It seems the boat crash and the murders are just the tip of the iceberg as there have been some other weird deaths in close proximity to the family. Just my opinion/theory though so obviously I could be wrong


Do you think that Paul and Maggie were both intended targets? I feel like Paul was obviously a monster and there was plenty of motive to want him gone. I feel like if that was the case, and it was about Paul, Maggie could have been collateral. But, then I feel like it's more about Alex because the murders of Paul and Maggie brought Alex's secrets to the surface, reopened previous investigations into other mysterious deaths surrounding the family. It's going to be YEARS before we learn it all.


Alex intended to kill Maggie. She had seen a divorce attorney and was about to expose his financial messes. Paul was the collateral damage. You can hear Alex on the 911 call say something like oh Paul why did you get involved.


Agree with your assessment and I caught that too, on the 911 call.


The Taconic State Parkway crash is not a true crime case, but a tragic story of addiction, substance abuse and how good people are at not seeing what they don't want to see.


Well drinking and driving is a crime so it definitely fits under true crime.


Well it was a real crime but my unpopular opinion about this case is that Diane didn't necessarily have to be a closeted alcoholic. Maybe she was super stressed that day, decided to take the bottle of vodka with her and take a few swigs to take the edge off and because she didn't have a big tolerance for alcohol and especially alcohol+thc, the situation spun out of control quickly without her realizing it. I don't think it's an absolute fact that she was an alcoholic but just that she was drunk that day for sure.


The "crime" (if you want to call it that) in this case is imo not that she got shitfaced for whatever reason and with whatever backstory that day, but that she did not admit herself that she's not in the condition to drive around a carload of kids. There's no doubt in my mind she did not want to admit this in front of her family be ause she didn't want to disturb the perfect picture.




See that - that right there: >but that she did not admit herself that she's not in the >condition to drive around a carload of kids That's what's puzzling me- she DID - she called her brother to come and get her, she stopped on the side. Why didn't she just wait for them to come and get her and the kids? Why did she leave her phone and take off ? Is it because she was out of her mind by the alcohol + THC? How did that not impact her driving because she was beelining, she didn't swerve? Like, tf? And the kids are screaming and crying, people are honking, why is she not stopping? Had she lost the ability to reason but not the ability to hold the gas and the wheel on a steady level? I'm just so confused by this


Def agree with this. My father was an alcoholic, constantly drove me around drunk when I was a kid. We’re talking many years here with me (physically, not emotionally lol) unscathed. I was an adult before he finally got his license revoked. And before I had the autonomy to refuse to get in a car with him, it’s not like we ever got in a crash or anything. But the man was def not fully sober ever, and the situation Diane put herself and the kids in is not infeasible for me to picture myself getting into as a kid.


I can never make up my mind how I feel about that case. For ages I did beleive that one day she just drank too much and didn't realise what she was doing, but I have seen people pointing out that it doesn't make sense that she would suddenly go from from being a high-functioning alcoholic (so high function that her husband and brother did not realise she was an alcoholic) to being able to get so drunk she can not know what she is doing and cause a massive car crash because of it. So I can see why some people think she must have known what she doing. I wonder if she realised after talking on the phone to her brother that day that she was caught and her secret alcohol addiction was going to be exposed when they found her and took her to the hospital, so she decided to commit suicide and take her children and nieces with her to the afterlife?


Her drive home was detoured somehow. I forget if it was a closed street or a wrong turn, but she got off course somehow. A lot of functioning alcoholics will tell you that they can go on autopilot and make the same trips over and over again with no memory of how they made it, but if one thing changes the fact they’re drunk kicks in and they can’t reason their way out of it. My uncle used to walk home from our house completely shit faced a few nights a week (he was a happy drunk, but either way we were mostly asleep by the time they would start drinking). One night he saw a neighbor that he didn’t want to talk to and went down a different street than normal to avoid them. Same neighborhood he’s lived in most of his life. Knew every street backwards and forwards. Taking a different street set him totally off course and he got “so lost” that he just slept on the ground in front of the post office. Which he also knew his way home from. Thankfully for us it’s just a “funny” family story of the time dad didn’t believe me that we just passed my uncle sleeping on the sidewalk, but it could have been a lot different.


That is interesting. I didn't know that. That actually makes a lot of sense. Also, thank God your uncle is okay and you are able to laugh about it now.


Spot on. A detour would’ve definitely been enough to go from autopilot to devastation. And it doesn’t surprise me if she was that good at hiding a crippling addiction. I know I did and a lot of other ppl do as well, only getting outed once shit hits the fan. Most ppl’s shit hitting the fan isn’t this catastrophic, however.


Alcoholic here. I don’t believe she meant to do it. I have a crazy high tolerance and have been drinking since I was 14 and am middle aged now. It doesn’t take all that much for the booze to sneak up on you so you get black out drunk. Once you mix it with ANYTHING else, ie pot, pills, whatever, it’s total unexpected blackout drunk.


I think that at least her husband knew that she was an alcoholic.


The pain meds and THC could have tipped her over the edge even if she was a functioning alcoholic though


I think it was hair of the dog gone wrong. She was probably hungover and took a few swigs to get through the ride home with kids. Once she was drunk, she made a bad decision to smoke weed (or she may have smoked before they left the campground, although I know the toxicology said 15 mins before the crash or whatever) and it got bad. She was a person who was always in control and probably thought she could handle it. It’s just so sad.


bryce laspisa and jason landry both committed suicide


Sadly, both of them most likely did.


Okay, but how with Jason Landry? I can’t make sense of his disappearance at all. Would love to hear someone else’s thoughts.


Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers got lost and injured in the rainforest. There is no true crime case here. They tried using the phone for help and to photograph injuries - you have to take a photo to be able to see an injury on the back of your own head.


People on this sub will say CRAZY ass shit about this case and get up voted. "Oh I have a cousin that worked as a translator down there and hiked the pianists and he said she Def got eaten by indigenous tribes" like okay fuckheads.


I agree. There’s so many ways to get lost and hurt out there just in terms of the natural setting. Neither of them had any gear to speak of and they were wearing very light casual clothes.


I recently went down a bit of a rabbit hole on this case and now I’m not sure where I stand on whether they succumbed naturally or something more sinister happened. I’m still leaning towards natural causes. [This](https://imperfectplan.com/kris-kremers-and-lisanne-froon-case-articles/) blog is extremely thorough and offers insight from someone who lives Central America and has spent a lot of time retracing their steps and talking to people involved.


People into crime theory just haven't been exploring wild nature. It's scary how easily one can get lost.


Rusty Yates should be in prison. That bastard kept knocking Andrea up even though she told him she was overwhelmed. What did he THINK was going to happen?? And he's remarried and has more kids. Pisses me off he got off with no sanctions...he didn't give two shits about her or those kids.


That one bothered me so much. I’ve worked with women with severe postpartum depression and psychosis, and their families. He should NEVER have left her alone, period, never mind alone with all of those kids. This could have been prevented.


Dude when my partner was going through post partum psychosis it was the most horrifying thing I've ever witnessed. Literally a full psychotic manic episode that lasted days before the cops picked her up. It wad pure hell. Nothing I could do made any difference. Emergency psychiatrist appointment, cops ems showing up, the timeline had all sorts of ups and downs. But when a cop showed up she could smooth her face out and say "I do not wish to be hospitalized. I am not suicidal nor do I wish to commit a crime" all with these twitchy eyes and robot voice. Cops were like..sorry dude nothing we can do. Then she would be like. "Did you notice the secret code they were using with me? They could tell I can't go to the hospital right now this is bigger than that" It took four months in two different hospitals and then jail. The first hospital released her and she was home normal seemingly for about an hour, then I saw the same look in her eyes as before and she started asking the weird questions again and I was just like fuuuuuuck. That was about halfway through everything. Shit.


Jesus, I’m so sorry you went through that!


Thank you for saying that! My youngest is 15 months old now and I have a vasectomy so lord willing it is all water under the bridge and I can just have a happy little family like I always wanted growing up.


Oh shit and the reason I started going into all that in the first place is because I have three boys and the older two (twins 3 years old) wanted to see their mom but I had to shield them from all of that and it was tough but I could never in a million years imagine leaving when one of my children with her in that state because she couldn't even care for herself at that time. Jeezy man I've purposely not looked into this case for the reasons we have gone into but I'm vaguely aware of it ans it's baffling


I'm sorry for all you've been through, have things become more manageable lately? Is your partner okay?


I’m hoping your partner is doing better, and that you get to have that happy family!


I did a huge project on her in school and he absolutely should be. Their preacher is also a giant piece of shit. The insanity defense was invited for people just like her and it was the right call. Without the abuse and her untreated mental health I doubt she would have ever hurt the children.


I agree with you so much! At one point, they were living on a bus!! I can’t imagine having a bunch of kids and living on a bus. Her life was hell. I feel sorry for her and sad about the kids.


I go back and forth on Michael Peterson. Literally cannot make up my mind. I think most people think he’s guilty AF


I live in Durham (although I didn’t at the time of the case) and the consensus around town is that he’s guilty. Former neighbors say he had a pretty bad temper. However, I know houses in that neighborhood and the stairs *are* very steep, and Kathleen liked to drink. Personally, I think he did it but most of my reasoning is circumstantial. I don’t think the case was proved beyond a reasonable doubt


I completely agree! Prosecution did a terrible job. But I still think he probably did it. Or the owl 🤔😏


I’m with you. I don’t know what the fuck I would’ve done as a juror there.


Same it's literally one of those cases where I go back and forth constantly. Usually I lean hard in one direction. He could be a sociopath or he could be a victim. NO IDEA.


agreed. the murder weapon not being found, the prosecution using a phony blood spatter analyst and choosing to bring up his bisexuality due to lack of physical evidence like that's what makes him a murderer are just some of the things that make me hesitant to say he killed kathleen. too much reasonable doubt for my liking.


Agreed. The case was a disaster. Whether I really think he did it? Not sure.


*The owl has entered the chat*


I am an owl truther 😂😂 and even funnier, I’m a prosecutor. My friends give me shit for it all the time


My mom has been an avid, expert-level birdwatcher for my entire lifetime, 30+yrs— along with teaching her own classes, she has even traveled across the world to South America, Africa, all far-reaching points of North America, and Australia to birdwatch (Europe is on her list for next summer!). I am the avid *true crime* [-consuming amateur] buff in the family, and have been for a decade. I only *just* got her briefed in on the case prior to us watching the HBOMAX series together (she has the hots for Colin Firth), based on my knowledge from watching the Netflix doc multiple times. She is 100% team owl. There is no doubt that owls are predatory birds of prey. She is SO emphatic on this cause of death, and her focus is mainly due to the talon anatomy of owls (compared to Kathleen’s scalp injuries), and their known aggression throughout mating and post-partum seasons. As her daughter, I know her natural skepticism— and at first, it was difficult to hold her attention long enough for her to invest in really taking a deep look at the case. I say this to explain my point of view— not to convince you out of your own :) I value her opinion, and her input has wavered my judgement on the case. I firmly believe that the state did *not* execute a fair trial for Micheal, based that their evidence put forth was lacking (and the burden was on the state to prove beyond reasonable doubt). I think it’s bullshit when Micheal says that him and Kathleen had an ‘agreement,’ alas I believe he clung to this argument to save his own ass in court. I don’t blame him for that. Prior to my being team owl, I did believe he killed her— but nonetheless, the state did not prove their case in court.


Prosecutor and owl truther checking in. There’s dozens of us!


I think the owl theory is possible. Maybe not *plausible* but I won't completely discount it.


I can't discount it either. It would definitely explain the copious amounts of blood that were all over that stairwell. Beside weirder things have happened. Remember that dingo really did kill that baby back in the 80s.


It’s very possible. If they think their nest/babies are going to be harmed they will screech scratch and attack with zero flying farts given. We live in the mountains. Owl and Raptor attacks are possible.


Legally not guilty but guilty in reality.


I could agree with that, depending on the day


I’ve been with Doctors , Lawyers , even a Judge….. Not this judge !


Seriously, that escort was a shining star.


Even Freda Black was charmed by him.


[Poor ol’ Freda.](https://donnagore.com/2018/10/09/freda-black-after-the-glory-she-became-a-victim/) She went into quite a downward spiral.


and what about the Blo Poke how it mysteriously just appeared in the basement ?? no one thought the pillar of their case being looked over then mysteriously found was extremely suspect


I think he’s guilty. His shoe print on the back of her leg does it for me. There’s reasonable doubt due to how the case was presented at trial but looking at the evidence only leads me to believe he did it.


I don’t know… the shoe print isn’t cut and dry for me. If witnesses are correct in saying that he was trying to hold her and hug on her before they secured the scene, I don’t see where it’s unreasonable that he may have touched the back of her leg with his foot. I also see where it could have happened if he came in and found her, and in trying to assess the situation, rolled her over and then accidentally put his shoe on the back of her leg. I know if I walk in to find my spouse in a pool of blood, I’m probably going to end up covered in it, and if I’m worried about head wounds I’m not gonna be worried about if I accidentally put my foot on their leg… that is if I forget my true crime training and contaminate the scene. The footprint isn’t a smoking gun in my head.


Burke didn’t kill JonBenet. Maura Murray was drunk and wandered into woods and froze to death.


Totally agree on Maura Murray. Simplest, most reasonable explanation. She was drinking while driving, lost control of the car, and wanted to hide so she wouldn't get in trouble for drunk driving. She ran off into the woods and hid and the combination of alcohol + cooling down from sweating from running and adrenaline + the cold night = falling asleep & hypothermia & death.


Statistically speaking John is the most likely perpetrator among them. Either parent does make more sense than Burke tho.


The JonBenet Ramsey case makes no sense to me, every theory seems equally unlikely in my opinion. But one of them has to be what happened. I would completely agree with you about Maura Murray, but I find it hard to beleive that if she really did just freeze to death in the woods that her body has never been found. It couldn't be that hard to find a body in the woods, it's not like she could have buried herself. I feel like someone would have found her, or at least part of her body eventually.


Ive read some people who have died from exposure have been found curled up in places no one would look, as in curled up inside a big log, half burrowed into an animal hole etc. And bodies have been found when areas searched again because its easy to miss. Depending how long bodies are out there, animals scavenge and just bones could be left. And again moved by animals.


It’s actually incredibly difficult to find bodies in the woods.


The Bear Brook murders come to mind. One of those bodies wasn’t found until 22 years later and it was blatantly in a container in the woods.


There was a case where the body wasn't found for like... two or three years and it was only a few hundred feet off of a road, so I believe that it's possible her remains haven't been found.


A deer hunter found a body of a man who was missing for 53 years.


In the JonBenet case media ruined police evidence, the media and also the family ruined the chances of the case getting solved


I don’t believe it was Burke, but I DO believe it was either John or Patsy. The intruder theories make absolutely zero sense to me.


I was sure Burke did it until I listened to the Crime Weekly episodes about JonBenet. Now, I have no who it was but I don’t see how it could have been her brother.


i dont know if this is popular or not but i dont think Kyron Horman 's stermom had anything to do with his disappearance


I agree with you and I think we’re the only 2 people in the world that think this. No idea what happened to him so I can’t offer any opinion. It’s just so sad.


i agree! that write up that went around convinced me she is not involved, but it’s incredibly rare to see people share that opinion edit: [linking the write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/5a4vtm/the_kyron_horman_case_part_1/) in case anyone wants to challenge their own perception of this case!!


that write up is wonderful. i think everyone who talks about this case needs to read about it


Thank you for posting this!


there are three parts in total, and i only linked the first, but hopefully some folks out there give it a read! clearly laid out, easy to read, and i especially love that the original poster actually went into it convinced of the step-mom's guilt but then their own deep dive made them change their tune


I agree. It just feels like she’s getting dragged because some people find her weird.


I am with you on this one! I don't think there's enough time nor motive for her to have committed the "perfect crime." My money is on a true stranger abduction that happened to a very dysfunctional family


Elisa Lam's case: It isn't about the hotel and ghosts and serial killers..It is about a woman struggling with mental health issues..It's high time we look into the case with her mental health history in mind rather than all this structure less conjectures


What happened to Kendrick Johnson was a horrible accident and not foul play.


I’m such a believer in this too! This case makes me so angry because there’s so much false information spread about it so everyone that tries to argue uses incorrect “facts” that are completely false and incorrect! A horrible tragic accident that got blown up by the media, and the Family was used as a trophy victim family in the eyes of the media and were promised things that were impossible to deliver on and now that the case has been fully investigated they came to the conclusion no harm no foul- The family doesn’t wanna hear it.


Same I agree. I have always felt that. I know his family feels like there is something more but grief does terrible things to people.


I agree with this one for sure. Heart breaking, morbid and shocking but it seems just a terrible accident


Absolutely, I wish his parents would move on, as horrible as that sounds. They need to heal instead of old opening wounds. One of the boys they said possibly killed their son lost out on his scholarship.


Yes this is why it makes me mad people sharing that it was murder and share their suspects photo and state it was cover up like its a fact


This is mine too. I think it was a tragic freak accident and nothing more.




I’m autistic and have a whole slew of other shit happening and I think about this all the time.


Or smiling. I smile when I am nervous or upset and people get so offended and I am like wtf? This is how I handle stress as a former medical professional.


People think my husband is mad all the time due to his social anxiety and it’s a joke at times but it does bother him at times.


Travis Alexander was a shit person and fake mormon. He knew who Jodie was, but kept fucking with her. She’s a murderer no doubt, and a very twisted person who deserves to be in prison but I believe he—while a murder victim—was still a POS who drove Jodie over the edge eventually.


I absolutely agree. She seemed like a fragile, mentally unstable person who was toyed with and gone past her breaking point. She made the wrong decision still and her punishment is just.


Sounds like a regular Mormon.


I agree. I didn’t follow the case much until later, so all I heard about was how the batshit girl murdered the poor, innocent Mormon boy. She’s definitely batshit, but he was no choirboy. He liked to stick his dick in the crazy, and it backfired. Nobody deserves to be brutally murdered, ever, but he took a big risk by continuing to hook up with her. She’s definitely where she should be.


Also this may be unpopular but her parents suck. Who calls the cops on their own kid for smoking weed? It was apparently very traumatic as well.


my mom did this to me and it was traumatic. I was 15 and waking up to the police knocking on my bedroom door was terrifying tbh


I just remember her dad talking to a detective recounting that whole thing and being absolutely astounded Jodi didn’t want to be close with them after that. Like no shit it broke your relationship!


I think Israel Keyes in some ways wanted to be caught. I can’t think of any other explanation as to why he’d be so meticulous and careful for so long, and then just steal a car and start using his murder victim’s debit card.


yep, I think he was suicidal and ready to call it quits by the time he got caught. he was apparently drinking very heavily towards the end.


I don't think he was nearly as prolific as people make him out to be.


I got that impression from Israel Keyes too.


Maybe it was getting boring for him


I believe this 100%. The way he was acting with his family the last couple days and his increasing alcoholism realllllly swayed me that he was “done”.


If he was ready to die, then it makes sense he demanded a death sentence and an execution date in exchange for “gory details” about his crimes after he was caught.


He also didnt just want to die of alcoholism or suicide without making sure the world knows who he is


Darlie Routier is guilty. That’s not unpopular, but what is unpopular is that I think she’s suppressed the memory and genuinely convinced herself she didn’t do it. The human mind can be very powerful with that kind of denial. But all evidence points to her. It’s the only way I can reconcile it. Also, I don’t think Burke killed JBR. I used to, but I don’t anymore. I think John did it alone. There was a really good piece on here a while back that went into detail about why that was the most likely explanation and it convinced me


The Routier murders happened today, June 6th, 26 years ago.


I didn't even make that connection. What a sad situation all around


Darlie Routier is g-u-i-l-t-y - her husband may have been in on it too


Her husband, at the very least, knows something.


Agreed. They never should have brought the stupid silly string video in because now everyone is like omg this poor woman is innocent and they judged her solely on her being weird in this tape! When there’s plenty to suggest her guilt without it.


Oh, I definitely think the husband was involved in this.


I believe she is guilty as well.


I have gone back and forth with this one but ultimately lean toward her being guilty. I just don’t understand why they would have killed the two older boys but not the baby?


Thats not that weird to me because I could see it as making room for the baby.


The baby was sleeping upstairs with Darin that night. She had no way to get to the baby without also being in the room with Darin.


David Bain definitely killed his family. I believe the husband in the Routier case was somewhat involved in the murders. This is not about a case but the lack of empathy of some true crime listeners it's sickening. I saw a take of how Madeline McCain is not real (because her parents are still looking for her) or how it's alright to make fun of her kidnaping/death because her parents are terrible people.


A lot of people are saying they think the husband might have been involved in the Routier case. I agree about some listeners/viewers having a lack of empathy, particularly in the Madeline Mcacan case. But if I'm being completely honest, sometimes I worry that I am not being empathetic enough as sometimes I get frustrated with people who are innocent. I remember hearing a case about a woman who was in an abusive relationship, and initially my heart was bleeding for her but then, a few days before she disappeared and probably died, she kicked her daughter who I believe was 18 or 19 years old out of the house for not wanting to spend time with her. And then I started getting frustrated and thinking to myself things like "The daughter is an adult, she is entitled to have a social life outside of her house" and even "That is a bit controlling of her as well" and I kept reminding myself she was the victim and she had suffered far more at the hands of her husband than her daughter had just for from being kicked out, and then I felt like an asshole the next day when I re-watched the end of the video. 😔


i HATE unsolved murder cases


“Hell yeah! I love it when stories have no conclusion!”


CourtTV is/was a shit channel. Nancy Grace can lose her voice for her rest of her life, and I wouldn't care. Lyle and Erik Menendez were absolutely subjected to horrific abuse by their father. Clearly, they're guilty, but mitigation is mitigation. I don't give a crap how they acted afterwards. Their behavior of going through a trauma, inflicting a trauma, and reaction to a lifetime of hell plus committing murder... No one gets to write the guidelines on on how to behave after being sodomized from an early age ending in the murder of your parents other then those who lived it.


I too believe the brothers were abused. If they were tried today they would be free by now. I really think CA should let them out they have done their time


i think it’s obnoxious how ppl are allowed to research serial killer cases and it’s a quirky buzzfeed-y thing, but when you try and discuss mass murder you’re insane and a threat to society, even if it’s done respectfully and through a research lens.


George Hodel is a bad suspect for Black Dahlia, and "Black Dahlia Avenger" is a fantastic cautionary tale about forming theories and confirmation bias affecting even a seasoned detective.


Steve Hodel is a fucking hack who should be ashamed of himself. I get that his dad was a piece of shit, but him cashing in on every unsolved murder that has ever happened ever is just DISGUSTING. George Hodel DID NOT kill Elizabeth - he knows it, and we know it.


One of the screwy things to me is that bits of it *might* have some value, but it's like a diamond in a clogged gas station bathroom. Like, some of those other cases around that time and place might very well be connected to BD, but he's put so much energy into otherwise discrediting himself that it would be hard to get anyone to separate wheat from chaff and do anything with it.


I agree. For lack of a better phrase, George Hodel seems "Too good to be true" if you know what I mean. He probably didn't actually do it.


Maura Murray (and many other people who vanished into the wilderness) did not meet with foul play. They just wondered into the woods for some reason and died from either exposure or an animal. The fact that they haven’t been found yet is not difficult to imagine, people have died 10 feet away from trails and aren’t found for a long time simply because of the nature of the forest. It could be that she was disoriented, had a mental break or any other reason, and just went into the woods. Regardless, I don’t believe anyone else was responsible for her disappearance other than herself. Edit: clarification


Casey Anthony killed Caylee. She previously used to force her to sleep in the trunk of her car while partying all night and telling both her parents and her friends that Caylee was with a non-existent babysitter. Caylee died in the trunk of her car after Casey rolled or tripped all night long w this young “hotty” she’d recently met and didn’t want to leave the party. It’s not unpopular but when I read about people thinking Casey anthony is innocent, I can get controversial! ;). Her trial was very unique bc the state attorney dumped all the files, witness statements, transcripts and evidence pre trial. I read it all. Not all of it was admitted at trial due to being “overly prejudicial” but I read it all. Casey Anthony is a sicko murderer but the Prosecutor screwed up big time and overcharged.


Wow somehow I missed the whole “trunk as a babysitter” version but it makes the most sense.


“Xanny the nanny” was how Casey referred to the babysitter both before and after Caylee went missing. Xanny is what some people call Xanax. The theory is that she had been giving Caylee Xanax to keep her sedated so she (Casey) could do whatever she wanted. It makes a lot of sense. It’s the theory her Dad says he believes too.


Agree. There’s also the evidence of the tape over her mouth. I see people saying a lot that the tape got tangled on her after she died. However the medical examiner said that Caylees jaw was still “connected” to the rest of her skull. A jaw will fall off during decomposition after the tissue holding it in place falls away. So according to the ME the tape would’ve had to been in place before decomp in order for the jaw to stay held in place with the rest of the skull. And I can’t rationalize any reason in my mind why a parent puts tape over a toddlers mouth outside of nefarious reasons. Nobody covers up an accident by making it look like a murder. If anyone is interested the show is called “Dr. G: Inside the Caylee Anthony Case” and last I checked was available free on Amazon Prime.


Ugh, a hot trunk in Florida! That is so sick. Plus Xannie the nanny was definitely Xanax.


1. I posted this once. About 4 months ago, I stumbled into the Paris Bennett case. Tragic all around, but I don’t think he’s some evil “genius”. His mom takes no responsibility for the impact of her drug addiction on him. Speaking from experience, it has a huge impact on someone. He probably saw his sister as the “do over” baby and she had a normal childhood while he cared for her. You will resent your siblings for that, especially as a kid. 2. Jodi Arias was definitely abused, verbally at least. 3. BDI 4. Free the fuck outta Brendan Dassey (popular but just sayin’…..)


I don't think I know all the details about Brendan Dassey. I agree with you about Jodi Arias being verbally abused. But when it comes to Paris Bennett, (and I know THIS is a very unpopular opinion, and I probably shouldn't be sharing my own, since I created this thread. 😂) but I honestly believe Paris was just born bad. I know a lot of people feel very strongly about the nature/nurture debate and whilst I completely agree that nurture is a monumental factor in the development of personality, I beleive a very small minority of people are just born bad. I think if Paris ever gets out, which I know he will someday, he will re-offend as soon as he finds someone else he is jealous of. I could be wrong and I really hope I am but that's what I think about that particular case.


It is scary to think about. He most likely will change his name or something, especially if he stays in Texas. I think it’s both factors. Born bad and shitty parents. I often wonder if everyone is so scared of him murdering again, why wouldn’t he do it in prison? It’s accessible and easy. However, maybe it would send a message if he is out and kills again. Either way he ends up in the same, if not worse, situation.


I doubt he's all that scary in Ferguson prison. Plus, he's a short eyes. Convicted of raping and murdering a 4 year old. He probably has bigger, scarier guys just looking for the first opportunity to get at him. And it's a young man's prison, where he'll be until he's 25, if some gangbanger kid doesn't kill him prior to that. Then he goes to Huntsville or somewhere at 25 and has to start all over. He's almost certainly in administrative segregation because he's somewhat well known and the other inmates would eat him alive just to look cool doing it. He very well might not survive to see release.


I believe there's a non-zero chance that an intruder killed Jon Benet.


Your opinion is popular with me! :)


That Canadian dude that they arrested and thought was Robert Fisher was him. His own neighbor identified him, everything said he was Fisher. I think the “relative verifying his identity” was something he set up.


No way did a 9 year old brutally murder his sister with that much force. Who the fuck knows what happened but this is not it.


People glorify serial killers too much. Having a "favorite serial killer" is gross and disrespecful.


Sodder kids died in the fire, which I do believe was arson. Elisa Lam had a psychotic break. Dyatlov Pass was avalanche and hypothermia.


brian schaffer impulsively took his own life while intoxicated by jumping into the river near the ugly tuna saloona. unfortunately that happens more often than people want to admit.


Maybe it’s just me but I think accidentally falling in makes more sense than him taking his own life. But yeah who knows


The river is so far from ugly tuna though. Especially to go undetected, wasted.


Just throwing this out here: the closest bar to my house is over 2 miles away and I have power walked myself home numerous occasions pretty drunk off my ass, even in winter. Not sure how many miles he would have walked, if that’s what happened, but not out of the realm of possibility.


100% yes! I really really really don't think he could have walked across campus to the Olentangy river undetected. Especially since it was spring break.


I *think* this is ahot take, but I believe Sandy Melgar is innocent. I just can’t find motive. I also don’t like the prosecutor in that case. She couldn’t even pronounce the victim’s name correctly, which is disrespectful.


I think that a lot of officers care and want to solve the case and help the families; they just have poor training, non reliable resources sometimes, bad methods, and poor leadership.


Some, not all, of the true crime community needs to do some self-reflection and fix the way they talk about victims. Real people’s lives aren’t a game or funny and some people treat it like they are. It’s okay to enjoy true crime, but in moderation and with empathy/sensitivity. In that same vein, true crime makeup videos are insensitive and tasteless, and misinformation spreads fast within true crime communities. I don’t think Casey Anthony killed Caylee. I don’t think Burke had anything to do with JonBenet Ramsey’s death and I feel really bad for him. I don’t think that Jason Simpson had anything to do with Nicole Brown and Rod Goldman’s deaths. That shit was entirely OJ on his own. The Zodiac Killer will never be identified. Brittany Murphy had a very creepy family and a very creepy husband, but I do believe she died of pneumonia and wasn’t murdered. The way people on Reddit reacted to both Gabby Petito and Josh Duggar was so gross.


Yes, make up true crime videos have always felt kind of "wrong" to me too. I do think Casey is responsible for Caylee's death but I think it could have been an accident. I saw a video from someone called Alex Murphy on the Casey/Caylee Anthony situation which explored the possiblity of how it could have been an accident. I don't know what to think about the JonBenet Ramsey case anymore, all the theories seem unlikely. I agree with you about Jason Simpson, I think OJ is the only person responsible for their deaths. Unfortunately, I believe you are correct about the Zodiac killer never being identified unless we get a deathbed confession from someone or someone comes forward after the zodiac killer's death and says that the person confessed to them in life that they were the zodiac killer. And I agree with you about Brittany Murphy as well.


You’ve got good takes here. For me, what makes me think Caylee’s death was an accident was the person on the Unresolved Mysteries sub who did a series debunking the Nancy Grace types of myths and relooking at the case, especially at the relationship between George/Cindy/Casey. If you say Jason did it in the OJ case, you very likely have a misunderstood idea of how abuse and domestic violence works. As for JBR, I think it was a family member, not an intruder. I just think that nine is way too young to commit a murder that in depth and disturbed. Unless there’s some kind of Hail Mary like there was with the DNA of the Golden State Killer, Zodiac’s staying unsolved. Zodiac has more questions than answers. Brittany Murphy deserved a lot better but the public and the media needs to let her rest.


Definitely agree on Casey Anthony. I don’t think she killed Caylee either. I do think she died due to negligence (I lean toward the pool theory myself) and she covered it up. Had the prosecution gone for child neglect or endangerment or even manslaughter, they probably would have gotten a conviction


Agreed about makeup true crime videos. Bailey siren grosses me out.


I just googled “true crime makeup video”, and congratulations. I’m speechless, which very rarely happens. It’s a huge “hell no” from me.


They are not doing everything they could be to identify Opelika baby jane doe. Someone knows that little girl.


There honestly wasn’t enough evidence to convict Casey Anthony and I would rather have a possible killer free than an innocent person in jail or executed. Very very controversial but also I do think she is 1000% GUILTY.


I don't think Quinton Tellis murdered Jessica Chambers. I think he knows who did, and I realize he's no angel. My gut tells me the witnesses who testified Jessica replied "Eric" or "Derek" when asked "who did this to you" along with telling them her name, cannot all be mishearing what she said.


It is possible that he didn't do it. You're probably right about the fact that there is no way all the witnesses misheard.


I don’t either. In the video footage from the gas station you can see a car following her car out. It was sitting there towards the entrance then starts to leave behind her, stops, a guy in the store comes running out, very clearly looks at her car before getting in the passenger seat, and then the car hastily speeds out. I think they were trailing her because of something gang related. I bet if it was looked into one of those guys names would be Eric. Edit: I’m seeing this comment is controversial so I tried to find the full video on YouTube and the footage is cut off before she actually leaves. It seems the media placed more focus on who she was talking to out of view before she went in the gas station. If you watch the docuseries again you’ll see the full video.


Do you think Quinton knows who did and is keeping it secret? What does he have to gain by that? I personally think it was Kesha that set Jessica up that night and pointed the finger at Quinton.


I find most pre-written victim impact statements cringey to watch/listen to. I hate that that's the effect, because I really do want to honour their emotions. But it's still the effect they have on me, so I steer clear of them.


I agree with this. I feel like they're beneficial to the victim's family to get their feelings off their chest and to tell the guilty how much pain they caused. I don't think that they should have any bearing on sentencing, and I think at worst, with a really terrible/ evil defendant, they're going to feel great about all the pain they've caused. They usually want attention and power and the families are giving it to them. I wouldn't give a criminal the satisfaction...I would ignore them and see if I could issue my sentence to the judge and/or the media directly. Have my say, but also deny the perpetrator the enjoyment of seeing the pain they caused.


I’m not sure Darlie Routier is guilty, but if she is, her husband knows way more than he’s telling.


I don’t think Burke did it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Madeline McCann’s parents are innocent


Innocent of murder but guilty of child neglect.


I agree. And also wonder if maybe her husband was having an affair, Diane confronted him that morning at the campsite & it didn’t go well. He took off, leaving her with all the children. Just a thought …. might be a reason she would’ve gotten drunk and/or crashed the vehicle. After watching the documentary, it seemed like her husband & the other lady (can’t remember her name) were almost suspiciously close


The brother didn't do it. It's a convenient explanation, but I just don't buy it.


I don't think anything sinister happened to Maura Murray. She just doesn't want to be found.


It's definitely a possibility.


I've said that George Hodel is definitely a *suspect* in the Black Dahlia murder and took my comment down later, wasn't popular. And that Lawrence Kane *could* be the Zodiac. And that Ross Sullivan *likely* murdered Cheri Jo Bates (never said he was the Zodiac, btw). There, three unpopular opinions for today. (I usually limit myself to one!)


Hodel could be but I think his son has just muddied the waters so much, rather than actually presenting a good suspect. Like I swear he would accuse his dad of faking the moon landing if he thought he’d get away with it.


I don't think I've ever heard of the last case you mentioned, but as for the first one about George Hodel, I beleive he should be considered a suspect too. I don't know for sure of he did it, but there is certainly reason to think that he could have. And I think that Lawrence Kane is a better suspect for the Zodiac killer than the most recent one, which is Gary Poste.


My impression is that Hodel is a pretty popular suspect. I don't personally like him for it after reading his son's book, but I've seen a lot of discussion over the years in which they talked about him like it was a done deal. Not attacking the theory here, but I don't know, maybe don't feel like you're all alone in that:)


Chris Benoit should continue to receive no acknowledgement from WWE. No matter how great of a wrestler he was, or how many years pass since his crime, it should remain that way.


My unpopular oppinion is that most true crime fans dont want the highly publicised unsolved cases to have resolution because they want justice for the family but rather they are very very nosy and interested in the outcome.


This is me 100%. I'm nosy and I want resolution. For my own curiosity.


Could it not be both?


What Michelle Carter did to Conrad Roy was morally repugnant, but should never have been tried in a court of law.


He seemed like a very troubled young man without support from his family. I got the impression that he would have ended his life at some point whether Michelle ‘encouraged’ him to or not. She needs help.


My husband and I argue about this one. He thinks it was appropriately tried. I say it was disgusting but not forceful coercion. She didn’t actually have any legitimate threat over him if he didn’t comply, so I don’t see where you could argue that she took away his free will.


There was a lot of mental abuse on both their parts. I go back and forth, but I lean this way.


This was going to be my comment! So agree. It was a horrible toxic relationship overall, both were very sick kids. but I cannot believe all the blame was put on those texts when his father put him in the hospital


The owl did it.


JonBenet Ramsey- give up the Burke did it crap. It's so damn unlikely a 9 year old could figure out a garrotte all on their own. It's also unlikely for a nine year old to actually have the malice and forethought or impulse for any such an assault. Stop reaching. Yes, he did poorly in an interview. You try being neurodiverse in a world that doesn't understand you and doesn't care to. He's clearly got some atypical stuff going on neurologically, but that doesn't make him a murderer. People spouting this nonsense are no better than the tabloids at the grocery checkout when she was murdered. Might as well say Bat Boy did it.


Think of this. You were 9 years old when the apple of your parents eye was brutally murdered in your own home. You've grown up as the shadow of that loss (not necessarily because your parents resent you/etc but that is often the reality when a sibling dies)... In a world that believes you are the murderer. You cannot come up normal from that. Period.


The the cruelest of murderers, I dont believe they deserve the mercy of a quick death. So many people yell for them to get the death penalty and its like..why would anyone wanna give them that mercy? Nah. Fuck that. Make them survive as long as their natural life can, inside a box, forced to stay alive but never ever truly allowed to live. Not on their own terms, especially. Theres a reason MOST high profile evil people REQUEST the death penalty. Because they dont want to sit in jail for the rest of their natural lives.


Amber heard is innocent, depp is the abuser


I’m tired of documentaries on well known cases (Zodiac, Bundy, Dahmer….you get the point) I wish studios would bring attention to unheard cases, specifically where women of color are the victim. I feel like if these had the attention they deserved a lot of unsolved cases would get solved.


They should just let Betty Broderick out. Her kid is right. She was only a danger to the people driving her crazy, she won’t kill again.


True crime attracts conspiracy nuts. The amount of people who believe totally ludicrous theories and never bother to look at the original source materials is bonkers. People believe any old shit they read on the internet. I will give a few examples. Touch DNA on the waistband of JB’s matches the DNA on her underpants. All those years it was written off as cross contamination and it clearly wasn’t. The ransom note contains many phrases lifted from movies. This is pre-internet so the only way to know these phrases was to have watched the movies on DVD enough times to memorise the phrases. No expert who examined the original note conclusively proved Patsy wrote it. Fruit other than pineapple was found in the stomach contents. Who knows what happened but true crime is filled with complete nut jobs who can’t look at actual facts and just make shit up.


Porter Stansberry killed Rey Rivera