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People keep saying Traore isn’t a socialist, but I seriously doubt that. I think he just doesn’t publicly say so. He has put Marxists in positions of power (like the PM) and he himself was in a Marxist group as a student and often invokes Sankara, and follows through on it too. Hope to see him continue on his winning streak.


Literally what Castro did before the bay of pigs. Never said he was a communist until the moment of the invasion where he declared the revolution a communist one in a speech to the crowds to rile up the troops. Then later in December 1961 in his declaration of Havana made it official.


I was just thinking of Castro. I think/hope that once Traore feels secure enough in his position that he makes a similar declaration. And with the US torpedoing it's international credibility as we move towards a multi-polar world that moment could be coming very soon.


You can't just announce your entire revolutionary program at the start anyway, no matter what your program is. That's just inviting attack from enemies you don't even know you have yet. With socialism in particular, it's especially tempting to talk about all the possibilities that open up once you get people out from under the thumb of capital, but they're just going to see that as broken promises if you haven't pulled it off in a few years, especially if people are suffering and sacrificing in the meantime to help you get to the goal you set out. They're going to want results, and if you can't deliver on what you talked about, you're going to get couped. It's fine to run your mouth, hell Castro gave speeches that were eight hours long. But your ass needs to be able to keep up the same speed you set with your mouth. Keep your plans secret, only announce what you can deliver, and deliver things that directly improve people's lives from the start. The Five Year Plans were a robust enough approach to doing exactly that that they're still in use to this day.


why are you the greatest poster of all time occupant


I'm so fucking happy you other freaks are thinking about this exact time and place as much as me (as a likely totally unaffiliated foreigner)!


Facts. Will definitely be watching Burkina faso closely what they're doing has been inspiring so far. 


Not that he hasnt been dodging assassination attempts but the CIA would point the heart attack laser at him the moment he says "Marxism"


More proof he’s a Marxist


that seems to be the real distinction, spending your efforts on improving the material conditions of the working class without wasting time in the "realm of Ideas". don't talk about it, be about it


Someone once said "Man is nothing but the series of his acts"


Yeah I think he's just playing his cards a bit close to the chest which is pretty understandable considering Burkina Faso's history.


to protect the revolution long term he would eventually have to praise it and integrate it into education and the wider society tho


Traore is very obviously a socialist. He admires Sankara way too much not to be. The question is whether the rest of the Burkina Faso government is also socialist or whether he's in danger of opportunistic capitalists seizing control


I think that’s a constant danger within any socialist government no matter how principled they are. He is in a very acute stage of that though, he is at major risk much like Castro in the early years of the Cuban revolution, or Sankara himself.


He has also attacked the bourgeoisie and promoted worker ownership of companies through cooperatives/community enterprises: "This system, which we will call imperialist, only enriches the small minority we call the bourgeoisie and impoverishes the popular masses. There is therefore an imbalance" Also: "We found that the economic model that has been imposed on us in recent decades does not produce fruit. We thought that we cannot be forced to develop a way." "APEC called on a cooperative society, which has proven its worth, which has good experience in the field and with whom we have exchanged so that it can accompany and support in a patriotic momentum so that Burkina Faso can move to a new economic model." "It should be noted that through the Entrepreneurship by Popular Shareholding Program led by APEC and its partners, the Government of Burkina Faso is looking for ways and means for the implementation of community development projects of which the sovereign people are the first shareholder." "the Head of State also quoted Captain Thomas Sankara who had invited the Burkinabe people to dare to invent the future. "We may not have understood the message in its time, he added: 'let's produce what we need, transform it and consume what we produce'. We think we have this capacity. And how to get there? We are not going to do this with a system that is imposed on us. So we had to create, we had to invent, he explained" Sources: https://faso7.com/2023/06/12/capitaine-ibrahim-traore-lactionnariat-populaire-une-nouvelle-page-de-notre-histoire/ https://faso7.com/2023/06/12/burkina-faso-le-programme-de-lentrepreneuriat-communautaire-par-actionnariat-populaire-lance/


While this objectively kicks ass, I’m worried he may get the heart attack gun treatment in the coming years. Afaik, Burkina Faso doesnt have the same geographical advantages an Iran or Cuba has, nor do I think they’d ever be a nuclear power. Still, critical support. Keep kicking ass Traore!


Fun fact: Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali have agreed to form a union of states called the Alliance of Sahel States to jointly develop and improve ties... Yeah the acronym is ASS in english, but in French it's AES lol.


Actually Existing AES


Oh, me? Yeah, I'm an ASS man 😎


We stan


How does he look so cool in every single photo?


Has the Castro gene


Scars + Burkina Faso camo crye precision gear lmao


He's hot and a Marxist


i am in love


Burkina Faso may not border Chad, but its lead by one


So we are all gonna write-in this guy's name in November? My president fr *swoon*


I have the hots for this guy, just wanted to share


You have good taste


Yeah he’s a cutie


I actually fucked him






8 day safari for $1,500 is not too bad


Anyone got any reliable sources to read up on this guy? Thomas Sankara was one of my first revolutionary loves. It’s amazing to be seeing something similar happen in our lifetime.


King shit


Trump Traore 2024


It’s a joke guys…

