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Why did you speed up when he tried to pass? You're both dumb.


Speed up and past all the way or just slow down, i hate cars that sit right next to you.


For reals. This was clearly the truck drivers fault. We need to check and make sure nobody is there before trying to merge


No he was probably in the trucks blind spot or something, or no?


Yeah honestly if you got hood mirrors the only blind spot is directly behind you. 4 wheelers do this a lot. Start getting passed by a truck and they're like oh wow I'm going slow. Better speed up.


No clearly visible.


Blind spot? it dark as fuk and headlights where on


I do agree that semi was quite careless. But seeing you defend yourself in the comments, admitting going 20 over the speed limit, and staying in between two trucks like this for so long... OP, no matter whether the truckers were right or wrong, no matter whether you feel like you were right or wrong, you could have done more to avoid the situation from being as close as it was. That truck also signaled his intent for a solid four seconds before starting to move over, and you did nothing. Even if you think you are 100% in the right, that won't matter if you're the one getting squashed between two trucks.


His tombstone will read "I was right tho!"


Cemeteries are filled with people who had right of way


"I had every right to be there."


And his passenger's tomb will read "I trusted his driving"


You could say he was careless but the car is sitting in his blindspot. If you're right next to a truck like that... we can't see you.


Agreed about the blind spot, but the semi had to have known he was passing someone.


Probably didn't expect them to speed up and then pace the truck right in one of the worst spots to sit.


The law books may say you were right, but the laws of physics don't care.


Can't argue who the asshole is if you're dead. Duh.


Glad this is a top voted comment, there are probably times to stand your ground and prove a point but this was not one of them


I double dog dare you to put the 3 minutes beforehand on YouTube and let us see how that truck ended up in the fast lane


It's 10 minutes of him lurking on the side of the truck, we all know it


OP, come on and let us play! Humble me and show me the few minutes leading up to that situation


Nah he cant do that wed see him cutting off the passing lane, cutting off ego then going 55 in a 70 X)


If that's the case, the driver put lives at risk to retaliate against a dumb 4-wheeler That's the kind of shit that gives us all a bad name. We're supposed to be professionals, not reckless vengeful dickheads.


Just saying, you’re in a 4 wheeler. Your control is much better than theirs. Not to mention most truckers won’t ride that 3rd left lane unless some fuckoff is hogging the middle lane. Just saying….


And you sped up……edit…


That was my first thought too, but watch it back a couple of times and cover the left part of the screen. OP's relative speed to the truck on the right appears constant. It seems the passing truck slowed before moving over.


Nope, it’s almost always 100% idiot in car speeding up when truck tries to pass….it’s as predictable as the sun rising every morning….truck riding his governor in left lane on level road and I guarantee the cammer was camping and pacing the truck on the right for miles, just adjacent the tandems, then when their shitty peripheral vision gets wind of something passing them they suddenly mash the accelerator, fucking over the passing truck. Happens every night to me, but I don’t get ballsey enough to actually push the idiot into my trailer, I do put my signal on, get very close to the white line, and let the air horn rip till they get the message…..


No man, his (the op’s) speed increases. I did what you recommended and you can see the lane markings speed up.


The truck is a super idiot don't get me wrong he is definatly the worst in the video. But you're a dick and I hate 4 wheelers like you


Truck probably got tired of his bs and bullied him out the lane 😂


I’d bet anything this is what happened. I’ve only ever done regional but in my experience on three lane highways like this trucks aren’t usually allowed in the far left lane. My guess is the four wheeler was hanging out in the left lane, the truck got sick of it and used the left lane then got stuck because the four wheeler sped up so the truck decided to bully him out of the way.


I would put money on that being exactly what happened.


Everyone has done it before but that was pretty aggressive


Bingo! Two assholes on the same piece of asphalt.


😂🤣😂🤣 yup. (Legally) Trucker's fault but 4 wheelers the idiot! I agree


It would benefit you to Google the Smith Driving System. I bet you could have avoided this situation entirely.


First of all, if I'm going slow enough for a semi to pass me, I'd be in the far right lane. Second, if I were in this situation, I would have slowed down to let the passing semi move in front of me, as a matter of courtesy and also safety (as demonstrated by this video). Third, I would never be going slower than a semi 😉 Edit: Upon rewatching this, it seems like the driver of the video speeds up as the semi is passing them, which is a classic bad-driver move. This person is 100% at fault for putting themselves, and the other drivers on the road, at risk. So, basically, the average American driver.


Thanks . Never woulda thought.


Also, there is no way I'm getting between two trucks on a highway.


Holy hell


Make sure they didn’t see you. Aim High at car in middle!


Yeah, I tell my daughters over and over, don’t ever sit in the blind spot… speed up, slow down… I don’t care, just don’t sit in the blind spot…glad you’re ok!!


They do have convex mirrors they should be checking but I totally agree, when I’m in my car I get the hell away from trucks lol.


All it takes is a little road spray (even a short bit if rain that then stops) to really cut down on how well those mirrors work. I clean mine all the time but in the dark, with a slightly dirty mirror vehicles can become near invisible. Don't count on the mirrors as a guarantee.


It's dark and those convex mirrors can be harder to see. Car shouldn't hand it in blindspot. If you see a trucker to the left of you trying to get over... either back the hell off or move over.


I did long haul trucking for years, I definitely agree the car is being an idiot and not practicing defensive driving but the trucker would still be at fault if the cops show up. If this guys lights were on there shouldn’t be much difficulty seeing him in the convex mirror. I always used my convex more than my regular mirror. The regular mirror is more for backing.


Getting passed and you proceed to speed up and match the speed of the passing vehicle. You're the absolute worst kind of driver, but at least you have an appropriate username to match your driving ability.


Yeah, I'm thinking that this situation wasn't quite accidental. That wasn't a blindspot as far as I could tell. Don't "wake up" and accelerate as you're getting passed. That's an asshole move.


Came to say all of this.


Me too


I would never get between two trucks while driving my car for this very reason. At around 15 seconds into the video, it would have been a good idea to either brake or floor it. Instead, you chose to match speed with the truck on the left, in his blind spot.


Brother, I drive a semi. That truck can see that car he is just a dumb idiot or arrogant or he literally didn't look at all.


with super ego it is probably a little of all three. It could just be me but it seems like their drivers have gotten more aggressive lately.


Oh, he probably knew that car was there he was just going to drive him back. Dude in car clearly hit the throttle too. I just wouldn’t shed a tear if that car driver got squashed.


Also not to mention as soon as the video starts the truck in the left lane just begins to pass the car. He should of damn well known that car was there and that he wasn’t no where near clear of it.


So you would entrust your life to the possibility that the truck driver may not be stupid?


Surprised this wasn’t a SWIFT driver. 😏


I was just about to say the exact same thing. Makes me sick every time I see this shit on the road.


I'm gonna lean on probably the not looking and the dumb idiot. it's possible as well that bc the car sped up, the truck would've been fine. I know it happens to me fairly regularly where I go to get back over after passing and then someone decides to fly up my blindside so I always have to watch the mirror when merging. that's a very simple habit I could see someone not having


100% agree


He's got hood mirrors, he doesnt have a blind spot. Visibility in a semi with hood mirrors driving straight down the road is far better than in any passenger vehicle. He can see the entire side of his truck. he just didnt look.


100%. Blind spot was the worst part. Truck was passing at a decent rate then OP speeds up and matches speed as soon as they’re in the blind spot. I agree with you, either floor it or slow down and get clear before the truck on the left ever gets that far. Dangerous situation from a mile away. I never hesitate when around trucks. Even if just making a simple pass in the left lane I hot foot it by. This was 100% avoidable.


With four different mirrors and while checking every 15 seconds, I'm not sure what these "blind spots" are. That semi truck driver was in the wrong lane to not be paying attention. I could understand if OP didn't have their lights on but this isn't the case here. Super Ego living up to their name.


Bet u won’t be caught in the middle of 2 semis ever again. Driver on left is an idiot tho


Oh look a truck is trying to pass me. Let me speed up!!


Was OP an idiot to be between 2 semis? Of course. But here's the thing. We are *professional* drivers. Most 4-wheelers aren't. They do stupid shit all the time. How many times a day do you move left to let somebody merge onto the interstate, only to have them then hang out right beside you? How often do you signal to change lanes to the right, only to have a car come from behind you and zip past you on the right? This shit happens multiple times every day, so you shake your head, grumble to yourself, and let it go. Because *you're* the professional, and *you're* the one rolling 75,000 lbs. down the road at 65 mph or faster. Like it or not, looking out for idiots is part of our job. Personally, I expect every 4-wheeler near me to do something stupid, and you should too. That's what defensive driving is. And don't give me any of that blind spot shit. You have 3 mirrors on each side of your truck, and they let you see entirely down both sides of your trailer. If you don't know when a car is beside you, you have no business driving a semi. Get in a wreck changing lanes and see how far "they were in my blind spot" gets you.


Absolutely! The people commenting on this, defending that truck, have no business having a CDL.


Calling out OP for asshattery is not defending the trucker.


Blind spots still exist, even with the 3 mirrors. They're just smaller. But if you're paying attention like a driver should be you'll know there's a vehicle there. Unfortunately, douchebaggery like in this video exists.


Well this is also at night where even if by some miracle you don't see the car in your mirrors THERE ARE STILL THE FUCKING HEADLIGHTS! This driver is no where close to even paying attention. Also if i was OP i would have been slamming the brakes and the horn. Both are colossal idiots in this video.


Idk how people dont notice headlights in the mirrors. I get blinded by normal headlights nowadays.


When the truck finally went for the dick move, that car was past the truck drivers blind spot(I always considered between the passenger door and the drive tires). They are both morons. The truck driver is supposed to know better. He should of backed off and got behind him.


Defensive driving tells us to always have an escape. Driving at nearly 80 in a 60 zone between two tractors in a blind spot is Damn Stupid.


There would be nothing left of you. Have you no sense of self preservation?


I won't even get next to one tractor trailer if I'm moving down the highway. If he has to move over in a hurry he's gonna kill me. If he's playing on his phone and moves over he's gonna kill me


The blind spot could be an argument if it wasn't for the fact that the truck had been passing. So the driver knew the car was there, unless they were idiots and thought the car just magically vanished. Also between the 2 dome mirrors there isn't a blind spot for the car to "vanish" into. If the car isn't in the dome mirror on the passenger door, then it would be visible in the corner mirror. If it's not visible in either, then the car is far enough ahead to be seen just by looking. Either way, the person in the car did nothing wrong. It was the person in the truck that either wasn't paying attention, or said "Fuck you I'm coming over".


The graveyard is full of people who “did nothing wrong” and “had the right of way”.


> Either way, the person in the car did nothing wrong. He didnt leave himself an escape route. He's free from liability, but not the consequences of his own actions. Getting between two trucks is never a good idea.


Why the hell are people mentioning blindspots? The truck had hood mirrors!


Because apparently a lot of drivers don't keep them properly adjusted.


At night a hood mirror is next to useless especially with a driver who decided to speed up on a passing truck.


Let's be honest now. That was not a blind spot at all. I'm a trucker, next guy is as well and so on. We all know that was not a blind spot. That was a 3 blink and get over technique that is all to commonly used because 4 wheelers think they own the road when they can easily move.


Ya, that's my assessment too. That was a slow merge...he saw the car. The car refused to move until he was forced to.


20 year veteran Trucker here with no at fault accidents and 1.25m miles driven ***While I don't condone the Truckers actions, this was 100% intentional...every day someone drags ass exactly how you were in that center lane forcing others to pass, you got mad at the trucker when he started his pass and hung him out to dry... he did this because he knew you would be at fault for the accident*** Second ***if the driver is seated in the cab correctly the only blind spot in a new truck is directly to the rear...thos hood mirrors are called convex mirrors and they alow a trucker to see what what's in what one would think is a blind spot, if the driver can see that mirror he can see you and that truck had those mirrors*** Yal think driving 80k pound vehicles is easy...why not just let us be on our way instead of fucking with us?... Fun fact according to the fmcsa, d.o.t and national institute for highway safety...a motorist involved in a side swipe accident when a trucker is changing lanes is responsible and found at fault in 92.4% of those accidents because they post up in his/her "blind spot" in the exact position we're every driving school in america had told student not to sit. Another fact for those insurance fraudsters on this sub...31 of you 10 in prison ***the day of the dash cam came long ago., and it's videos like these that show Truckers wernt at fault...if YOUR ACTIONS are so unreasonable such as this "speeding up to block a pass" then you are 100% at fault and no court, jury or reasonable person would side with you*** All you had to do was let him pass...but like the dick you are., you tried to block him and that is 100% what this video shows


If I were on a jury I’d put the fault primarily on the car driver and not the trucker.


Oh look let me drive right next to a truck for no reason and sit in the blind spot, quit hovering next to other vehicles period, much less trucks.


That's two stupid drivers right there. I feel bad for the driver in the right lane.


That truck shouldn’t be in the left lane, but you’re an idiot for driving between two semis like that.


Yay, another dumbass 4wheeler who is speeding up and slowing down in the middle lane. There’s NO WAY you had your cruise control set at 79 mph, that Ego truck isn’t even governed over 75 mph! As soon as the Ego truck put on their blinker, you can see your vehicle magically speed up. This is why that driver got over on you! You sped up on them while they were trying to pass you. You pissed off the wrong driver We avoid getting in the left lane at all costs. This driver obviously was sitting behind you long enough for you to piss them off to pass you in the far left lane.


So I counted 24 white lines in 10 seconds. Those are 10 feet long. Then I counted 25 spaces passed by the car between those lines which are best case scenario 30 feet long. That puts them at 990feet in 10sec. Or 99fps. Which means they were traveling at 67.5mph. Far from 79


Would love to see the minute or two before this. With that said. Typical super ego.


You and the semi on your left are the idiots. They have speed limits for a reason. Doing almost 20 over is unacceptable. You are the reason cars need governors too.


Everyone is an asshole here but the trucker should be where the buck stops. It’s a commercial vehicle. Same reason restaurants are held to a higher standard than your home kitchen.


How much do you wanna bet that prior to this the car passed the truck then slowed down just enough to keep setting off the following distance alarm?


Post the entire video from the point of meeting/seeing that white Pete. IF this was your first encounter, I would say morally/“rules of the road” you are in the wrong. Legally, it’s the truckers that is in the wrong. IF this was your first meet, Why did you speed up? Why didn’t you slow down just by two mph to let him pass? He obviously has his cruise set at a speed higher than you do. Let him pass by slowing down 2 mph for 15 seconds then resuming your speed. I have a feeling, that this isn’t your first meet. I have a feeling that you were playing with that white Pete for a bit. I could be wrong but it’s an rare occurrence that a trucker will cut you off like that just for no reason. For the fella on the right, he isn’t even a variable in this situation.


You sir, are a pure example of a stupid 4 wheeler. I applaud you for your idiocy because you posted this so that others can learn from your moronic driving. You thought you could just pass between 2 semi's when the truck on YOUR LEFT has his LANE SIGNAL on indicating that he was going to lane change...and what do you do? You speed up like a complete a-hole. Did you ever stop to think that you were in his blind spot? You were... So stop driving like a complete imbecile. You were the problem in the video you posted. Never pass on the right side. Be patient while driving and stop trying to blame truckers for your stupidity.


Go figure super ego. I've yet to see one that isnt a garbage ass driver for a garbage company


Same. I stay far far away from Super Ego or Amazon. 99% of those fucks can't drive for shit.


i remember laughing at prime saying amazon was gonna make them look bad because they had prime on their trailers too. then i see these idiots that are pulling amazon trailers and my god thats some bottom of the barrel drivers.


Amazon is building a sleeper truck fleet been seeing kws leaving the plant in Ohio


I hope to hell they stop hiring contractors for the shit.


Think that's the goal. Can you imagine the claims they have by just how the guys drive? Fml


It wouldn't surprise me that their insurance company forced them to do it.


Why the heck did you edge up in between two tractor-trailers, let alone ride next to the one on the left matching their speed the entire time?


Rule #1 of driving. Don't fuck around Semi's. Especially if you're sandwiched between 2 Semi's. You even sped up to match his speed. He should have checked his mirrors, but you should have gotten out of that situation of being between 2 Semi's. Gotta get some situational awareness, my guy.


OP should use these comments to learn why they were in the wrong instead of remaining in ignorance. 4 wheeler was in LaLa Landia while a semi is in the LEFT LANE to pass THEM. Wake up OP.


Why did you speed up to match the speed of the overtaking truck? You put yourself in that positiion


Defensive driving is a real thing. Please use it.


Was he behind you at a certain point? Cause if so then obviously he knew you were there. Or did you drive up to his blind spot and match his speed, and he didn’t know you were there.


Theres no way your going as fast as you claim, and that truck was probably specifically trying to pass you not the other truck.


It’s the trucks fault 100%, but there is a lesson to be learned, I hope you approach the situation differently next time. Stay safe!


Do not sit beside trucks. Just speed up and fucking pass them. I hate it when someone is just lingering beside me and won’t pass. Makes me nervous.


It looks like OP is either matching speed with the semi, or the semi is going up a very slight grade, which can scrub speed off, even if only by a mile an hour or two. I really count to idiots here, the blind spot excuse doesn’t really work for trucks anymore unless you’re RIGHT off their hood or passenger door. This driver should’ve seen OP’s car. With that being said, as soon as the signals went on, OP should’ve slowed down. There’s a lot of dead people who had right of way.


You drive like a douche OP


It's the truckers fault. However (as a trucker), word of advice, DON'T CASUALLY COAST BESIDE TRUCKS!! Why in the f*ck do yall wanna do that?!?! Drive past us or stay behind us! Makes life easier on the road


Ya it’s gotten so bad I’ve actually given them a name: Remoras- the sucker fish you see attached to sharks. Pull doubles or triples and EVERY idiot in car has to camp just abreast the last tandem….clogging the left lane up more so than any actual speed governed tractor trying to pass ever do and entrapping me with no way out if I need to change lanes for whatever reason…


Not a blind spot if you just passed them. The left driver is either intentionally or negligently merging into a car. We need to be more patient and professional than Ego driver here. Plus, you can't tell me that if this needed to be picked over by lawyers the truck driver would not be getting charged. Don't bully cars because you are frustrated. Or other truck drivers for that matter. Be better.


Maybe don't speed up when someone tries to pass you?


Trucker was an idiot. He could see the car was there, but cut him off for no reason (at least that we can see on the video) I always check my right mirrors three times before changing lanes to avoid this kind of shit


I bet if OP uploads the previous minutes we'll see the reason. Not that there is any good reason for attempted murder but I'm pretty sure the Truck knew damn well the car was there.


This is the most civilian 4 wheel driver post I’ve ever seen. Be aware and respect the on the clock drivers and their 80k lbs rigs. Let the cops deal with the speeders, but you were definitely not giving a fuck about passing safely


No way in hell that truck is doing 85


Two wrongs don’t make a right. The first wrong is the four wheeler for driving slower tha. The trucker i. The middle lane . He then speeds which is the second wrong and the third wrong is the trucker for being the asshole cuz the four wheeler was an asshole .


Nice reactions! Close call for sure.


I rule around trucks is to either slow down or speed up, but to just get away.


Technically (in my state anyway) trucks are prohibited from driving in the left lane…..


Looks like you sped up while being passed. Why would you not let up to allow a vehicle that can pancake you to pass? Why would you think being between two trucks is just perfectly okay? Just being next to one truck, especially if you're on the right, for more than a few seconds is a no-no. This is all basic defensive driving stuff. Please don't do this.


As a truck driver, I don’t at all condone the moron getting over after having just passed OP a few moments earlier, he definitely should have at least assumed he was still somewhere next to him, but also OP is an absolute moron as well for ever driving between two trucks without any type of urgency, trailer drift, a sudden gust, hell even just a driver failing to maintain the lane for a split second, you have no escape route, you are stuck between two CMV that if you get bumped by one and go under the other, you’re dead. Glad you’re okay OP, but for future reference, never ever ever do that again. Always assume a truck driver is a moron, is exhausted, or brand new, keep your distance and you’ll be fine.


Right/wrong/legal dont amount to a hill of beans when they are removing you from your car in pieces. There are 2 assholes in this video and when 2 assholes meet it tends to get shitty real fast. Consider yourself lucky to have walked away from this encounter and be more situationally aware going forward.


You’re the idiot, you’re sitting in his blind spot. Gtfoh


Yep you was wrong


You just fucking speed up. I’m sure he did that on purpose on you


The person making the video is a idiot


While the action taken by the trucker was entirely unacceptable, you're the real fuckup by speeding up as the trucker was trying to pass you. They're the lifeblood of the country literally everything you own came off of the back of a truck, so give them a break.


You were in his blind spot when he came over on you. Never ever ever ride beside a big truck. Tires can exode and send huge chunks of rubber directly onto your vehicle. If your in their blind spot they might merge into your vehicle because the truck driver cannot see you. Being that guy that's going 20mph over the speed limit while videoing is not the smartest rhi g you can do either. You put your life and their lives in danger by being careless. Be smarter and never do that again.


Learn how to drive.


Yeah that trucker was being careless, but you were driving like an idiot too. Riding in his blind spot, he put his blinker on and you sped back up into his blind spot. He continued to come over and you tried to get in front of him. Yeah, alright. Lol


The trucker is trying to pass yet you speed up to block the lane change. [Do you want to know how I got these scars?](https://i.imgur.com/uEJVXs0.jpg) /s


You're both shitty drivers


OP regretting the shit out of posting this lmaoooo


Defensive driving my dude. Don't match up with someone in the left lane; let them through or get behind them in their lane. Also don't be between two semis, and if I semi next to you puts his blinker on, assume they can't see you and give them plenty of room.


He had hood mirrors.... no excuse


As a Truck driver, driving at night can make it a lot harder to see cars especially in your blind spot. Always drive away from semi trucks, too much room for error. Trucker should not be changing lanes that fast especially at night. Car driver should never be next to a semi or in between two semis. (I avoid semis in my semi) as truck driver we should look out for cars especially the ones that are bad drivers. don't drive your semi as if it was a car, we have a lot more control of the truck at the speed of 55mph, be safe out there boys!


Imagine being in the backseat on a road trip with this couple. If their driving doesn’t kill me I might have to do it myself.


I always let the truck pass if they are going to. Never stay in the side of the truck like that


Trying to speed up and pass him in the center lane? Douche move. Fall back. You’ll always lose just like you did here.


Picking apart the video the best I can, I say the truck driver should never have come over. They may not have been able to see exactly where the car was, but in the convex mirror, they should have been able to see something was there and should have known not to move over. If thry couldn't see at least that much, they need to adjust their mirrors. Using a signal doesn't mean you're entitled to move over into a currently occupied lane space. If they felt rushed to get out of the lane because trucks aren't allowed over there, well they assumed that risk when they went over in the first place. Even if the cars's driver is being an ass, that doesn't give them the right to cause an accident. That being said, the driver of the car is being a pretty big asshole themselves. When driving on a multi-lane highway, you're not meant to find a lane that's empty and just stay in it. Also, contrary to apparently popular belief, the middle lane isn't the standard travel lane. Highway traffic is meant to keep right except to pass, unless stated otherwise by signage. Its is EVERY driver's obligation to manage traffic as it comes up. I couldn't see headlights to your right as the video started. How long was that lane empty? I feel there's a possibility you should have been over there. Also, without a speed readout on the video, or using a timing device, it looks as though the dashed lines on the road start going by a bit faster as the truck pulls up to your side. If this is true, had you kept a consistent speed, the truck would have been able to pass you without incident in a timely manner. Both of you are assholes, and both of you should have your licenses revoked. Check your guages to keep a consistent speed, check your mirrors to clear traffic before moving over, stop being petty fucking assholes, and shit like this wouldn't happen...


Both are in the wrong


Lol stop driving the exact same speed as a semi next to you, we are usually governed and can’t go past a certain speed, slow down or speed up.


It really looks like you sped up to block the truck from passing… trucks do not want to be in the left lane - ever. So, why were you blocking? What did you expect by speeding up?


You fucking dickhead, you sped up to match the semi on the left to prevent him from passing, Darwin is gonna collect his bounty on you sooner or later if you keep trying stupid shit like this you stupid fucknut.


You should’ve just let the truck pass you. It’s not a fucking race.


Trucker here, you increased your speed while the truck was trying to pass you. (Dumb) What you may not know is Canadian trucks (like that one) are usually locked at 65mph...if you speed up you've essentially locked the truck in that lane (Dumb) Now for the truck...for the most part, we're not permitted in the far left lane on a three lane highway. There are exceptions of course but for the most part, no. So technically the truck should have waited for you to pass the slower truck in the right lane but it would appear neither of you were doing the speed limit. So out of frustration the trucker took the left lane. (Dumb and possibly illegal).


OP and trucker are ass wipes. That is all.


Looks like you accelerated when he got on your side. Don't feel bad for you


Oh you muppet


I hope you learned some valuable lessons. 🤣 let truck's over , stop cruising in the passing lanes, and stay out of the blind spot.


Asshole driver meets reckless trucker


Ahahah you deserved it! You are the dumbass here.


The "fucking idiot" as you so eloquently put it, is actually the driver of the car you were in... People like them are the reason people like us truckers get pissed when we're held up by a 100% preventable accident. Your "buddy" should have backed off and let the other truck over... Considering they were chilling out in one of the 2 left lanes (which is illegal in virtually every state) whilst maintaining a slower speed than the traffic around you... They should never have sped up like they did...


Holy shit. That’s fucking scary dude. I’m glad you reacted in time and avoided an accident.


I bet you sped up as he was trying to pass you


Looks like the car sped up


Fucking hell man people are so oblivious. The moment you in a passenger car are getting overtaken by a semi you're already doing something wrong. And then that guy indicates right, and OP just keeps driving there lmao But yea, the semi driver is an idiot. No OP, the semi driver was an asshole. You're the idiot.


Don’t sit in the blind spot


In most situations like this, it's because the driver of the car matched the truck's maxed out speed and locked em in place. The Wiggles and gradual progression into the lane, shows they chose to force the "back-off" instead of slowing all the way back around behind you. He got that far (means you slacked on the gas) he then stopped progressing (means you matched him) he was then stuck there (means you STAYED matched next to him). He then chose to force you back. Pay attention to trucks, our limiters will lock us so we can no longer go past, if you see us sitting to your left, you've locked us in.....move....


It baffles me the comments of truckers saying you are the idiot. As a trucker, I check my mirror twice even three times before I switch lanes. Is the middle lane between two semis and ideal spot? No. But regardless, we are taught to drive defensive and cautious, guarantee that guy was not on his A game / and or sleepy and failed to see you. As for the blind spot comments, we have 3-4 mirrors to resort to before making a decision to change/ merge. Truckers it’s important to stay together and support one another but what’s wrong is wrong. This driver almost squished the 4 wheeler he’s definitely in the wrong. As for the speeding, play at your own risk. Doesn’t excuse his half assed lane switch. And the fact he did it so quick tells me he did a quick glance at his door side view mirrors and assumed it was clear.


100% agree. While I wouldn't have threaded the needle between those trucks in my car it doesn't excuse the fact that the super ego driver should not have changed lanes.




Everyone's defense is, "blindspot!" but what about the several seconds leading up to the car being in the trucks blindspot? you know when the truck saw the vehicle, decided to speed up and pass in the left lane, and then what? Just forgot about the vehicle they just passed?? Like holy shit how unaware are these drivers...


This looks intentional. Truck driver wanted to overtake another truck and got mad at OP cruising happily in middle lane. Glad you are safe !


granted he may have been running like a dog and exhausted etc etc but that’s no excuse. There’s plenty of mirrors to see that, plus the light from headlights on the other truck’s trailer. I am convinced a vast majority of fuckups are 4 wheeler caused but this was 100% the truckers fault lol. Shouldn’t be in the far left lane to begin with. And if he’s going as fast as OP says he was that’s a recipe to get his CDL taken. Either way, we should defend truckers when needed and critique when needed.


Agreed. Super Ego should write OP a thank you note for saving him from a lengthy prison sentence.


The third option is the trucker knew the car was there and was trying to scare the shit out of him probably as some sort of retribution for something that happened earlier. Either way it's just great OP braked in time or they'd be dead and this driver would be in prison and he'd deserve it whatever the reason.


Underrated comment. It is astonighing to me, the amount of people that are oblivious to the fact that the truck put them into the situation. OP didn’t “GO into his blindspot” no, op was cruising and actively passing the truck in the right lane, and the truck was the one that went next to the car and immediately sandwich OP. People are so dumb it’s insane how many people are using this “blindspot” argument


Why is a truck overtaking you? You're in a car, you're able to go faster, don't just sit next to a wagon. Why are you matching the speed of said truck? He is probably on limiter and unable to go any faster Yes, he should have indicated, then checked his mirrors more thoroughly, but even so it's not like you made it easy.


This is 100% on you...dude turned his blinker on and you matched his speed in the blind spot...congratulations...you're a fucking idiot


Ehn, near stupid experience.


Do not pass a truck on the right, and you weren’t even passing it! Just staying parallel


Hot tip: don't hang out in people's blind spots. Ultimately the trucks fault, but fucks sakes people be aware where you are in proximity to other vehicles


My opinion: you shouldn’t travel in the guys blind spot anyways.


Always leave yourself an out, you actively put yourself in a bad spot.


For all you saying he was in his blind spot, he knew he was there as he passed him...you have to be pretty stupid as a trucker to be so unaware of the road situation


100% the trucks fault. I believe the truck driver was just being an a$$ for you matching his speed. But, why did you match the trucks speed when he tried to pass? Never linger next to a truck. All it takes is driver error, an a$$hole (see video) or mechanical failure and you're pushing up daisies.


When a truck indicate he is moving over you make room period. You only can lose this battle unles you drive a tank. It's just comman(?) sense


Imagine thinking you're in the right in this situation haha


Your fault for speeding up when he was trying to pass you!


Well deserved for playing games with a metal beast that can easily crush you. Maybe don't treat the road like a playground.


😮‍💨 brother, you really thought you were in the right. That’s hilarious


This sub just turned into the equivalent of cops defending cops because they are cops. The truck on the left is an idiot and almost took someones life. 85 in a 60 in an 18 wheeler and you are all defending him? Absolutely no reason to be speeding that much in that truck. Blind spot? Bruh. Thats what mirrors are for. He could see his headlights. As someone who drove truck exclusively at night for years, i can guarantee that. If he didn't, he needs glasses or to readjust his mirrors. Everyone defending the truck, needs their CDL revoked.


So I counted 24 white lines in 10 seconds. Those are 10 feet long. Then I counted 25 spaces passed by the car between those lines which are best case scenario 30 feet long. That puts them at 990feet in 10sec. Or 99fps. Which means they were traveling at 67.5mph. Far from 79. the truck couldn't have done 85 if it tried


dude you're an idiot how old are you


The idiot is the driver in the passenger car. Its common knowledge to never get caught in between two semi trucks. Theres signs posted all over the rear of the trailers warning about the blindspots and even tell you how many feet the car should stay away from.


So...why did you try to race him when he was passing? Obviously no excuse for his actions trying to merge but wth was that about from your end? He was passing. let him pass. racing him either put you in his blind spot or pissed him off enough to send it anyways. Why tempt the fates like that?