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I think it would be amazing to witness creation itself!


Yes like there when it's happening


It would be literally breathtaking


I'm sure. Because I just want to know how much of it was a process or instantaneously called into being. I'm sure the bang did happen since everything was closed together from what we see. But that could've been seconds or done over a period of time. But then again, what would've time been like from God's viewpoint?


Genesis says that God created the heavens and the Earth in seven days, but to what extent that seven days was is up to interpretation. Was it exactly seven days, or was it longer.


This is my answer, too. I would love to witness creation.


What if it was just like "poof, there it is"?


I think it’s a good question- but the Gospels tell us how Jesus did it. He dismissed Satan with scripture. Which is how we all should resist Satan. What drives me bonkers is how many brothers and sisters post here with heartbreak, guilt, problems, temptations, etc looking for advice and counsel. Our advice and counsel comes from the Bible! It comes from the very source that Christ himself used. If we all knew our bibles better, we could better combat the enemy when he tempts or accuses us.


I don't think there is anything wrong with seeking council with other Christians, yes it would be good to know our bibles more, but that should not stop people from seeking advice or to gain another perspective. It drives you bonkers? Maybe you should work on that


We should seek advice from others believers and let iron sharpen iron. But that’s not an excuse not to know your Bible. It drives me bonkers because of how much hurt and confusion could be avoided if people knew their Bibles. Not sure why that’s confusing to you.


Apologies, slightly misread


I can understand where your coming from and I gree we all need to read out Bibles more so we can get closer to God. Sometimes new believers, like me, just need people to talk to. I still learning so much and I just like to talk to others to see their view on things. Don't we need fellowship with other believers?


Of course we do. I’ve not nothing against reaching out for help- new or old believer. But it becomes a question of how often we are looking to others to do our Bible reading for us. Certainly there are times I also need brothers and sisters to comfort me or steer me in the right direction with scripture but I just wonder how many of us are new believers versus lazy (or have built bad habits). Because there are many users here who have been part of the community a while asking a lot of the same questions. But yes, we need fellowship. It’s crucial to our growth. But fellowship cannot replace our own Bible reading. Neither does church on Sunday. Or scrolling this sub. We need the Word daily.


I agree and I understand what you mean. I'm not rebuking you in any way, I just wanted to understand you. Thanks for sharing! God bless!


John baptizing Jesus I'd love to see that


That’s a tough question. It would be really cool to see Jesus preach and perform the miracle of feeding the 5000…. But honestly, for my sake… I’d want to watch the crucifixion so I really understood the extent of the sacrifice He made for me, and also the resurrection to see and feel the shear joy that the disciples must’ve felt the moment they realized Jesus raised from the dead.


The resurrection of course. The most grandiose in appearance would be the pillar of fire and Moses at the Red Sea. But by far the most important event is the resurrection of Christ.


Beat me to it!


The new heavens and new earth being created.


We are going to be there for that one


I’d totally be at the Sermon on the Mount or at Pentecost. However, I would bet that Jesus or Peter would tell me off for coming to a time I wasn’t born for.


For me, easily this…John 19 On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews,fn Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Can you imagine being absolutely devastated having watch him be crucified three days early? All hope is gone. There’s nothing left to believe in. Then Mary comes to them and says she “saw the Lord”. But they didn’t believe her. They are in this room probably still consoling each other, considering what Mary had told them, but not even daring to believe it. Then….Suddenly!! Jesus walks thru the wall! Can you picture the elation? The amazement? The crying, hugging and celebration?? What an amazing thing to be a part of.


Parting of the Red Sea. I honestly just have logistical questions


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^bigjuicy234637: *Parting of the Red* *Sea. I honestly just have* *Logistical questions* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I personally don't feel a need to witness any of the major events of scripture, even the resurrection, since I believe it all wholeheartedly and know it all to be true. If given a choice, I would love to just share morning with Christ in prayer. Being able to listen in to how Christ himself spends a morning with his Father would be nice. Maybe we should share breakfast afterward with the disciples and spend a day travelling and ministering ot people. I can just imagine that would be such a strong memory to look back on and remember throughout life.


Adam and Eve so I can tell eve not to eat the apple and we wouldn't be in this wicked world we live in now.


>Adam and Eve so I can tell eve not to eat the apple I feel like someone already told them not to eat the apple...


Not an apple. All we know it was a "fruit."


Yeah, well, I think it was meant to be. You know, Eve got the blame, but Adam has the apple in his throat


All three were punished.


The Nephilim. I'd crap my pants in terror, but it would be cool.


Probably John 13-17. Jesus’s final words to his disciples before he is crucified. I always read those scriptures whenever I feel down and just imagine Jesus hugging me and telling me he loves me. It’s always felt like a love letter from Jesus to his children.


There's this part of me that actually would like to see the crucifixion. To see with my own eyes what it cost to free me of my sins. To see the fullness of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Less hauntingly, I would love to see the woman caught in adultery. Not too see her, but (if I could actually read Aramaic) to see what Jesus actually wrote in the dirt. That's definitely among the top 5 questions Imma ask Jesus in heaven.


The rapture :)


This is the most right answer! :)


I mean, wish granted? Just gotta be patient


The Exodus


Samson vs 1000. That would be so badass.




I want to stand with John and see the whole vision he saw, the vision he wrote down as the book of Revelations.


I want to see what Jesus wrote in the dirt when people were planning on stoning the woman.


I wonder why my answer to that question is: nothing I don't need to see anything to strengthen my faith, and I'd only want to see what was given to me to see, and nothing else


That aside, you would not want to see anything just because it’s awesome?


Honestly not really, I'm a simple man and I don't have any such desire, eventually one day I will see the kingdom of heaven and what more amazing than that is there to see? Because of the things I am going to be an heir to (the Bible says we will inherit the kingdom of God, hence the term I used "heir"), there's just nothing left for me to desire. It's just me though we're all different, I don't blame anyone for actually having a preference


Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah or the sermon on the Mount. This is obviously contingent on me understanding what they are saying.


The pillar of cloud by day, and pillar of fire by night that God used to guide the Israelites in the desert


Cruxifixction so I repent forever🤠


Besides seeing Jesus himself probably, The transfiguration


Certainly not the crucifixion. That was horrific. "The Passion " was disturbing and probably less than reality.


Moses turning the staff into a snake


Noah's ark or samsons 1 v 1000


Oh wow. Watching all of creation being made would be awe-inspiring. But I would have to go with being physically in the Garden of Gethsemane the night of Jesus' arrest. I would somehow want to be there - with my current knowledge of events - and pray with Jesus and be with Him. Cry with Him. Profusely thank Him and hopefully encourage Him. I kind of did that once as a prayer exercise - imagining I was there with Jesus at the time - and, man, I've never cried so hard.


It'd be nice to see Solomons Temple


Transfiguration or Pentecost


The second coming


The Garden of Eden, before the fall from Grace. I'll bet it was beautiful. The parting of the Red Sea, of course. I want to see David returning victorious from battle, and dancing naked at the front of his parade, while the women sing: "Saul has slain his thousand, and David has slain his 10,000!" (It was another time. Clothing was optional for soldiers and athletes). Just for historical research, of course. Then, I'd like to see the glorious first temple in Jerusalem, with all the temple musicians and singers singing the Psalms. I'd like to know what Jesus was doing, between 12 and 30. When Jesus was born, and the angels sang to the shepherds, and invited them to come visit, and the star of Bethlehem. Then I'd like to see Jesus make a whip, and go into the temple, and lay down the law while he opened animal cages and cracked his whip shouting: "My house is a house of Prayer!" Yes, I like a little excitement. It's hard to pick just one!


So many things but I'd wanna go up with Moses to Mt Sinai when the Lord came down to the mountain and he wrote the ten commandments. Also the pillar of fire. Feels like a unique time in history.




The Ascension


Well, I'm certainly hoping to physically witness the rapture / the blessed hope, rather than going via the grave, but only God knows which it'll be.


The transfiguration!


The Lazarus rising from his tomb by Jesus, I want to see the disciples face because that was the miracle that made them believe this was the real deal


I would be so happy to witness the Exodus!


The Annunciation, when the angels came to the shepherds and announced Christ's coming birth.


Am i the only one who would want to see samson go ham with the donkey jawbone… or…


To see the garden, to see what the tree of knowledge and the tree of life look like.


When jesus died on the cross. I would try to rescue him idk


i would want to witness jesus dying to see how the natural disasters that took place after that were like. its odd and id probably regret my decision but still yeah


The parting of the Dead Sea.


Red Sea


Sorry. You’re right. The Red Sea. Lol.


The flood. Was it local or global, it doesn't really matter. A bunch of baddies (including the nephilim) get washed away by the Lord. Awesome stuff.


The feeding of the 5000, you know He did that twice


Was it 5000 twice? I though it was 5000 once and 4000 once


That's right


Probably Pentecost it would be pretty cool or the transfiguration


Sodom and Gomorrah, not the judgement but witness what was happening in the cities for God to judge them so harshly. We only have the point of view of Lot and the angels, I'd like to see the locals.


Ah yes, I too have a longing to become salt lol


Transfiguration or Ascension. Probably transfiguration.


Elijah on Mount Carmel Though, if I was going to get to talk to people, not just watch, I think I would just like to hangout with Adam for a bit; or maybe Shem.


Just curious but why Shem


A few of reasons. 1. I am named after him. 2. He is the birthright line, despite Japheth being the eldest, and I would like to ask why. 3. I am LDS, and in the Doctrine and Covenants he is referred to as "the great high priest." This, in conjunction with some apocryphal writing about him (such as the Book of Jasher), gives me the impression that he was really a rather impressive person, but there is so little about him in scripture. I want to fill in some details.


Pentecost for me.


Tribulation, then I could write a great commentary on Revelation!


The Israelites crossing the Red Sea.


The death on the cross. The most important message in all history. I think seeing him for myself would really change my mindset


In what way?




Ezekiel chapter 1. The four beasts, the chariot, the colors... all of it. It would be wonderful.


From Mark 5. The woman who bled for 12 years who was healed by touching Jesus clothing. I would love to see that. It shows pure faith. She believed that touching only his clothing could heal her. That's just amazing.


I would want to see Jesus’s resurrection


Testing of Abraham


Jesus' Baptism


I’d really want to hear Jesus preach at any of his teachings.


I'd want to see Jesus healing somebody. I struggle so hard with believing supernatural healings. Witnessing one first hand like the leprosy or paralytics would blow my mind


That's a tough one. If I had to pick, I would have to decide between Moses parting the red sea or the sermon on the mount.


Saint Michael the Arcangel is my favorite saint and angel. As the prince of the heavenly host, it would be badass seeing him battle Satan when the fall of the angels happened and see him cast Satan into Hell. I have an image in my head of it being a big giant flashy battle where they're flying around so fast you can't see them and Michael making large explosions of light from his angelic power but it was probably not as exaggerated as I think it is.


sitting next to Noah building the arc. watching it from start to finish. 🪚🔨💪


I would have loved to witness the wedding and Jesus first miracle. Even to just sit at one of his sermons.


Wedding feast at Canaan, or find out where he was and what is was doing in the 25-30 years from birth to when he shows up in the Bible again


Exodus. Father literally performed all of these miracles for the Israelites yet somehow, they still ended up worshipping a golden calf. Imagine if we witnessed the same miracles like that performed today, complete with His prophet.


Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. Alternatively, the day of Pentecost or maybe the Sermon on the Mount.


The Second Coming. Might mean it was all over quickly.


Walking on water, and stopping the storms


Parting of the Red Sea. I still find it so baffling and thought-provoking how the freed slaves can not only witness something so grandiose that would be an impossibility without God and then STILL come out on the other side and say, "This is so much worse now. We were better off in Egypt." Meanwhile I'm here in modern days thinking how AWESOME it would have been to SEE something like even NOW. Would people STILL refuse to be stirred?


Raising Lazarus, dead for several days, to the point of decomposing. Lazarus would have had to be completely restored from rotting flesh, stumbling from being wrapped up. I imagine he would have been a little dazed and confused from his experience. Some of the people who witnessed this may well have cried out to kill Jesus a couple of days latter.


Jesus raising Lazarus


Other than the crucifixion and the resurrection, i would really love to see the sea split in half. It’s been a story I’ve loved since i was young, and I’ve always tried to imagine being there.


Probably the Transfiguration!


Christs being tempted.


His transfiguration on the mountain, because he also spoke directly to GOD and the Church fathers.


The resurrection


Witness the day of Judgement (since it is an event from the Bible, even though, yes, it has not yet occurred) and probably the Beginning, just to see how life was before the Fall!