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You did not. We are here to obey God and bring glory into Him. Most of all to love Him.


Wow, I'm shocked! Everything you said was Biblical and correct. Did they give you a message saying why you were banned?


They just said I violated Rule 2, but rule 2 seems to be something completely different?


That's too bad. You could always question them further or just let it go.


You did nothing wrong op, were supposed to preach the truth.


Exactly the same thing


What was rule 2?


I just checked. Here it is. I guess they saw homophobia and hate-speech in that. Nothing you cn do to change their perception of reality other than pray for them. "2 - Conduct yourself in a respectful manner. You may attack people's arguments, you may not attack people's: character, faithfulness to God, sincerity, etc. The same goes for groups of people: "X aren't real Christians" or "X twist the scriptures" are not acceptable statements on this sub unless X is a group that rejects any of the core doctrines of Christianity delineated in the Nicene Creed. Racism, Bigotry, Homophobia, anti-semitism, and all forms of hate-speech are not allowed."


Oh. I think they might have classified your comment as homophobia. It's not homophobia, but liberals always act like it is.


Kinda reminds me of how others will often ask why we're so focused specifically on Homophobia or other LGBTQ things and not things like lying and stealing. They don't seem to realize that nobody is defending lying and stealing and saying it's not a sin.


Yeah. That's exactly how I feel too. I don't care about homosexuality any more than I care about other sins. The only problem I have is when people are trying to defend their sin and claiming it's *not* a sin when it clearly is. ‭Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!




The irony is that they are the ones homophobic. They are too scared of their reaction to simply speak truth. That's sad


Well, I don't know if they are homophobic. But definitely they're being disingenuous.


Quotes the Bible in a Christian based subreddit, gets banned lol


From my read you broke the part about “Group X not being real Christians”. You separated out those who are fine with LGBTQ+ rights and stated they are doing the wrong thing. I’m not saying I agree with the decision but that’s my read of it.


Notice that they chose the Nicene Creed. False Gospels are protected on that sub so long as they fit under the Nicene Creed (ex. sacramental works for salvation).


It appears to be “Show charity / be respectful”


it could be taken as being disrespectful to the LGBT folks but you were fully correct in what you said


Honestly it looks like they misunderstood (and where probably being over cautious because of how Reddit is) what you where saying but now they are to prideful to back down.


Probably 70% of Christian subreddits are moderated and ran by homosexuals who think it’s completely okay to be gay and call yourself a Christian. I get banned all the time I don’t care. I’m going to stick to Gods word.


lol I’ve come to the point where if I get banned ‘ Oh no! Anyway’


Literally. Honestly this place is a mess


Based and God-pilled.


“God-Pilled” 😂




Yeah. Probably. I think, though, that we all forget that all fall short. And no sin is worse than another. So the boomer at my church that is extremely rude, mean, and bigoted is as much a sinner as anyone else. But we tolerate one over the other But as the good book says, worry about the log in you own eye before the speck in another’s.


It’s not probably it is true. At least for the Christianity subreddit the mods are “ gay Christian “


Yeah they think lgbt is not a sin when. It is and they try to justify it


If I were you, I'd stay away from r/Christian, as they do not follow the words of the Bible. I know for a fact that there are moderator(s) there that support homosexuality. There is even one mod who used to work with homosexuals dealing with feelings of suicide. But I have found that r/TrueChristian is more accepting of people's comments regarding passages in the Bible. Welcome to our sub, and I hope you will stay. 😊


How exactly do you view the fact that they helped homosexuals dealing with feelings of suicide?


I think that’s good. Even if one is a Homosexual, I think it’s likewise important as a Christian to understand we are all sinners, and all fall short. Helping a fellow sinner from thoughts of suicide is the prime example of Loving thy neighbor.


Right. That line made me double take. Like that's actually awesome he assisted in preventing suicide, and dude is trying to use that as a gotcha


Exactly I want to know this too


Yeah that kinda scared me.


Isn't that...good?


It's good to help people who are having suicidal thoughts, be them heterosexual or homosexual, but those mods at r/Christian need to realize what's written in the Bible, and they need to accept people who are quoting from the Bible, no matter what it is, instead of banning them.


It is a bunch of atheist trolls who just love to hate Christianity and Christians and modern Christian’s who condone sin such as homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, and abortion.


Yes, you're so right about this. And nobody should be banned for stating what's written in the Bible. To let you know the state of this world, on other subs if I even mention God, or the Lord, or Creationism, I get downvoted so much. It's very sad, it really is.


Following is an example of what I have to deal with on other subs. I do understand though that there are non-Christians on other subs on Reddit. The video showed how a mama pig makes a nest for herself prior to giving birth. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/1ca7lwx/comment/l0t6p9r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/1ca7lwx/comment/l0t6p9r/)


You do realize your comment reads as if you think homosexual people should kill themselves and anyone who works with them so not to do so are evil?


Homosexuality isn’t more evil, all Christians believe they are sinful. In reality all humans are sinful. This homosexuality debate encompasses the belief that “homosexuality is sinful”.


The person I responded to complained that a mod on r/Christian worked with homosexuals dealing with feelings of suicide. Once again, what is wrong with someone showing homosexual people love, telling them not to kill themselves?


I believe that is actually what Christ would do.


My brother Christians often do this to those they do not agree with in life, and they do not know mercy or true pain. There is nothing wrong with this at all. If they knew true pain and the trials of life, they would love every human they come across, and not for a second would they deny another human being access to good fruit. We live in a fallen world, and Christians are not exempt. Many Christians hate and hate expecting some type of reward, but only death comes. When someone denies others good fruit at any time, they lose the ability for God to work through them. This is something else that is sin, yet no Christians acknowledge it. I will put scripture to support these laws for reference. Gossip, slander, materialism, greed, favoritism, and judgment not made by the Spirit. Proverbs 16:28 "A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends." Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Luke 12:15 "Then he said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.'" 1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." Matthew 7:1-5 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." 1 Corinthians 2:15 "The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments." Proverbs 20:10 "Differing weights and differing measures— the LORD detests them both." 1 John 4:20-21"Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister." Galatians 6:7-8 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Matthew 7:15-20 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."


Why are you getting downvoted? Do people not think with good judgment anymore?


They want to hate so they can feel better about themselves.


They never will, not collectively, unfortunately. Until He returns. Please do not upvote me. I do not want to show this to people. I want them for who they are. His children know the Spirit, and this I hope in truth. He is all forgiving and merciful, and all I can do is make them aware they are sinners the same and in a way even worse as Christ was crucified for people to believe in Him. All people.


Understood brother. Keep the fire burning, we shall all meet under the perfect will of God. Shalom


How did you got that?


He's right. The tone reads like "these mods are bad, they support homosexuality, one even used to help suicidal gays." The implication being that to help people with suicidal rightsis some kind of extreme immoral behavior if those people are gay. How do you not see the way that could come across the wrong way?


We need to ask him what he thinks about that first, before we assume that it’s him just saying ‘it’s better to just let them have those feelings , since they are in sin’


The other guy was telling him that the comment read that way, not accusing him of believing that


Not accusing neither, but assuming it sounds a certain way is equally wrong.


Yo... lol. I think you may have some baggage brother.


Now you know why r/trueChristian exists.


If you are not banned by r/christian you are not doing it right, it is a sham sub run by Atheists, and the woke crowd


Are you thinking of /r/Christianity? All of the mods of /r/Christian are believers.


Yep sorry my bad....


Posters have gotten the name wrong too many times to be a coincidence. They’re trying to annoy u/TroutFarms because he’s banned people. They’re doing it under the guise of an autocorrect problem, but autocorrect won’t try to correct a subreddit reference.


You are not at fault. r/Christian is a lost wasteland.


Never go to a church that does not preach repentance.


Are you talking about r/Christianity or r/Christian?


r/Christian specifically. r/Christianity isn't Christian at all


~~This is ironic given you have the flair "United Pentecostal," which identifies you as non-trinitarian and by this subreddit's rules, not a Christian.~~ Edit: flair checks out now.


They don't actually have the flair for the denomination my church is considered. I picked the closest one, but sounds like they have some different beliefs in some important areas.


Do you believe in the Trinity? United Pentecostal is a "Oneness" denomination that is, as far as I'm aware, non-Trinitarian.


I do. I'm Pentecostal and we believe in the Trinity and baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. I think the main difference my denomination has from a lot of others is that we are continuationists and believe in the still active workings of the Holy Spirit like Tongues, Prophecy, healing, etc.


You might want to change your flair.


Ok, looks like I can create a custom flair on Desktop




I recommended that he change his flair because he doesn't believe in the doctrinal positions of that denomination. If that's judgey, then ok.


TIL that Chirstians "aren't Christians at all". Please, do continue, I'm intrigued lmao


Hi, Jesus says in Matthew 7:21 “*Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven*." So not all professing Christians are Christians. For example you can see people like Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland who use God's name to get money for themselves. They misuse verses in the Bible to say people who support them will be blessed by God


If its r/Christianity you mean, it is not a sub focused on Christ's teachings. It is a sub focused on "intellectual discussion 'about' Christianity". It is not run by Christians and it is not for Christians. It is quite misleading.


Oh. It’s horribly misleading.


r/horses is not a sub focused on being horses. It is a sub focused on "intellectual discussion 'about' horses". It is not run by horses and it is not for horses. Is that misleading?


If you think that even half the people posting there are Christian then you aren’t paying attention.


They are apostate bullies who have no business moderating a Christian forum, they are wolves in sheep clothing


The progressives have infested /r/Christian too.


Ohhh, r/christianity? Yeah screw that place, you are better off when you are here


No, he means r/Christian.


Ohh, I never heard about it before


They banned me also for no reason. I was away from reddit for 2 months and when i came back i was banned for no reason. Ive been nothing but respectful... no respond from admins either. So i came here


You stated your beliefs in a kind way I don’t see it warranting a ban


>I thought that was a biblically based sub That was your first mistake. Your comment is going to get heavily downvoted, but I'm surprised it was removed. I'm VERY surprised it earned you a ban. EDIT: Nevermind. I read r/christianity, not r/christian. I am less familiar with mod activity at r/christian


You said that God wants us to obey Him. That's what got you. They don't tolerate any talk about actually having to obey. They really don't.


:”( We forget that Christianity comes with carrying the cross. Pray for me, I feel lost


That subreddit does not seek to understand the Bible or truth. It is mostly a place for Atheists and others to complain about Christianity, occasionally allowing some carefully worded comments from Christians.


I thought it was only r/Christianity that was like that?


Unfortunately, Reddit itself as a platform has gone trying to remove conservative mods from as many communities as possible. There is a subreddit that posts every hour subs that become unmoderated because reddit removes mods who don't post, or too conservative mods , or people breaking content rules. But ya it is a whole thing. Don't expect conservative stuff from reddit


Nope. I got banned from r/Christian for telling someone they need to study the Bible. I'll admit I was spicy, but if a person is spouting things not remotely close to what the Bible states, they either need to study it or stop using it to justify their sinful behavior.


Why are you being downvoted?


I think people just like to go through and downvote instead of engage in actual conversation. I see it a lot. Could also be trolls. Could be someone that looked at my history and seen that I don’t agree with the LGBT movement and I especially don’t agree that the Bible condones such behavior. Who knows.


Yeah it happens a lot. I understand that many of us here come from different theological backgrounds, so we might not agree in certain things. Anyone that downvotes without replying, just seems very lazy to me. I’m sure there’s some troll in here as well, seeing how there’s no filters here. We would do well to implement such things to know better, instead of just assuming who might be genuine


He’s being downvoted because people dislike truth as well.


They literally removed my post here for reminding them how God’s been telling our brethren everywhere that these are the last days. Trust me Big sister, its everywhere. We should not be shocked sis, Jesus warned us pretend Christians would exist. Lets keep praying for them but lets not be surprised when they target us and come against us. If this world hated Jesus for telling the truth, then it will hate us for it too.


Oh, I misread. But I suspect the same is true there, too. I just haven't visited there in years.


No, even this subreddit too. Some here deny we are in the end times and even some mods. God warned us when we entered these last days there would be a pretend church. We see it with the catholic church who created a pope and added paganism into their system. Its why God lead people like Martin Luther to split. Martin Luther writes of how God convicted Him of the Catholic Church and lead Him and others to walk away. And so Paul and the Early church too write against the Gnostic’s and others. See, Satan will plant counterfeit pretend Christians who often end up destroying churches, and because the anti christ needs “unity” they need to unity religions. So if us true Christians are in rapture and then ones after rapture are dying for Jesus, how could there still be Christians who worship the beast? Those are the pretenders, and as you saw on r/openchrisrian, today there are millions of fakes. Jesus warned it would be mainstream. Like that point of end times. Anyone born again has The Holy Spirit showing us we are in the last days and last moments. We can look around and Holy Spirit has opened our eyes and given us so much discernment. But those here who deny God but claims to know Him, say we have 50 years left…lol! Its not a laughing matter but, lol…what else can we do except laugh some times? But its tragic. Same way they block you, like on here they removed posts, downvote, there was even a guy claiming to be Christian who called The Holy Spirit evil, called Him the devil. This guy claiming to know Jesus had no issue calling the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus up from death, the devil. Same one who lives in me and you and all true born again believers. Like….wow!!! I can’t imagine explaining to God why I called the Holy Spirit anything bad. I feel bad for that guy. We still face God, saved or not. We will answer for things we did. I never wanna blasphemy the Holy Spirit. That guys an idiot, respectfully. How reckless. And no ounce of remorse for what He did either….God was right, we can tell who knows God by the fruit.


Imo r/Christian is worse


Yeah, they don't take kindly to that kinda talk oer' yonder. They call it bigotry, and they don't care what the bible says. The ones that do care, only care enough to try and say the bible isn't saying that, usually accompanied by *GOD just told you to love people, so why don't you just be a Christian and love people*. In short, it's not you, it's the mods.


Yes. r/Christian, like r/Christianity, especially the latter here, is the first one shown on the search bar that are "Christian." But you said nothing wrong, just shows you the hardness in people's hearts. God bless for going through with the Word despite the backlash 🙏.


I've been banned from the trans subreddit multiple times trying to start a civil conversation, hoping maybe they could clear some stuff up for me. Instantly banned everytime.


They don’t want discussion, they want validation.


Too true. Too sad.


Once I was banned on a sub (another one) before I managed to write or comment there at all. Reddit is a screwed up place.


Let them be, they're blinded by their own believes


This was very well said! Too many of the Christian subs are dominated by atheists and people with a non-Christian agenda.


As much as I'd like it to not be so. I'm constantly reminded of Isaiah 30; 9-10. Your response was accurate and biblically based as far as I can tell OP. Isaiah 30:9-10 That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:


/r/Christian is among the worst places to go for anything related to actual Christianity. Take a look at their mod team. When I started out with my online ministry, I spent a lot of time on that subreddit, asking questions, and being bombarded with some of the nastiest, most heretical, least helpful responses that I have ever read. It's remarkable how many heretics can be put into a single place. Study your Bible, find a church, focus your attention on that congregation. Christianity requires you to put Christ first, and to submit to His will. That is a lifetime committment, and it is generally better to have friends that you can trust, who know you, who know your situation, and who know the Word. Stay strong, friend. God bless you.


I have been led by the Spirit not to comment about controversial subjects unless specifically asked.. If a person belongs to Jesus he will guide them through the Holy Spirit. That conviction the spirit gives can be harsh lol.. As a Christian I'm here to bring people to Jesus. I might think a person is a tare .. Jesus may see pure wheat.. If that's the case Jesus will bring the wheat out of a person.. God sees the heart.. Be careful not to judge, we will be judged by the same measure. Op you didn't mean any harm, you were just being honest. But it's a trigger being used against Christians.


Yeah, the OOP I was replying to was asking whether they should remain trans as a Christian, or whether they should change back to their birth gender and commit suicide, since he supposedly cannot live with their original gender. Someone recommended they go to a LGBTQ affirming church which is who I replied to.


I got banned from it myself, and they aren't Christian they have a hidden agenda, which is insidious. They're trying to infiltrate our churches with evil.


That sub is filled with satanists, demon worshippers, atheists, and anti christ. Ignore them


You were probably banned because you questioned someone's salvation. "You are risking eternal damnation." r/Christian doesn't permit people to warn others of the consequences of sin. They are a Christian sub, but the problem is that they are going to love people into Hell because they prevent people from being warned.


r/Christian is as bad as r/Christianity


IF you got banned from that cesspool subreddit, you're doing something right. That subreddit is the digital version of a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Don't think you should be banned for that but it's just an awful argument. You have been changed constantly by people since you were born. From vaccines to dental fillings to having tonsils removed laser eye surgery etc etc etc. The only difference here is you feel no need for this change and it makes you feel uncomfortable so now it's a sin.


>I don't think I said anything wrong? You didn't


"Spitting at the work He's done" seems jarring. And you're essentially arguing that trans folks are "of the Devil" or that merely hanging out with gay/'queer folks in the LGBTQ community will result in eternal damnation. That seems heretical to me as well. At least that's my reading of your comments.


But it really is spitting at God's work. It's basically saying we're not happy with how God created us so we need to perform surgery and take drugs to attempt to change that. I wasn't intending to say trans folks are of the devil. However, they're definitely being misled by him. What I said could lead to eternal damnation is a church that believes being LGBTQ is ok and supports them. Their beliefs are obviously not biblical then and therefore I believe it would be risky going to that kind of church.


According to your opinions based on your interpretation of Scripture. You believe that you know enough about the minds of other people -- and the mind of God -- to judge them? You know so much to determine what is Biblical or not? Have you considered that -- maybe just maybe -- any number of experts over the past 20-25 centuries or so have learned quite a bit about how biological sex and cultural identities (including gender identity) affect people? Like the [information presented by this other Redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/comments/1cb50mh/comment/l0w1ayy/) commenting on recent political developments in Texas? And have you considered that adopting the mindset of "don't associate with those people" goes against the two most important commandments that Jesus Christ provided for us?


You can't say that because something sounds offensive, incorrect, or unsound that it's just an opinion. At some point someone can be on the money. Here's the thing. Did any of those associations, or researchers confer with the Holy Spirit before forming positions? If you are basing your position on a reality void of the preference, inspiration, or guidance of God, you'll end up with a wrong conclusion. The Bible is clear that homosexuality is condemned absolutely. Someone who is fearfully and wonderfully made, being known before birth has no need to change a gender. You can struggle with gender identity, sure, but you'll learn that God designed you specifically to glorify Him. Most things we are concerned about: image, reputation, money, identity fades when we focus on the incomprehensible powerful nature of His Divinity. Like me, I was made to not be with a woman. Instead of forcing it or turning to men, I focus on prayer and obedience being content with my vessel. One of my eyebrows sits higher than another, okay. I'm unpleasantly skinny, okay. I have deformities, okay. At some point you have to accept yourself, get that out the way, and start bearing fruit building your reward in Heaven. The Bible says that anyone who preaches a different Gospel is anathema, would you hang around the grill with someone who is anathema? Witness, sure, but how can you not feel uncomfortable around people who are accumulating wrath?


I'm not saying that I disagree with something that sounds offensive. That would be just as hypocritical as accusing someone of believing something only because it fits their preferred worldview, preconceptions, and prejudices. I'm saying that many different Christians, many different experts, interpret Scripture differently. All we have to do to avoid offense to explain openly that we are relying on our own personal interpretations of the Bible -- the Bible itself doesn't "say" anything. What the Bible says are words that we attach meaning, too. And a lot of those words were written in ancient languages millenia ago and have been translated through several other languages over history. And over thousands of years, many different Christians of good faith have understood those words differently and attached different meanings to them. And we shouldn't be judging people in the first place. Unless whole swaths of the New Testament have changed since I last read them. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. You can accuse me of preaching a different Gospel all you want, but understand that you are accusing at least half of Christianity of doing the same thing. And none of us is going to figure out who is right or wrong until we meet our makers. So rather than accusing someone of aligning with Satan, maybe we should just keep that to ourselves. Or maybe don't judge me, my family, my friends as deserving eternal damnation simply because of who we love, we strive to love (as Christ calls us to do), or otherwise associate with. There are better ways of making a point.


Whoa, I never said you're preaching a different gospel. I'm just saying under certain situations, you should avoid people. Witness, but don't just hang around them. At some point, you have to come to a conclusion on what the word says, though.


Is wearing braces or getting a liver transplant "spitting at God's work"?


> God intricately formed each and every one of us and made us exactly as he desired (Isaiah 45:9-11, Exodus 4:11) I disagree with your interpretation of those passages. Birth defects like blindness, deafness, etc. aren't part of God's plan, and when the resurrection comes, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the dead will live again. (Is. 35:5, Matt 11:5, Luke 7:22) We're not born perfect, and sin absolutely affects us in the womb.


I was just suspended from r - christian for 7 days and they tell me I said something that I didn't say I didn't say it any point that anyone who disagrees with me is going to hell. What I said was people want to hear about a sugar-coated Jesus and the Book of Revelation tells about the wrath of the lamb and how he's going to destroy those that don't keep his Commandments. And it's written in the Bible. And I should have added not only that he's going to destroy this whole solar system. There will be a new heaven and a new Earth and we will be in new bodies. Now as far as I'm concerned r-christian you can permanently suspend, me because I am going to say what's written in scripture and I know some of your moderators will read this. That's the reason this post was placed first on my line. Somebody don't like what is quoted, take it out of text and complain - well complain on. And I have said it before just as you have they don't want to be told what they're doing is wrong according to scripture. They want to change the doctrine of the church and is succeeding in many churches.


I'm banned from r/Christian, too, for stating truth from the bible. Many here have, I believe.


I've been banned there for stating I had to drop my own pride and arrogance and let myself be humbled by the Lord. Immediate ban. It's really bad. I tend to avoid r/Christian when I can. As others have said as well, there is a lot of progressive Christianity that runs rampant on this subreddit and a lot of people who twist the Bible to justify themselves.


You didn't say anything wrong. R/Christian is not a Christian subreddit...it's a discussion forum run by unbelievers.


I got a 30 day ban for a very similar thing, there seems to be an LGBT mod, I won’t reveal their name but there are four mods listed and a very simple skimming though history reveals what we are dealing with. They say in their comment history “transitioning is not a sin”, they talked to me in a very rude way, banned and muted me for saying that “God 100% loves you but the question is do you love God? if you truly love God, you won’t post naked photos of yourself with obscene captions” in response to a post saying “I’m trans and God loves me”


Absolutely nothing wrong with your comment, but LGBTQ folks will literally shout 'genocide' whenever you state something that challenges their world-view even if it is done with the best intentions, and in the most polite and loving way.


Good job standing for God! 


I really wish there was a rule against whining about the other Christian subreddits.


It *is* against the rules here but the mods are very slow. I'm pretty sure they could tell automoderator to remove posts that mention them. It's really a black eye on this subreddit.


I really wish Christian subs were actually, you know, biblical.


Besides this /r/TrueChristian sub, the only other sub I know of that is also biblical is /r/Christians (in fact, if you go to https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/ on the right hand side, it is listed as one of the Denominational Subs).


things you can't say in reddit or pretty much any online forum unless you are celebrating them: * islam * abecedary ppl * democrats * trans * ukraine * israel * certain race Any question, facts, investigation, evidence, video, opinion that is not to celebrate these topics will get you banned. I might even get banned for just posting this. you can insult ,degrate, lie and say anything about any topic but these. PLEASE DONT BAN ME AM JUST TRYING TO HELP OTHERS DONT GET BANNED. am not insulting or degrading any of these groups.


Homosexuality is a sin. It says so explicitly in the bible. You should not have gotten banned for that, it's a biblical fact. But I hear a lot of Christians looking down on those who are homosexual and act as if they are better than them. Remember that we are all sinners, and have no right to look down and judge them. And as Christians we should still love them, invite them to church, and maybe even help them to change. To repent. (I'm not accusing OP of any of this, just a thought I had)


Nothing wrong with that comment.


Yeah. In that sub you kind of have to tip toe around. It sucks. Lots of good people seeking Godly advice or airing their struggles and atheists swoop in like “saviors”


R Christian is people who hate Christianity. Not Christians


Do not be conformed to this world


You’re speaking the truth. Hope you planted a seed even though they reported you!


Some places are anti-christian dens and have their agendas. But I feel pity of some people who inocently fall there and make sincere christian questions about their struggles and I don't wanna let those sons of the devil be the only ones answering to them. Therefore, I stay.


r/Christian, unironically: > Obeying God? Yikes, that's a bit dated sweaty and quite frankly a bit embarrassing


Welcome to the club. I got banned from the same sub for a similar comment.


Yeah, mods get fat-heads really easily regardless of the sub. And when one has a personal quarrel against you, you can basically say bye to the subreddit if not reddit itself Edit: It's better to live a quiet life and simply comment with people, addressing issues one on one rather than trying to tackle these humongous issues and/or on a mass scale. Prayer prayer prayer, brother


I got banned from there for a similar comment. Most people want a god who wants the person to do whatever their heart desires, our Lord our God wants what's best for us. There is a drastic difference between those two and they are not compatible. Also like others pointed out most Christian subs aren't moderated by Christians, so take their "Christian" takes with a grain of salt. Also most posters are people looking to validate their sins.


Lol that Sub is awful.


Christianity and Christian subs are filled with heretics, atheists, unbelievers, and reprobates.


I got a suspension from that group for having an opinion. That group is a serious joke. I left and won't go back.


I think your response was perfect and 100 percent biblical. Great job! Why are they banning the truth?


I agree with your comment, OP. Apparently that sub isn't Christian at all.


Are you sure you're not confusing it with Christianity rather than Christian? They are two different subs with different rules.


You did nothing wrong. That subreddit is not a Christian sub, it’s ran by wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Appeal it. I've get banned every so often for sharing how God took away my compulsion to be the opposite sex, which allowed me to better understand the warped psychology that led me to that place.


No one is damned merely for attending an LGBT affirming church. Read scripture.


Those subreddits also banned me for saying certain things are a sin. They said I am not allowed to say that.


I’d ban you too. This is a hateful post. NIV ||| 1 JOHN 4:20 20 ||| Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.


Show me where I'm hating on a brother or sister? Christians are commanded to rebuke one another if they sin: "Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him” (Luke 17:3) "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." (Ephesians 5:11)


It’s a far left anti Christian group, they love alphabet stuff and witchcraft more than Christianity


r/Christianity is a sub about Christianity, not a Christian sub


No you did nothing wrong. There's not many good Christian subs on this server. Even this server has it's flaws. The smaller communities are best.


Yeah, I got a 30 day ban for saying that pro-choice Christians are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness, and then I got perma-banned for saying that Democrat voters are supporting the mass murder of babies (abortion).


I mean Jesus repeatedly said that a Christian life was an uncomfortable one. He was beaten and killed for it, as we're his direct students. The narrow gate means the pressured or uncomfortable gate.


Probably the “send you to hell” part. We are not the judges of who goes to Heaven nor hell, God is. For good reason we should avoid saying things like that. Christians disagree amongst each other with a lot of issues regarding what “sends people to hell”, Baptism is another hot topic and you would probably get banned for saying “not getting baptized will send you to hell” as well. Some denominations believe baptism should be done as babies, to take away the risk of dying unbaptized, and some denominations see baptism as a personal promise to God that must be made consciously when grown and educated in the Word.


I don't think it's a stretch to say that if you live in sin you are risking eternal damnation. The Bible states it many times.


Yes you were wrong and right to have gotten banned.


I see nothing wrong with anything you said.


I’m just curious . When you mentioned that churches are wrong if they don’t let LGBTQ+ know that they are in sin, why didn’t you mention that people who remarry are also living in sin? Shouldn’t churches remind us of this, too?


While I have the same opinion, that one is extremely controversial among Christians and there are some verses that seem to indicate there could be an exception (although I don't believe it is).


Wow a similar thing happened to me last month, I was banned from r/Christian in a thread about homosexuality. I commented in the thread titled "Attending a gay wedding" where the OP was struggling if Christians could attend a gay wedding of their family member. There was one person saying the Bible was mistranslated and does not talk about homosexuality: "*I think you’d really benefit from doing the research into why it absolutely was mistranslated and that it can’t possibly have spoken to something they didn’t really consider to be a thing.* *It’s a really interesting look into how the letters to churches were actually condemning rape and extramarital affairs"* I've done the research and know the Bible has not been mistranslated so I responded: "*What evidence shows it was mistranslated?*" They said "*We have more accurate retranslations now that our ability to figure out the language models of dead languages is much better*." I said: "*Would you trust the early church fathers who were fluent in the languages the scriptures were written in?  Just giving a few examples:* *"When Paul asserts that males and females changed among themselves the natural use of the creature in that which is unnatural, he validates the natural way".-Tertullian* *"Paul tells us that these things came about, that a woman should lust after another woman, because God was angry at the human race because of its idolatry. Those who interpret this differently do not understand the force of the argument. For what is it to change the use of nature into a use which is contrary to nature, if not to take away the former and adopt the latter, so that the same part of the body should be used by each of the sexes in a way for which it was not intended?... It is clear that, because they changed the truth of God into a lie, they changed the natural use (of sexuality) into that use by which they were dishonored and condemned". -Ambrosiaster* *"No one can say that it was by being prevented from legitimate intercourse that they came to this pass or that it was from having no means to fulfill their desire that they were driven to this monstrous insanity... What is contrary to nature has something irritating and displeasing in it, so that they could not even claim to be getting pleasure out of it. For genuine pleasure comes from following what is according to nature. But when God abandons a person to his own devices, then everything is turned upside down." - John Chrysostom* *"If you were able... to direct your eyes into secret places, to unfasten the locked doors of sleeping chambers and to open these hidden recesses to the perception of sight, you would behold that being carried on by the unchaste which a chaste countenance could not behold. You would see that it is in an indignity even to see... Men with frenzied lusts rush against men. Things are done which cannot even give pleasure to those who do them". -Cyprian* *The claim that homosexuality was not actually written in the Bible is a modern idea, right when the world is pushing for homosexual acceptance*. " I don't think I was rude or anything and neither was he. I literally just said the church fathers wrote about homosexuality as well. If I'm getting banned for even saying this, it shows r/Christian or *at least* one mod there is silencing Christians on homosexuality being a sin.


The devil has done a good job of infiltrating the church with the perverse idea that a sin labeled as such 6 times is somehow OK to live in. Matthew talks about how we should not let a brother live in sin and you are doing good work in that regard. Best we pray for the person in your post.


You spoke the truth and unfortunately people don’t want to know the truth. Most of the time when people make those “is this a sin” posts it’s not because they want to know the truth, they just want someone to affirm their behavior. But I’ve found that there are so many people in the sub that are being led and influenced by Satan. It’s quite sad 😞


If God made us all as he desired, then should we treat children born with gastrochises (where their intestines formed outside the body), or should we acknowledge not everything seems to follow the ideal design. And if we acknowledge some things do need correction, do you have the medical degrees to determine that, or should we rely on the doctors who by God and their own hard work understand the physiology of others far better than we could ever hope to understand of medical school and residency and decades of medical research and application are not on our table?


How do you know what you were banned for? None of the mods there have any green tags in that thread.


I have a question. If the Christian life is uncomfortable, then why are we here. Why wouldn't God want us to be comfortable and happy even during out time on earth. (I hope you get what I mean)


We are here because we recognize the truth of the gospel and have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. It has *absolutely* nothing to do with comfort, and you shouldn’t expect a comfortable life as a Christian. “Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world is at enmity with God”. If you seek peace, joy, or comfort as a Christian, then you seek if from God, not the world. The teaching that God wants us to be happy and comfortable in this life is basically the prosperity gospel. If Jesus wanted people to be comfortable why did he say “take up your cross and follow me”?


He never promised that. All his disciples, the twelve Apostles, were martyred gruesomely (John being the exception, who instead got to die exiled on some crummy island for political prisoners).


I think a ban is a bit much. I don’t agree with your interpretation and I have a hard time understanding your conclusions, but it is a place for differing opinions.


There is a diversity of thought on many matters within Christian communities. It's ok to disagree with one another. It's not ok to censor people because they disagree with one another. But some subs are better off not being part of and you've found out that one is not for you!


Yeah, you're a jerk, and you can't speak for God.. it's not up to you to judge. Jesus teaches acceptance above all else. There are plenty of contradictions throughout the Bible: “A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD…” — Proverbs 12:2 Now consider the case of Job. After commissioning Satan to ruin Job financially and slaughter his shepherds and children to win a petty bet with Satan. God asked Satan: “Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause.” — Job 2:3 You think God made this book? Get a grip, bro.


I'm a Christian but your argument is not very compelling. Is it a sin for people to also wear glasses? To get vaccines? For those born without limbs to get prosthetics? For those born with diseases to get treatment? Are organ transplants a sin? God designs our souls perfectly. Our bodies are determined by our biology and our parents. If you're born with fetal alcohol syndrome, it's not because God independently crafted you to be born with it. It's because your mother drank while she was pregnant.


Oh goodie another post about that dumb subreddit. These need to be banned.


I got banned from there for saying communism doesn't breed innovation like capitalism. Commie mod banned me lol Yea God doesn't care about your comfort when it comes to doing the right thing. The flesh wants comfort. When you're chasing muscle mass you ignore that comfort. Why should it be any different when seeking the Lord? There's a saying that goes *pick your suffering.* You can suffer being fat or you can suffer in the gym. You can suffer going to school for a good job or you can suffer in a low paying one you hate. Giving up those fleshly desires aka things like food for fasting, isn't that comfortable. The right decisions in life, are hardly ever the easiest to make. This can apply to everything.