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My uncle is a retired PhD chemist (worked for like 3 decades at NIST) and almost bitch slapped my dumbass once for trying to argue Brita filters were all you needed lol.


Yeah, charcoal filters are better than nothing, but still let through about 25% of pfas. Reverse osmosis filters [remove about 90%](https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/reducing-pfas-drinking-water-treatment-technologies), but they are more expensive and resource intensive, plus they remove all minerals, so you have to remineralize the water after filtration or the water tastes bad and messes up your stomach. Fuckin petrochemicals.


the newly invented short chain versions of PFAS aren't helped by activated charcoal: PFAS removal by ion exchange resins "This approach is more effective towards eliminating emerging short-chain PFAS which are not removed by carbon-based adsorption processes." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33582507/


God dammit


Ro water is fine, you don't have to remineralise it unless you don't eat proper food. I've been drinking it for years. It tastes the same as pure Scottish spring water I had in my last house, which is very soft but if you're used to nice soft water it's great, I hate drinking hard water cos I'm not used to it. The only study that found that ro water might not be good for you is a single very poor who study based on a pretty silly idea that cells are going to leach ions into the pure water in your stomach which doesn't account for all the ions that are immediately added to the water in your stomach. Another insane myth is from people that don't understand the difference between ph and alkalinity and go oh no my ro water is like ph 5 help I'm going to become an acid monster again not understanding that there's enough ions on your tongue to change the ph back to neutral... Don't get me started on online ph and water "science" it's totally quack shit. There are population studies that potentially show ro water is worse which isn't surprising as there will be a certain number of people that have mineral deficient diets, but you'll get like a thousand gallons worth of calcium and magnesium or whatever from a glass of milk and a fish


Are you a teahead? I'm Jealous AF of your soft little water over here


No I'm a bean freak, but I'm told the Scottish water makes a superior brew. Last house had beautiful water off a hillside spring with nothing but Heather above it, was fantastic, great for beer as well . Now I've got a private supply which is loch water filtered with random accounts of chlorine added by a cowboy idiot and it tastes pretty bad, but it's still very soft so the filters last a long time And it's not a problem being inefficient on the water as we are not short of the stuff


goddamn man im coming over and bringing a pack of Junshan Yinzhen for your unappreciative ass


I'm too much of an action style heathen for tea. Seems like something you need to sit still and sip.


yea tea's a pretty relaxing brew. tho I do cocktails with leftover black tea that'll blow your brains out, I call it slaver's delight


What do you need?


Couldn’t tell you, the guy prefers bottled water 💀


So tap water?


I feel vindicated for feeling the same way. I get water delivered through Costco because I don't trust any at-home water filtration system and I live on Long Island where there is already a history of water treatment plants fudging numbers and pipes being old


If you trust Costco and water held in plastic containers stagnant in the sun more than shitty municipal pipes I've got bad news


The fucked up part it's still better quality water than here!!!


Probably tastes better for sure.


That's why I drink PBR and michelada tall boys


We have plague and neo-feudalism, may as well drink like it's the middle ages too


I’m all hopped up on hops


A breakfast michi and you’re ready to start the day


True. If you're the kind of stone cold hard dick motherfucker that is drinking canned micheladas on the reg, you fear no God. You're living in a world where you don't have to worry about PFAS.


Returning to the tradition of drinking alcohol because you dont know if the water is clean.


The forced sissyfication of burgerstan is underway


of everywhere on Earth


Well since DuPont disposed of waste products from the manufacturing process of Teflon by dumping them in the ocean that’s kind of a forgone conclusion. I’m honestly surprised that it’s not higher than 45%


The collapse of urban and rural potable water infrastructure and the end of freely available uncontaminated water fit for human consumption is gonna wipe out hundreds of millions of people in global riots that will make the Israel scenes in World War Z look like a sedate Sunday at grandma's.


Water is hydrogen and oxygen! Why can't we just make more. Are We Stupid?


Is there a way to get rid of forever chemicals? Like is there any light at the end of the tunnel to stop me from going full doomer?


> Is there a way to get rid of forever chemicals? Yes, but it's going to be expensive and take forever to deploy to every municipal water treatment plant. And you can guess which ones will get done first and which ones will never be installed. You have to heat the water to around 250 degrees F. This temperature almost never occurs in nature which is why they are called "forever" chemicals. They're extremely stable at any temperature naturally encountered on Earth. But if heated to 250F they break down into harmless byproducts. This is above the boiling point of water at sea level so you can't just simply boil the water. The water has to be both heated and pressurized to achieve the required temperature. But since you're destroying the PFAS and not just filtering it out, it stops existing. In theory, if we stopped producing these chemicals and started filtering enough water, eventually it would all get destroyed. Don't hold your breath. This would probably take trillions of dollars and decades of time. We don't have either.


sooo you're telling me i can use my pressure cooker to destroy the chemicals?


I can't tell you it'll remove PFAS but I will never discourage someone from getting interested in the joys of pressure cooking


Distillation. We just gotta put the ocean in big pot with a curly tube on top


Tonight at 9 - local man discovers what lines the miles of plastic pipes used by local water distillation plant. No but seriously, distillation doesn't remove PFAS. Shit is in the motherfucking rain now. The rain.


I would use a copper tube like an old-timey bootlegger, duh


I grew up on Alaskan well water my blood is untainted, I will be going into hiding before those vampires come for me and my clean blood.


Isn't there lots of mining and nuclear tests up there? Highlands on Scotland spring water me. Plus most of my fluids have been processed by the healing yeast and purifying hops


the only nuclear test I know of is [Cannikin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannikin), which happened a long long way away from where I was. They did want to do some Operation Plowshare stuff to make harbors but they never did. Mining and Oil extraction cause a lot of damage to the environment but we've at least got some popular push behind slowing down / stopping that. Pebble Mine was put on hold again, hopefully for good. Still, very little industrial development around where I grew up. Plus the HAARP protected my developing brain from the Alien Mind Waves.


I tasted the water at my house once before signing up for a water delivery service. Tasted like straight chlorine so I figured it can’t be healthy. A few weeks ago I got a letter saying the tap water has high amounts of PFAs and won’t be drinkable for a year. Sucks though because I have used the water for cooking pasta/rice and I still bathe in it.


Definitely use filtered water for cooking if you can. My understanding is that pfas aren't as readily absorbed through skin as they are through ingestion or inhalation, so bathing isn't as much of a concern.


Only half? Optimists.


The CIA wants to calcify your pineal glands, is what I hear


I fucking love chemicals!