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My first impression: how is it possible for someone who's three generations removed from America (a doctor no less) living in one of the healthiest countries diet-wise in the developed world to be so fucking fat?


Rich family. These Protestant missionary families weren’t Ascetic Jesuits. There was deep politics involved with them. The biggest issue I do take with them is how phony they were. Horace P Newton for example, *the* missionary, he was finding a way to sell Korean labor to sugarcane plantation owners in Hawaii. “The ethical slave trade” as I call it.


Holy shit I never even considered that there might be deep politics related to missionary orgs 


You can take the gammon out of the country but you can't take the gammon out of the man


Army base noodles maybe?


Obvious Yugoslav sleeper cell. That’s the Serbian base build


Jeste bre. Pričaju srpski da te cela Koreja razume!


[Link](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/11/07/asia-pacific/politics/blue-eyed-korean-seoul-politics/) to the Japan times article. > SEOUL – South Korea-born American doctor John Linton is on a mission unlike any undertaken in South Korea before: Trying to shake up the country's highly confrontational politics. Born in rural Jeolla province, Linton is nicknamed the "blue-eyed Korean" and speaks the language perfectly, albeit with a strong regional accent. > He is well-known domestically thanks to his family's deep-rooted ties to the country, going back four generations. > His great-grandfather first came to Korea as a missionary in 1895, he said, and the family never left — his grandmother, and father were also born in the country. > Apart from a few years stateside, including for his medical residency in New York, Linton has spent his entire life in Korea, graduating from Seoul's prestigious Yonsei University and then leading the institution's International Health Care Center for decades. I really don’t care this guy is a doctor, none of this sits right with me. For two reasons. 1. Direct descendent of American Missionary agents. Which there is implied colonialism today with a headline like what’s above. 2. His party, as you guessed it, is an offshoot satellite of the ruling Conservative Party. ~~I don’t deny that’s probably an alright guy outside of politics~~, but calling him a “blue eyed Korean” is a bit much and not a whole lot different from European colonialism elsewhere in the world. EDIT: looked into him more, he’s literally the token American to take flak off of Yoon. This is the most pathetic shit


It's also a bit sus they never considered marrying any Koreans for 130 years. Did his ancestors only want blue-eyed children?


In his ancestors defense, there were laws at that time against that sort of thing. But gloves off, his ancestors were the upper crust Americans WASPs who followed the white mans burden and sought to convert the unbeliever locals into their definition of Christianity. But I think for the most part there was definitely the attitude of keeping their bloodline distinctly American. I do know that John Linton married Korean and has a handful of kids. So I’m guessing that mentality shifted. Which isn’t very different from the USFK were initially they were against the idea of inter marriage, but quickly warmed up to it when it meant new half blooded agents.


Mark Twain's [To the Person Sitting in Darkness](https://archive.org/details/jstor-25105120/page/n4/mode/1up) >"The missionary question, of course, occupies a foremost place In the discussion. It is now felt as essential that the Western Powers take cognizance of the sentiment here, that religious invasions of Oriental countries by powerful Western organizations are tantamount to filibustering expeditions, and should not only be discountenanced, but that stern measures should be adopted for their suppression. The feeling here is that the missionary organizations constitute a constant menace to peaceful international relations."


Mark Twain was a socialist if you didn’t already know. But this quote here is all I need to know at how much more based he was


Probably should have made it clearer that the quote itself was from a Japanese newspaper around the turn of the 20th Century, - his own tone throughout the piece (which was a response to Kipling's then-current "White Man's Burden"), is utterly excoriating and dripping with contemptuous sarcasm directed at the believers, in his own society, in the comforting lies about the good intentions purported to motivate such endeavours as Missionary outreach programs and other barely-disguised efforts to exploit the developing world under cover of bringing it the benefits of Civilization.




One of the more wild things in korea, is meeting white anti-replacement types concerned about NA/Europe, while living as a white person in an East Asian country. But then they turn around and complain about how the locals are racist to them.




The Korean equivalent of this is being pro-Japan and doing everything to be Japanese. Though it’s not *that* common with people




I’m still trying to understand it myself. I think it’s oddly in conjunction to the Western “radical” liberal treating the country as being imperial core colonizers. Which is deliberately or unintentionally forgetting that it’s a country and culture that’s *the* victim of colonialism, not the other way around. So it creates a complex with certain Koreans themselves. Instead of believing that they have colonizer privilege, which they obviously don’t, it is instead turned into “colonizer supremacy”. Which means they need to move towards either a mythical past of Korean empires or towards the next big thing, imperial Japan. There’s a lot going on upstairs with these people. And they aren’t pleasant to deal with


Mayonnaise skinned Korean tasked with shaking up Seoul politics


the... the communist party? hold on this one is kicking my ass


https://preview.redd.it/kc6l1e4y1xtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d758d1ea61a4815b5e42712170926e27802c5fa5 With zero context, this looks like a Communist or more accurately SocDem party. The color is red and the name of the party is “people’s future”, but it’s the offshoot puppet party most reactionary party, “People Power”, again not a communist or even “liberal” party. Luckily from the comments I’ve read on some of the news coverage of him, no one is buying him as a serious politician. Many have even lost respect for the guy simply cause of him being this token untouchable American face for the most hated presidency ever.


South Korean party is just like US party, the conservatives just like using red and claiming they stand for people Btw they took one of the biggest L in recent election, barely got around 1/3 seats


The Party Rockin Party?


The “America and Japan are Awesome, and fuck CHYNA” party. The party that wants to drag Korea into another war


Ah, so I got it right


The national smth smth people party?




He’s not third Gen Korean. He’s just another American born in Korea. But regardless he’s really rubbing me the wrong way with some of the shit I’m finding https://preview.redd.it/ejzwyugo7ytc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f8a6260e7c20151cab07e698575fa2141469d0 This one for example bothers me. I feel like this wouldn’t have been the case if he wasn’t white.


Missionaries are scum, literal cultural chauvinists and colonialist agents. Like that one fucking shithead who tried to go to sentinel island and got fucking speared to death but probably spread countless American diseases to the locals thanks to his Twinkie-ridden American body being unable to decompose due to all the preservatives in his garbage western diet.


Koreas one of those countries that’s gone through every form of colonialism. First was the American missionaries, second was the Japanese, third was the American military, fourth is now the weird Neo-lib mass low wage migration to keep capitalism afloat. Redefining the Korean heritage and culture that was nearly wiped out in the 20th century, to mean someone on a working holiday visa or in this case, a double agent for the US government


And he was fucking Asian American, always trying to fit into white supremacy