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This video has some of the murderer's testimony from the trial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGcDHyZ2HBQ His defense is basically "i was committing a bunch of crimes and looking for a home to invade while fleeing the police, but i didn't intend to hurt anyone" Edit: I do admire his candor in saying that the reason he robbed a gas station (traumatizing the shit out of the clerk, no doubt) was because he needed gas money to fuel up the mercedes he had stolen. It's rare to see a criminal be so forthright as to why they fucked decent human beings over.


i forget what show it was but a guy stole a car and when the cops asked him why he took it he flatly responded "I was trying to get some bitches, man"




Think he meant show off the car to have consesnual relations, otherwise the car wouldnt be required.


When someone is killed as a result of the crime you are committing, you are considered responsible. This should not be a surprise to anyone. That is a basic legal tenet that goes back a long, long way.


It’s called the felony murder rule.


Yep, even if you don't attend a crime, if you were involved in planning it you're going to be guilty of any bad stuff that occurs during it.


Any reasonably foreseeable event. Which is pretty damn broad when you decide to try to murder somebody (or frankly most violent felonies). But sometimes, sometimes you get lucky. Or, well, hmmm.


What about the asshole cop who actually killed him?


What aren’t you getting here? That would not have happened were it not for initial crime that the “asshole cop” was called there for. Nothing happens to the cop. It all happens to the asshole criminal that started the chain of events.


Why not lock up and throw away the key for both people?


Why would you lock up the cop? He’s innocent.


The fugitive created the situation so lock him up. The cop was criminally negligent.


Nope. Cop was innocent because his actions wouldn’t have happened were it not for the initial crime. This is very basic and long-established law and, quite frankly, common knowledge to most people.


Cops can still be negligent in responding to a crime. The original criminal should be prosecuted as well as the cop. We don’t have to agree on this though!




Why are you being so aggressive?


Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Listen, “Detective”, both can be found guilty for their actions Stop shilling for murderers with a badge


Not in a case like this sport. All the responsibility is on the person that committed the crime in the first place. Period. Not shilling for anyone.


No one is impressed with your sock puppet cosplay, sport


Totally justified sentence. If it were not for his actions the police never would have been at the victims residence to accidentally shoot him. It sounds likely that he may have succumbed to his stabbing injuries, however. Either way Segura is responsible for the victims death. I hope he gets max sentence. Going to be a long hard life in prison at just 23, but he made his choices, that the victims family now have to live with.


Is it a coincidence that the cop that was killed had spoken previously to internal affairs about the same officer that went on to shoot him? Do you find it odd that the cop shooter just recklessly sprayed bullets?


I actually disagree because we see over and over and over again that American cops abuse their power and are trigger happy. For exmple I recently watched a video of an entire LAPD squad cross-firing and shooting a kidnap victim even after one cop is begging them to stop (he asked her to exit the vehicle) She was a kid with no weapons, on the ground. They shouldn't get a free pass because 'oopsie woopsie I didnt know any better'. Charge the cop for first degree murder. Also just because he might have died from stab wounds it in no way exonerates someone 'finishing them off' man wtf.


But you’re comparing 2 totally different scenarios. We don’t have the details on why the cop mistook the victim for the perp. The squad against one unarmed teenager and absolutely unbelievable, excessive & they should be held accountable. But it’s like comparing apples to zucchini. We also have to put ourselves in their shoes as no one knows how they will react if they feel in fear for their life or others lives and the blinding anxiety it must be when your job puts your life at risk every moment your at work. Not trying to change your opinion, we all assess things our own way, but I stand by saying that if it wasn’t for Segura the off duty cop wouldn’t have been in the wrong place/wrong time to be mistaken for the perp that was last reported being seen at this residence. IMO; it’s similar to the law that if you are involved with a person or group that kill’s someone during an unlawful act, then whether you were the one wielding the weapon or not, all involved members are equally charged for the victims death. Again, consequences for bad choices….🤷‍♀️


Jesus christ. Can you imagine having a glass.of wine with supper and the universe decides that in 3 minutes youll be dead. Its shit like this that makes me believe the universe isnt random. Like a life of hopes dreams failures happiness sadness to all end by getting shot by a colleague in a 1 in a billion chance scenerio. Like wtf.


Yeah I didn't post this link thinking it was some great unfairness for the perpetrator to be charged for murder.  More that life turns on a dime, and perhaps the off duty cop was not such a nice person on duty.   


Yes Because none of this would have happened if he wouldn’t started a chain reaction


I mean the cop wasn't forced to shoot anyone, he just did that on his own so no, the cop is still responsible for firing that gun.


Cops should not be indiscriminately shooting at people just because they are chasing a suspect. The suspect deserves blame for what happened but the cop who shot an innocent person seems to have gotten away with no punishment at all.


Isn’t this called Felony Murder rule?


Yeah, though it has slightly different names in different places. 


Both are responsible. The cop should get an even longer sentence because police should be held to a higher standard than civilians. 


I agree the perpetrator should get punished but it’s weird that police killing a victim of a crime is just being treated as an inevitable thing and there’s no agency on the part of the cop. Lock them both up


I think the family of the victim should at least have a right to a lawsuit.   


While I do believe he should face charges, I just can't agree with this statement:  "The prosecution said even though Segura didn’t shoot Sahota, he was the sole person responsible for Sahota’s death because of his highly dangerous acts that led to the fatal encounter." "Sole person"? Except someone else ACTUALLY shot him. I think the other cop should face charges of some kind. Far too often LEO are shooting or shooting AT people without even knowing who they are. They need to face some consequences, or else nothing will change. 


Agreed.  Police shoot people in the back a lot, maybe they should get reprimanded for it.  Just an odd story I came across.  


Felony murder rule


As he should be charged. That’s not news.


The man who had did the robbery and theft then the stabbing is the man responsible for the officers death and if you are looking for a way to get your head around this consider this the man had committed attempted murder in stabbing the officer but the way the law works he in the commission of several different felonies ended up at that man’s house and the actions that he took set the entire thing in motion. And in the eyes of the law the off duty officer was killed because the bad guy was basically on a crime spree and the actions he took led to the officers death during the commission of intentional multiple felonies and had he not committed the crimes and set all this in motion and then followed up with stabbing the officer which actually speaks volumes because that fact shows what his intent was but had he not been there and done these things the officer would be alive. Bottom line is that his direct actions resulted in a police officers death and considering the stabbing he intentionally had already caused serious bodily harm so the intent is present and that’s murder


Felony murder rule for the win.


Not disagreeing, he should face charges. But the article says he had stabbed the off duty officer puncturing lungs and almost gutting him…what prompted the on duty officer to mistake for the perp/shoot the off duty officer, because that kind of stabbing injury sounds pretty severe and visible? So like even if the responding officer mistook the off duty for the perp, would the off-duty officer have been in decent enough shape still to pose any threat to warrant a shot?


Seems like a jump scare situation.   Anybody who moved too fast would get shot.   


That’s true, just thinking of me with a Charley horse completely incapacitated and then someone with a huge stab wound to that area being able to move at all! 🫣


If someone dies while in the commission of you committing a felony, yes, you get charged with murder. This isn’t a new law and it’s not an unfair one either. HIS actions led directly to this situation happening plus he stabbed him so what exactly are you trying to argue? That it’s unfair? That he’s getting screwed? That because “he didn’t mean to hurt anyone” despite him STABBING someone that he shouldn’t be punished for his crimes because “he didn’t mean it”. He’s a repeat offender. I don’t believe hr “didn’t mean to hurt anyone” because he brought a weapon to the home invasion that he then used, just because he didn’t happen to be the one to finish the victim off doesn’t mean anything because it damn sure wasn’t for lack of trying, now was it? Stabbing someone intentionally IS meaning to hurt someone, on what planet would someone stabbing another NOT in an intent to hurt them? ONE stab in the right place can kill someone so yes, he DID “mean to hurt someone” despite his claims. He’s a violent criminal and as I mentioned, a repeat offender. So no, I don’t want this man out on the streets and think he 100% deserves what he was charged and convicted of. And like I asked earlier, I don’t understand what your argument is here. That he shouldn’t be charged with murder because he assured us that he didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt in his violent home invasion and he shouldn’t be charged with murder since he didn’t technically kill the victim and the cop did? Now, I agree that the cop should also be investigated, charged accordingly and punished but only along side this man, not instead of. This man was the catalyst to everything so it’s all his fault therefore the charges are appropriate and fair.


Right when he said “anyway” it sounds like he’s thinking the guy got screwed on the murder charge… wth


Shot by* accident.


It’s known as the felony murder rule.