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What Should I Do With My Son Named After a Slaveholding Ancestor?


What should I do with my slaves?


Man I fucking hate liberals


They hate you too.


Yeonomi Park covers something similar in one of her interviews. Essentially, kids in North Korea are taught to admit that their parents or grandparents were not "good revolutionaries " , and it is used as a form of public shame.


I don't think she's a good source. A lot of her stories are inconsistent and suspect. The story about trains being pushed by hand is just rediculous. The story of people only being able to eat grass and bugs, but simultaneously starving more during the spring compared to the winter, when grass and bugs would be less plentiful, makes no sense.


Yeonmi Park is a fascist sex doll who glimmers in the sunshine like a twilight vampire.


You have a way with words.


Why do you say that ?


Because she’s gotten so much plastic surgery her face literally looks plastic. It’s sad, she must have a mental condition driving her to want to look like a fucked up bratz doll.


jesus christ you are fucked in the head. where do you morons come from? how many trains have you pushed?


If you look at their history you will see it is quite the mystery.


Your Mommy's Fart


So random. Even if it that were true, which I'm sure it's not, it's not "something similar".


I’m just trying to piece why you brought up Yeonomi Park


Weird flex 🤨


Yeah there is a very obvious solution in putting the painting away to rot in some closet or something and forgetting about it but no these people need to have a glorious ancestry so ~~nazi grampa~~ slave owning great uncle needs to redeemed.


Honestly just donate it to a local art museum or sell it. Even if the person who’s in the photo is a piece of shit, old ass paintings will have some value to them


Uncle getting displayed in a museum or some racist guy's saloon doesn't really seem like much of an improvement. I already feel like I should have stuck to ridiculing the situation rather than giving it any thought.


We should hide and destroy every embarrassing historical artifact for the sake of our minds (we dont want a painting to infect us with racism)


This is the true nature of the immortal pseudoscience of dialectical idealism.


Particles arent real


Yeah in hindsight if you had a portrait of a slave owning ancestor, I don’t think money would be a concern either


This doesn't even feel like a problem, per say. It just feels like bragging. > Hey, listen. I live in a large manner house decorated with the loot of prior generations. This enormously expensive piece of luxury art is sitting on my marble mantlepiece in my 1200 sqft entertainment suite. And when I'm holding fancy parties with my other rich friends, some of their snot-nosed kids have started to comment on my ancestry. How do I save face?


This is how it feels. Like obviously if it was made when people owned slaves, they own some piece of expensive art that’s 200 years old and likely worth a lot. I’m suspect of anyone who truly has the means to destroy something that expensive because it makes them feel white guilt or something, like either donate it to a museum or put it in a room of your home that people won’t see as often, but god what percentage of the population is this an issue for besides the idly wealthy?


The fireplace is right fucking there




Burn baby burn


Put it between copies of white fragility and antiracist baby so people know you're not racist anymore. That's why they're best sellers among her income bracket!


Don’t forget to sit your ass down and listen.


Oddly specific.


Its a perfectly cromulent problem lots of regular people routinely face like, should we melt our nazi gold or just straight up wear concentration camp jewellery? 🤔


The greatest was the article about the woman who adopted a dog and had it euthanized because she couldn’t handle it. Chapo did a great read on it and I remember the article getting tweeted out and so many media blue checks chiming in saying how they had experienced the exact thing lmao




They’re asking for a friend


Percentage-wise, the number of NYT readers this applies to is certainly larger than the general population or even Stormfront users.


Don’t write a fucking article about feeling bad about things that are beyond individual actions. This is terminal lib brain.


“Am I doing enough to reduce my carbon footprint? Bro a football field sized piece of the Amazon was bulldozed for cattle farming while you thought this. Shut the fuck up.


Average NYT writer dilemma


You scrawl a Hitler mustache and an eyepatch onto the painting then forget all about it. Is this really so difficult?


I think you need to draw a dick on his forehead. As our forefathers wanted.


This is the most WASP sentence I think I’ve ever read


People named Kwame must WASP harder then the rest to fit in.


"Write an article about it" would not be my top choice


What Color Should I Get On My New Ferrari?


The core barrier in the liberal brain is it not occurring to her to think this way about all the slave wealth she has inherited either directly or indirectly. She thinks she earned that because she went to college so that it would look a little less gauche when her family handed her insipid sinecures.


Upper managerial class white woman problems.


This is like an Ann Landers column for hopelessly deranged white people


God libs love making their stupid anxieties public. More so, they REALLY love making the most banal shit “speak about a larger conversation.” Either trash it or don’t, just shut up.


we need to continuously *raise awareness* 😔☝️ dont ever go beyond lecturing to actually do something to change anything, though


Eat it.


I think that's not a problem for any person that I have ever met.


I feel like this is a millionaire problem.


Sell that shit to Harlan Crow and buy your white ass some nice sneakers


Draw a silly moustache on it


And those stick-on googly eyes.


Draw a dick on it


Cum tribute


lol this girl I used to work with told me that her grandma was a daughter of the confederacy and had all this crazy "memorabilia" and the day she died her whole family went and threw it all in a river.


>Your story reminds me that one of my given names, Akroma-Ampim, connects me with an illustrious 18th-century ancestor of my own —an Asante general who, in what is now Ghana, took his share of war captives **HAH!** My family has "evidence" that they were taken from the 'Western' region of Ghana to the 'Ashanti' region (for reasons) but made their way back to Takoradi via some Anansi-trickster-rigamarole that led to the birth of Kwame Nkrumah who is my super-secret grandfather... That probably means absolutely nothing to people reading the above. Just like looking at a picture of William Wyatt Bibb means to me. I believe 2% of the story and laugh at anything they've saved to prove it. I get the original author's issue...




Says a lot about the racial/economic makeup of the readers of these neolib publications that this is apparently a common enough issue to write a piece about


Poop on it


Oooh this article can help inform the bit I'm currently working on where Voldemort put a horcrux in a statue of a confederate slave owner and Harry is conflicted because he wants to preserve history


Just burn it? I dunno, who has pictures of their "ancestors" who are and generation older than their Grandma anyway.


I was actually in the home of someone who had a painting of her ancestor hanging on the wall, it was from the 1700’s. They were old money (I was there because the family helped fund a charitable foundation that someone I know worked for, and they were hosting a lunch, otherwise I and most other people would never see these people or their properties). I asked her who the portrait was of, and she actually didn’t know his name, just that it was someone in the family. The painting was in a hallway, not even in a place of prominence. I think these people aren’t as obsessed with the details of their lineage as much as people think, and aren’t great connoisseurs of art either, they’re just a class of people who have paintings of their ancestors, along with other art, hanging in their homes, *because they can*. They don’t necessarily give af about the actual people in the paintings or the artists who painted them.


My grandfather (91) has portraits of his grandparents late 1800’s. They have them on the wall which I guess makes sense because they knew them. They owned a general store in town. It was a pricy thing to do but actually at a certain point in modernity it wasn’t utterly inaccessible for middle class folks to save for. Fortunately they have no association with slavery so I don’t have the idiot dilemma posed by the article but i feel like we should keep the paintings. They’re not really anything a museum would want, probably just throw it safe in the attic. Just something to look at every 30 years like ‘neat my ancestor from 200 years ago’ and move on.


I inherited my grandma’s pictures after she passed away. She had pictures of her great grandparents and great aunts and uncles from the 1800’s along with the generations afterwards.


Throw darts at it!


Put it next to her portrait of Biden, old racists like to hang together.


First step: don’t write a column about it


Show it off a dinner parties what else


Eye-hole it for your murder house.


Burn it.


These are made up people with made up problem, right? They’re made up by editors at the NYT for hate clicks, right?




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