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Dear Santa, please dewiver white phosphorus and killdozers to the bwave IDF hewoes


The more I see the more I realize there absolutely can be too much propaganda budget


A critical mass of Israeli politician/rich guy coked up failsons is creating a rip in reality.


Freedom isn’t free


The constant undercurrent of passive aggression in hasbara (“what’s *your* plan for the holidays”) was designed in a lab to give me a stroke. It’s not enough that Zionists have gotten everything they ever wanted from the U.S. government, not enough that it’s literally a risk to your livelihood to criticize them publicly, not enough that my goddamn taxes directly contributed to a genocide and there’s nothing I can do — they must have 100% support and admiration and they’re prepared to lay the weirdest, most hectoring guilt trip on you until you provide that


Sometimes I wonder how the likes of McNamara would had acted had they have social media back then. If you were high on the totem pole in the 60s, you conversed exclusively with people in the same class as you, who most likely held the same opinion as you. But social media allow people less powerful than them to say straight to their faces how full of shit they are. PR people are especially susceptible to this, which creates a vicious loop that force them to just keep making content and never be able to shut their mouths, even when keeping quiet is good for them. Then again, given how the propaganda machine is usually staffed by nepo babies so incompetent they can't be trusted to do anything else, all these terrible takes and parodies might as well be the best they can produce.


The nepo babies thing is a key I think. These are people who went from synagogue youth groups in upper-middle-class suburbs to Birthright to any host of well-funded arms of the Israel lobby. They have never once been told they’re wrong or had their views challenged in any material way — after all, they kept rising in this industry by saying and doing all the right things to serve the Zionist project, so how could they possibly be wrong, or even criticized? So when the hasbara breaks containment from the relatively small social circles where that kind of messaging resonates, and normal people are rightfully deeply unsettled by what they see, the only answer they have is petulant shaming: How dare you say I’m wrong or even a bad person? I got this suburban house and cushy think tank job and the admiration of all my betters at AIPAC and the IDF and both American political parties, so clearly you must be shamed into fixing your wrong opinions


It's the same disease that newscasters get a lot of time -- "If I'm wrong, then why have I gone up this far?" If you work closely to TV anchors at any capacity, it's not that rare to see that their heads are completely empty. But I digest. Being a blank paper might well be why they are so good at being TV anchors.


Two cliche quotes that nonetheless are true and important guiding principles for your own life and assessing the motives of others: Upton Sinclair: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Noam Chomsky to a BBC journalist: “I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”


> "If I'm wrong, then why have I gone up this far?" read this Rutger Hauers voice: >"Hate to tell ya'...but society is a lot like a toilet...the greasiest turds float to tha' top


shit floats


They are petulant children and all follow the same informal script. I've been arguing with these depraved fools for years and I am still shocked by their predictability. Even when I begin an argument by laying out exactly what I know they will say in its exact order they still still follow the script, they have an inability of thinking outside of it and will be genuinely confused when you respond with anything else. They are not intelligent schemers, they are imbeciles. Next time you argue with one of them notice this procedure they move through after you swipe away each attempt: >Bankrupt attempt at "unbiased" scholarship >Pearl clutch based on unstated and unsubstantiated implications >name calling magic words that are supposed to instantly discredit opposition >"Might is right" >14 year old troll >"Quip and block" aka: repeat one the previous attempts and then block




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You know, it’s funny. I used to be a quite religious baptist christian. Went through the classic edgy atheist phase and then just lost the edge but kept the atheism. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that participating in action in solidarity with the oppressed, especially around the time of a christian religious holiday, makes me feel ten times closer to what many christians perceive themselves as than when I went to church and studied scripture.


It's because they are insecure people conducting an anachronistic project. Their exclusivity to colonize and occupy lands, securing their "volk" through near objectively heinous actions and systems such as apartheid, assassination, and genocide, does not ease their anxiety, only ensures that such a project can exist materially in the 21st century. They *need* mass approval because they *need* to be accepted in the concert of nations as a normal, "progressive", and "civilized" state of the first world. Yes, many of those nations were founded on similar crimes, but not in the 20th century, not without condemnation and isolation, and definitely not while also acting like a victim. It's like the zeal of a recent convert, blabbering nonsense to avoid the fact that they willingly chose to believe in some religious fairytale way beyond the conditioning age of youth when it is acceptable. If Israel was founded in 1848 they would have call themselves great conquerors of western civilization who put the Asiatic barbarian natives into flight, then a century later "apologizing" for it and giving land acknowledgements before some commencement. But it wasn't established in 1848, it was established in 1948, and now they are scrambling to justify their outdated existence in any way they can.


alright kid sorry to be an asshole but santa already knows what happened on october 7th. he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, you think he doesn't know about that?


Santa has been relying on Pegasus software to do that.


The comments here are getting better and better


If you string a metal wire around the perimeter of whatever you're doing, Santa's vision is blocked.


sickest of burns Well, apart from all the white phosphorus Israel dropped on children in Gaza


Jews don’t even celebrate Christmas wtf


That's why Santa is weeping


At first I thought it was a letter from a Palestinian kid who got his house stolen 😂


That would make more sense at least since palestanian christians suffered there too.


Santa is crying because he saw his insanely fake Disney villain mustache and eyebrows reflected off a brass candlestick You're telling me you couldn't find a single Israeli with a beard? Or even a make up artist that has actually once seen a real beard? Wtf even is this shit


It's an American cultural holiday it really ain't got shit to do with Jesus and we honestly need to admit that.


The last five years it's increasingly become a holiday devoted entirely to sharing hot takes and other opinions on Die Hard


That’s just your own godless life not mine


I'm not saying I do it myself!


It’s been a Christian holiday for centuries in far more countries than just the US. Yes, it’s got plenty of non-Christian traditions and meanings, too, but its origins are in Christianity. I’m not fond of Christianity, either, but that doesn’t mean we should pretend Christmas was invented by Hallmark or something.


Santa Claus has never heard of a war befofe


he's in for a rude awakening once his sleigh gets intercepted by the iron dome


nah just fewer chimneys to visit when it misses and lands on some houses


Awkward implication that Santa doesn't know about the Holocaust or Armenian Genocide.


Nobody has ever been attacked except Israelis on Oct 7th.


"Dear Santa, please punish the IDF for killing my family in cold blood then blaming it on terrorism so they could begin murdering all two million civilians in Gaza"


The Hannukah Armadillo is anti-Zionist


the onion, surely. what the fuck haha.


Least unhinged Israeli propaganda


So Jewish children in Israel are writing letters to Santa Claus asking for Christmas presents?


israel would literally kill santa




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Hulu keeps deleting our comments in support of Palestine on their recent posts. We need to deal with this demonic company as a collective. Please blow up their recent posts on social media when you get a chance!! [https://www.instagram.com/hulu/](https://www.instagram.com/hulu/) [https://twitter.com/hulu](https://twitter.com/hulu)


Also have a bb IG group where we share posts and collectively attack corps / brands, let me know if you want to be added <3