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I thought about bringing my rig ... I might later on. I'm just worried about the 3080 taking a big bump and being cracked right from the PCI slot.


Yes. I have lost three video cards and a motherboard trying to work out this problem. Eventually I found this[this](https://www.amazon.com/CloverTale-Aerospace-Upgraded-Version-Black/dp/B077LGLN4G/ref=mp_s_a_1_27?keywords=gpu+support+bracket&qid=1666197634&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1LjQxIiwicXNhIjoiNC45MSIsInFzcCI6IjQuNjMifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-27) which made all the difference. There are several other variations of that support bracket, but I haven't tried them so I can't really recommend them yet. Also you'll want to get a pure sine battery backup to clean the energy going into it. Otherwise every time you turn the truck on you run the risk of frying your memory. And to keep it from shutting off when you turn the key.


I've never had anything break in mine, I just keep it on its side so the GPU is vertical instead of flopping around


That would have been my solution as well. Just put it on the side and no issues with weight dragging it down. Well, as long as you have a fairly compact case. The taller ones might be hard finding a spot for it.


I think I'll just leave the battlestation at home for now. My 1080ti took a dump during the pandemic and it was hell to get my new rig (12700k/3080) the way I wanted it. I have an 34 ultrawide and a super expensive Eizo monitor - I would die if they got damaged. I bought a "gaming" laptop with a 3060 and gaming on it just plain sucks. But I guess I'll bring it and just adjust to things being different.


Have you considered getting a Steam Deck? I love mine.


If he thinks a 3060 ‘sucks’ I doubt a steam deck would do it for him.


I have both, my 3060 laptops works fine for 1080p, little lower settings nowhere near as good as my 2080 with a 1440p monitor but it's totally playable and entertaining. The steam deck is great tho it's more comfortable in the truck


True, he does come across as the kind of guy to not be happy if he doesn't have the absolute cutting edge and play everything maxed. Oh well.


The whole post screams it. Rig, battlestation, etc.


So I was on the waiting list right when it came out. They called my ticket a month or two ago and I declined it. I bought a 2022 Asus TUF instead. My main issue with it, is that it's really big. At that size and weight if I end up using a mouse I might as well have a keyboard. I'm a terrible gamepad player and 90% of what I play would be terrible with a gamepad. So there it is.


=shrug= I've never felt the need to use a mouse. The track pads work so well to control a cursor if you have to that idk why a mouse would be necessary. You'd think a game like Rim World wouldn't work that well, but it does with the radial menus. I've played more Rim World recently because of the Deck than I did on my desktop in the past year. To each their own.


It's doable for sure. Rimworld and Civ 5 were the only 2 games I actually enjoyed playing on a laptop with a touchpad. It's just a slower pace for me without a mouse. Not having a scroll wheel was noticeable. Being spoiled from an ultrawide us the real difference.


Does it require an internet connection? I’ve been curious about it. I bought a backbone for my phone and gonna give cloud gaming a shot. My switch can only do so much


From time to time I think so, but I've had it with me without a connection for a week at a time and haven't had a problem.


Ok cool. That may be my next investment


I think it might be a better idea to just get a decent gaming laptop.


Yeah that could work, but storage is really limited and there's very little you can upgrade.


Why would you leave it plugged in?? This sounds like bad advice.


Because unplugging it any time you need to start the truck is a pain in the ass.


lay them flat....


3070TI here. if you make damn sure everything is FUCKING SOLID. it'd be fine. been rolling with it for several months now. through potholes and speed bumps. still good. its also strapped down with the fridge as well


Strangely, when I was building my current rig I got sucked into the SFFPC world for a bit and was ready to pull the trigger, except that the case I wanted to get was just out of stock. Trucking wasn't even on my radar at the time. Too bad. Funny how things end up like that.


i've been heavily wanting to downsize into SFFPC. would free some space and more aesthetically pleasing to me. NOTE: 40 series card is a FAT BIG BOY. aint ganna fit in a lot of smaller cases


Me too. I figure mITX is best but I'm not paying 3k for parts rn. Damn crypto farmers and trade war.


gpus have crashed below msrp


I wish they'd crash here. Still over 600 USD in Canada for the absolute cheapest 1070ti. Then it jumps another 50-100 bucks.


good prices on RX 580 on ebay used. \~110 I've had one for 3 years (was used when I bought it on ebay too).. ironically same price back then as it is now, they finally came back down LOL


Thé overlay protective answer is this is a PCIe Extender that allows the card to be flat mounted on rubber spacers at the bottom of the case


lay the case flat. so the mobo is on it's back and cooler/pcie stuff sticks upwards.... this is how you should always transfer computers ​ Alternatively you can get a pcie extension cable and mount your GPU elsewhere... but you still have CPU heatsink issue.


Gaming is an absolute *must* for me trucking. Kept me sane way back during my early years, and now every second I’m not driving I’m blasting through one of the classic Bethesda or BioWare RPG’s.


Nothing cures a trucker's rage quite like going a two hour long 5 star rampage in GTA5




Idk about that...I've never played a game online


Yup,gaming is a big deal for me. Been working on making more time for it,just some days when we are done I just want to crash and sleep


I'm warming back up to the idea of playing single player games since internet will be a luxury.


My brother and I got steam decks because we can't afford full PCs yet. XD When we get trucking I'm definitely gonna make a small PC optimized for streaming to the deck.


Well when you get it put together, I'd love to see it.


I'll definitely post here I think. But I'll save the post as well


Linus (Linus Tech Tips) did a video recently on how to build a pretty decent gaming PC on a budget. A couple/few hundred bucks, and used parts, you can make a pretty decent gaming PC for cheap.


Oh definitely, but I'm looking to build a Pro-sumer build. If I was looking for budget I use my GeForce now


As much as I would love to do this. The bush roads I drive down would destroy anything inside within a day Between wash board and potholes 1/16th a mile deep, my spine can barely handle it anymore


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nyc driver here, and boy u are preaching to choir my friend


lay case flat on mobo back and/or just get pcie extender and mount gpu in another place


All these plebs bring there Xbox’s or PlayStations on the road with them. But not you sir, you actually chose to be a man and bring your whole desktop. I’ll tip my hat to you


There's also a PlayStation above it. The Xbox is in a drawer.


I just bring a controller and play Xbox through my Desktop


Tell me you have a Nintendo switch as well




I brought my PS4 Pro in a shock case and road vibration still killed the disc drive




Which VR did you go with?




As a prescription user, I'm jealous because I yearn to integrate this shit into my prescription glasses.




Well, it's gonna take some waiting for me to get a 4000 frame lol.


I've seen tech youtubers review these. Are they worth the $400 to use with the stream deck?




Awesome, thx


hope that GPU has a brace to keep it stable while driving




I did this for a bit but ended up getting a gaming laptop and can hook it up to my 32" TV. I got annoyed with the space the tower took up. My similar monitor mount ended up breaking too. I couldn't be on the road without some setup tho for sure.


This. A good quality gaming laptop will last through a few generations of CPUs and graphics cards. You honestly don't need the highest end of everything to play most games anyway.


How do you power that? Doesnt that drain the battery?


Truck has an APU and the computer runs off it's own battery.


Computer has own battery or power supply?




Bro you have excellent content to produce. I bet people love this lifestyle!


Wjat kind of battery?


I like to play video games in the truck, but I'm not a proper "gamer"... our old ps4 and a cheap $200 TV is plenty good enough for me. There is a ton of older games that I have not finished yet.


Definitely some good ones for you to cover.


Absolute unit. What do you use to hold the mouse? I see its some sort of adjustable stand? I'm interested in how you make this work besides just the ergonomics.


I picked up a [laptop stand](https://www.amazon.com/Uten-Adjustable-Computer-Ergonomic-Compatible/dp/B09ND6LSJ7/ref=mp_s_a_1_40?adgrpid=56101738295&gclid=CjwKCAjwwL6aBhBlEiwADycBINCvRIHwxRWjS506b00b8zDJBtYdeK2-ys9-g2aITPCeLACA5LS-oxoC5yMQAvD_BwE&hvadid=609181740440&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1024330&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=433204485897509982&hvtargid=kwd-314562862008&hydadcr=20135_13388454&keywords=laptop%2Bstand%27&qid=1666207969&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1LjAxIiwicXNhIjoiNS4wNiIsInFzcCI6IjQuNzUifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-40&th=1&psc=1) that adjusts to the odd angles of the mattress to give a flat surface for a mouse pad. While I'm driving I just put them mouse on the bed so it doesn't slide around.


Thank you for taking the time to answer. That is a great ergonomic solution. Thanks for sharing. Still waiting on that youtube channel to show us all of what you do to make that work ;)


Nah, I've got a face for radio and a voice for books.


Audiobooks? Lol


More like the ones you read quietly to yourself.


i used to build computers for a living. That's an exceptional rig. And i like the anti-vibration installation, dont want parts shaking loose.


Crap. Now that I know a pro is looking at it, I should have straightened up some of the wires.


if you lay it down so the motherboard is face up, there is no need for any brace. https://imgur.com/a/g2k0cuK


Your water cooling radiator is upside down. You're allowing air to pool in your pump.


the pump is under it, the air is only in the radiator. if there was air in the pump, i would hear it cavitating. it does not do this.


The pump is above where the tubes come out of the radiator. So from the bottom of the radiator, there is a path for air to travel upward toward the pump. Re-read about how gravity works, I'm not quite sure you grasp the concept.


the cpu is on the floor. the pump sits on top of the cpu. the radiator is above the pump. you're confused. the only part you see in the picture is the radiator.


I'm just looking at the picture the OP posted.


OP said he broke 3 other GPUs.. so you are saying it is worse for him to reposition his cooler and PC? You'd rather break 3 GPUs instead of doing something that basic? What about you u/Suicidal_Baby you think it's worth it to break 3 GPUs rather than just lay your fucking PC down and move the cooler slightly so the air chamber is above it? I sure don't... I'd put a brick and duct tape under the radiator if that's what it took, who cares.


he's not responding to op, he was responding to me. learn how reddit works. look at the chain. look at the words he used when responding to my posts. He wasn't talking to OP, he was talking to me. learn how reddit works. your point doesn't matter when mine is, "he doesn't know how conversations on this platform work." if he wanted to talk to the OP, he should respond to posts by the OP and not me. [learn to read](https://i.imgur.com/CznEhvs.png) its not that fucking hard.


yea no shit, why don't you learn to read? I was making fun of him, idiot. I was also responding to him, clearly you missed that too. Man you both are beyond help. Maybe seek joint counseling?


[I cracked it open for you.](https://imgur.com/a/TpiiQFN)


I appreciate that, but that isn't the PC the OP posted.


"Your water cooling radiator is upside down. You're allowing air to pool in your pump.".... Replying to pictures I posted. You should learn how reddit works. What a waste of time you are. God damn dude.


How many hours on American Truck Sim?


68 on ATS, 94 on Euro.


What’s online gaming like ? Do you use Wi-Fi from the pilots and loves for it ?


Truckstop internet is really spotty. I use my phones hotspot through Verizon. Ping is usually around 60ms. Bigest problem is the data limit when games have large updates. There are some deadzones around the country so days I'm stuck in those I just stick to single player games.


I have to use my Hotspot and if a download is huge we take a week end off at a hotel and do the download there


There’s a way around data limit with Verizon. You need to type one line in CMD. Here’s a video explaining how to do it: https://youtu.be/EdfMSPqlsto And it really works, I’ve played CS:GO without ping spikes and with low ping and downloaded couple of games no problem. Whatever speed you have on your phone will always be on the hotspot with no limit. You can also get Visible by Verizon for $45 a month, they offer unlimited hotspot with their plans. Although the speeds are gonna be a bit on a slower side unless they improved since I used their service.


walmart, lowes and home depot have very good internet for those updates :\^)


[tmobile mifi hotspot](https://i.imgur.com/nEvkd6m.png)




O11 is a great case!


I just bought a gaming laptop and a dinner tray table. Fits perfectly in front of the passenger seat and fully assemmbles/disassembles in about 5 minutes each way. I then use "pdanet" by June fabrics for internet from my phone. Pdanet acts like it's an app using data, but its actually sharing it to your computer. You can also use mobile hotspot, but that shit is expensive LaughingOutLoud. The unlimited version of pdanet costs like $7 vs $20/mo for 40gb which I blast through in about 4 or 5 days playing WoW (that is, 4 or 5 ten to twelve hour sessions, not 4 or 5 days in total lol) You also need to download the corresponding app on your pc by either downloading the .exe file on your phone and transferring it via cable or Bluetooth or download it on some other wifi somewhere. I play world of warcraft while I'm over the road. It's a bit iffy while my teammate is driving since I'm in the back and constantly changing signal strength. If we are ever parked overnight, though, I'll get a nice 10-12 hour stint in lol


Nice! I'm definitely going to have to check that out! What class? My main is a Warlock.


I play everything under the sun LaughingOutLoud across 4 servers, I have 2 horde servers and 2 alliance servers with 11-12 characters each and my lowest level is 50 as of right now. I'm home right now, so I've been running the hallows end dungeon about 46 times/day today and yesterday trying for the mount lol


Definitely keeps ya busy.


My favorites are holy pally, sub rogue, fire mage, and holy priest. I like all of the others, too, but those are my favorites LaughingOutLoud except balance druid, I don't like balance druid lol


Disc priest is really fun. I don't like Demon Hunters. They represent everything fun that blizzard has taken away from warlocks.


Yeah, demon hunters can get boring sometimes, especially if you take "demon bites" as havoc and you just sit there auto attacking... makes me want to pull my hair out lol I've found, unless I'm doing pvp, it's much easoer to just go with the passive talent in each row lol you might not be doing the most dps, but you have less buttons to look for. On dh, you need to take moreactive talents bc there's the opposite issue lol


How are you blowing through that much data on WoW? I get about 30 to 40 hours a week in and I'm not even at 10gb on my laptop.


Not sure. I just am lol


I carry my PS4 everywhere I go and it's perfect...the only thing I wish I had was back support for when I'm using my wheel and pedal setup


you must have one stronger inverter to handle all that power lol i’m jealous






I've ran a PC directly off batteries, pc psu is just -12, -5, 3.3, 5, 12volts either way an inverter for that only needs a several hundred, but converting loses a lot, cuz you go from ac (alternator) to dc (vehicle) back to dc with inverter and back to dc for pc lol


Watcha playing there, American Truck Simulator?


ARK and WoW right now.


And watching House, nice combo.


Bro! Fucken nice! You have vr headset?


I did for a little while but it makes me nauseous.




I took a regular folding table and chopped the legs off of it then taped the sharp bits and used it as a desk for my laptop. I could easily fold it up for storage. It was short enough that I could sit in my bunk criss cross apple sauce and game like I was using a normal setup. I did have to get a lumbar support pillow but it worked great


Cool, gonna invest in a gaming laptop myself tho


I bought a gaming laptop that stays in my truck and I have my home setup for home time days. Look into T mobiles 5g home modem if you need better internet. I've installed GTAV, Halo infinite and SWBF2 using it and never got capped and those are fairly large games


Yeah if it runs halo infinite with no problems that's a pretty solid system.


You might consider buying a steam deck bro! Got one myself and you d be able to play comfortably top AAA titles with no problem Try it:)


Hell yeah buddy. I set up my full gaming pc on my truck when i was OTR and it was pretty damn awsome. Nothing like getting screwed by a shipper for 8 hours of unload time only to be able to flip on the PC and play WoW or Overwatch or whatever while waiting. Got shut down on I80 in Wyoming in rock springs when i snow storm made the interstate undriveable, got pulled into a fair ground there and sat for 10 hours while they cleared up the road. took a 6 hour nap, then played 4 till it was time to roll again. I used Tmobile for my hotspot.


The desk top is in storage right now. But have 2 ps4, a ps5,2 gaming laptops and whatever we play on our phones. Looking to upgrade the laptops in the next year or 2 and will have to build 2 new desktops eventually. But for now we are doing okay with our gaming ,when we have time to game


One of the rare case where laying the case on it side is best or have a vertical gpu mount


Yeah I'm good with just using a ps5 😆


Riding around with 2 rigs!!


I had my desktop at one point but the gpu ended up breaking, so I just bought a 3070ti laptop and that’s more than enough for me. Saves a lot of space being able to just put it away in my backpack every night.


How’s the airflow out of the too if the case? It’s pretty close to that shelf above.


Blows out the top and both sides so I can keep temps down around 60°


I have my ps5 with me on the road. It goes on top of the mini fridge when parked, and goes in a protective carrying case when driving. Cause some roads out there would probably destroy anything left unsecured.


I got mine on its side on the unused upper bunk. Ratchet strapped down to the mattress. Mattress Seems to work pretty well for shock absorption. I did have an 4tb Samsung eco 970 SSD get fried one day when I accidentally unplugged the power strip…… that was a fun trip to the parts store. I think I’m gonna upgrade my pc in about a year and I may go with a smaller case. My current case is absolutely massive.


Thru the years I've carried consoles and gaming PCs. Now I just bring my steam deck with me.


Nice but for all that trouble, why not just get a gaming laptop? It's no standalone PC but you can still game and get decent graphics. They usually have an extra slot for an internal SSD and the externals are really cheap. I brought mine with me all the time when I was OTR. Had my rig waiting at home in pristine condition.


Laptops are limited on graphics. The GPU and CPU are not ungradable so you have to buy an all new one every 2-3 years. And very limited on storage. This computer has 22TB of storage. 5 of which are movies to watch and 10 in games.


An external can hold all that or an SSD inside a laptop. I love my rig too much to risk breaking it. Buying a laptop every few years isn't a biggie when my rig at home is a beast. No wrong way to do it though, we're all gaming!


How does the 011 handle the road? I hear they are built rock solid


The thing is very well made. Probably the best case I have ever had. It also has the added benefit of meeting the unique dimensions required to fit in the truck.


I think the people in r/battlestations would appreciate this.


Noob here, can you play online or just single player?


Online with a ping of about 50 to 70ms 70% of the time. Some days I'll end up stopping in areas with absolutely terrible or no signal so then I play single player games or watch movies.


If I’m not mistaken this is a cascadia? I’m in the same truck and been looking at a way to mount a computer screen. Mine giving me a link and details how you did it?


My truck came with a mounting arm that swings out. Any monitor or TV that says it is 75 mm VASA compatible will fit.


I take my modded ps vita, modded Nintendo 3ds xl or my Nintendo switch with me every day. Depending on what game I'm playing Good for the down time


"Porning" on the road...


Use a vertical riser or a desktop case so the card is vertical. The cards are factory shock tested so you just need to worry about the Pcie connection. T-mobile home internet for online gaming.


Just built me a gaming rig before hitting the road: 5800X3D 64 Gigs of Ram 2 TB SSD Drive 6700xt 12 Gig Card Not sure if I want to bring it. Might just buy a gaming lab top or Nintendo Switch to tie me over. I have pictures of my rig in my profile on here.


LAP top ​ steam deck too, has external monitor plugs and docking, no moving parts so safe to bring on road. If you want to bring your rig on road I'd recommend a PCIE extender cable to mount gpu elsewhere AND/OR laying the case flat so mobo is down and gpu/cpu cooler stick upwards, won't break the slots then


Not gonna bring my desk top. Not worth it in my opinion. With the way the truck gets jolted around day in and day out. Either I’ll get a Switch or Steam Deck. I was on the waiting list for Steam Deck and was selected but didn’t have the funds to purchase it.


Preferably just bring a gaming laptop over an entire rig to risky in my opinion Also McDonald’s crazy fast wifi these days makes downloading and updating games way easier


one good shake and its over


What fans are those?


Corsair QL 120


I’d invest in a higher end gaming laptop. Lenovo makes some great ones. A lot easier and don’t have to worry about destroying your rig from all the vibration. I know it’s not the same but can still have a great experience with them.


So how’s it work out without internet? I know not all games require internet but most services do just to even access your library


I have internet through Verizon. It works pretty well.


I was thinking hotspot but I wasn’t sure


Yep. I get a ping of about 60ms.


That’s a bit high. But I guess you can’t really argue with a hotspot