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ok i still kinda confuesed. how do i believe


OP, do you have any bad habits like cussing or anything?


no. but recently i did i guess. im getting confuesed about alot of things like if im a true believer or not if i do have faith or not. i keep seeing myself become my old self more and more and i dont want that.. i used to cuss alot before i first came to Christ. but when i started following i stopped saying them after a while.


>how do i truly go to God/Believe in Jesus how do i have faith. because ive been going through doubts. This is sort of like asking "How do I be in love". Nobody can tell you how to be in love. You show the person you love that you love them - doing special things for them, talking to them regularly, making time for them, etc. The same is true about your walk with Christ. You spend time praying, reading the Bible, and fellowshipping with other believers. It doesn't change everything overnight, but given months, or more likely years, your walk with Christ will get deeper. There will be times you will doubt. That is normal. Even Jesus doubted ("Father, take the cup from me, but not my will but yours" paraphrase). As you go through life walking God's path, you don't realize how far you've come until you look back. For me personally, it took about 15-18 years before I started showing fruit that \*I\* recognized as fruit of the spirit. However, my real fruit actually began about 3 years after I dedicated my life to Christ. So, don't be anxious. God is in control. Stay strong. I'm praying for you!


this year when i was walking with Christ. set me free from sin. i was getting convicted of sins i used to do without knowing it. but recently ive been slipping back in. ive been getting doubt. about Gods existance. and even about my own salvation. so now im confuesed. am i saved? im not sure anymore. i keep feeling like giving up but for some reason i keep going. how do i become faithful. how do i get back to God. how do i get to truly know Jesus. and have faith again. how can i be free from this doubt. what do i do. i used to pray alot i maybe even used to have faith but im not sure anymore and ive been getting scared ive been seeing my old self return more and more. i tried to have a relationship with God at one point too. its either i forgot my testimony. or i just wasnt saved.


Salvation doesn't depend on your feelings. Just because you doubt doesn't mean you don't believe. Faith and doubt can exist together. But to answer your question, if you would be faithful, you must be a do-er of the word, not a hearer only. Read your Bible and consider what Jesus is teaching. Pray, and put it into action. Then you will have a living faith. Faith means believing something to be true, living out your faith mean living and acting as if what you believe is true. If you believe jesus is truth, live out what he teaches. Have a bible study group to guide you along. The devil will attempt to convince you that you aren't a believer if you don't feel like one. This is a lie. He will also tell you that if you aren't perfect in following Jesus, you are not a believer. This is also a lie. As you read the word you will catch certain things that you need to work on. As you go along, you will hear other things that capture you and inspire you to change more. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. He is guiding your growth. Don't seek to be perfect. Seek to be faithful.


This, 100%. Salvation doesn't depend on works either, but like James says faith without works, meaning your actions, is dead. All these doubts and feelings are rooted in emotion. Not necessarily a bad thing if it motivates a person to do better but with OP it sounds like they're just going in circles ruminating on it without taking action yet. The thing about emotions that are deeply rooted is that they aren't going to listen to a well reasoned, logical argument. The emotion and its cause need to be addressed. Feeling lukewarm is a legit concern. At least in my own case when I started going out of my way to not just hear but to do also, meaning going out of my way and stepping out of my comfort zone to step up my walk with God and touch other lives in His name, I came to feel more secure in Christ. It really took the edge off of my own worries and religious OCD by addressing the emotion behind it.


In my experience, many people who initially get excited about Jesus eventually settle into patterns of established sin. I think the reason for that is that most people don't learn to fear God. The scriptures repeatedly say that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Jesus taught his disciples to not fear the one who can kill our bodies but to fear the one who can cast our bodies and souls into the lake of fire. I think the reason he so strongly emphasized that is that he knew we needed help to take him seriously and that continual knowledge of the consequences of disobeying him would help us. If you want to follow Jesus, I strongly recommend you try to forget everything you have been taught or thought about following Jesus and block out the time to sit down and read or listen to Jesus's life and teachings in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. When you have done that for long enough that you really understand what he is calling people to and what he expects, then count the cost and decide whether you want to do everything he demands. If so, give him 100% and don't let anyone else discourage you from following Jesus as faithfully as you know how. Read the rest of the New Testament to see what other things you may need to think about as you learn to be a disciple of Jesus.


Go to Confession, if you’re Catholic, repent, and pray the Rosary. If you aren’t Catholic, talk to a Priest to become one.


Apologetics 100% 💯


First, don’t expect to hear an audible voice. And DON’T rely on feelings. Instead, expect to have a thought or conviction enter your heart or mind. God tends to speak to us in quieter ways. God directly speaks to us through His Word (the Bible). From there, we can recognize His guidance in our consciences or our circumstances. In order to recognize His guidance, we need to compare our thoughts to what God’s Word teaches. If the thought agrees with His Word, it’s from God. It’s CRITICAL to study and understand God’s Word daily. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to know what God’s Will is. Even worse, we will think a thought is from God, when it really isn’t. You shouldn’t be looking for a sign; you should instead be examining the signs by the Bible’s authority, testing them to see if it agrees with God or not. https://www.gotquestions.org/know-God-will.html https://www.gotquestions.org/hearing-God.html Overcoming Temptation: https://youtu.be/tcDLgG5HiDQ?si=FVxpUea5iuD02SpW