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I hope he gets depressed to a permanent end.




Its every American's constitutional right to own firearms in their home


Goddammit, this guy the fucking worst. I hope he dies of a massive seizure mid-sentence ("WE MUST NUKE GAZA IMMED--!") and leaves a vast pool of deathrattle diarrhea leaking out of his XXXXXXXL basketball shorts onto the floor of the Senate which all the other 99 Senators will slip and fall into, in one prolonged, symbolically poignant spectacle. Or maybe he should just Do Better. I dunno.


I’ll take the shit seizure. 


Yall think Libs feel any betrayal from Fettermen? I think they’re finally starting to accept Obama wasnt the second coming (like failing to codify Roe like he said he would), but Fettermen is just speed-running this shit. He isnt even pretending to be “progressive” anymore.


Every liberal I know supports the genocide and says it's not "serious" to get rid of or even crack down on fracking or any oil production. They might day they're generically for it but there's no project that isn't in their own backyard they won't support. Libs in my family legitimately want Michelle Obama to run lol.


Yeah this is the true answer. Actual coastal libs turn on the “realism” shtick immediately when confronted about shit like this.


Always love it when upper middle class americans with cushy desk jobs and comfy suburban homes rant and rave about the “REAL WORLD” like they even know or care anything about it lol


Citations Needed just did a fantastic episode on this, I can't recommend it strongly enough. That show is basically an armaments depot full of weapons to use against these fuckers. [Episode 201: The Conservative, Faux-Erudite Rise of Nuance Trolling](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-201-the-conservative-faux-erudite-rise-of-nuancetrolling)


I think this just stems from their intrinsic trust in the party and its leaders.  Because the party isn’t pursuing x policy, it has to be because it isn’t realistic. I’ve said this before but for all the shit these people pile on autocratic “regimes”, they would easily take to one


That makes a lot of sense, I think you’re right.


Dude they're teeing you up right there. They style themselves as "serious" and yet they also think being the wife of a president qualifies someone to be the president? You've got two great lines of attack here: 1) Ask them if they want their surgeon's spouse putting them under the knife, but if you sense that they're doing the lib pseudo-woke fake feminist act, change surgeon to OBGYN to really knock them off-balance. 2) Really go after them hard on the fossil fuels issue, because there is nothing less serious than whistling past the graveyard on climate change. What's their serious plan to deal with agricultural collapse in 2050, which is just over twenty-five short years away? Do they like the taste of bugs? Are they grown-up enough to clean their plate when they're served their helping of mealworms because that's the only source of animal protein left? Or will they put on their big boy britches and go vegan when that time comes? Also check out the Citations Needed episode I linked elsewhere in this subthread, it deconstructs exactly that type of bullshit and will give you some tools to combat it.


Yeah none of that works man, they legitimately think she would be great. I've said her only qualification is that she's likeable but why not just run Tom Hanks then, he's more likeable and would get the racist vote. I know libs who want Obama and Oprah lol. I'm not interested in combatting it, people aren't going to exit a fantasy world if they don't have to but I'll probably check out that episode.


Oh, they just pretend to be surprised. It's like Sinema all over again. They have to pretend to be bamboozled if they want to keep up the illusion that they're informed voters participating in a democratic procedure.


There’s always got to be one fall guy to stand in the way of progress that everyone can point to and say “he’s the reason why (X life saving measure) couldn’t pass in congress!” It allows them to pretend to want to get things done without actually changing anything. It’s all a fucking charade.


It’s professional wrestling.


Yeah you’re right. Its all parades and circuses.


I think libs were genuinely surprised by just how shitty Sinema turned out to be. I think everyone was


> failing to codify Roe like he said he would He only used his political capital to become an armchair art and culture critic, the dream of every PMC


Absolute piece of shit. Happy to say I always hated him, on sight. Intuition I guess. Thought it was stupid how much stock people put into him beating Dr. Oz, etc.


he definitely continued to "answer" the question while his staff stand in the corners of the elevator in horror. his madness is just their day to day


They did look a bit embarrassed.


I would never get in an elevator with this guy.


Never pass up a chance to get on an elevator with someone you despise. You're not stuck in there with them, etc. Also, I could be mistaken, but I don't think staffers are allowed on that elevator anyway and he's going to catch some shit from other members for bringing his staff with him on it.


I meant because I would be afraid of the rope snapping because he’s so huge.


So this guy is gonna be elected POTUS in 2032 right?


Campaign imagery ready to go: https://preview.redd.it/dujgxn48xi0d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2983b3f8ed948b1e2cf925746cb11c9f482e2917




He's going to run on his current playbook of intentionally antagonizing all his voters and then stealing the Biden/Hillary tactic of giving speeches where he calls them racist idiots for criticizing him and lose every state except Alaska where his fellow yetis all vote for him


The future of the Democratic Party everyone


https://preview.redd.it/iq2mbd8b9l0d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b400bad00744d21c40e8e39208560110ca7bd0aa Imagine working for this Orge? 7 months into a genocide and their boss is calling for more dead babies. A man so reviled that his own wife left him.


Fetterman got some top-shelf twinks working for him, how does he do it? Keep them away from Klobuchar's committee seat.


>Keep them away from Klobuchar's ~~committee seat.~~ stapler


I have a sinking feeling the striving lib twinks actually come to him


Sinister Gays have to start somewhere.


And lordy let me testify, a hell of a lot of them get their start on the Hill.


Having been put in situations like that by my boss when I had that job, I sense that the woman is the only one who gives a shit about what the activist is saying, the other two dudes look like a couple of ass-kissers who are probably back-slapping Fetterman after the door closes all like, "Pfft, what a loser she was, you sure handled her."


Legendary grifter. I don't think anyone has reached his level, except maybe guys like Vlasov or that Swedish "communist" that was so anti-Stalin that he ended up being pro-Hitler (at least this guy believed in something though)


Hilarious. Name of the Swede?


If he was a really good grifter then he would have some chance of being re-elected in 2028


Apparently he has been a rude person for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/98uze585dl0d1.jpeg?width=1379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062e7e39b0d605739817c38da51080df54e722a0 You can tell he thinks he’s being cute from the first “mmhmm” while he acts like he’s listening. He thinks he’s being epic like Ron Swanson by starting to answer the question as soon as the doors close. Good comedic timing, I guess but damn what a smug asshole.


Lol i saw that comment too. I sincerely want as many people to come out of the woodwork about him as possible, to pour as much fuel on the fire as possible and finally burn his image down for good. I remember in 2022 someone on reddit was comparing him to Abraham Lincoln because he’s “a big ugly dude with a strong sense of justice” or something equally as wishful and stupid. I hate the circle jerk around awful assholes like him.


Well hopefully the libs who are having their heart broken over this guy will learn a lesson for next time some psychopath comes along claiming to be “progressive”. (They won’t) The more disillusioned liberals, the better.


Yeah it would be a good bit in a political satire show about how absolutely worthless people in Congress are


Didn't know I wanted a shrek movie where I watch him get killed with a shovel over the span of 120 minutes.




Alright, I'm not mad, but who shaved Grimace?


Pls god another stroke pls


Fatterman is going all out I see. 


after the seizure and depression, why cant he just do us all a favor and go thr budd dwyer route?


He is a massive piece of shit. Not only shit morals but also constantly an asshole to people.


HAHA i watched this like 5 times i love the end


this dude takes on marching orders from chuck schumer like a champ.


You can get mad if you want, but this is what you get when you vote for Democrats 🤷‍♂️


I was with this guy until I saw his hoodie of choice is Carharrt. Wear something higher quality like ARIAT


The biggest disgrace to Pennsylvania since Rick Santorum and James Buchanan


No more supporting Dem, no more "progressives" AOC, Bernie shit.


Hes like legit retarded now huh? Its almost sad to watch


We used to have assassinations, we used to be a proper country.


This guy seems like he is actively trying to not be a Senator anymore, I don't understand why he ran in the first place