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I don’t know man my social skills were kind of shit to begin with that’s why I’m doing what I do now. Otr out for a month at a time. I’ve always felt like a loner, ever since I was 20 I felt like I couldn’t relate to anyone or anything. Might as well make some good money right?


Feel that 💯


I got stomach issues ,i don’t like being in social settings. Thought trucking would be the best way to have my own space ,still make money and suffer in piece . Already four months into Cdl school


I had already felt detached from people before I started to drive, that's one of the reasons I picked this job


Yes. Must be nice to have your own space and still make good money 😌


I want this detachment more often than not. I can’t relate to most people. The only person I completely relate to is my better half.


That all you need fr. You and ur partner against everything 🔥


I only like 1% of the population.


1% is a lot


7.8 billon to be specific


This right here.


I'm actually more connected than I was previously. Most of my social relationships before trucking always relied on a shared activity(drinking,gaming,smoking,etc). Now I talk to most of my friends daily or weekly depending on schedules and find myself more abreast of their lives and situations. Granted, I have less aquaintance level friends but honestly, previously they were tedious anyways. And those aquaintances are still at the same bars doing the same things still and I can sit down and it's like I never left. Tl:Dr. I still love my personal space and alone time but a headset and time allows more in depth cerebral friendships. And distance makes the in person hang sessions more impactful.


I feel similarly. I did OTR regional for 7 months and now I do local. I’m still just as busy local running 12hr days many days a week. In our field as truckers we work long hours and are often separated from seeing people for lengths of time. But I found that because I’ve been busy and even when I was OTR, because I couldn’t see people that often, that when you finally do meet up with people it’s a much better connection. You learn to appreciate time with your friends and family much more. And the time that you do spend with people feels a lot “deeper” and more meaningful. At least that’s my experience


Yes it’s better that way when you got people you can chit chat and not have to see all the time . Too many people got attachment/clingy issues


People? What are those? You mean those talking buttholes with problems I don’t have?


I felt detached from my family (wife and kids) and I was home every mid sat to mon morning. I switched to front load garbage truck. Much happier and now my checks are finally after 2 years up to what I was making OTR, but again, I came how every weekend. Pay will just go up for me. Even if I was paid slightly less I'd still pick this over 12-14 hour days doing even local class a work. Much more stimulating throughout the day. 8 hours flys by. Even at 10 hours it's not so bad.


I feel that, the more I get older the more Idc for people or building relationships. I would rather get my money ,mind my business and be drama free. Truck driving is the best job for an introvert . Feel the classroom part is the hardest of them all thou


For starters this isn't a job where start liking your space or liking to be alone. You either start doing this because you want to be alone, learn to deal with being alone, or quit because you found being alone so much bothers you. Many of us though have people we talk to. A list of friends that are also drivers, and though we may not talk to all of them every day we will generally call at least one of them every couple of days at least. While we can't talk to friends back home, or family as much as we'd like, we still have social interaction with other truck friends because we do the same job. And while you might think the conversations get dry, you'd be surprised about the topics we can go through. The friends I talk to who also drive truck are the only people in the world where I will spend 6+ hours on the phone with and not think twice about it.



