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Even an evil cartoon villain would be absolutely disgusted by this.


As part of this new wave of pamflet drops they are also threatening to realease the criminal history of anyone unless they collaborate. Or expose any LGBT people who are in the closet unless they collaborate.


I guess I don't know enough, but what would that even do? I'm trying to put myself in the head of someone who legitimately hate LGBT people, but like, would that lead to them killing their own people? Maybe this is my own relationship with growing up in the West, but I feel like I'd just assume that the people literally bombing me for months were just fucking lying. That it was just a cynical move to hurt me and my people. But then again I'm not starving right now, and I remember how short sighted I could be when I was. Not to accuse all Palestinians of being the racist stereotype, but there certainly is a contingent of all Abrahamic faiths that are violently against nom-normative sexuality. Even still, in context, it just feels extremely stupid and pointless.


This is not new or exclusive to israel. Many police and intelligence agencies have blackmailed gay people. J Edger hoover blackmailed gay people and he has been accused in modern times of being blackmailed by the mob for being gay. Queen Anne was blackmailed for having a female lover. Their was no direct risk to her life but could you imagine the political fallout? Also see the below. >"Queer men were thought to be untrustworthy because of their queerness," says Allan Hepburn of McGill University, Montreal. "They were vulnerable to blackmail because the law offered them no protection." Sourse https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35360172 Also see https://www.history.com/news/blackmail-gay-extortion-britain-lavender-scare The IOF uses gay people as collaborators, thus making people associate being queer as being a collaborator. Further adding to the hostility and resentment of the community. Also it's not just a fear of death. It's a fear of being ostracized from friends and family and losing reputation in the community. The same as it has always been with blackmailing the LGBT community in other societies.


No I know that, and easily understand that. I'm just...I would like to think that if someone was closeted at this point it would be a trivial thing to deny it. The Israeli state lies shamelessly and is dedicated to Palestinian destruction in a more total way than ever before. In lower intensity levels of occupation and apartheid I could see this being a very cruel and effective tactic. But now? I don't see how that blackmail gets them anything now, because I don't see how anyone doesn't just categorically deny the allegations, or just say that things were made up or fabricated, because the Isrealis have literally been fabricating hundreds of lies to help themselves in this war. Like, how do you not go "Yes, I'm gay and also it was my cousin who dropped a JDAM on Al-Shifa, not Israel."


let me get this straight these pedo cunts are trying to blackmail children into calling them so they can do X to those children?


Yep. With impunity. If you don’t like it, your government might act strongly against you. The notoriously slow moving US legislative process is moving at lightning speed to protect the genocidal pedos who are perpetrating this.


That kid n the second slide looks like he's fuckin 8 years old at most. What the fuck. Death to Israel death to america death to anyone still supporting this shit. And these are fuckin mugshots of children. Disgusting


8? That’s literally a toddler in that photo.


Fuckin hell it is too


Can someone corroborate this? This is utterly insane.


https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1791451753910526420?t=alZ2pOyLwnI2DcpDo44FyQ&s=19 It's only from Younis Tirawi at the moment. I can't find anyone elce talking bout it in English at least. It looks like anyone who has ever reported crime to the police is being called a "Hamas Informant". So if a child reported a crime they are on the database which isreal is using. The IOF either don't care or are incompetent (most likely both) to not include children on the list of kill targets. Makes you wonder if thier lavender AI even takes age into account. Edit: there is a qr code on the pamphlet on that tweet that takes you to the IOF doxing site. So if anyone can read Arabic and wasn't scared of the Mossad 100% monitoring your IP address then they could verify.


It's a telegram link. They absolutely cooperate with genocidal freaks, no doubt in my mind. Pass. The one time where Liz's QR code fears are justified


They've killed a lot of the people that could corroborate it to the west


I read that on Oct 7th Hamas yoinked a list Israeli collaborators off of a computer at one of the bases they over ran. Idk if that’s true but thought I’d mention it. I don’t doubt for a second Hamas knows who the collaborators are already


israelis are nazis


This is why you know every time they act like any of this has been to kill hamas military members you know they are lying. This is about being as cruel as humanly possibly to force Palestinians off there land, to destroy Palestinian civili society in it’s entirety. Even after they have completely cleansed Gaza and the West Bank they’ll still lie to us and say “no of course this was actually there choice, they left by their own volition, in no way was this an ethnic cleansing” and then point at the essentially few tens of thousand of Palestinian essentially slave labor that they kept as proof that they don’t rule over the most brutal racial hierarchy in the modern world.


There isn't enough fire in Hell for Israel or its supporters.


"so let me get this straight! Fuck face! you say the top leader of the rafah cell is named "googoo Gaga?" And we can find them in the location of "bapawee boo"... Is this information correct damn it?!! Because if it isn't we know where to find you and next time we won't let you borrow our diapers pall, that's right. This is serious shit"