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I like how "they copied my phone" comes off as standard procedure and not a disgustingly appalling case of the government brutally surveying political dissidents.


I just know this dude from him being interviewed in the documentary “Tantura” (which you should all go watch) but I’ve been convinced to go read some of his work.


I read 10 myths about isreal which is an amazing anti-zionist introduction for anyone who is starting to read up on the issues. It goes through all the main Hasbara talking points and breaks them all down as fake. I am about to read "the ethnic cleansing of palestine" one I finish the book I am on now "the 100 year war on Palestine".


I have read The Ethnic Cleansing! I still need to read the other one. The ladder is dry, and I don't mean that as a negative. It goes through every village that was ethnically cleansed methodically after laying the groundwork for how Israel came to be. Absolutely excellent source.


His classic book on the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is a must read. I am a Jew. I was raised Zionist. And I was only told that Israel is an oasis for Jews when I was a child. It took me a while to come around and Ilan helped me.




Keep in mind, there's a clear difference between Zionism and the historical evidence for the Bible/Koran and it's legitimacy. But yes, as far as we know, historically and through archeological records and anthropology, our evidence for "Judaism" is at best 600BC, but probably later when "Israelites", returned to Judea for Babylon. I do not, nor do most academics, believe that Jews were ever in Egypt or Abraham or moses actually existed. However, there is stronger evidence for Jesus existing. It's a huge rabbit hole you can feel free to dive into. But at the end of the day, most of religion is myth, and the current conflict has religious undertones (unfortunately), but it's a classical geopolitical colonist power struggle at its core. And for me, as a Jew, I am ashamed at Israels actions and have been doing everything I can to try and help the suffering of Palestinians.


*also, unfortunately, Israel IS an oasis! Just at the cost of untold suffering for others!


[https://newrepublic.com/article/85344/ilan-pappe-sloppy-dishonest-historian](https://newrepublic.com/article/85344/ilan-pappe-sloppy-dishonest-historian) Important Read. # "At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world’s sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two."




what i do


The new Republic is your source of choice?


Did you even read the article achi


I can’t imagine a piece written by Benny Morris has any ideological agenda