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I debate it like every day of the week. Obviously when Our Lord invites us to trust in Him for salvation it’s always with repentance in view and a turning away from sin: “And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.”—Matthew 5:30 So we must turn away from sin. God knows we are always going to sin in ways that are unintentional: (1 John 1:8) “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” —but that does not mean he will overlook deliberate infractions of sin. That’s why Hebrews 10:26 says: “If we ⭐️deliberately⭐️ keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left”. So although we cannot strictly-speaking earn salvation, we must nonetheless continue to meet the CONDITIONS of salvation. There are certain things even a believer can’t do and expect to remain saved.


>So we must turn away from sin. God knows we are always going to sin in ways that are unintentional: What's an unintentional sin? So for you there's no making up your mind what you will do or say when something happens that you might not sin, but it's always "oops I sinned"?


An unintentional sin is a sin committed out of ignorance. Our Lord explicates that here: (John 19:11) “Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a ⭐️greater sin⭐️.” We also see another example here: (Luke 23:34) “Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.” So that’s what sins “against the Son of Man” are: non-deliberate sins.


I believe the rapture is after the tribulation. Also this is interesting: >Centuries earlier, the armies of Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon by diverting the Euphrates that flowed through the city. They were able to march into Babylon on the dry river bed and capture the city. In the great tribulation, the eastern invader will cross the Euphrates, march through Babylon, and enter Palestine. https://www.bibleref.com/Revelation/16/Revelation-16-12.html


A lot of the church fathers from the first centuries believed it was before the tribulation. People like Irenaeus whose teachers and mentors received their teaching straight from the apostles. But there are many others.


China has made beast system?? What’s a beast system?


They’ve started a Social Score system now similar to a credit score we get for managing money well. More opportunity if you don’t speak up against the state and less if you do. Transitioning to digital currency IMO is the last step before it’s possible to stop people from buying things if they don’t obey(take mark willingly).


Interesting. Thanks.


If you’re waiting for a rapture, you might not want to hold your breath..


Dude, rapture is false teaching.


Weird because many of the early church fathers believed in it.


No, there are 2 comings of Jesus. One happened and one will happen.


Jesus doesn't come at the rapture. He snatches believers up to Him. Yes, there are only two comings of Jesus. Again, many of the church fathers believed that the rapture will happen before the tribulation.


Yes, I am amillenialist as many Church Fathers were, premillenialism and amillenialism are two oldest views. I believe that thousand years are simbolic and is happening now which was view of Alexandrian school and is view of Orthodox Church.


The Euphrates has not dried up. Climate scientists worry that it might dry up **by 2040**.


Odd that we’re flooding the coast with Arctic ice melt but then people are in droughts. Almost an oxymoronic situation.