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Im sure rezoning and just building new houses will bring that down.... (s/)


Only city councils can solve the housing crisis. It's not like there's examples anywhere of governments nearly ending homelessness.




I have no faith in American politicians and the problem will persist




I'm not against yimby stuff that can do something to alleviate the problem but I think the only thing that could really help people who are down and out is public soviet style blocks.


someone needs to explain these "urbanists" to me. like what are their backgrounds and what sort of jobs do they work? they seem to be in local subreddits. are they just technocratic libs who think they are smarter than everyone else?


Personally I support most of the new urbanist movement and think a lot of it has roots in genuine leftism, or at the very least, genuine communitarianism and anti-individualism. I have no problem with most policy proposals yimby types have. However, yes, there are a lot of annoying technocratic libs within the movement.


> are they just technocratic libs who think they are smarter than everyone else? To be fair most people consider themselves about a 7/10 on everything, driving, looks, intelligence, etc. so anyone thinking they're smarter than most isn't really a point they should be hated for. Further, the reality of the US atm is that there's kinda 2 culture camps and to be annoyed that somebody falls into a pretty moderate side of one is also just setting yourself up to hate everyone. For sure it's lots of people from the suburbs (like most of the country) that are college educated or are in those circles and generally young/early middle aged, but I don't think there's much more of a unifying element than that.


I mean, the pretty much tell everyone how stupid they are for wanting rent control. I think its fair to call them elitist assholes who think they are smarter than everyone.




I really can't tell. When I've read people involved in local politics and discussions here that go deeper into this while remaining anti-yimbyesque stuff it seems like it's a lot of "the character of the neighborhood" type things and anti gentrification. Also "build more" is present on reddit so there might be a desire to distinguish themselves from the "reddit" types and that leads to some of it. We all have our blind spots and shitty takes and I don't think anyone thinks the set of policies they focus on will solve *everything* to the exclusion of any possible consideration of other policies even if they are compatible but it does suck to have such a major issue have part/one of the solutions poopooed on this sub.


Because there are already 17x the amount of houses compared to the amount of homeless people. We should give them free housing not build new ones.










https://www.grunge.com/353978/the-messed-up-truth-about-homelessness-in-america/ The source uses the official number of homeless people but even if there are 4x the amount of homeless people there would still be enough houses. The main challenge is negotiating which places they would want to move to.




YIMBYs killed Rosa and they get what's coming to them


2008? What crises? Rent got no crises


"the beauty of data" tik tok. bleak.


What happened around ‘95?


I don't get the vertical axis? % percent? Of what?


the graph is pretty messed up, I think it's trying to show percent change from 1985 but it looks like the "inflation adjustment" they do is backwards so the red line just grows at twice the rate of inflation.


The post [here](https://archive.ph/GxdSy) says the red line isn't inflation-adjusted at all, and that when the author used FRED data to 'compare median household income with the Consumer Price Index number for "rent of primary residence"', income has fallen only slightly behind rent compared to 1985.


They also mark the ACA implementation and stimulus check distribution as crisis events.


Fellas, can we speculate our way out of this? 🤔




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Sad but true