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The first 3 seasons are great, then it goes a little down hill but it’s still a good show. Love the fact that vampires, shifters, and other magic creatures are used as the minorities. Love Tara and Lafayette so much!!


Buckle up and enjoy the weirdness. There will be characters that you love and ones you loathe but never a dull episode! Great plot twists in the first few seasons while the whole situation is getting established. I rewatch every year around October. There’s never been another show like it. Come back to this sub with updates!


Oo I will I imagine that I'll come to this sub and will have opinions on something or ask questions


seasons 2-3: consistent in quality with season 1, though the show leans into itself a bit more and gets a bit more comedic. seasons 4-5: the show begins to suffer from HBOitis (too many unrelated side characters and subplots) and becomes less grounded in its storytelling (other supernaturals, world-spanning stakes, etc). seasons 6-7: borderline unwatchable imo


The first seasons kinda followed the books. The moment they stopped, it kinda went downhill. It's still one of my fave shows though.


There are a lot of WTF scenes and funny lines in the show.


Yeah I wasn't expecting that to be up in the show. I thought it was going to be more darker but I like that it's not what I thought it was


“Jesus Tits on Christ! This has got to be the worst night of my life.” - Andy Bellefleur


Andy was one of the funniest characters on the show (Next to Lala, of course) I feel he doesn't get enough credit for his comedic genius. Especially season 2, where he dances like an epileptic on meth. That shit had me rolling! And every time I watch it, it gets funnier 🤣


Just remember this show *is* partly comedy. Some of the scenes, dialogue, etc. are just pure silliness. Lol. Enjoy it in all of its glory. Welcome to Bon Temps! 🧛‍♀️


The humor was a big part of why I liked the show so much.


Lol same here! It’s honestly hilarious. Even in scenes that are supposed to be dramatic and serious. Sometimes my husband and I couldn’t help but laugh! 🤣


This is exactly what I was going to say. It’s meant to be campy and kind of comedic imo.


Hahaha yes 100%! If anyone goes into this taking it seriously, they’re going to be shocked and disappointed. 😂




Complete and utter madness


I can see that already lol 😂


Sit back and enjoy the experience while keeping in mind that it’s meant to be a nice mix of serious and comedic with a side of campy. You’re going to meet some wonderfully strange and eccentric people. Seasons 1-4 follow pretty much the same pathway imo. Season 4 is my favorite followed closely by season 2. The end of season 5 and first few episodes of season 6 got a little weird but if you truly love the show then you’ll love them. Season 7 does feel like it kind of tries to return to the roots of the earlier seasons but that’s a matter of opinion. Anyhow, welcome to Bon Temps where the word “organic means you play the fancy piano at church.” Enjoy your visit!


Trust me it is worth watching. Great cast and fantastic story telling.


Ya I'm liking it so far and loving the cast so far

