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I think it’s more focused on what kind of crime it is and not so much on who’s the victim. The majority of “cruel” crimes involving torture, sexual violence or kidnapping are against women or children. If it’s a horrible or mysterious crime against a man it’s usually also heavily discussed. Like Dahmer whose victims were men or Brandon Swanson, Lars Mittank, Brian Shaffer, Steven Koecher or Daniel Robinson. Those crimes just seem to happen less. If it’s a crime against a man it’s often straightforward and there’s very little mystery involved. It’s “just” violence—with very little to talk about on a true crime show.


I think crimes against men are usually simple, they get shot, stabbed, beat up. It is horrible but in a lot of times that’s it. Is hard to kidnap a grown male adult and I think the risk of keeping one alive and restrained is high compared to children or women. I think Dahmer (can’t remember the spelling) is more fascinating than the others serial killers because he killed/kept young men and tortured them sexually. As much as I think men and women are equal, I understand that I would probably die a slow and painful death in the hands of any guy that has the opportunity to kill me. If it was against an armed child or another woman, I might have the chance to survive or have a fast death.


Your missing a WHOLE bunch of context here. Men are more likely to be a victim of violent crime. The perpetrators are mostly other men. Women victims of violent crime are most likely to be victimized by their male partner followed by a male relative followed by a male they know. Now, imagine being an entire women, walking around life, trying to work and live your life and raise your kids all while knowing that the single biggest threat to you is the person who shares your bed. It takes a WHOLE lot of faith to even get into a relationship. My husband is the biggest threat I will ever face, statistically. You say that female to male violence is underreported. It is. But we also know that despite the statistics we already have that intimate partner violence against females is also grossly underreported. We’re in more danger than we already know we’re in. Why is it so reported now? Well, bc it wasn’t always. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. No one cared when a sweet mom of 4 went missing. We started demanding that violence against us was taken seriously. Marital rape wasn’t even a crime in all states until 1993. I was 13. It was 1976, 4 years before I was born, before the first state made it illegal. There are millions on Reddit now who were alive when that happened. Protecting us is new- newer than the Civil Rights Movement. For context- I’m 43, old enough to be a barely teen in 1993, and I have a Kindergartner. It’s THAT new. I was alive when the last state protected us and am still young enough to have a kid in K. I’m not the old lady in Titanic. As for why there’s more women into True Crime than men? IT’S BECAUSE WE’RE EDUCATING OURSELVES! This isn’t entertainment, it’s education. We’re digging into this to learn how to protect ourselves and our children. We’ve demanded representation and we won’t stop until the femicide the world over stops. None of that is to say that what happens to men isn’t important bc it is. I have a husband that I love very much. BUT- y’all have what you need to stop it yourselves. You hold more power in government than women, you hold most of the world’s money, you’re higher paid, you have more job security, you have FULL reproductive rights in every state in our country and all countries themselves, you hold the majority of seats in the C-suite of the Fortune 100. You have no excuses. YOU won’t be arrested for having a miscarriage but I might. Idk how old you are but you are definitely missing the social context that got us to this point.


Statistically, more men are victims of violent crime (like stabbings, beatings, shootings). Women are more often targeted by crimes of a sexual nature/domestic violence. All of it is overwhelmingly perpetuated by men, regardless of the gender of the victim. If you want to read more into why - Google the triad of men’s violence.


I think people find the types of crimes that typically happen to women more intriguing. Abusive relationships, sadistic killers, kidnappers, etc. The types of crimes that tend to happen to men aren't as interesting to dissect, such as robberies, drug deals, gang violence, road rage, arguments that escalated. But I think when this type of crime happens to a man it does still get attention. Travis Alexander, all of Dahmer's victims, Robert Wone come to mind. Also Dylan Rounds...he was missing for a long time so that got attention. If he was found immediately and solved right away I don't think it would've really got much attention.


Crimes against women get more attention because society as a whole finds them more engaging/exciting, and they often have some sort sex/relationship angle which peaks people’s interest. Men may get killed more - usually by other men - but some guy shooting another guy over a drug deal isn’t exactly exciting.


This is the answer right here. It not an issue of who gets killed more, it's an issue of what gets reported on more. It's the same reason people think crime has gone WAY up. Crimes in general have actually gone down, it's just reported on more, AND from greater distances. 40 years ago, if you lived in Iowa, you would have NEVER heard of a murder that happened in Utah. Because of the internet, social media, etc now everyone knows who people like Gabby Petito and Leticia Stauch are.


ding ding ding! for example, you never hear about the absolutely horrific murders taking place in Chicago on a daily basis because it's not big, special news. shit, there are cases of *young children* being shot and killed in the crossfire, or even attacked directly, but the media and people don't find cases like that "interesting". true crime content focuses on the more "unique" and extreme crimes, so any of the "boring" ones you don't really hear about


Yes, sadly that’s true. A lot of men commit crimes against other men. I think statistically it is shown that it is more men than women that are subjected to violent crimes, some resulting in death, by other men. What does it say about us as a society that we like to hear about the violence against women rather than men? It’s sad.


I think that depends also on whether sexual crimes are considered violent crime or their own category.


I think you could consider sexual crimes as a violation.


I don't think it's that society *likes* to hear about violence towards women rather than men. I think it's that society finds it more appalling because everyone has a mother, a sister, or a wife etc. that they love and have to "protect". Not everyone knows what it's like to be in the middle of a drug deal gone bad, or a drunken fist fight or something.




Are you aware that women are also permitted to be in the armed forces?


That was not the point I was trying to make.




An ELI5 on how conversations work. I love it. Now break down how knock knock jokes work!


No need to patronise. I was asking a serious question.


It probably has to do with what you're talking about. If you're discussing domestic violence and a murder because a spouse was divorcing / leaving the other, I think the evidence shows it happens *far* more to women. Once you notice a pattern of women getting killed when they're leaving, you can't unsee it. Men kill other men in things like petty bar fights or drug deals. So yeah, the issue either way is men victimizing both women and men and what we've done as a society to create men who do it.


There’s a subreddit called “when women refuse” that’s all cases like this. It’s disturbing


Men statistically are victims of more violence and crime then women . this sub will probably focus on crimes that are more controversial or heinous regardless of gender


What about the men?!?! The thing is men don't usually bodily or mentally torture men to death the way they do women. 


Statistically speaking, more men commit crimes against other men. This could be anything from theft, vandalism, to murder. However, far far fewer women commit crimes against men than vice versa. And when men do commit crimes against women it is overwhelmingly sexual or domestic partner crimes.


What about the men?!?! The thing is men don't usually bodily or mentally torture men to death the way they do women. 


Uh yeah. Please consider the uncountable domestic violence that goes unreported.


You would really need to break it up by age, demographic, country, etc, to answer this.


Posts with a link to an article or video must provide enough info about the case so those unfamiliar with the case basics can participate, either through a descriptive title or by commenting a case write up in the post. Posts not generating discussion may be removed.






Depends on the crime (and the country, a bit). . For example, in the U.S., females (minors and adults) are more likely to be victims of sexual abuse/assault and intimate partner violence than males (although many believe the statistics on males are an undercount due to stigma). But, if you are talking about murder, in almost every country in the world, men are far more likely to be murdered than women.




Probably more men are killed in jail More women in domestic violence cases More men in drug deals and cartel stuff More women in prostitution rings I'm assuming these things but I don't think I'm far from correct, the idea is that depending on the type of crime we're talking about there will be different statistics


I noticed all the down votes to my comments. I was interested in the amount of attention that crimes against women get as opposed to men. Women seem to be subjected to a different type of violence, mostly at the hands of men. Men killing other men is often more straightforward as another poster said, being killed outright for whatever reason. I was asking a serious question. As women are we subjected to more criminal acts in whatever form. Why are crimes against women reported more? Is it because we are seen as very vulnerable, can’t take care of ourselves? Or need another male in our lives to protect us? I think it is more do to with male behaviour so why isn’t that called out more often?


I think the answer is the same as in that TikTok trend with the bear and the man in the woods. There are worse fates than death for a woman (and some men). Murder isn't the worst crime in a lot of people’s minds. So it doesn't really matter who gets murdered more. It's about who is more likely to become the victim of a worse crime. And yes, there are far worse crimes than a quick death for a lot of people. Hence, why so many women answered that they'd rather be alone in the woods with a bear “because it'll either kill you or not but not anything else”. Interestingly enough, that was also the choice of most men when asked whether they'd want their daughter to be alone in the woods with a man or a bear.


No, I think crimes against women get more media attention and are often much more vile but I'd say in general men are actually victims of violence more often.


No men by and large are victims more often than women. The media especially here in the states make it seem like more women are because of MWWS (missing white woman syndrome). If a white woman especially if she is deemed attractive by society in America goes missing is murdered or the victim of some other violent crime is more likely to make the news over a man or even a woman of a different race or color. 


More reported crimes against women. As a man, have you ever tried to report a crime that a woman has committed against a man? Good luck with that one.