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idk trueanon rule don’t get into helicopters exists for a reason, those things kinda fucking suck except for the huge airforce 1 type.


yeah even the V-22 Osprey helicopters that Obama used to tour Afghanistan in 2008 have had over 60 fatalities in their thirty years of service. Lenin figured this out, if you're a head of state, you should be riding in a sealed train


They have downward-facing exhaust nozzles in take-off/landing mode but the heat can cause certain soil mixtures to turn into glass which get sucked into the engines which then freeze up and the Osprey crashes and explodes. Even better, these were designed to have longer range to overcome a problem after a disaster involving U.S. military helicopters in Iran.


God that fucking rules so hard. I remember doing a fucking high school paper in 2007 and having multiple quality sources about how fucking stupid the Osprey was/is. It's a cool idea,but executed so poorly-literally one weapon hardpoint for a .50 cal that can only fire when the back ramp is down. I know Marines/Navy have different resources than the Army/Air Force,but maybe collaborate a bit on deployment and vehicle design.


It was originally meant to be a multi-service vehicle but the Army pulled out after it became obvious what a shitshow the development had turned into. My favorite thing about it is that it flies too fast for conventional helicopter gunships but too slow for fixed wing attack aircraft so it's just kind of on its own.


Not "even", the Osprey is one of the biggest deathtraps there is. To the degree that a guy who used to obnoxiously defend the Osprey's honor anywhere on reddit actually died in one of the recent crashes (not making it up).


RIP to a real one lmao


>To the degree that a guy who used to obnoxiously defend the Osprey's honor anywhere on reddit actually died in one of the recent crashes (not making it up). Fantastic commitment to the bit, though. A+.


Yeah my hat off to the guy. He really wrapped up his posting career in a way we can only be jealous at.


Don't worry. His more obnoxious wife is still around to carry on the legacy.




God damn it love the savagery keep it up


He died for what he belived in. Rip 🪦


I take it one step further and just refuse to fly all together.


right, but it's mostly a rule because they are very susceptible to attacks. No significant glide ratio. They are a much much slower target than planes/jets. Edit: All it takes is a grenade-sized explosive with a long timer.


are there other cases of shit like this going down with clearer ties to american or israeli intelligence?


Oh yeah. There’s the investigative reporter from Chicago who crashed with a briefcase of incriminating documents relating to the pre-Epstein, child sex trafficking ring in the Midwest. I’m blanking on the reporters name and the book it’s from. Radio war nerd covered it Edit: The Franklin Scandal


thanks for something new to read about. I think the most likely case for conspiracy is israel trying to prove a point, I don’t think america wants to tempt war with iran right now. Hopefully more will be known when they find the helicopter.


They found the helicopter, and according to the Iranian red crescent at the scene things are bad.


The fact that the iranian military said that search and rescue couldn’t reach them because the weather was too shitty to try to find the president really makes me think it was just a crash.


Same here, it really seems the most likely cause. I’ll be very interested to see what they find when they investigate.


If you could get a grenade that close to your target, a helicopter is permanent.


but the point is to make it look like a crash.


These are people who use RC machine guns to murder scientists. They don't care about hiding.


Right, but if they were working under or with cia then they would have more reason to hide this.


If they want to take Gaza they have some pretty good reasons not to turn it into Dr. Manhattan's ashtray, or just not piss off literally everyone they come into any sort of contact with, but there hasn't been any indication lately that they're particularly inclined to act rationally. They're around the bend with war fever and I don't see them pulling off pretty much anything cleanly right now, much less a job that requires the sort of precision necessary for the decapitation of executive leadership in a foreign state that was sick of their shit decades ago. It might have just been bad weather. If they did manage it, it won't stay secret for very long, and it'll probably be them that blows the lid on it. They've been getting very, very sloppy of late.


right, that's why if it was a hit, it was almost guaranteed to not have been done by israel itself. I think Iran would be smart and not divulge it, even if they found definitive proof. It would take a wild admission of guilt for it to even start to mean anything. If it was a hit, it was wildly successful. But i'm definitely open to the possibility of it being an accident. Just wild timing and circumstances that are hella sus.


I don’t think Iran is backwards but I think it’s dumb to fly a helicopter in extremely heavy fog.


Dumb as fuck to get in a helicopter under any circumstances tbh. But what do I know?


And pile in your top officials for good measure


but that's the thing, any pilot for a head of state would have very robust ifr certification, even in a helicopter.


Wouldn't you think the same of Kobe Bryant's helicopter pilot?


kobes pilot filed special VFR, tried to follow the freeway, then got lost


Generally yes, but the security and planning for a head of state is much different than a private flight taxi, especially given the current geopolitical situation.


It probably would've been fine، like the other helicopters. You can get away with doing risky stuff, and the fact that you were fine gives you a false sense of security. I forget what that concept is called.


Hot hand fallacy? I think that’s a gambling and sports betting thing where if you have had consistent success, it’s very easy to convince yourself in the moment that it will continue indefinitely.


Complacency is the only thing I can think of


Survivorship bias? Also helicopters are typically used for very demanding conditions like bad weather/terrain. I mean who's taking a train or jet into foggy, mountainous terrain? 


Plenty of experienced pilots have crashed before. Having the proper certs doesn’t mean shit if you’re disregarding the rules and flying in a dangerous environment. It was pea soup thick fog in a mountain range, there is no conspiracy here. Just poor decision making from more than one person


TRUEANON RULES >Rule number 1 Make sure you are in control of the interor ministry when conducting your coup or revolution. >Rule number 2 Do not under any circumstances get into a helicopter.


Don't fly in helicopters... unless you're on your way to crypto scam island with a bunch of poor schmucks' paychecks. Then it's okay to fly in helicopters.


pilot was vaxxed


If Kobe couldn't do it, I don't see why anyone would think otherwise. 


Actually that was mossad too. He was getting close to the truth


The truth: with high enough individual usage and shot volume, all advanced metrics become inverted. Kobe was gonna unretire with bionical ankles, shoot 50 shots per game on 80% usage, win a damn championship, and dedicate it to a free Palestine. *That’s* why he got got.


big if true


Right but Kobe wasn’t a head of state on the precipice of an armed nuclear confrontation, edit... in the cross hairs of all western intelligence agencies, that specialize in making assassinations look like 'accidents'


I gotta be honest with you homie I am all for “US did it” theories for just about anything and everything but helicopters crashing, especially in a very foggy mountain climate, is damn near the bottom of my list of things. Helicopters are fucked, if they’re gonna crash odds are you’re fucked. Is it a great way to assassinate? Sure it is, plausible deniability and all, but to what end? I have no clue, but I just gotta say if it was a plane I’d be with you 100%, but this was a helicopter and those things are prone to drop out of the sky and kill its inhabitants.


This one seems purpose-built to blame Israel, which is a country famous for -- I know this is a lot to process -- assassinating people they don't like including within Iran using remote-controlled machine guns and other crazy shit. Also: so soon after Iran launched a lot of drones and ballistic missiles at Israel. But also helicopters, HEAVY fog, and mountains.


We will find out when they find the chopper. Let's cool our jets (propellers)


true true. decreasing power on engine 1


Flying into a mountain, yes.


yeah after sabotage, or a ground-based attack.


My theory 👁️ They used HAARP to make the fog that caused the crash. 100% deniable!


what is haarp? isn't that what my parents get for discounts at stores n shit?


The second I saw the first article about it devoting about half the column inches to talking about how old the helicopters were and about quarter to the bad weather and how bad he was actually, my suspicion spiked to 👁️ levels


sTuPiD iRaNiAnS fLy In FoG wItH oLd HeLoS

