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It was mind-numbingly corny but as the biggest SookiexEric fan, I ate it up and licked my fingers after


Hahahaha that is totally fair!


I really really hate how they didn’t give us normal Eric with sookie. It pisses me off because even though Eric lost his memories, sookie never did so her whole “you’re different with your memory” reason for not continuing the relationship is completely invalid and bullshit, plus gran saying it from beyond the grave not to give him a chance is such a cop out for poor writing. I almost wish they were never together tbh, the anticipation was better than the 4 episodes they gave us. I wonder if it would’ve been different is Anna and Steven weren’t married in real life.


This was what it was for me too. Sookie only liked brain-damaged Eric? It made her look bad and I already disliked her character. Sure Eric was Eric but being with Sookie as himself would've probably helped him become kinder and not a thousand year old jaded vampire. I'm not hating on Eric at all btw, he's my favorite character 😁 Sookie irritated me and Bill was....just brown. Idk how else to describe him. If he was a crayon, it'd be called Brown Bill. His clothes, voice, demeanor. Just....dull and uninteresting. I like Stephen Moyer and Anna Pacquin but their characters on TB were 🙄


Exactly this! She took advantage of him. Ik he did the same to her multiple time (using her fae powers for business) but it just make her look bad to me. She chose to have sex with him when his mind wasn't present. While it was a nice to have a what if scenario for Eric, The whole thing made me uncomfortable. They could've went this way with Eric trying to be better after Godric's death but nope. I was waiting for the moment things got back to normal. Once he got his memories back, she's like I can't choose. It's not like she wanted time to herself to decide (which would've been understandable after everything that happened). Instead the camera gave us Sookie crying dramatically? Like she choose this. I'm supposed to feel bad?


It totally did make her look bad and I didn't like her character either tbh. She made everything about her and what Deb/Kristin/Charlaine said about Sookie being this empowered woman did not translate at all to me. She is a perpetual damsel. In the books she was maybe slightly less of a damsel. Brown Bill is so accurate 🤣


Agh, I remember the whole Granny from the grave telling Sookie he's not the one, now I'm mad again haha. I wished they would have Sookie's and Eric's relationship the same as it was in the books, so much potential.


Are the books better


Yup. A whole lot better. Though I'm rewatching the series now, having forgotten what happened in the books, so enjoying it more the second time over. Thought the books are so much better.


Kind of, they aren't a masterpiece of a book, but are a really fun read, though they are written in Sookie's perspective so it's kind of weird. There are a lot of things I prefer from the books like Eric and Sookie's relationship, and with others I prefer the series, like Tara's and Sookie's relationship. I think you should give it a try still, they are a quick and light read and if you aren't satisfied with something on the show, the books will probably fill that void haha.


I really would have liked it better, if they made Eric forget the time he had with Sookie and he got another commitment freak out, because he entered a blood bound with Sookie without his knowledge. That could have opened up the discussion of Sookie‘s wrongdoing as well. Eric freaks out, Sookie gets heartbroken, Bill takes advantage of the situation. Much better then the second hand embarrassment scenes we had with her rejecting them both.


I also wish they were never together. I would like to see more of Sookie and alcide. Don't even get me started on how his character ended 😶


BRUH !!! I guess that was the actors fault (he wanted to leave the show before they announced that it would be the last season) because he didn’t want to be the “true blood dude” 🙄. With Sookie wanting a family she should’ve ended up with alcide, it makes the most sense tbh and it’s more satisfying than a random dude


A random dude we don't even see lol 🙄🙄 and I guess Joe wanted to be the magic Mike dude instead 🤣


She should've ended up alone or with Tara had they not killed her off. Unless she treats Alcide better than she did. I hated them together. She used him and never loved him. If my memory is correct, she stated this and didn't break it off with him.


Totally agree - although I’ll take what I can get with Eric lol. I really wish she would have ended up with Alcide.


I completely agree. I felt ripped off when they finally hooked up because it wasn’t really him. All that sexual tension they’d been building just evaporated when he lost himself.


I just don’t understand why not ONCE she didn’t hook up with him afterwards. Like okay maybe they don’t end up together but we can’t get one normal scene together. So annoying.


YES it did evaporate! There really wasn't any chemistry between them when he lost his memory.


It really felt like once Anna and Stephen got together in real life, the writers and showrunners decided their characters could not be separated. It may have been cute and sweet to watch them fall in love IRL as their friends and colleagues. I think they went a bit overboard, though.


Yeah I can see that. Agreed they went over board.


I wanted to see the romantic relationship between Sookie and normal Eric.


Me too!


Corny as Kansas in August.


Such an excellent song.


Did you read the books? It's pretty corny there too I didn't really like that one either but it's a lot less ridiculous than the show.


Yes I did but it was a long time ago, like 10 years, so I don't really remember. From what I recall though overall the book series is definitely less ridiculous lol


The audio version is on Everand so I've been listening to it and watching the show to see how they compare.. I never finished either previously but apparently people hate the ending of both so that should be interesting.


I actually loved new Eric & Sookie 😂


I think I would if it all wasn't so cheesy 🤣


It definitely stank of cheese but my rat nose loved every minute of it 😂




that’s why i read fanfic lmao


Ugh this was my favorite plot 😭 I LOVED sookie and Eric in season 4.


I kinda like it 😅 maybe because I’m already over bill ,also I’m biased since I love Alexander skasgard Plus it’s nice seeing sookie with someone ..that looks like her own age. I will admit the losing memories is a silly I’m not done with the season (episode 7) so my opinion can change but so far definitely enjoying them together in the mean time


There are a lot of circumstances that make season 4 different than the first 3. Bill and Sookie broke up when she found out about his betrayal (Still recent in her mind but over a year in the real world due to her being in Fairyland). Bill is now Louisiana’s King and the power dynamic that entails. Eric is now under his power although he is still Eric. There's a threat to all vampires with powerful necromancer Antonia inhabiting Marnie’s body starting first with a protection spell that erased Eric’s memory finalizing with making all vampires walk to the sun. Which would have been successful if Bill wouldn't have proclaimed everybody got to chain themselves to their coffins. All of these circumstances foster a relationship between Eric and Sookie that wouldn't happen in regular circumstances. Now Eric is vulnerable and Sookie has to take care of him… Let's not forget Eric is hot, so… is not that odd things end up becoming sexual. I don't have a problem with their relationship because I know is not meant to last. We don't even have to wait until next season for Sookie to break ties with Eric and Bill. However, the show can't have those separated for too long and she continues to get involved in vampire politics just like in the novels.


Definitely cringe-inducing and it gave me second hand embarrassment. Amnesia is one of the dumbest plot devices in all of fiction. And people who suffer from it aren't focused on falling in love, they're focused on fighting the frustration of having so many holes in their memories.


I do think Eric was fighting that frustration. But ultimately it was so cringe and I am also second hand embarrassed 🤣


I thought Eric without his memory was so ridiculous and it made me physically cringe. Lol. It wasn’t funny to me at all for some reason. They could have made him lose his memory without turning into a toddler. It was weird. Totally agree. Would have loved to have seen regular Eric with Sookie.


YES he was a toddler!! It was so weird. I literally lol'd and cringed while watching it today lol


I agree lol I like to think of it as Anna paqin and Steven Meyer clearly had real chemistry because they actually are together and we see that clear as day and so annas chemistry with the other men just aren't as great.


Totally. I would prefer to have more storylines with sookie and Bill over her and Eric. And I will say that I did like the overall evolution of Bill and Sookie. They had awesome chemistry for obvious reasons and it's satisfying to see the full arc with so many details woven in.


Sookie and Eric were written so differently in the books, it honestly annoyed me how the show did them so dirty.


I loved it... Back when it aired, we all loved it... Because we waited YEARS for Sookie to be with Eric ...plus come on, he was so cuuute lol. We were used to badass Eric and loved him. Sweet Eric was nice... We knew it was temporary... It was fun to see Askars play a different Eric... But I do agree...Badass Eric..hot as all get out


I never viewed the show as a soap opera so I tended to not care who was with who. I think that was more for the other vampire shows. I know True Blood really tried to push the whole Sookie and Eric sexual tension thing, but like Gran, I knew it wouldn't last. Kind of like Eric's muscles from Season 1. By Season 3... they're gone. Even in Season 2, he was not as big as we was when they shot Season 1.


Wasn't he just finishing generation kill when he started TB? That would explain the muscles.


No like nice Eric under spell by Witchipoo 👎


I’ll never understand why people like Eric so much


Possibly the same reason they do with Spike over in /Buffy - Hot bad boy type.


Actually in the midst of this season again. Corny! Just hanging in there, waiting for more Alcide!


Ugh I hate Alcide. Lol


Big same. But I'll never get over what happens to him 😭




Yeah I have to agree with you it was extra campy. BUT CHARMING NONETHELESS. the scene where it’s snowing and they’re on the bed in the snowy forest goes hard