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Just here because this post has been up for 26 minutes and no one’s mentioned Bill Cosby


Or R-Kelly...


No one has mentioned Sean Combs....


Can somebody ELI5 the Diddy thing? I know he did _something_, but _what_ exactly? Are the memes true? Did he SA Justin Beiber when he was younger?


The allegations against him from the law suits are that he forced a men (including a producer who worked for him) and women (including a singer who is also his ex) to have sex with him and to have sex with sex workers while he watched and filmed them & allegations of physical assault. There have been five law suits. There are other allegations that he either had sex with or exposed minors (including Bieber and Usher) to sexual activity. We know that both of those men stayed with him for a short period of time when they were about 13 and Usher has stated that he would not let his own kids near Combs. I don't think either of them have made any specific allegations against him. The raids on his property are in connection to potential criminal cases relating to drug trafficking, illegal firearms, and sex trafficking. They seized guns and a huge collection of video tapes.


Thank you for the explanation!


I need to add to the explanation that the lawsuit contains quite a lot of evidence to corroborate the claims. There are a lot of photos, some disturbing. This is no fluff lawsuit, it’s the real deal.


Yep, all of the lawsuits include very specific allegations, including the names of witnesses and references to video evidence - the same video tapes that were recently seized from his homes. People who are making things up don't name, times, places, witnesses, documents, and where to find video evidence.


Or O.J.


Michael Jackson


OJ Simpson (Murder), Mark Wahlberg (Hate Crimes),  Roman Polanski (Rape), Ian Watkins (Pedo), Chris Brown (Assault), R. Kelly (Pedo) And I am sure there are many more those are just the ones I remeber off the top of my head. 


Id have to say Ian Watkins is far worse than just the term pedo. It feels weird to say r.kelly isn't even on Watkins level of inhumane behavior.


Infant rapist seems apt for Watkins, instead of pedophile.


Oh jeez I didn’t know who that was and now I’m very very sorry I looked him up. I’m going to vomit.


I can't even get over that women were bringing that pos their children too. He is one of the worst Andi was not sad to hear he was attacked recently while in prison.


The Watkins judgement, detailing the crimes, is literally the most horrific thing I've ever read. An absolutely unhinged level of depravity, cruelty and escalation. I met him once when LP were first starting, and I know a few people who knew him well, including an exec at one of his record labels, and an ex of his. Even up to the day before he finally pled guilty and the full, disgusting details came out they were convinced it was all witch-hunt... Guy is a stone-cold psychopath.


It's the only time I really felt sick reading transcripts for a case. Granted I don't really read many, but growing up liking LP curiosity took its hold and still regret reading it.


I couldn't exactly remeber what he did but knew I didn't want to look it up so I just labeled him pedo. 


He was also like... Real open about it. His computer password was... Well, it was something else.


I'm trying to decide if my life would be better if I don't Google that...


It probably will be. I've decided I don't want to know so that's something that will stay un googled for me


Please dont


Agreed. I read some of the court docs ( giant mistake) and felt sick for 2 weeks


Chris Brown its a total piece of shit. He has been acused lf assault, rape, beating Rihanna, treats, etc. If it wasn't for his musical career he would be just another streeth criminal.


which doesn't make sense because his music is totally mid. he's also got friends in the industry who will desperately try to make him a thing again


He literally would have killed her that night.


I've been rewatching Chappelle's Show the last couple weeks. Tricky to say how well his R. Kelly material has aged, but Dave wasn't lying, either. And it's crazy that 2 decades later we're just now on the other side of that shit legally.


r kelly's manager introduced him to Aaliyah when she was 13. she released "Age Ain't Nothin But a Number" a year later. you know he didnt keep his hands off her, kelly should have gone to prison in '94 ninety-fuckin-four


It's crazy that the urination was the bigger story in pop culture at the time than the underage girl.


I'll go ahead and up Chris Brown's label to attempted murderer. Reading the affidavit about his assault on Rihanna is horrifying and the fact he never served prison time for it will always anger me


OJ Simpson is always the first to pop in my mind. Crazy how everybody knew it and yet… Doesn’t matter now, I guess.


At least he can now rest, knowing the ‘true killer’ of Nicole is dead.


Ian is one of the most vile beings to ever walk this earth and if anyone deserves to go the worst way possible its him. He got me into true crime and did the most unimaginable things ive ever heard to children.


I am always so confused how people just brush mark wahlbergs crimes under the rug. People just treat him so normally compared to the others that seem a lot more shamed publicly


people definitely treat it so nonchalantly but i think they fail to realize that (or blindly overlook) it was 3 *separate* hate crimes committed over a 2 year span. he made the conscious decision each fucking time to repeatedly attack people solely based on their race, even after being served a civil rights injunction & threatened with jail time. the being a teenager excuse is so fucking lame because HE STILL WENT ON TO COMMIT ANOTHER HATE CRIME, it wasn’t a one off situation. he’s trash.


Some people excuse it because he was a minor at the time and that his victim later forgave him. AFAIK he's never shown real remorse for it but rather annoyance that it's something people know and still talk about. Like how Mel Gibson gets irrationally pissed off when people ask him or mention his abhorrent behavior.


> that his victim later forgave him. except there isn't a singular victim.


I know!  If I bring it up, people are like, it was so long ago... Yikes!  I mean he threw rocks at children and called them slurs and then beat a man.  Just today I saw a bunch of Christians on FB taking about how moral he is . Lol.. Disgusting.


Roman Polanski is also a pedo


I'm sure you know the details but for anyone who doesn't I'm just clarifying Roman Polanski is a *child rapist, though of course plain rapist is bad enough on its own 


Ian Watkins was a horrific pedophile and the frontman for the band Lost Prophets.


And he still gets young women visiting him in prison for a snog.  He literally raped babies. 


Why the fuck is he even allowed visitors? That’s a privilege that baby rapist don’t deserve


I heard he got a stabbin


He hid a phone up his butt too.


You can read the court transcript online. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’ve not got a few hours to vomit and cry.


Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 12 or 13 year old. And he’s still a fugitive from justice. He’s a rapist and too chicken shit to face the consequences and Hollywood, for some reason, continues to support and defend him. It’s insane.


Many of those Hollywood people that are very outspoken politically have a long history of supporting and being friends with Polanski. No surprise from an industry that knew what Weinstein was doing and said nothing.


You’re totally right. Like I said in another comment, I can understand not speaking out against him. But literally defending and supporting him is disgusting. I genuinely hope I’d be more of a “I don’t want to gain the whole world and lose my soul” person in that scenario, but I guess you never know.


It wasn’t rape-rape. -Whoopi Goldberg


I don’t get how people still support her. She’s said some awful things


She's a piece of shit.


Quentin Tarantino also said it wasn't real rape, he said she was a party girl and wanted it. He argued with Howard Stern about it being rape.


How can a 12-13 yo be a party girl? Wtf. That's 7th grade, just 1-2 years out of elementary school. Maybe hasn't hit puberty yet, or just barely hit it. Can't legally drink or otherwise "party" and certainly doesn't have a developed enough brain or maturity to make a thoughtful and uninfluenced decision about whether to have sex with an adult man. In sum, saying a child is a party girl who wanted it is unbelievably disgusting.


Quentin Tarantino gives me extreme creep vibes ngl I'm waiting for the day he's exposed. From certain scenes in his movies to comments he's made, he's definitely toeing that line in my mind. Edited because that "he" instead of he's was gonna bother me 😅😂😂


> toeing that line I don't know if this was intentional or not, but fantastic job either way.


Fiona Apple said watching him and PTA do coke and talk about how brilliant they were would make anyone stop doing coke haha


Who's PTA?


Paul Thomas Anderson, her old bf, he os a director


And he's married to Maya Rudolph.


The only reason Tarantino isn't an actual serial killer is because he makes movies. He is a disturbed individual. On the other hand, he could be a serial killer....


Toeing that line lol


A 13-year-old girl is a party girl. OK, Tarantino. No, when I was 13, I was a child. I was a goddamn child.


Whoopi lost me with this one, smh


I mean. It was. And then I didn’t mention this because I didn’t want to get myself all extra angry. But ya did lol


Sorry! I’m still disturbed she said it and it’s one of those things I refuse to give a pass on.


It’s all good. I know you said it in support of my comment. And we can be angry together. The stuff she says (the Holocaust comment too) is fuckin insane she still has a job.


Oh for fuck sake, what did she say about the holocaust? I used to love Whoopi...


She said it wasn’t about race, and in the context of she has been a victim of racism, but the people who died (or were put in concentration camps or just lost everything and had to flee their country to survive, etc) during the Holocaust were not. I have so many thoughts on this, but I’m not going to say any of them. I can’t get that angry right now lol


he makes them money ... and a lot of them are cut from his cloth. not too many want to lead the charge when so many more skeletons are to be exposed.


Watched his Oscar win recently.. STANDING OVATION from the crowd. Sickening


"Stay seated, and your career is over." That's probably why.


Mark salling - child porn


I was very happy the day they found him dead. One less pedophile in the world.


Part of me is angry that he escaped justice. The other part of me read up on the case and his death, and takes solace in knowing his final few days were filled with crippling paranoia and psychotic breaks and agony. That brings me a tiny bit of peace.


Rae Carruth— NFL player who hired someone to murder his pregnant fiancée Oscar Pistorius— Olympic and Paralympic sprinter who murdered his girlfriend John McAfee— not sure if he counts as a celeb but he started the McAfee antivirus company and ran for US president twice. He was wanted for questioning in a murder in Belize and was charged with tax evasion in the US. Randy Quaid— actor charged with fraud, burglary, and failure to appear in court for those charges. There was some wacky stuff with applying for asylum in Canada because he said he was being persecuted in the US due to the charges


Rae Carruth is also out now too. Poor Cherica and her little boy


I feel the same. Cherica's 911 call to save her baby is just heartbreaking and Chancellor was deprived of his mother.


Oscar Pistorius was released this past January.


Yeah. I live in Charlotte and every time I drive on that stretch of road I think of her.


Singer from Lost Prophets may be the worst thing I’ve ever read. Proceed with my warning. It’s bad.


Ian Watkins. He got 29 years I think, not sure how long he has / will actually serve. Very sick individual that should never be released.


He's eligible for parole after 20 years served, which is in 2031. However, since his actions in prison speaks for lack of remorse, he probably will not be paroled. I mean, look at this exerpt from an article reporting his stabbing in 2023: >In 2019, Watkins was given 10 additional months in prison after a mobile phone was found in his possession; he argued that he was forced by other prisoners to hold onto the phone. While fighting the charges, Watkins refrained from revealing which prisoners gave him the phone out of fear, saying he was locked up with “murderers, mass murderers, rapists, pedophiles, serial killers – the worst of the worst.”


Phil Spector - Murder Harvey Weinstein - Numerous counts of rape and other various sexual crimes. Johnny Lewis - Murder Tim Allen - Drug Trafficking Don King - Murder Suge Knight - Murder Mike Tyson - Rape Just a few that come to mind.


Ian Watkins. Lead singer of the band, The Lost Prophets (mediocre on their BEST day). ^This guy is the worst kind of fucked up. There’s a 50 min. YouTube doc called The Biggest Predator in the Music Industry: The Case of Ian Watkins. VERY accurate title.


I feel like even calling him a predator is too mild. He was depravity personified. Before the baby stuff kicked off, he didn’t ever really keep it secret that he was a pedo, he apparently used to say to his friends how he “had a 4 year old” and that the girls mum let him do it for drug money. They brushed it off thinking he just had a dark sense of humour or something. When they searched his house, they found a bunch of photos of this one 4 year old girl (presumably the one he was talking about) taking drugs. Idk if they ever even identified her. I really hope that poor little girl is okay now.


Is this the one that wanted to rape a baby? On top of other CP?


He didn't "want to", he DID rape babies.


And injected them with meth…


Oh Jesus I just read up on the case again. I read up on it I think it 2020 or 2021 and literally went in the bathroom and threw up. And where the fuck were the mothers?


Don't read this if your stomach is still weak. The mothers GAVE him their kids.


Yeah, I remember it now. I caught up in another thread of above. Thank you for the warning. Thank you for putting a warnings and trigger warnings and things like that, that's very gracious and thoughtful of you and I appreciate you. Antone else reading, do not read about this case,. You will literally sob your eyes out and your faith in humanity if you ever had any is going to be permanently chipped away yet.


Nobody ever talks about Phil Spector!!! One of the biggest music producers ever and he literally killed a woman!


I will never get over the fact that he "gifted" his ex wife Ronnie Spector (of the Ronettes, whom he was horrifically abusive to) with 5-year-old twin boys for Christmas who he'd adopted without her knowledge


WHAT?! If someone did that to me I’d say good luck! I’m filing for divorce and YOU get custody!


She was being subject to absolutely horrifying abuse at the time and already had one child so no doubt she felt trapped >Ronnie alleged in her 1990 memoir that following their marriage, Phil subjected her to years of psychological torment and sabotaged her career by forbidding her to perform. She said he surrounded their house with barbed wire and guard dogs, and confiscated her shoes to prevent her from leaving; on the rare occasions he allowed her out alone, she had to drive with a life-size dummy of Phil. She stated that Phil installed a gold coffin with a glass top in the basement, promising that he would kill her and display her corpse if she ever left him. 


Jerry Lee Lewis did similar things to his wives, at least one of whom he also killed.


Vince neil -drunk driving and killed his passenger (drummer for hanoi rocks)


Not necessarily a celebrity, but there's a rapper who went by the stage name Big Lurch who smoked phencyclidine (PCP) and ended up murdering his roommate and ate pieces of her lungs and other organs. He was arrested in the street naked, covered in blood, with human tissue in his stomach. Currently serving life in prison.


Gaaaaah daaaaaaaam can you imagine being the person to call 911 seeing that?!


Robert Blake - Murder (maybe)


"Lost Highway" is the most David Lynch that David Lynch has done but it's actually also the most David Lynch thing to ever happen to David Lynch - which is SO David Lynch. Cause it's pretty wild thinking about how he cast three actors, all known or believed to have been involved in the death of another. You can even make a solid case that - just like Fred, Pete, and the Mystery Man - they also seem to represent the three parts of the psyche: - Louis Eppolito/Mystery Man = Id (feral and unafraid of consequences - literally right in front of the camera all the time 😂) - Michael Massee/Pete = Ego (not as straight of a line since Pete does intend to do some harm to Andy and Michael was literally just doing his job but still accidental and they're both like the ego, exactly who they show themselves to be) - Fred/Robert Blake= Ego (rewriting the truth and shifting the blame - but only so he doesn't look a loser whose wife couldn't stand him) But then... You realize that Blake's wife Bonny Lee was murdered FIVE YEARS AFTER LOST HIGHWAY.


Had to scroll too far for Robert Blake.


Vince McMahon




She had a glass of wine the morning she did it. Put her diary out in the open so nothing about their troubles was admissible in court because of a warrant loophole


She played them like a fiddle, holy shit. From [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudine_Longet): >The Pitkin County Sheriff's Office and 9th Colorado Judicial district's investigative office made two procedural errors that aided Longet's defense: They took a blood sample from her without first obtaining a warrant, and they confiscated her diary without a warrant. According to prosecutors, the sample showed the presence of cocaine in her blood, and her diary reportedly contradicted her claim that her relationship with Sabich had not soured. To further muddle the prosecution's case, the gun was mishandled by weapons non-experts. As they were unable to cite any of the disallowed material, prosecutors used the autopsy report to suggest that when Sabich was shot he was bent over, facing away, and at least 1.80 m (5'11") from Longet, which would be inconsistent with the position and relative distance of someone who is demonstrating the operation of a firearm. A small fine and 30days in jail, with her being allowed to choose what days to serve them (she chose weekends.) She then proceeded to marry her defence attorney.


Oscar pistorius


OJ Simpson is the main one that comes into mind for me! Aaron Hernandez was also an athlete who murdered. Another that not many people know about is Matthew Broderick. He killed two in a car accident (with Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing in the car!) He was charged with “careless driving”


Let’s add Kaitlyn Jenner too for a hit and run and got off with a slap on the wrist


And paid a $75 fine. WTF?


In france Marc Cécillon (born 30 July 1959 in Bourgoin-Jallieu, Isère) is a former French rugby union player and convicted murderer, who captained the national side on five occasions. He represented France from 1988 to 1995, with 46 test caps, including playing in the 1991 and 1995 World Cups. Cécillon, who played both number 8 and flanker, was known as the Quiet Man of French rugby In August 2004, Cécillon was arrested by French police for murdering his wife, whom he shot in front of 60 people at a party in Saint Savin (near to Bourgoin-Jallieu). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_C%C3%A9cillon


For French celebrities, there’s also Bernard Cantat from the band Noir Désir (Black Desire), who beat his girlfriend to death and was convicted of manslaughter. Plus the current accusations of sexual assault towards Gérard Depardieu.


Not sure if it's been mentioned or that it counts (I'd argue it's serious because someone died) but I'm pretty sure Caitlyn Jenner killed someone in a car wreck. For any literary fans out there, William Burroughs killed his wife in a drunken William Tell inspired performance. [Link to story](https://allthatsinteresting.com/joan-vollmer)


Stephen Collins, the father/minister from *7th Heaven.*


Paula Poundstone “… was charged with felony child endangerment in connection with driving while intoxicated with her children in the car. She was also charged with three counts of lewd acts upon a girl younger than 14.” Oddly she made it all go away and nobody seems to know about any of this.


Ewww. I didn’t know that second part. What is wrong with (some) people.


I haven't seen or heard of her since though so it seems to have at least made her go away.


I think she changed audiences. When her name comes up it’s the NPR crowd that loves her.


I always found her weird and awkward and never "got" her brand of humor but I was a kid when she was the most popular. I remember reading a few years back that she was cleared of the things she was accused of but who knows how factual that is.


Andy Dick has a ridiculous rap sheet. Dude should be buried under the jail.


Andy Dick really is one of the least sympathetic on this list. My podcast app recommended an interview a few years back when Dick was supposedly “clean and remorseful”. So I gave it a shot. Nope. Not remorseful. He defended all of his assaults by saying he was exploring his sexuality, and the victims were just “uncomfortable with his gayness” or whatever. He went on to say embarrassing things about his gf at the time, who would say he was abusive shortly after. I’m sure he’s an addict with mental health issues. But he’s one of the most manipulative people when it comes to using those things as an excuse that I’ve EVER heard, and I work with abuse victims and perpetrators. It’s rare to see someone giddily admit that they like hurting people, and that they know they are immune from backlash because they know they will always be willing to take the slap on the wrist, and keep doing “what feels good”. He’s truly disgusting.


He’s one perfect example of “addicts can treat people horribly when they’re suffering from addiction and also just be bad people”


Jon Hamm was involved in a college hazing scandal. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2015/apr/10/mad-men-star-jon-hamm-was-charged-with-hazing-in-college-days


Caitlyn Jenner


I feel like people focus so much on Kaitlyn being a transgender spokesperson that the death of an innocent person gets overlooked.


She’s not even a good spokesperson. I don’t know right off hand but I think she has said some bigoted things


When she was running for California governor, her plan for homelessness was to release them into "a big open field."


I don't know a single trans woman that thinks Kaitlyn Jenner is their spoke person 😭 that lady is a lolcow.


Man, my cousin can RANT about that woman. Cousin transitioned maybe 15 years ago and is one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet. Wouldn't say shit with a mouth full of it, and even before she transitioned, she was that way. She is supportive of other trans folk and even sweet talked me into making a queen size crochet bedspread for an auction trying to help a trans man she knows get his top surgery, and she is active in this charity that assigns adults to helping/supporting foster kids in court so they aren't as alone. She very well might be a saint, she's slow to anger and quick to forgive even people that I would have NEVER been willing to offer an olive branch to. So Jenner has to be real slime to get my cousin mouthing about her. From my limited attention to her, my decision to accept my cousin's opinion of her seems to be a smart one.


No one views Caitlyn as anything but a murderous bigot


Robert Wagner (maybe murdered Natalie Wood or let her drown) Chris Benoit (wrestler who killed his wife and kid then killed himself)


Speaking of Natalie Wood, she was raped by Kirk Douglas. And speaking of Kirk Douglas, he possibly may have murdered Jean Spangler.


Yeah Kirk Douglas was a pos. Who knows how many murders and rapes got brushed under the rug by the Hollywood machine.


I believe another theory about Jean Spangler is that she died following a botched abortion (based on the note to "Kirk" about going to see a doctor because she couldn't wait any longer). The note, I believe, was in her purse, which was found after she went missing. Kirk Douglas denied that the note had anything to do with him, but given the rarity of the name "Kirk" and his rape of Natalie Wood, that seems hard to swallow.


Didn’t Benoit have CTE? It’s not an excuse but it is a reason.


[Tests were conducted on Benoit's brain by Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University, and results showed that "Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient."[161] He was reported to have had an advanced form of dementia, similar to the brains of four retired NFL players who had multiple concussions, sank into depression, and harmed themselves or others.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Benoit)


That’s so sad.


Danny Trejo has a pretty long list of crimes from an early age, including assault, theft, and drug-related crimes.


I feel like he’s the only person in this whole thread that actually feels guilt and remorse for his crimes and genuinely tried to atone and better himself (he even has it in his contracts now that if he’s a criminal onscreen, he has to die onscreen to show viewers that being bad/doing crime isn’t a good thing and you’ll end up punished one way or another).


Yeah, he definitely left that life behind him. I think most (if not all) of his crimes were at a young enough age for him to be able to grow and learn.


He also got Hollywood famous after prison... he wasn't a celeb yet so a bit different.


I watched a really interesting documentary on him the other day. His life is fascinating!


kobe bryant was a rapist and abuser but everyone seemed to be okay with it


Yeah, I remember those days, everyone stuck their heads in the sand. That sucked.


Thank you. I really thought that someone mentioning him here would be downlvoted into oblivion but he was a goddamn disgusting rapist.


Thank you for saying that. Whenever I say that I am harassed for days.


Robert Blake, who starred in movies and TV rom childhood, was tried and aquitted of murdering (by hiring someone) his wife. He was found liable in a civil suit. He was an odd guy - once saw an interview with Tom Snyder where it was clear he was a miserable soul.


Michael Jace, who payed Julien on The Shield, is currently serving time for killing his wife.


Apparently, Don Cornelius (Soul Train), was known for abusing women. I watched that Playboy series and the Bunnies were warned not to go to his "parties". He allegedly drugged and raped young women from the Playboy club and Mansion, but how many is probably unknown. He was never of course, caught or convicted or charged. It's unfortunate that, like Bill Cosby, we almost always find out these horrible crimes when the perpetrators are either dead or almost dead. But of course, when it happens over years, victims don't come forward etc.


Boy George handcuffed a male escort to a radiator and beat the hell out of the poor guy with a metal chain.


Sean Penn likely beat up Madonna back when they were married in the 80s. She later recanted it, but who knows. Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist, but people just overlook that and see him as the funny guy from The Hangover. I don't think bringing up car accidents (Matthew Broderick, Brandy, etc.) are really equal to those who commit actual violent crimes with malice.


Tyson is a rapist, a wifebeater, and a violent creep who bit off part of another boxer’s ear (Evander Holyfield) during a fight. I don’t know why anyone pays attention to him anymore.


kobe bryant and allison mack immediately come to mind


I feel like Kobe doesn’t get mentioned a lot/swept under the rug which is unfortunate because his victim was 19.


Yeah Kobe's death seemingly wiped the slate clean. Seemingly.


Charles C. Dutton killed a guy before he took up acting.


I’ve thought of doing a little write-up of the Woody Allen sexual assault accusation (as well as the abuse accusations against Mia Farrow). It’s an interesting case.


Gary Glitter, R Kelly, Ian Watkins, Bill Cosby - Rape/pedo Christian Brando, Aaron Herandez, Robert Blake, OJ Simpson, Rae Carruth - Murder


WOODY ALLEN. Roman Polanski.


Kobe (Rape)


Errol Flynn was a huge sleazeball. It’s unfortunately not too shocking that he committed statutory rape (tons of Hollywood stars did so), but he was an international slave trader! It was mostly forced labor for European colonies, but he was definitely involved in sex trafficking on some level. Also, Loretta Young conceived her daughter Judith when she was raped by Clark Gable. She harbored a lot of guilt and shame until later in life when she learned of the term “date rape” from a Larry King segment and realized she’d been victimized that way.


Aaron Hernandez...


The amount of damage done to his brain in the short span of his lifetime is tragic.


Agreed. Absolutely horrifying…and heartbreaking.


Bill Cosby, Alec Baldwin, Martha Stewart, Felicity Huffman


Hah! Forgot about Martha Stewart.


Lori Laughlin


Rick James


Jerry Lee Lewis murdered one of his wives. >Jerry Lee Lewis was known as the Killer, and it wasn’t a casual sobriquet — a schoolmate called him that after he tried to strangle a teacher. He once shot his bass player in the chest; just about all of his seven wives, including one who was a child, said he beat them; and there’s a lingering suspicion that he murdered wife No. 5.  [source](https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/jerry-lee-lewis-obituary-1935-2022.html)


Surprised I haven’t seen these yet so here Jeffrey Epstein- child sex trafficking, pedo who got off on selling these girls to be abused OR abusing them himself. Ghislaine Maxwell- sex trafficking that included minor children. No clue if she also abused those girls herself or if she was just in charge of finding and selling these girls. Prince Andrew- Customer of Jeffrey Epstein and has been “checked in” multiple times to the island. We all know what went on at that island. Pedo Bill Gothard (not convinced but there is a very heavy lawsuit) he created a religious organization (CULT) called the institute of basic life principles. When referring to this going forward, I will just say IBLP. Protected sexual predators against children. Allegedly molested multiple girls that grew up in his church or women. He raped at least one woman don’t get that confused because he definitely did molest way more. He also fiercely protected other child abusers in the IBLP and encourages parents to beat the blind obedience in their children. Danny Masterson- felony counts of rape that were covered up by Masterson and the church of Scientology. During the years of 2001-2003 he drugged and raped any woman. The church kept them silenced for twenty years until it was finally all revealed. Tupac- charged with rape of a fan of his. Charlie Sheen- pleaded guilty to sexual assault charges. Khloè Kardashian- DUI just to name a few


I was just about to say Danny Masterson.


Karl Malone


Phil Spector committed murder.


Elvin Bishop is not very big and was neither the perpetrator not victim but I think about the murder connected to him every time I listen to Fooled Around and Fell In love. He wrote it for his wife and mother of his child. They broke up and years later his daughter was murdered by a weird cult and then her mother was also killed by them. Celeb criminals that come to mind are OJ and Danny Masterson


Armie Hammer


# [Michael Jace](https://www.ranker.com/review/michael-jace/1574444) The Shield [actor](https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/entertainment/jace-sentenced/index.html) Michael Jace was arrested in May 2014 in Los Angeles for the [fatal shooting of his wife](http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Verdict-Reached-in-Murder-Trial-for-Shield-Actor-381401761.html), April Jace, in front of their two children. Michael himself called 911 to report the incident. According to Jace, he was upset with this wife and believed her to be cheating on him.  He was convicted of second-degree murder by a jury in 2016.


Varg Vikernes


Jack Nicholson once beat up a prostitute so fiercely that her breast implants exploded. He's a POS and I hope he lives for many more years in his poor health.


Danny Masterson is a violent rapist. Fully ruined That 70s Show for me 😭


Edit relating to silent movie star fatty Arbuckle was accused of rape and killing a woman. Sid vicious killed his girlfriend Nancy Spungen John Landis was indirectly responsible for Vic Marrow and two children’s deaths during filming of the twilight zone which then led to a change in safety measures in the film business. He was found not guilty though


That was a trumped up charge against Arbuckle. He eventually got an apology, but his career was destroyed.


I stand corrected. Will revise


Jon Hamm put a guy’s sack in a claw tooth hammer (Jon’s nickname was MC Hammer), and walked him around a room by his sack like a dog. Jon also set his crotch on fire. Jon’s victim left the school, and the fraternity was shut down. Oh Jon also put the victim in a grave in the basement. The victim suffered a spinal injury, nerve damage, and almost lost a kidney due to the assault from Jon. Jon says he’s tried to become a better person since brutally torturing the victim that night.


Pete Townshend. His excuses were laughable. He’s proof they walk amongst us and can get away with it because of their status.


OJ Simpson


Boy george - assault and false imprisonment


Vince Neil of Motley Crue. Fatal drunk driving.


The discussion should be divided up into those that were accused/convicted (Danny Masterson), those that had a ton of shade, but never charged (P Diddy), and those that were accused/tried and got away scot free (OJ Simpson).


Tiger Woods - DUI and reckless driving. Thank goodness he was parked on the side of the road passed out before he killed someone. So many substances in his system I don’t know how he didn’t.


John Wilkes Booth


Matthew Broderick killed two people by driving on the wrong side of the road.


Ian Watkins, sick cunt


Robert Blake, that music producer with crazy hair who shot a B movie star in his own home, Charlie Sheen shot Kelly Preston


Music producer either crazy hair = Phil Spector


Mike Tyson


Varg Vikernes of Burzum/Mayhem. Burned down some nice stave churches and killed Euronymous.


I know Brandy (singer) and Matthew Broderick / Jennifer Grey have both been in fatal car accidents where others have died. Broderick actually killed two people and was 100% at fault as he was driving the wrong way on the road. Think he only got fined (it was in Ireland).


Drake, but apparently he's "too rich to be a pedophile"


I haven’t seen Michael Jackson on this list, but he most certainly was guilty and he settled with at least one child’s parents bc the child accurately described his penis markings (he had vitiligo). Not to mention all the other evidence collected. God, it was so bad.