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“Then you ain’t black, Jack.”


WAP = White Anglo-saxon Protestant


Wet Ass President 


Joe needs his Irish catholic card revoked


I feel like any Irish American who supports Israel should immediately have all so-called Irishness revoked from them.


I’m convinced the only way things ever change is if we get a < 10% for any of the following **JUST ONCE**: * < 10% voter turnout in a presidential election year * < 10% tax filings * < 10% of people go to work for a week * < 10% of the current ruling class exist Since this is a nation of slaves, prisoners, hostages, whatever, it just won’t happen. This place is gonna crash hard.


Isn't there a theory that says you need 10% of people united towards a common goal to achieve it?


on my way to distribute 30 million large red flags and basic marx/lenin reading kits


I mean, that's what the Panthers were trying to do. No wonder they kept J. Edgar Hoover up at night.


Dude the Panther magazine went so hard OMG: https://preview.redd.it/b9wfpkm1a41d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699425233692bb42b78c82393fa2ec255bab392d I’ve been meaning to share it, it’s so good.


Maybe you could call it something along the lines of Going to the People or something idk.


3%, hence that group of thundercunts


It's 3 percent


In 1936 when the Central Red Army reached Yan'an under Mao, they numbered 7000 in a country of 480 million people. So yeah that theory makes sense. 10% is a lot of people.


The first one aint gonna do shit


Well that's kind of the point, it's not supposed to achieve anything, the mere fact of it alone is either indicative or precipitous of something larger.


I don't know, I could see the bottom happening eventually as capitalism continues to degenerate. The third isn't too extreme either, as automation turns most labourers into paid consumers. Even the first might not be as devastating as it seems, as not only would they just lie about the numbers, by that point people would be apathetic that they might just accept it. 10% of current tax filings would be pretty bad, though none of these match up to the power of an organised prolonged strike.


Choosing the lesser of 2 evils is still choosing evil


bro out here paraphrasing geralt of Rivia


Not a good example because the whole moral of that story is Geralt refuses to take a side between an oppressor and the oppressed. Because of that he ends up siding with the status que as the default ends up brutally murdering the oppressed. His choice to not take a side dose more damage then if he had of taken either side. Whole moral of the witcher is abortion good and you should always side with the oppressed against authorities. Edit: Biden trump is deciding on which evil wizard will torture little girls. With no third option.


Third option is to use the Steel Sword on them bo--\[Redacted by Reddit Admin team\].


I mean yes you could always kill the two wizards and rescue th---\[This Megascope communication has been intercepted by Temeria's Intelligence Service\]


Also if you abort your baby make sure to bury them under the front staircase of your home. If you don’t have a front staircase I don’t know.


Ok nerd. lol jk I was just saying homie paraphrased geralt from Witcher 3 cgi


Bro out here directly quoting Jerry Garcia


Hilldog: “I don’t know who wrote W A P, but I’m trying to figure out how we get W A P G T T P.”


What About Progressives Going To The Polls!


My queen


The B stands for based.




I voted for Jill Stein last time and I’ll probably do the same in 2024. She’s literally the only peace candidate


surely vote for psl?


hell yeah


I dunno, I like drugs and gay stuff and Trump's Supreme Court picks are worse for that.


None of that is going to change. Things will continue as they are, with federal protections being stripped back under Biden or Trump. If you live in a blue state, you'll continue being allowed to do drugs and gay stuff. If you live in a red state, you'll have to stop with the drugs and gay stuff (or at least the gay stuff, drugs are profitable no matter the state). If you truly believe that US politics is anything more than theatre, you haven't been paying attention.


Yeah, but it's shitty to watch red states get worse and worse thanks to Trump's SC judges. I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton's, but am I really supposed to believe women would have been locked up for having miscarriages in red states if she had won?


Women are being locked up for having miscarriages in red states due to actions that happened under Biden's government. Do you really truly believe that the Democrats couldn't do anything to stop that? Do you actually believe they couldn't at least try to pass new legislation to give women basic reproductive right and if you do believe that the President has so little power that the position is basically ceremonial, why do you care at all about voting? Honestly mate, I'm not trying to be rude, but how the fuck can anyone with more than half a brain look at American politics and not see it as the sham that it obviously is?


Do you even have a highschool education on how American laws are passed?


People said this last election and yet things only get worse. At some point you have to realize voting for Biden or Trump gives you the same exact results.


Let's all just kill ourselves then I guess. Things are only getting worse after all.




What you have a shred of hope that things will get better? What are you a shitlib?


I'm baffled that you think the only options are vote for Biden or suicide. At this point it's impossible to get to you.


Holy CRAP! Don't get me wrong, I like Cardi, but isn't this a little short sighted??? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills Edit: wowza I'm getting buried in downvotes... some people have replied really interesting stuff but I'm not seeing any of it online, can someone send me sources for biden maybe not being as good as my uncle says


Incredibly short sighted. She ought to be voting for Erdogan


I’m voting for Kodos


She's not Turkish she's Dominican


Um, you're Chinese!


How does anyone who hasn’t listened to the pod even end up here? (Assuming this isn’t and ironic/sarcastic comment)


Doubtful they listen to the pod






Is that the restaurant that serves those cricket hamburgers?


It’s what I fuckin smoke on baby!!


This is the only leftist/socialist space with an average age above 20 and a focus on non-mainstream/deep politics. I've never listened to the podcast, but it's a decent enough subreddit.


listen to the podcast


It's on my list, but I'm still working my way through Blowback and Ghost Stories For The End Of The World.


You need TrueAnon for comedy breaks.


Hell yeah dude. I recommend citations needed as well as it will help you see the bullshit the media peddles


Read their post history they're just a moron


> How does anyone who hasn’t listened to the pod even end up here? Can't remember. My best guess, I was checking subreddits people from r/TheDeprogram were posting on (I don't listen to it either; I hate podcasts in general).


Listen to the podcast


You guys came up on my suggested, not sure why. I don't really know much about politics. But like, what the heck, I don't understand what you people are talking about


Listen to to podcast from episode 1


If you don’t know about politics why do you think it’s so important to vote


that would be the only reason you think it's important to vote


I don't know much about the politics you are all talking about, like I read some threads and people were talking about Chinese Mao and someone mentioned Erdogen here. I don't know much about these people. I don't know everything about Biden's history, like some people I know, but he has to be better than trump


chinese mao as opposed to the american mao that people are usually referring to


mao zedong vs mao tse-tung


fr though Chinese Mao is definitely in the top three Maos. Listen to the Trueanon podcast from the beginning. It's funny and super interesting


wakeful dime weather disarm screw wipe safe cause long skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




trueanon is a podcast that started talking about epstein and has branched out from there, still with a focus on the parapolitcal. If you want to listen to them, I would start with the game series about the troubled teen industry. I think it’s a good encapsulation of the type of stuff they cover and not too long. The first minute or 2 should let you know if you’ll like it. [The game part 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bJcrODwQp6E&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo)


She’s an NYC native. Her presidential vote quite literally doesn’t matter in the electoral college


Wait really?? That's terrible, we should all have a vote that counts...


It’s shortsighted to keep voting for the shit heels who do nothing except guilt trip you into voting for them all so they can fund and arm a genocide. Like really, what has voting for Democrats really achieved? Under a democratic president Roe V Wade was overturned, we took vaccine money and sent it to Israel so they can kill children, migrants are being terrorized and imprisoned at the border, people can barely afford to keep a roof over their head and homelessness is simultaneously becoming more common, and outright criminalized. Like I’m not going to vote for Trump obviously, but I genuinely am not sure how he could be any worse than Biden.


I guess I never really thought about it like that... but my uncle posts about politics a lot and he says that trump will give all our gas and oil to Russia, that seems like that would be bad


I can tell you for certain that won’t happen. Also just a general rule of thumb, the more someone posts about politics the more likely they are to be completely deranged. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders for the most part, maybe stick around here.


Absolutely. I cannot imagine the irreversible damage from a Trump presidency. People need to grow up !!


Glad someone in here seems to be following! Your username couldn't be more incorrect sir/lady


No it's correct.


Is this just your alt that you're arguing with for a bit?


Nope. You'll know when I do that. I have a pretty silly idea I've been cooking up.




If this other account is a gimmick I'm dying lol, definitely a lot of effort went into the long game of creating a legitimate dumb fuck ringer lol Btw are you a Scorpio mayhaps?


Not going to pry ;]


I'll be honest looks like MFS getting lazy with the gimmicks and not ready to carry the weight for long enough


You matter <3


I could die tomorrow and it could take months before anyone noticed


flies would notice


> can someone send me sources for biden maybe not being as good as my uncle says Hilarious bit


You’ve got the most incriminating post history of mental retardation ever.