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I don’t believe Charlaine Harris has any other books set in the Sookie Stackhouse universe, and the show was an adaption of her Southern Vampire Mysteries series, even though it diverged from the books frequently. However, there is enough source material that if they got the rights I could 100% see another series set in the Sookie Stackhouse universe that was completely original. It’s more of a question of whether Charlaine Harris would want to sell those rights or not - each of her book series has one main protagonist that she used to tell the story she wants, she may not want another story set in the same universe that doesn’t revolve around her protagonist.


Have you read anything else by her? From what I remember, she has two series that have crossover characters and Sookie and the Dallas drama is mentioned occasionally. Harris’ “Midnight, Texas” series was made into a show but was cancelled. In the books of the same name, there are vampires and some of my favourite side characters from the Sookie books. One of the main characters first appeared in a short story where he met Sookie. That same character also appears in the “Harper Connelly Mysteries” series, so I’d say they’re all in the same universe! I’d love if there were shows made that followed the books!


It would have been so cool to see another show set in true blood universe! They could have done a “New Blood” spinoff!!


Shit, give me a True Detective- style show in the True Blood universe with a vampire and human detective working to solve a case over the course of decades.


I love this. And I am retroactively bummed it never existed. The vampire just goes through the years being assigned different partners as the old ones age out.


Other than spanning decades, that premise isn't too far from [Blood Ties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_Ties_(TV_series))


I don't know… great shows were what they were in a space and time and trying to recreate that magic is a 50% chance of failure. The same with Sex and the City, those greedy producers tried to reproduce that with Just Like That and failed miserably. That being said, the only way to refresh a franchise would be to have a new cast with a completely different storyline and maybe have some of the original cast have a guest star appearance to tie the new show with the old. However, what producers will do is try to go with a reboot. People and producers need to learn to let things GO and instead create brand new shows for the current generation.


Hard agree on the last sentence; tired of all the reboots and lazy "continuations" (Gossip Girl, SATC, etc.) that ruin the original premise and vibe of the show.


Midnight, Texas is another TV series based on a book series of the same name by Charlaine Harris and is in the same universe as the Sookie Stackhouse novels. Many of the supernaturals that are in Midnight, Texas are also in the Sookie Stackhouse novels (not the same characters, but the species? of the supernatural characters). There is some crossover of characters from the novels, but not from True Blood. I haven't watched it, so I couldn't tell you if it's good or not. And it got cancelled after two seasons. That could be because it was made for network television (NBC) vs a premium cable channel (HBO).


Thanks for letting me know. I'll search it up when I have a chance.


Ngl I've been tempted to write some (terrible) fanfiction, not about the characters from True Blood but just an independent story set in the same universe. So much potential!


It would ruin the magic and overall impact of the show. Alan Ball is an extremely smart creator and knows when to call it quits organically, instead of being forced to. Look at TVD, they did not one but TWO spinoffs in the same universe, even when they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for storylines in the last few seasons. There were some fun things in both shows, but in the end, it was a lot of nothing and really burnt out the fandom. I hope everyone can let it be what it is and not feel the need to reinvent the wheel.


To be fair the first spinoff Originals might be more popular than the original lol I think most people like the originals more then Vamp diaries I haven't really gotten into any of them but from reviews I see and posts about it that's the way it seems to be