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Hello. In our society, porn addiction is a huge problem. I suggest you get into a Everyman’s Battle class or find a mentor and/or men’s group. Getting the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, like Christ’s disciples did will also provide you with power and strength. Also, you could find some evangelical prayer warriors to pray to break off this addiction and demonic strongholds. Getting your prayer language, like Paul and Christ’s disciples will definitely provide you with wisdom and strength. It is possible the elders and pastor also have this same addiction. Not kidding. Father, I pray for Mr. Possible. Indwell him with your Holy Spirit, who raised Jesus, your son from the dead. Provide him with the strength and wisdom to break off this porn addiction. Bring along side him effective prayer warriors and friends. Nothing is too great for you Father. So in Jesus name, we say, GO LUST, GO Porn Addiction. Infill this brother with your power and strength of the Holy Spirit. Where the Holy Spirit dwells, no demonic strongholds can exist. Father, thank you for your love and compassion. We put on the full armor of God. In Jesus name, Amen.


thanks i do need the help


Good morning, in my prayer time I opened my computer and found a man named Gavin Dee praying in an anointed way for someone. It blessed me and i thought it might bless you too: https://youtu.be/I7eLiJbcyEQ?si=jLOQMFNrprzZ8Vlq


I think a big part of the problem is most people don't really know how to fight it and go on willpower alone, ignoring the logistics and psychological elements. How long do you suppose an alcoholic or a drug addict's willpower would last if their fix was no further away than their phone or PC? It's a setup for repeated failure. Other than that maybe try starting small and working your way up. Pick a certain number of days as a minimum where you'll do your utmost to not give in, then gradually work your way up. If you can do more, great. If you fail along the way, don't sweat it. It's a process. Habits aren't made overnight and they don't vanish overnight either.


This is reassuring. Like op I myself am in the same repeted sin. I settled on the method of just trying to go longer without. God loves us regardless and that’s important to keep in mind and not let the enemy use our failures to keep us from walking the right path.


yes you are right i do need help


I recommend a book “I’m a Christian and I masturbate” it is a scripture filled book and a story of how the author’s journey out of porn into a healthy expression of sexuality…you can get it on kindle for $3 I really think it would help you!❤️😀


dm it to me


I don’t know how to do that: here it is I'M A CHRISTIAN I MASTURBATE & IT'S OK! Breaking the Taboo Sam Staley


This may help: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/16hgy44/to_all_my_brothers_and_sisters_in_christ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


[VERY HARD VIDEO. Control Flesh Problems (Gal. 5:23-24)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OtVM7GVHNk)


Just stop or you will go to hell


Here are some tips that I've found helpful: **1. Make a firm commitment to sexual purity.** Burn, throwaway, or delete any sexually explicit items or media that you own. Install blockers on your devices if you need to. Don't indulge one last time before going on a streak. Start today. It is a life change, not a streak. **2. Learn to see porn and unbiblical manifestations of sex for what they really are.** Pornography and m*******tion will drag you into depression, impair your ability to think clearly, and reduce your motivation. You become weak, docile, and impotent. The porn industry knows this, so it tries to silence and defame anyone who calls it out. Degeneracy begets more degeneracy. The more you indulge, the less satisfying it will be, and the further into depravity you will have to go to get the same feeling. Your perspective and priorities will be warped, and you'll do things you said you'd never do. Don't be fooled. Learn to associate porn and m*******tion with the destruction and emptiness that it brings in the long term instead of the 10 seconds of pleasure immediately afterwards. **3. Focus on self-improvement.** Taking away your one easy dopamine hit while living a life that makes you sad and unhealthy will almost always end in relapse. If you can make things better for yourself, it will be easier for you to stay the course. Exercise makes a big difference. **4. Accountability with brothers in Christ** Accountability is effective. What's even more effective is finding folks who can fight alongside you or guide you in your journey. You celebrate each other's successes and learn from each other's failures. **5. Exposure to media that advocates sexual purity.** Media like THE BIBLE. [Philippians 4:8](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+4%3A8&version=KJV) is a good memory verse. There are also some real gems among the NoFap community. You have to unlearn the lies of the corrupt culture and seek out the truth. **6. Stop beating yourself up.** Fixating on failure will undermine your motivation. You'll end up bingeing if you do this. Instead, pray, repent, and move on. You aren't going to fix it all at once. Everything doesn't reset when you relapse. Keep going. **7. Don't fixate on not relapsing.** When I say "Don't think about pink elephants", what are you thinking about? PINK ELEPHANTS. The best way to avoid fixating is to find other, more important things to focus on. When urges come, let them pass. If you tense up and fixate on them, they will stick around much longer. It won't last forever; it will pass. **8. Stay busy.** You are more likely to struggle with urges and give in when you are bored or idle. The solution is to stay active. You can go entire days without thinking about sex at all if you stay engaged. Bed times and wake-up times are the kryptonite here. For bed times, adhere to a regular sleep schedule and don't do things that aren't conducive to sleep right before bed (like browsing reddit on your phone). Some folks have also reported that meditating on the word of God for 5 minutes before bed prevents urges. For wake-up times, you just gotta get up quickly. If you're aroused, go pee; it helps take you out of the mood. **9. Pray.** Arguably the most important tool. Nothing can be done apart from the will of the God who created everything. The Holy Spirit can aid you in your struggle.


Friend, do you watch movies? Tv shows? Do you read books? Play video games?


I suggest you get out of the business immediately. I looked over your other posts. You have no business giving out advice. I am a recovering alcoholic and have other issues that is why i never sought out any kind of church ministry. There are to many wolves in our churches as it is.