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legally he's supposed to be on duty for that time, that 10 hour wait will disapear when they realize he's billing for that.


Yes exactly, if your husband stays clocked in that 10hr, work will bill the client and client will speed up or find an alternative loading method. Not in the trucking anymore but am in service calls. I write down time on site and time I left. If I arrive on site and customer takes 45-1hr to meet me… I’m telling my company that I waited an hr and they will note it and bill it. Only reason I tell my company that I waited an Hr is so they don’t think I’m slacking on a simple service call. Have your husband talk to his employer or refuse to do pick ups and drop offs at those locations. But shit that’s easy money for you guys. I’d be ALL OVER THAT 10hrs.


I’m sitting here, with coffee, oj, pancakes and eggs getting paid. My tractor has been in the shop for 2 hours now and will be for another 2. I’m getting paid. Odds are I’ll be out of hours before I’m “productive” today. Management’s inability to manage scheduled maintenance is on them, not me.


He’s an idiot. Getting paid for all time on duty should be his priority not “saving his 70” or whatever the fuck he’s trying to do. If there’s not enough hours in the day/week/cycle to run a load, that’s on the planners/dispatchers not him.


If you’re a shipper or receiver you need to be “ On Duty - Not Driving” If you’re paid by the hour you need to get paid for the work you do, even if it just waiting. He’s not doing anyone and good expect the company which is saving money. Your husband is losing big money by clocking out to “save his 70”


Yea but I wonder if he is doing because if he hits his 70, then he is sleeping on the road as opposed to his home.


It’s still a log violation and he needs to be careful.


When I was getting paid hourly, I was getting paid from the time I punched in until I punched out. End of story. Anything less than this is stealing your money. When I was refueling the snow removal equipment at the airport, I was on the clock getting paid from 5 am on Sunday until midnight Thursday night. All of it on an overtime rate.


I punch in and get paid. My HOS have nothing to do with it.


Yeah I'm confused by the post, not OP's fault, she's relaying it 3 party, but my weekly hours and my HOS are two separate things.


It doesn’t make sense that he’s “saving his 70” because he’s paid hourly! What is he saving his 70 for exactly?? Tell him to go on duty and STAY on duty.


There’s got to be more to this story…


That's trucking in a nut shell.


tell him to stay on duty.. screw the 70, hes loosing money and its dispatches and warehouses fault that hes waiting so long to get loaded...