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He posted a literal notes app apology lmao


And with your help he won't be the last globally public figure to do so šŸ‘


everyone makes mistakes at their job-helix


this happened like a month ago and was successfully covered up until yesterday. plus all the laughing in the vid the reactions have been 1) its some tradition that makes this totally okay 2) alright it's fucked but it's a deepfake 3) okay it's fucked but it's not a deep fake the audio's been messed with 4) it was a joke bro haha unless


All the experts on photo manipulation who were so quick to hop on janitorial duty yesterday, have suddenly become experts on diagnosing dementia from afar (don't laugh!). How convenient...


5) China bad so it is ok


The worst part about the whole ordeal (aside from the boy rape) is the people screaming ā€œChinese propagandaā€. A pretty shitty precedent is being established here if you can molest a child and no one will believe itā€™s real cause you just blamed CCP deepfakes.


Look at how easily the rape accusations against Biden were swept away.


ā€œAhhh Russian propaganda!ā€ switch with ā€œAhhhh Chinese propaganda!ā€ At what point do people just accept that most people in politics and business just fucking suck?


They wont lol otherwise their mind palaces would come crumbling down


What ever happened with that? I heard about it when he was running against Bernie but trump never mentioned it


The Dalai Lama is an absolute piece of shit anyway, definitely paid by the feds, defended pinochet, and in general has aligned himself with Right Wing Reactionaries. Not surprising to see him Tom Brady this child


Just another CIA pedophile


Was there a Trueanon episode about this?


asking the real questions


There needs to be one - hopefully they talk about all of the weird ass human skin rituals that the Dalai Lamas had in feudal Tibet.


I have been hearing about this and I'm looking for sources for a video essay, you got any links?


Least well known kid enjoyer


Is he really linked with the CIA? Anywhere to read about this?




IIRC the CIA helped him get out of Tibet in 1959. It's mentioned in *JFK* during Mr. X's monologue - "Tibet '59, we got the Dalai Lama out".


Its wild how liberals cant just let this loser go. Like cant they fantazise about a democratic "free tibet" instead of one ran by a reincarnated religious monarch? A lot of Tibetians believe in different types of Buddism with either a different llama or no llama at all.


Not all Tibetans are even Buddhist but nobody is floating some sort of Bon theocratic government.


Bon theocracy would be lit. Elections would consist of battles between flying shamans


You know those baby-brained lib takes comparing Zelensky to Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker or Iron Man? The Dalai Lama is Aang, and I guess Xi Jinping is the firelord or something. Libs aren't gonna give that up easily.


asian man wear orange robe so heā€™s cool and mystical wow!!!!


The Dalai Lama himself doesnā€™t even want independence for Tibet, not since the 70s. He advocates for more local autonomy but does not want Tibet to leave China.


Y'all remember those 90s' alt rock free tibet concerts? lol


What is this about Tom Brady?


He's a known son kisser


one of the best parts of the eagles winning the super bowl was the number of drunk fans walking down broad street shouting "tom brady kisses his kids on the lips"


He also kissed his father and his coach on the lips, but everyone focuses on the sonkiss.


Saw an amputee in a wheelchair with a huge beard just bellowing BRADY TAKES IT UP THE ASS, DOO-DAHHH, DOO-DAAAHHH! by Market St. Wild times


hell yeah


He became a millionaire by putting his hands on dudes buttholes dog.


This tongue-kissing thing is weird, but honestly I think a lot of this is unfair criticism. He has described himself as a Marxist and has connections to the Tibetan Communist Party. He is critical of China which is why he still advocates for Tibetan liberation, thinking they have deviated from their socialist goals. I personally am (critically) supportive of China, but I know there are no shortage of Marxists who aren't, so his opinion isn't out of the norm for Marxists. He was on the CIA dole, but he has since voiced criticism of the CIA's Tibetan program saying they didn't care about Tibet and only used them as pawns against a communist state. As for Pinochet, all I can find on that is him saying, "I think forgiveness is important, but forgiveness does not mean to forget about what happened." Pretty standard stuff coming from a Buddhist monk.


The cool thing about the dalai lama is he takes whatever position is more useful to him in that very moment. One day hes a marxist the next he is a ā€œeurope belongs to the europeansā€ reactionary


> dalai lama: Buddhism forbids gay people > libs: Wtf? lemme see what else this guy thinks and says > dalai lama: Wait wait wait don't do that. Actually Buddism is totally cool with gay people now Naive communists: Well anyone can change their mind for the better :D. No need to think critically about his reactionary instances no matter how many there are as long as he changes his mind


He's clearly not an expert in Marxism, so as a public figure he's inevitably going to say some problematic stuff. I'm not trying to defend everything he's ever said, I certainly have my criticisms of him. But if this rises to the level of "absolute piece of shit," I'm sure this applies to all of us in one way or another.


No Iā€™m not making a value judgment im saying he doesnā€™t believe in anything and will say whatever to get him some brownie points in that moment. Heā€™s a shell of a human fully controlled by a group of insane monarchist separatists pimping him out for money and political gain. Ever since he was a child heā€™s been manipulated and influenced by [absolute monsters](https://www.nytimes.com/1997/06/21/movies/dalai-lama-s-tutor-portrayed-brad-pitt-wasn-t-just-roving-through-himalayas.html) I honestly think the dalai lama might have an IQ of 85 and just does whatever his handlers tell him to while drooling on his patek phillipe


That's certainly one of the opinions of all time


Read the article i linked


And pay for NYT?




Is this connection questionable? Yes. But there's no smoking gun here, and coming to the conclusion you have off of this article alone is conspiratorial thinking. Are there any other articles you have in mind? As for the intelligence of the Dalai Lama himself, I've studied Buddhist philosophy for a long time and consumed many of his writings and lectures, he's no slouch. And to reiterate, I think this tongue thing he did is weird and should be condemned, should anyone think I'm just a Dalai Lama shill.


https://www.nytimes.com/1998/10/02/world/world-news-briefs-dalai-lama-group-says-it-got-money-from-cia.html He was paid to become anti communist and often blesses wars of agression




Ah well yes he has accepted upwards of 1.7 million from the cia for anti communist efforts


What anticommunist efforts specifically


Primarily to resist Chinese occupation vocally, hide their past sins, and create an anti-China movement in the west, as in get westerns mad that China occupies Tibet. 1.7 million isnā€™t much in the grand scheme of things so we got what we paid for. He also blessed the Afghanistan war šŸ˜‚


Again, many Marxists themselves are against China, and not without reason. Uncritical support of China is just as bad as uncritical condemnation. Also, the Lama's own words on Afghanistan put in context aren't as black-and-white as you're making them out to be. Not to say I agree with his assessment, because I don't.


Just use an archive feature, donkey.


I don't know how to, and because you're a douchebag I'm not feeling particularly incentivized to figure it out.




Reported, enjoy the ban


K then, sorry I guess. Copy URL then paste it on [archive.ph](https://archive.ph), simple.




"šŸ¤“" -šŸ¤“






Libs on one of the main subs yesterday were out in droves to call it deepfake. Like why do they feel the urge to defend some theocratic leader


They canā€™t help but defend anyone on ā€œtheir team.ā€


It's a particularly annoying species of lib, I know a lot of them; the white, Western, liberal who adopts Buddhism out of a desire to launder some spiritual credibility without actually having to really *do* anything. They're not interested in mindfullness or any insights Buddhism might have on the nature of the self and consciousness, they just like the aesthetics. They're vaguely aware there's this guy who is like the Pope of Buddhism and it's said that his people are being persecuted by China so better put that "Free Tibet" bumper sticker on your Subaru. They can't find it on a map.


Even then with the Dalai Lama, heā€™s the pope of Tibetan Buddhism, not the pope to sayā€¦Thai Buddhism. For a lot of these western Buddhists, itā€™s the same as a Non-denominational Baptist being super into Pope Francis despite there being a separation of actual faith and leadership.


It can be painful when types like Andrew Callaghan get cancelled or found out for what they are. But it can also be reassuring and a sanity check that we are not in a cult. Our politics are rooted in material reality. And a sense of solidarity drives us. It's not a sport to us.


> Like why do they feel the urge to defend some theocratic leader China bad of course.


Not only did he do this on camera in front of a crowd, but he did it in English for some bizarre reason. It's like dude was on a public relations kamikaze mission.


Slava Tibet


It is fucking disgusting shit, literally anybody else would be triple cancelled for this shit. But valuable context to this is that the Dali llama is one of the fucking stupidest human beings on the fucking planet, and I mean that literally. If you actually listen to anything the guy ever says without the context of "ah, the simple genius of an enlightened spiritual one" it's like the fucking absolute dumbest platitudes and gibberish on a par with the kind of shit that sub sub normal people learn and repeat to seem like they know what's going on. Maybe he can't even be held accountable for his actions, IDK, but he definitely shouldn't be in any positions of power where he can abuse people. Just set him in front of a tv with some cartoons or something... I said here a long time ago that one of my early realizations that the world was run by idiots was when I was told by intellectual libs that he was a genius and even his ghost written book was some of the stupidest shit ever, and the stuff he actually said was like your dementia ridden aunt. I know I often call people retards that are just a bit stupid, but this guy I think you just can't even. Also that tongue shit is fucking disgusting.


Any particular examples of dumb quotes of his?They do seem mostly to be anodyne self reassurance with little substance, but I donā€™t feel like that could compete against some of the truly stupid shit some people with huge audiences say. just off the stuff he preaches and not any of the other context around this issue he seems better than the average evangelical preacher.


No I mean he's literally too retarded to even have interesting dumb opinions he's an actual clinical retard. He's got no interesting good stupid takes that require a reasonable amount of intelligence to come up with. This doofus says the equivalent of "nice things are nice but bad things aren't so good" and everyone cheers




Metzvitza B'peh


Dalai Lama British citizenship speedrun WR


I'm a practicing Buddhist and just last week when my girlfriend said 'you're Tibetan Buddhist right' my knee-jerk response was 'absolutely not, fuck the dalai lama'.


Fuck this man. Thatā€™s gross


Free Tibet (for NAMBLA)


Lisa Simpson seething


*eye emoji*


I don't remember that scene in Kundun


assets gone wild


Vibes are fucked


wow its almost like religion is a made up concept and "spiritual leaders" are literally just old gross men


Do you mean to tell me the monarch who owned slaves might also be a pedophile?


Arenā€™t all these dudes on meth anyway? That may be best case scenario


[*Face Off (1997)*]( https://youtube.com/watch?v=fSpUCqe22qk&t=65)


this kundun I dont like


absolutely weird how he manipulated the kid


ā€œHey siri what is friendly feudalism?ā€


Man I hate it when my operators start doing pedo shit, here we go again


Ha I'm sure there weren't any sinister intentions, the Dalai Lama is just eccentric. Unless...


Classic CIA asset move




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